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在牛粪干式厌氧消化过程中,通过添加不同挥发酸(乙酸、丙酸、丁酸),考察消化稳定阶段,挥发性脂肪酸的分布特征,挥发性脂肪酸酸组成变化对硫酸盐还原菌(SRB)的影响,微生物种群组成和种群间关系。实验结果表明,挥发性脂肪酸对SRB还原速率的贡献依次为:丙酸丁酸乙酸。相比乙酸和丁酸,添加一定量的丙酸,更有利于激活SRB的活性,从而加强SRB与产甲烷菌(MB)的种间协同,保证厌氧系统的稳定运行。  相似文献   
A study was conducted to determine whether differences in the levels of volatile fatty acids (VFAs) in anaerobic digester plants could result in variations in the indigenous methanogenic communities. Two digesters (one operated under mesophilic conditions, the other under thermophilic conditions) were monitored, and sampled at points where VFA levels were high, as well as when VFA levels were low. Physical and chemical parameters were measured, and the methanogenic diversity was screened using the phylogenetic microarray ANAEROCHIP. In addition, real-time PCR was used to quantify the presence of the different methanogenic genera in the sludge samples. Array results indicated that the archaeal communities in the different reactors were stable, and that changes in the VFA levels of the anaerobic digesters did not greatly alter the dominating methanogenic organisms. In contrast, the two digesters were found to harbour different dominating methanogenic communities, which appeared to remain stable over time. Real-time PCR results were inline with those of microarray analysis indicating only minimal changes in methanogen numbers during periods of high VFAs, however, revealed a greater diversity in methanogens than found with the array.  相似文献   
高含氮印染废水强化脱氮处理组合工艺   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
为考察UASB-A/LO/O(缺氧/低氧/好氧)组合工艺的实际应用效果,将该工艺应用到规模为6 000 t/d的实际工程中,考察其对高含氮印染废水处理效果,同时采用微生物高通量测序对A/LO/O工艺中的微生物菌群结构进行解析.结果表明:在前处理废水进水流量为100 m3/h,染色废水进水流量为150 m3/h,同时A/LO/O工艺污泥回流比为50%左右情况下,CODCr、NH3-N和TN的去除率分别达到91.6%、95.5%和73.5%;染色和前处理废水在改良UASB内均实现了高效厌氧氨化,染色废水厌氧出水中ρ(NH3-N)/ρ(TN)保持在80%以上,前处理废水厌氧出水保持在85%以上;调节UASB运行参数可对VFAs(挥发性脂肪酸)进行有效调控,从而为后段反硝化工艺提供高品质碳源,实现高效脱氮;A/LO/O系统对CODCr、NH3-N、TN有较好的去除效果,其脱氮性能主要靠变性菌门(Proteobateria)发挥作用,该系统中低氧池的微生物种类最为丰富且发生短程硝化反硝化,对污染物去除贡献最大,当低氧池△ρ(CODCr)/△ρ(TN)在18.6左右时,TN去除率最高,达到82%.研究显示,该组合工艺对工程中高含氮印染废水的脱氮效果良好.   相似文献   
提高污泥碱性发酵挥发酸积累的新方法   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
为了加大剩余污泥在碱性条件下的水解酸化程度,本研究尝试了两种新的能促进污泥碱性发酵产酸的方式,分别是向批式的污泥碱性发酵系统中投加未灭菌发酵污泥和投加灭菌发酵污泥,结合温度的影响(10℃和35℃)分别考察了这两种方式对污泥水解酸化效果的影响.结果表明,中温有利于水解酶和产酸菌作用的发挥,增大了污泥的水解酸化程度,体系内有明显的挥发酸(VFAs)积累.35℃条件下,两种方式都在很大程度上促进了新鲜污泥的水解酸化程度,经灭菌后的发酵污泥的投加较等量的未灭菌的发酵污泥的投加效果更为显著.前者的水解速率是后者的2倍,发酵末期酸积累量为后者的1.5倍,且前者在较长的发酵时间内VFAs含量维持恒定.分析两种方式能促进污泥水解酸化的原因得到:未灭菌发酵污泥的投加是向系统中引入了一定量的产酸菌,灭菌发酵污泥的投加引入了大量的较易水解的有机底物.水解产物的增加能在更大程度上影响产酸的效果.因此,中温条件下向污泥碱性发酵系统中投加经灭菌处理后的发酵污泥是提高剩余污泥发酵产酸量更为有效的方式.  相似文献   
The odorous air emissions from confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs), such as swine, poultry and dairy farms, are increasingly raising community complaints. Odorous emissions can result in health damages, psychological discomforts and adverse aesthetic effects in the community. However, these emissions are not well characterized up to now due to the lack of legislation, the limitations in sampling and instrumentation techniques, and the complexity of the emissions themselves. This study is aimed at the development of a high volume sampler and sorbent