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川西高原草甸和高寒湿地是青藏高原重要土壤碳库之一,高原河流水体溶解性有机碳特征及其与土壤碳库关系研究,对于理解高寒区域土壤碳输出通量及强度具有重要意义.本文对川西高原高山峡谷区河流(岷江上游、杂谷脑河、抚边河)和高原夷平面河流(白河)水体有色溶解性有机质(CDOM)采用三维荧光及平行因子法(EEM-PARAFAC)进行了分析.结果表明:(1)高原河流中CDOM主要有3种组分,即C_1(260/480,UVC类腐殖质)、C_2[310/420(570),UVA类腐殖质]和C_3(280/370,类色氨酸);(2)河流沿程变化特征显示,高山峡谷区河流总荧光强度值较低,变化范围窄,高原夷平面河流(白河)与其相反;同时白河类腐殖质(C_1、C_2)荧光强度远高于其他3条河流,表明白河中源于沿岸草甸和湿地的陆源腐殖质高,而其余高山峡谷区3条河流陆源腐殖质输入相对低;(3)水体荧光特征参数(荧光指数FI、自生源指数BIX、腐殖化系数HIXb、新鲜度指数β:α)表明,高山峡谷区河流CDOM来源具有外源兼内源双重特征,腐殖化程度低;高原夷平面河流CDOM腐殖化程度相对较高且降解程度低;(4)相关性分析发现4条河流中C_1、C_2极显著正相关,且白河C_1、C_2、C_3呈极显著正相关;所有河流β:α与BIX呈极显著正相关,溶解性有机碳(DOC)与355 nm处吸收系数[a(355)]相关性不显著.  相似文献   
利用紫外-可见光谱与三维荧光-平行因子分析法(EEM-PARAFAC),研究了广州市2014年12月~2015年1月大气气溶胶中水溶性有机物(WSOC)和类腐殖质(HULIS)的吸光性和荧光光谱特征.结果表明,广州冬季气溶胶中HULIS的芳香性(SUVA254)、腐殖化程度(HIX)和光吸收效率(MAE365)均高于WSOC.利用EEM-PARAFAC从WSOC和HULIS解析出了类富里酸(C1)、类腐殖酸(C2)和类蛋白(C3)这3种荧光组分.其中类腐殖质组分(C1+C2)分别占WSOC和HULIS中总荧光组分的78%和85%,说明类腐殖荧光组分是WSOC和HULIS的最主要组成,且HULIS富集了更多的WSOC中主要的类腐殖组分.另外,灰霾期的WSOC和HULIS表现出更高的芳香性、腐殖化程度和C2组分,说明灰霾期有助于大分子量吸光性有机质的形成.相关性分析结果显示,WSOC和HULIS的C1组分相对含量与HIX、MAE365、OCsec、K+、SO_4~(2-)和NH_4~+呈现极显著的负相关关系,而C2与它们之间存在极显著的正相关关系.由此说明,WSOC和HULIS中C1的降低和C2的增加会引起它们的腐殖化程度和光吸收能力的增强;同时生物质燃烧排放和二次气溶胶过程可能有助于C2组分的增加.  相似文献   
填埋场渗滤液性质复杂,普遍采用生物处理与深度处理多单元串联工艺;但是,因缺乏对工程运行规模中各单元污染物处理贡献的评估数据,使优化单元组合方式缺少理论依据.因此,本文采用常规和荧光光谱指标结合的方法,对以采用"膜生物反应器(membrane biological reactor,MBR)+纳滤(nanofiltration,NF)"工艺、处理能力800 m3·d-1的工程设施为对象,分析该组合工艺各单元对长填龄渗滤液处理贡献;同时,利用三维荧光-平行因子分析方法(excitation emission matrix fluorescence spectroscopy-parallel factor,EEM-PARAFAC)评估渗滤液中溶解性有机物(dissolved organic matters,DOM)性质的变化.结果表明,生物处理阶段对溶解性氮(dissolved nitrogen,DN)去除贡献率为74.7%,其中一级反硝化单元对DN去除贡献率为54.6%,外置式超滤单元对溶解性化学需氧量(dissolved chemical oxygen demand,sCOD)和溶解性碳(dissolved oganic carbon,DOC)降低贡献率分别为92.2%和93.3%,纳滤单元可有效去除重金属和盐分,但能力有限.通过追踪长填龄渗滤液DOM变化发现,一级反硝化单元可去除长填龄渗滤液中75.4%的类蛋白物质,超滤单元主要截留亲水性较高的DOM,而高芳香性的腐殖质主要通过纳滤截留,腐殖化程度越高截留效果越好.研究结果提示,处理长填龄渗滤液时,MBR工艺生物处理单元可适当简化,超滤单元则应预防堵塞.  相似文献   
为了深入探究DON(溶解性有机氮)在湖泊水生生态系统中的重要营养作用和生态效应,寻找科学的DON生物有效性评价方法,选择洱海不同湖区表层沉积物样品,通过室内接种细菌和铜绿微囊藻进行对比培养,运用三维荧光-平行医疗法(3D EEM-PARAFAC)研究菌藻对比培养条件下湖泊沉积物DON生物有效性及各DON荧光组分生物有效性差异.结果表明:① 藻类培养条件下洱海表层沉积物DON生物有效性(8.49%~42.5%)略低于细菌培养条件下的生物有效性(10.5%~45.3%). ② 藻培养条件下,DON生物利用率与藻细胞密度增长量呈显著正相关,即藻细胞密度的增长量可作为反映沉积物DON生物有效性的指标. ③ 菌类培养过程中DON光谱学特征参数[如SUVA254(254 nm处紫外吸收光谱系数)、SR(275~295 nm处吸收光谱系数与350~400 nm处吸收光谱系数比值)等]与DON含量相关性总体较细菌培养好;培养液中SUVA254有不同程度下降,SR指数均有上升,大分子DON和高芳香性DON可被微生物降解.相比于陆源荧光组分,内源荧光组分的生物有效性较差. ④ 相比而言,藻类培养方法能更直观地反映沉积物DON对藻类生长的影响,可在一定程度上作为衡量湖泊沉积物DON生物有效性的指标,即藻类培养方法更适合评价洱海沉积物DON生物有效性.   相似文献   
选取洱海不同季节全湖47个沉积物表层样品,探讨水提取态有机氮(WEON)与不同来源(上覆水、间隙水、入湖河流和湿沉降)溶解性有机氮(DON)组分特征差异,并分析其对沉积物影响.结果表明,(1)洱海沉积物WEON含量季节性变化为夏季春季秋季冬季;空间分布规律呈北部南部中部.(2)洱海沉积物WEON腐殖化程度较高,腐殖质主要以富里酸为主,主要含有紫外区类腐殖质荧光峰A和高激发类色氨酸荧光峰B,受陆源输入和湖内生物共同影响.(3)洱海沉积物及其他来源DON均含有2个荧光组分,其中组分C1为内源性可见紫外区腐殖质峰是生物降解形成的荧光峰;组分C2为类色氨酸峰;湿沉降样品类蛋白峰峰强最大,生物可利用性较高;入湖河流DON生物可利用性最低.(4)洱海上覆水DON荧光C1和C2组分和沉积物WEON含量为显著相关(r=-0.79,P0.01;r=-0.944,P0.01),上覆水DON的荧光组分特征能够很好指示沉积物WEON含量特征.研究洱海不同样品DON结构组分特征,揭示洱海富营养化的潜在风险,为防治规划提供依据.  相似文献   
松花湖沉积物溶解性有机质荧光光谱特性   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
程云轩  赵可  张越  张渝婷  焦立新 《环境科学》2022,43(4):1941-1949
