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连云港主要河流大型底栖无脊椎动物水质生物评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
于2008年5月采用D形网半定量采样法调查了连云港市5条河流7个点位的大型底栖无脊椎动物群落多样性,共获得67个大型底栖无脊椎动物分类单元;其中,昆虫纲双翅目18属、蜻蜓目11属;软体动物24种;环节动物4科4属5种。应用典范对应分析(CCA)排序结果将7个样点分成高TN低DO、高电导率和低TN以及高DO和低电导率3组。Shannon-W iener多样性指数、生物指数和COD水质评价结果表明,多样性指数与生物指数和COD评价结果有较大差异,生物指数和COD评价结果较相似。综合评价结果为青口河的水质属于清洁;蔷薇河、淮沭新河、鲁兰河和新沭河属于轻污至中污。生物指数与TN极显著正相关(r=0.913,p=0.004),多样性指数与TN无相关性(r=0.257,p=0.578)。  相似文献   
Portions of the Boulder River watershed contain elevated concentrations of arsenic, cadmium, copper, lead, and zinc in water, sediment, and biota. We measured concentrations of As, Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn in biofilm and macroinvertebrates, and assessed macroinvertebrate assemblage and aquatic habitat with the objective of monitoring planned remediation efforts. Concentrations of metals were generally higher in downstream sites compared with upstream or reference sites, and two sites contained metal concentrations in macroinvertebrates greater than values reported to reduce health and survival of resident trout. Macroinvertebrate assemblage was correlated with metal concentrations in biofilm and macroinvertebrates. However, macroinvertebrate metrics were significantly correlated with a greater number of biofilm metals (8) than metals in invertebrates (4). Lead concentrations in biofilm appeared to have the most significant impact on macroinvertebrate assemblage. Metal concentrations in macroinvertebrates were directly proportional to concentrations in biofilm, indicating biofilm as a potential surrogate for monitoring metal impacts in aquatic systems.  相似文献   
庐山地区底栖大型无脊椎动物耐污值与水质生物学评价   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
自1996年至1999年,对庐山自然保护区22个采样点的底栖大型无脊椎动物进行了调查.完成了庐山底栖大型无脊椎动物大多数科与部分属的耐污值核定工作,在Hilsenhoff(1988)与Lenat(1993)工作基础上,新增73科的耐污值.首次提出了蜚蠊目B1attodea、脉翅目Neuroptera、半翅目Hemiptera及鞘翅目Coleoptera水生类群的耐污值.其它主要水生昆虫11个目,凡在中国有分布记录或可能在中国及邻近地区有分布的科均收入并提出耐污值.摇蚊科中国常见的16属引用了Lenat(1994)推荐的耐污值,增加了甲壳纲Crustacea、寡毛纲O1igochaeta、腹足纲Gastropoda、腮瓣纲Lemellibranchia、蛭纲Hirudinea、涡虫纲Turbellria与蜱螨纲Acarina水螨总科Hydrachnoidea等的耐污值.利用上述耐污值系统,对22个采样点中的13个进行了连续水质生物监测,对其余9个采样点水质进行了评估.1996年5月至1999年9月期间,13个采样点水质由重污染至极清洁排序可分6类:如琴湖、东谷溪流、电站水库属重污染水体;天桥由轻污染至重污染;2级站、1级站、3级站由很清洁或清洁至一般;芦林湖、电站水库南支流很清洁;黄龙潭由很清洁至轻污染;三叠泉、第四纪冰川遗址、大月山水库为极清洁.多数采样点1996年11月水质好于5月份的水质.1999年所有采样点水质均比1996年2次调查时差,说明庐山水质污染呈加重趋势.图2表2参18  相似文献   
研制出一种长方体的十字筐采样器,在采样器内分别填装石、砂、底泥和水草4种基质,利用大型底栖无脊椎动物对生境的选择性进行样本被动采集。基质越多,采样器采集的生物种类越多,生物量也更丰富。用新研制的十字筐采样器和传统的篮式采样器对松花江流域7个采样点进行大型底栖无脊椎动物对比采样,结果显示:十字筐采样器是一种优良的采样器,适合在松花江流域乃至全国推广应用。  相似文献   
赵然  顾平  刘允 《中国环境监测》2018,34(6):164-169
阿什河作为松花江的一级支流,全境包含了从Ⅰ类到劣Ⅴ类的各种类型水质。通过对阿什河沿线底栖动物群落构成进行调查,结合典范对应性分析(CCA)对底栖动物群落与环境因子进行相关性分析得出结论,溶解氧和高锰酸盐指数为研究区域内底栖动物群落构成的主要限制因子。为分析不同水质条件下底栖动物种群变化成因和从生物学角度提出阿什河治理方法提供技术依据。  相似文献   
2010年1、5、9月对洞庭湖6个典型断面进行了底栖动物调查,共鉴定出3门40属(种),底栖动物的密度范围在16~320 ind/m2;各典型断面间底栖动物组成以软体动物占优势,底栖动物群落结构存在着明显差异.底栖动物Shannon-Wienner指数及Margalef指数范围分别为0.95~2.22和0.75~1.99.对获得的底栖动物数据和环境因子数据进行典范相关分析(CCA).结果显示,典型断面底栖动物群落分布受水环境因子影响较为明显,整体上,pH值和DO是影响洞庭湖典型断面底栖动物种类分布格局的主要因素.  相似文献   
Use of Biotic Community Structure as a Measure of Ecological Degradation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The benthic macroinvertebrate communities of two lotic aquatic habitats,namely,the Churni River(C-R)and the Jalangi River(J-R)were compared in this study.One lotic aquatic system(C-R)was polluted by organic pollutants due to discharge of unprocessed sewage water,while the other(J-R)was not affected by such pollution.Evaluations of various physico-chemical properties of water,sediment and different macroinvertebrate communities of the two tropical lotic systems were done in a period from January,2002 to December,2003.A long term temporal change in the macroinvertebrate communities was recorded due to increase in sediment rH value.Sediment redox potential affected by the anthropogenic activities was found to be an important factor for alteration of macroinvertebrate communities in these aquatic ecosystems.A positive correlation has been established between rH and Margalef index in this study.Potassium and the total count of coliform bacteria in water showed significantly higher values for the polluted Churni River than those for the Jalangi River.Fig 3,Tab 4,Ref 34  相似文献   
