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柳州市春季大气挥发性有机物污染特征及源解析   总被引:8,自引:8,他引:0  
刘齐  卢星林  曾鹏  于奭 《环境科学》2021,42(1):65-74
为了解我国西南岩溶工业地区VOCs污染特征及其来源,2019年3月用GC955挥发性有机物在线监测系统对柳州市大气VOCs进行监测并对其污染特征、臭氧生成潜势(OFP)、气溶胶生成潜势(AFP)和正交矩阵因子模型(PMF)进行分析.结果表明:①研究区春季监测期间共检出50种VOCs组分,日平均摩尔分数为25.52×10-9 mol·mol-1.其中,烷烃、烯烃、炔烃及芳香烃分布占比为56.08%、19.63%、14.25%和10.04%.②VOCs摩尔分数呈现白天低,夜间高的特征.VOCs日变化中的峰值与早晚交通高峰出现的时间有一定的相关性,同时可能受到多方面因素的影响.③烯烃、芳香烃及烷烃对OFP贡献分布为44.30%、33.03%及19.96%,指示对于芳香烃和烯烃的控制应优先于烷烃.此外柳州市O3生成处于VOCs敏感区,消减VOCs对O3生成具有控制作用.④芳香烃对AFP的贡献高达95.27%,因此对于机动车尾气排放、溶剂的使用、汽车产业和化工产业这几个行业工艺上的改进及控制可同时有效地抑制臭氧及霾污染.⑤柳州春季VOCs排放源及其对总VOCs的贡献分别为:工业排放源(28.34%)、机动车源(25.47%)、燃烧源(24.37%)、溶剂使用源(13.28%)和植物排放源(8.54%),表明控制工业排放源、机动车源和燃烧源是目前控制柳州市环境空气中VOCs污染的主要途径,同时,重点考虑控制这些排放源排放的烯烃和芳香烃.  相似文献   
利用2019年和2020年夏季沈阳市工业区大气挥发性有机物(VOCs)的观测数据,研究沈阳市夏季工业区大气VOCs的组成特征并初步判断其来源,并利用最大增量反应活性(MIR)和气溶胶生成系数(FAC)法分别估算该地大气VOCs的臭氧生成潜势(OFP)及二次有机气溶胶生成潜势(AFP).结果表明,观测期间沈阳市工业区ρ(总VOCs)平均值为41.66μg·m-3,烷烃、烯烃、芳香烃和乙炔分别占总VOCs浓度的48.50%、 14.08%、 15.37%和22.05%.浓度排名前10的物种累计占总VOCs浓度的69.25%,其中大部分为C2~C5的烷烃,还包括乙炔、乙烯和部分芳香烃.总VOCs整体上呈现出早晚浓度高、中午浓度低的日变化特征,峰值分别出现在06:00和22:00,11:00~16:00处于较低水平.由甲苯/苯(T/B)和异戊烷/正戊烷的比值判断工业区主要受机动车尾气排放、溶剂使用、燃烧源和LPG/NG的影响.工业区大气VOCs的总AFP为41.43×10-2μg·m-3,其中芳香烃的贡献最大;总OFP贡献值为1...  相似文献   
Obstetric complications, such as severe pre-eclampsia, fetal growth restriction, abruptio placentae, or stillbirth are associated with abnormally elevated second-trimester maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein (MSAFP) and β subunit of human chorionic gonadotrophin (βhCG). This has been attributed to placental abnormalities. Women with thrombophilias have been shown to have abnormalities of the placenta resulting in adverse pregnancy outcome in these patients. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate whether women with pregnancy complications and inherited thrombophilias have abnormally elevated second-trimester MSAFP or βhCG. Sixty-two women with pregnancy complications were tested for inherited thrombophilias several months after delivery. The thrombophilia group included 29 women with pregnancy complications and an inherited thrombophilia and the control group included 33 other patients without thrombophilia. Patients in the thrombophilia group had a higher median MoM MSAFP compared to the controls (1.337 vs 1.086, p=0.0516). The incidence of abnormally elevated MSAFP (>2.5 MoM) was also significantly higher in the thrombophilia group compared to controls (21% vs 3%, p=0.04). Neither the median MoM βhCG nor the incidence of abnormally elevated βhCG were significantly different between the groups. We conclude that second trimester MSAFP, but not βhCG, is abnormally elevated in patients with thrombophilia and obstetric complications. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Pregnancies with fetal trisomy 21 have been associated with low amniotic fluid alpha-fetoprotein levels (AFAFP). This observation led to the suggestion that low AFAFP levels be used as a criterion for completion of a chromosomal analysis in patients who are not otherwise at increased risk for a fetal chromosome abnormality and in whom karyotyping might not have been completed for economic reasons. In order to assess the usefulness of such criteria, we reviewed the AFAFP levels of 90 cases of fetal trisomy 21, 23 cases of trisomy 18, and 10 cases of trisomy 13. These were compared with 2400 control samples with normal chromosome constitution. AFAFP levels were generally lower in pregnancies with trisomy 21, showing a median value of 0·72 MoM. However, 40 per cent of the trisomy 21 samples had AFAFP values greater than 0·8 MoM and 20 per cent were over 1·0 MoM. These data imply that over 50 per cent of Down syndrome cases might have been missed using a cut-off level of 0·70 MoM for completion of chromosome analysis. Using a higher cut-off level will leave only a small percentage of samples unkaryotyped. The distribution of AFP levels in trisomy 13 and 18 is no different from controls; we therefore believe that fetal karyotyping should be completed in every amniotic fluid sample obtained.  相似文献   