溶解性有机质(DOM)对于湖泊的主要污染指标(如COD等)有着较大的影响,而沉积物亦是湖泊污染的主要来源,因此沉积物DOM荧光光谱特性的研究对进一步揭示湖泊污染本质有重要意义.采集了松花湖20个点位的沉积物,利用激发发射矩阵光谱-平行因子分析(EEM-PARAFAC)技术对沉积物中的DOM组分进行了解析,从光谱学角度明确沉积物DOM的特性,并对DOM与水体富营养化水平之间的关系进行了初步探索.结果表明,从松花湖沉积物DOM中分离出4个组分:类腐殖质C1(330/415 nm)、 C2(255/440 nm)、 C3(365/470 nm)和类蛋白C4(280/355 nm).较高的HIX和低BIX表明沉积物DOM的来源以陆源为主,包含一部分生物源.4个组分的荧光强度存在关联,空间分布较为相似,均表现为上游(S1~S7)荧光强度高于下游(S8~S20).而辉发河、松花江和蛟河这3条主要入湖河流携带的悬浮颗粒物(SPM)在入湖段大量沉积是导致这种空间分布的主要原因.松花湖水体中富营养化状况(上游富营养化水平高于下游)与沉积物DOM的荧光强度分布状况相似,同时松花湖下游水体富营养化水平与沉积...  相似文献   
The objective of this research was to quantify the temporal variation of dissolved organic matter(DOM) in five distinct waterbodies in watersheds with diverse types of land use and land cover in the presence and absence of sunlight. The water bodies were an agricultural pond, a lake in a forested watershed, a man-made reservoir, an estuary, and a bay. Two sets of samples were prepared by dispensing unfiltered samples into filtered samples in 1:10 ratio(V/V). The first set was exposed to sunlight(10 hr per day for 30 days) for examining the combined effect of photo-biodegradation, while the second set was stored in dark for examining biodegradation alone. Spectroscopic measurements in tandem with multivariate statistics were used to interpret DOM lability and composition. The results suggest that the agricultural pond behaved differently compared to other study locations during degradation experiments due to the presence of higher amount of microbial humic-like and protein-like components derived from microbial/anthropogenic sources. For all samples, a larger decrease in dissolved organic carbon(DOC) concentration(10.12% ±9.81% for photo-biodegradation and 6.65% ± 2.83% for biodegradation) and rapid transformation of DOM components(i.e., terrestrial humic-like components into microbial humic and protein-like components) were observed during photo-biodegradation experiments.Results suggest that sunlight facilitated DOM biodegradation, resulting in simpler recalcitrant molecules regardless of original composition. Overall, it was found that combined effects of light and bacteria are more efficient than bacterial effects alone in remineralizing and altering DOM, which highlights the crucial importance of sunlight in transforming aquatic DOM.  相似文献   
Tracking the variation of the algogenic organic matter (AOM) released during the proliferation of green algae and subsequent treatment processes is crucial for constructing and optimizing control strategies. In this study, the potential of the spectroscopic tool was fully explored as a surrogate of AOM upon the cultivation of green algae and subsequent coagulation/flocculation (C/F) treatment processes using ZrCl4 and Al2(SO4)3. Fluorescence excitation emission matrix coupled with parallel factor analysis (EEM-PARAFAC) identified the presence of three independent fluorescent components in AOM, including protein-like (C1), fulvic-like (C2) and humic-like components (C3). Size exclusion chromatography (SEC) revealed that C1 in AOM was composed of large-sized proteins and aromatic amino acids. The individual components exhibited their unique characteristics with respect to the dynamic changes. C1 showed the highest correlation with AOM concentrations (R2?=?0.843) upon the C/F processes. C1 could also be suggested as an optical predictor for the formation of trihalomethanes upon the C/F processes. This study sheds a light for the potential application of the protein-like component (C1) as a practical surrogate to track the evolution of AOM in water treatment or wastewater reclamation systems involving Chlorella vulgaris green algae.  相似文献   