assembly to identify the odor causing compounds from a diary CAFO. The sorbent was custom designed to target the potential compounds that may exist in a dairy farm and was validated in laboratory with a synthetic odor from the swine manure. The actual samples at the diary farm were collected in spring and summer of 2005. The sorbents were solvent extracted and individual odor compounds were identified using GC–MS (gas chromatography–mass spectroscopy). The data obtained indicated that high volume sampling can shorten the sampling time from days to within 4 h. Both volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and volatile fatty acids (VFAs) have been identified from the dairy farm, such as phenol, methylphenol, 4-ethyl phenol, indole, methyl indole, benzyl alcohol, hexanoic acid, valeric acid and iso-valeric acid, together with some nitrogen containing compounds that have not been reported before.  相似文献   
李庭刚  李秀芬  陈坚 《环境科学》2004,25(5):172-176
根据GC-MS分析,垃圾渗滤液中有机组分大多是难生物降解的有机化合物,如酚类、杂环类、杂环芳烃、多环芳烃类化合物,约占渗滤液中有机组分的70%以上. 本文对渗滤液中典型有机化合物在电化学氧化和厌氧生物组合工艺系统中的降解特性进行了系统研究. 结果表明,在电化学处理系统中,杂酚类、酰胺类、苯并噻唑、苯醌、喹啉、萘等有机化合物降解速率高于外-2-羟基桉树脑和异喹啉等化合物,但前者在厌氧生物处理系统中去除率低;渗滤液原水经过电化学氧化处理后,挥发性脂肪酸(VFA)含量从原水中的0.68%增加到电化学出水中的16.18%;此组合工艺能够显著降低因渗滤液复杂组分间的增效协同作用和拮抗作用而引起的毒性,系统出水可生化性增强,为进一步研究垃圾渗滤液的处理技术和进行该组合处理系统的大规模开发提供参考.  相似文献   
采用自生生物动态膜(SFDM)分离高浓度发酵产酸污泥(非牛顿流体),研究了自生动态膜对发酵污泥中发酵底物的截留及挥发性脂肪酸(VFAs)的选择透过性效果,考察了自生生物动态膜阻力构成和膜污染层成分.结果表明:自生动态膜在运行3d后,出水悬浮性固体(SS)基本保持在1.5g/L以下,多糖截留率为40%,蛋白质截留率为75%;运行5d时,溶解性化学需氧量(SCOD)截留率稳定在45%左右,可以稳定截留分子量较大的物质;VFAs的截留率仅维持在3%左右,可以选择性透过动态膜.自生动态膜运行阻力主要来自动态膜层,粘附在膜面的胞外蛋白质是主要膜污染贡献物质.  相似文献   
pH值对污泥发酵产酸的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用剩余污泥厌氧发酵产生挥发性脂肪酸,可作为污水脱氮除磷的有机碳源,而pH值是发酵产酸过程中重要的控制参数.研究了不同pH值条件下剩余污泥厌氧发酵产酸过程中各参数变化规律,探索pH值对其过程的影响及其分析.结果表明,碱性条件有利于污泥发酵产酸过程,实验最佳条件是控制反应初始pH值为10.0,仅8d发酵挥发性脂肪酸浓度就达到8.90 mmol/L.此外,污泥在发酵过程中,酸性条件下NH4+-N和PO43--P的释放量均大于碱性条件.  相似文献   
以鸡粪为发酵原料,采用序批式两相厌氧消化工艺在中温条件(37℃)下对其进行消化处理。分别将水解酸化相和产甲烷相pH值控制在5.5±0.3和7.0±0.3,通过改变进样含固率(TS)研究有机负荷(OLR)对两相消化系统处理鸡粪过程中污染物转化和去除效果的影响。结果表明,水解酸化相出水总有机碳(TOC)、挥发酸(VFAs)和氨氮(NH4+-N)浓度都随OLR升高而升高。VFAs组成相对稳定,其中乙酸占总VFAs浓度的57%~64%,其次为正丁酸和丙酸。产甲烷相出水TOC和VFAs稳定在较低水平,TOC去除率最大达到90%以上。产甲烷相进水氨氮主要以NH4+形式在反应器内不断积累。实验后期产甲烷相生物气中甲烷体积分数维持在64%上,证明两相消化系统在实验条件下良好运行。  相似文献   
Two dry anaerobic digestions of organic solid wastes were conducted for 6 weeks in a lab-scale batch experiment for investigating the start-up performances under mesophilic and thermophilic conditions. The enzymatic activities, i.e., β-glucosidase, N-α-benzoyl-Largininamide (BAA)-hydrolysing protease, urease and phosphatase activities were analysed. The BAA-hydrolysing protease activity during the first 2-3 weeks was low with low pH, but was enhanced later with the pH increase. β-Glucosidase activity showed the lowest values in weeks 1-2, and recovered with the increase of BAA-hydrolysing protease activity. Acetic acid dominated most of the total VFAs in thermophilic digestion, while propionate and butyrate dominated in mesophilic digestion. Thermophilic digestion was confirmed more feasible for achieving better performance against misbalance, especially during the start-up period in a dry anaerobic digestion process.  相似文献   
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