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海洋碳汇渔业绿色发展空间关联性及其外溢效应对于海水养殖业的有效协调和区域海洋环境的有效保护具有重要意义,科学估算沿海各省(自治区)海水养殖渔业碳汇量并探讨其空间相关性特征是制定差异化渔业碳汇发展政策的重要基础。根据2006—2016年中国大陆沿海9个省(自治区)的碳汇渔业资源清查数据,在检验和比较省域空间渔业碳汇总量相关性特征的基础上,运用空间计量模型分析了渔业碳汇的外溢效应及其影响因素。结果表明:①中国海水养殖渔业碳汇量整体上呈现上升趋势,但各省渔业碳汇量也存在明显差异。②研究期内的Moran's I指数整体呈现为"V"型的波动变化特征,渔业碳汇在省域空间分布上的差异性并不是随机的,而是具备显著的空间相关性。③海水养殖渔业碳汇存在明显的空间外溢效应,通过随机效应的杜宾模型分解后得出渔业产值、劳动力投入的直接效应为正,而渔业受灾面积和科研项目经费投入的直接效应为负;从间接效应来看,渔业产值在各省域间存在竞争与依存关系,海水养殖业劳动力投入和渔业技术推广的项目经费投入在各省域间存在互补关系。因此,中国沿海各省份在发挥海洋水产养殖业生态功能时,应当考虑省域区位因素,合理制定兼具差异化和协调性的海洋碳汇渔业发展政策。  相似文献   
江苏沿海休闲渔业发展条件与对策研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
休闲渔业又称为娱乐渔业,具有广阔的发展前景.江苏省沿海地区渔业资源非常丰富,发展休闲渔业将成为沿海地区新的经济增长极.分析了江苏省沿海地区休闲渔业发展的必要性、发展现状和发展的优势条件,提出了江苏省沿海地区发展休闲渔业的对策.  相似文献   
补充型过度捕捞的确认及其对渔业管理的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生物学参考点用来指导渔业管理决策,通常以捕捞死亡系数来表达。补充型过度捕捞常常被理解为一个种群被捕捞至补充量出现实质性减少或失败时才发生。该定义很含糊,不能建立生物学参考点,它与捕捞死亡系数挂钩。因此,提出从减少一个世代亲体量的捕捞压力水平出发,定义补充型过度捕捞即是捕捞死亡系数使产卵群体低于其亲代平均生物量的临界点。常规的模型和亲体补充量数据都可确定这一参考点,并与亲体量的更替联系起来,从而实现渔业资源的可持续发展。以印度洋黄鳍金枪鱼渔业为例,计算了其补充型过度捕捞的生物学参考点,提出限制围网诱鱼装置作业,减少幼鱼资源的过度开发,防止补充型过度捕捞发生引起资源的衰退。  相似文献   
通过调查温州滨海地区近岸海上渔业、航运码头、滨海旅游及餐饮业等行业塑料垃圾的排放,分析行业区域塑料垃圾赋存特征,并初步估算各行业塑料垃圾排放量.结果表明:海上渔业活动区中,以避风塘渔港(S4)塑料垃圾占比最高(91.68%),且以聚乙烯、聚苯乙烯和聚丙烯塑料为主,而东沙渔港(S2)和霞关海水养殖区(S6)以聚苯乙烯泡沫为主,占比分别为26.75%和23.66%.海滩餐饮活动区的塑料垃圾最少,塑料垃圾占比为33.13%.各活动区塑料垃圾的主要类型有塑料袋、塑料瓶、塑料盒、塑料管及破碎的塑料块.据估算,海上渔业活动区与滨海旅游区年排放塑料垃圾量约为1.21×104t/a.为从根本上防治海洋塑料垃圾和海洋微塑料污染,需首先对沿海各行业的塑料垃圾排放源头加强管理,如海水养殖与海洋捕捞活动.  相似文献   
Abstract:  We surveyed shallow, rocky reefs in southwestern Apulia (Mediterranean Sea) to assess the effects on coastal fish assemblages of the date mussel (  Lithophaga lithophaga ) fishery, an illegal practice that strips the rocky reef bare. We visually sampled fish four times over 15 months at three locations, one affected by date-mussel fishery and two controls. The fish assemblage at the affected location differed significantly from those at the control locations over all sampling times. Herbivorous fishes, sparids, and labrids (genus Symphodus ) contributed most to the differences between the affected location and controls. Lower densities of Symphodus spp. were observed at the affected location, whereas detritivorous fishes were recorded exclusively at control sites. Small serranids and sparids showed temporal trends that differed between the affected location and the control locations. Our results suggest that the date-mussel fishery affects fish assemblages chiefly through reduction of arborescent macroalgae (contributing to habitat complexity and primary production) and emphasize the need for more effective policing against this destructive practice.  相似文献   
The article outlines the development of Iceland's fishery rights and the extension of its territorial waters between the 1950s and the mid‐1970s, whereby Iceland gained exclusive control and use of the marine resources of the waters within 12, later 50, and ultimately 200 nautical miles around the island. The article concentrates on four of Iceland's main fisheries: shrimp, herring, capelin and cod. These four fisheries are discussed separately and in depth, presenting the beginnings and growth of the industry and detailing the development of management practices and the corresponding legislation and regulatory measures. Iceland's initial concern was to gain control over the