有色溶解性有机质(CDOM)是水生态系统中营养盐生物地球化学循环的重要环节,为探究太湖水华前表层水中CDOM的组分特征与来源,采用紫外-可见光谱与激发发射矩阵荧光光谱-平行因子分析(EEM-PARAFAC)技术对表层水中的CDOM组分进行了解析,结合CDOM光学参数(a355、SUVA254a250/a365、FI、BIX和HIX)辨识其空间差异与污染来源,并与太湖CDOM组分历史数据进行了初步对比.结果表明,a355、SUVA254a250/a365显示太湖东部表层水CDOM呈现高浓度、高芳香性和低相对分子量的特征,而北部与之相反.平行因子分析法从CDOM中分离出4个组分,类酪氨酸(C1)、两种类色氨酸(C2、C4)和类富里酸(C3),且主要组分C1与C2和C3组分具有较强的线性关系,不同组分来自相似污染源,荧光指数显示,太湖CDOM不同区域间受内源与陆源输入影响存在差异,但整体腐殖化程度较低.这表明太湖CDOM组分以类蛋白(C1、C2和C4)为主(>85%)且以自生源为主,可生化利用性好.  相似文献   
Yao X  Zhang Y  Zhu G  Qin B  Feng L  Cai L  Gao G 《Chemosphere》2011,82(2):145-155
Taihu Basin is the most developed area in China, which economic development has resulted in pollutants being produced and discharged into rivers and the lake. Lake Taihu is located in the center of the basin, which is characterized by a complex network of rivers and channels. To assess the sources and fate of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in surface waters, we determined the components and abundance of chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) within Lake Taihu and 66 of its tributaries, and 22 sites along transects from two main rivers. In Lake Taihu, there was a relative less spatial variation in CDOM absorption aCDOM(355) with a mean of 2.46 ± 0.69 m−1compared to the mean of 3.36 ± 1.77 m−1 in the rivers. Two autochthonous tryptophan-like components (C1 and C5), two humic-like components (C2 and C3), and one autochthonous tyrosine-like component (C4) were identified using the parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC) model. The C2 and C3 had a direct relationship with aCDOM(355), dissolved organic carbon (DOC), and chemical oxygen demand (COD). The separation of lake samples from river samples, on both axes of the Principal Component Analysis (PCA), showed the difference in DOM fluorophores between these various environments. Components C1 and C5 concurrently showed positive factor 1 loadings, while C4 was close to the negative factor 1 axis. Components C2 and C3 showed positive second factor loadings. The major contribution of autochthonous tryptophan-like components to lake samples is due to the autochthonous production of CDOM in the lake ecosystems. The results also showed that the differences in geology and associated land use control CDOM dynamics, such as the high levels of CDOM with terrestrial characteristics in the northwestern upstream rivers and low levels of CDOM with increased microbial characteristics in the southwestern upstream rivers. Most of river samples from the downstream regions in the eastern and southeastern plains had a similar relative abundance of humic-like fluorescence, with less of the tryptophan-like and more of the tyrosine-like contributions than did samples from upstream regions.  相似文献   
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