Forty-two open neural tube defects (NTDs) were identified in our series of 7440 amniocenteses tested between 11 and 15 weeks of gestation. Using a cut-off of ≥2.0 MOM, the detection rate for open NTDs was 95 per cent; 100 per cent each for anencephaly and spina bifida; and 78 per cent for encephalocele. Two encephaloceles had AFP levels less than 2.0 MOM and negative AChEs. Thirty-four (81 per cent) of these NTDs were tested between 13 and 15 weeks and 8 (19 per cent) before 13 weeks. There were 0.6 per cent false positives by AFP (excluding serious abnormalities and fetal death) and 0.1 per cent after AChE. The likelihood of an open NTD after an elevated AFP (≥2.0 MOM) was 24 and 77 per cent for any serious abnormality. These results, when combined with an earlier study, indicate that amniotic fluid AFP appears to be as sensitive a test for open NTDs between 13 and 15 weeks as between 16 and 20 weeks. Additional experience is necessary to determine this before 13 weeks.  相似文献   
Maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) and beta-human chorionic gonadotropin (βhCG) measurements taken prior to chorionic villus sampling (CVS) in 21 patients who subsequently miscarried were compared with measurements in a control group of 113 patients with uneventful pregnancies. Patients with AFP levels of 10 iu/ml or more prior to the CVS had a 4·3 times greater risk of miscarriage (95 per cent confidence interval 1·3–13·6). AFP levels obtained 1 week after the CVS in the 13 patients with late miscarriages were higher than in the control group (P = 0·06). Patients miscarrying had a greater rise in AFP (P = 0·06) and a greater fall in βhCG levels (P = 0·04) following the CVS procedure, compared with the control subjects. Each 10-unit change in the difference between AFP or βhCG levels prior to and 1 week following the CVS was associated with a significantly increased risk for late miscarriage. Elevated maternal serum AFP levels early in pregnancy and changes in AFP and βhCG levels following CVS may predict an increased risk for subsequent miscarriage.  相似文献   
In a series of 2961 consecutive cases with second-trimester biochemical triple screening for Down's syndrome and neural tube defect (NTD), ten (0.3 per cent) showed an apparent increased risk for both conditions. Three cases had chromosomal abnormalities, namely trisomy 16 confined to the placenta. Since placental trisomy 16 as well as cases with increased alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) are associated with (intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR), oligohydramnios, and fetal demise, at least some cases with this atypical biochemical profile could be explained by this chromosomal abnormality. From our results we recommend that in cases with increased risk for both Down's syndrome and NTD, fetal karyotyping should preferably be done on a placental biopsy, especially when ultrasound in the absence of anomalies demonstrates early IUGR.  相似文献   
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