本研究尝试采用我国已有的季风气候区底栖动物观测值(O)/期望值(E)比值模型,在无足够数量参照样点的情况下,建立淮河流域O/E指数健康评价指标体系,评价淮河流域典型水体底栖动物物种组成完整性现状.于2014年夏季(8月)和秋季(11月)分别调查了淮河流域20和25个典型水体的底栖动物和水质指标.O/E模型评价结果表明,监测点位在PC(Probabilities of Capture)0和PC≥0.5条件下,夏季和秋季的物种期望丰富度分别约为25和9.所有25个点位中,仅1个点位为健康,其余为一般或较差;模型控制自然梯度后O/E0和O/E50值均没有显著的季节性差异(p=0.565和0.229).环境胁迫因子(TN、EC、CODCr和p H)和土地覆盖数据(水体比例、湿地比例、裸地比例、森林比例和草地比例)对秋季O/E50和O/E50-null的解释量高于夏季,TN是能够解释淮河流域典型水体夏季O/E指数变异最多的环境因子,p H和CODCr是能够解释秋季O/E指数变异最多的环境因子.研究表明,在缺少有效参照点位构建评价指标体系的情况下,在淮河流域应用已经构建的季风气候区底栖动物O/E指数模型进行健康评价是比较可靠的方法.  相似文献   
We sampled 240 wadeable streams across Wisconsin for different forms of phosphorus and nitrogen, and assemblages of macroinvertebrates and fish to (1) examine how macroinvertebrate and fish measures correlated with the nutrients; (2) quantify relationships between key biological measures and nutrient forms to identify potential threshold levels of nutrients to support nutrient criteria development; and (3) evaluate the importance of nutrients in influencing biological assemblages relative to other physicochemical factors at different spatial scales. Twenty-three of the 35 fish and 18 of the 26 macroinvertebrate measures significantly correlated (P < 0.05) with at least one nutrient measure. Percentages of carnivorous, intolerant, and omnivorous fishes, index of biotic integrity, and salmonid abundance were fish measures correlated with the most nutrient measures and had the highest correlation coefficients. Percentages of Ephemeroptera–Plecoptera–Trichoptera individuals and taxa, Hilsenhoff biotic index, and mean tolerance value were macroinvertebrate measures that most strongly correlated with the most nutrient measures. Selected biological measures showed clear trends toward degradation as concentrations of phosphorus and nitrogen increased, and some measures showed clear thresholds where biological measures changed drastically with small changes in nutrient concentrations. Our selected environmental factors explained 54% of the variation in the fish assemblages. Of this explained variance, 46% was attributed to catchment and instream habitat, 15% to nutrients, 3% to other water quality measures, and 36% to the interactions among all the environmental variables. Selected environmental factors explained 53% of the variation in macroinvertebrate assemblages. Of this explained variance, 42% was attributed to catchment and instream habitat, 22% to nutrients, 5% to other water quality measures, and 32% to the interactions among all the environmental variables.  相似文献   
Assessment of aquatic macroinvertebrates is a critical component of many watershed monitoring programs and passive samplers are often used to collect long-term site data, especially in environments where active sampling is not possible. However, standard passive samplers can be expensive and lost in extreme conditions. We developed a sampler using plastic soda bottles (PSB) filled with river rock and compared its effectiveness with standard Hester-Dendy samplers in both lotic and lentic environments. Abundance, taxa richness, and macroinvertebrate composition showed no significant differences between sampler types in either habitat type. PSB samplers, which can be constructed for less than one dollar each, collected the same number of organisms and represented the same diversity as Hester-Dendy devices that cost around $38 each. In studies where funds are limited, PSB samplers appear to be suitable for passive monitoring.  相似文献   
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