marine resources surrounding the island, but once this was achieved, the focus of attention shifted to managing first the economic and soon also the ecological aspects of its tremendous resource. Informed mainly by indigenous expertise, Iceland's concern was to limit overfishing, manage its fisheries sustainably both from the economic and ecological points of view, and find the best ways to distribute the revenues from the marine harvest. The article looks at each of the four fisheries to clarify how the individual transferable quota (ITQ) system came into being, how initial quota holdings were allotted, and analyses the circumstances under which the ITQ system became the management tool of choice. For each fishery, the process of regulatory evolution was quite unique. At the same time, there is a common pattern to all the fisheries, which may be summarized as follows. Firstly, serious attempts to reform management practices only got underway when the fishery had collapsed or was close to collapse. Secondly, stakeholders invariably started the process of regulation by limiting access to the fishery. Thirdly, a variety of rules were implemented to allocate rights to participate in the fishery to additional entrants once membership had been closed. Finally, prior to the invention of the ITQ system, prices were used to manage fisheries in Iceland. It may be concluded that the management of fisheries by ITQs may be a historical accident, rather than the end point of a logical evolution.  相似文献   
湄洲湾海水环境质量和水产业发展的关系   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
通过1995 年12 月~1996 年1 月湄洲湾渔业资源调查和生物体内残毒分析,结合1988 ~1996 年的生态环境综合调查资料,探讨以石化工业为主体的开发对湄洲湾水产业的影响。结果表明,工业发展中污染物的排放对湄洲湾生态环境和生物的不良影响正在显现,并对水产业的发展构成威胁,但在严格控制污染物排放,保护并发展水产业的情况下,湄洲湾仍能较长期保持现有的各种使用功能,维护湾内海域的生态平衡。  相似文献   
Recruitment data for 18 marine fish stocks are smoothed using 10 parametric families of probability distributions. Comparative fit of the 10 families is assessed by means of the maximized log-likelihood. Results indicate that the gamma distribution provides an overall good fit in the right-hand tail of the data, but that some adjustment to the gamma distribution is called for in the left-hand tail. Weight functions and weighted distributions are suggested as one means of achieving the needed adjustment.  相似文献   
三水市农业生态系统经济能值投入产出分析   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
进行生态学与经济学系统分析方法的交叉探索,将能值这一全新的生态经济度量尺度引入经济学投入产出分析表,对广东省珠江三角洲三水市农业生态系统经济能值的直接消耗系统和完全消耗系统分析,弥补经济学分析中自然环境投入价值缺失的同时,为复合系统能值分析中各系统间互作分析的量化评价探索了新的途径。分析结果表明:三水市农业生态系统中种植业、渔业、畜牧业和林业之间存在经济能值的依存关系,有着直接的相互作用。种植业、渔业和畜牧业子系统间的经济能值交流网络较为发达。在种植业、渔业、畜牧业和林业中,渔业对种植业的完全消耗系数最大,达到3.461×10-2,畜牧业对种植业的完全消耗系数也最大,达到了8.423×10-2;种植业对渔业的完全消耗系数最大,达到了7.685×10-2。林业与种植业、渔业、畜牧业互相的完全消耗系数都比较小,林业和其它三个子系统的经济能值交流较弱。种植业子系统是整个三水市农业生态系统的基础,渔业和畜牧业在种植业的基础上发展,对物质和能量的再利用起了重要作用。林业子系统是三水市农业生态系统内部物质能量交流网络的薄弱环节。三水市农业生态系统的内部结构有待进一步调整,以加强各子系统间的互作,提高物质与能量的使用效率。  相似文献   
东海区小黄鱼总允许渔获量初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据1991~2003年中国渔业统计年鉴以及东海区渔业资源动态监测网各网站监测产量和捕捞努力量(投网次数)数据,通过同时期东海区小黄鱼产量对海区总捕捞努力量进行标准化,运用剩余产量模型中的Fox模型估算东海区小黄鱼最大持续产量(MS Y)、最适产量(Y0.1)和总允许渔获量(TAC)。结果表明,东海区小黄鱼的最大持续产量为116 565 t,相应捕捞努力量(fMSY)为4 988 315网次,最适产量为113 068 t,相应捕捞努力量(f0.1)为3 890 886网次,TACMSY=99 317 t,TAC0.1=77 468 t。建议以东海区小黄鱼总允许渔获量(TAC0.1)作为渔获量限额指标,对小黄鱼的总允许渔获量进行管理。  相似文献   
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