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In the early 1990s, a soil removal action was completed at a former disposal pit site located in southern Michigan. This action removed waste oil, cutting oil, and chlorinated solvents from the unsaturated zone. To contain groundwater contaminant migration at the site, a groundwater pump‐and‐treat system comprised of two extraction wells operating at a combined flow of 50 gallons per minute, carbon treatment, and a permitted effluent discharge was designed, installed, and operated for over 10 years. Groundwater monitoring for natural attenuation parameters and contaminant attenuation modeling demonstrated natural attenuation of the contaminant plume was adequate to attain site closure. As a result of incomplete contaminant source removal, a rebound of contaminants above the levels established in the remedial action plan (RAP) has occurred in the years following system shutdown and site closure. Groundwater concentrations have raised concerns regarding potential indoor air quality at adjacent residential properties constructed in the past 9 to 10 years. The only remedial option available in the original RAP is to resume groundwater pump‐and‐treat. To remediate the source area, an alternate remediation strategy using an ozone sparge system was developed. The ozone sparge remediation strategy addresses the residual saturated zone contaminants beneath the former disposal pit and reestablishes site closure requirements without resumption of the pump‐and‐treat system. A pilot study was completed successfully; and the final system design was subsequently approved by the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality. The system was installed and began operations in July 2010. As of the January 2011 monitoring event, the system has shown dramatic improvement in site contaminant concentrations. The system will continue to operate until monitoring results indicate that complete treatment has been obtained. The site will have achieved the RAP objectives when the system has been shut down and meets groundwater residential criteria for four consecutive quarters. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Nitrate, ammonium and dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) concentrations were measured in the lower reaches of the River Test in Hampshire to assess the impact of two effluent point sources. An 18-month survey from July 2001 to December 2002 was carried out at locations above and below fish farm inputs and a sewage effluent outfall. The concentration of nitrate exceeded 400 μM at the four sites on all sample dates. A consistent increase in ammonium concentration was measured downstream of the fish farm, but not the sewage effluent input. DON samples collected downstream of the fish farm did not show a consistent increase in concentration, compared with the upstream sampling location, whereas the sewage effluent input at Romsey was a point source of DON to the River Test with a mean increase of 15 μM. Nitrate was the major component of dissolved nitrogen in this aquifer-fed chalk-bed river system, with up to 10% being DON and ammonium comprising <1%.  相似文献   

Nitrate, ammonium and dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) concentrations were measured in the lower reaches of the River Test in Hampshire to assess the impact of two effluent point sources. An 18-month survey from July 2001 to December 2002 was carried out at locations above and below fish farm inputs and a sewage effluent outfall. The concentration of nitrate exceeded 400 M at the four sites on all sample dates. A consistent increase in ammonium concentration was measured downstream of the fish farm, but not the sewage effluent input. DON samples collected downstream of the fish farm did not show a consistent increase in concentration, compared with the upstream sampling location, whereas the sewage effluent input at Romsey was a point source of DON to the River Test with a mean increase of 15 M. Nitrate was the major component of dissolved nitrogen in this aquifer-fed chalk-bed river system, with up to 10% being DON and ammonium comprising <1%.  相似文献   

This study demonstrates a remedial approach for completing the remediation of an aquifer contaminated with 1,1,2‐trichlorotrifluoroethane (Freon‐113) and 1,1,1‐trichloroethane (TCA). In 1987, approximately 13,000 pounds of Freon‐113 were spilled from a tank at an industrial facility located in the state of New York. The groundwater remediation program consisted of an extraction system coupled with airstripping followed by natural attenuation of residual contaminants. In the first phase, five recovery wells and an airstripping tower were operational from April 1993 to August 1999. During this time period over 10,000 pounds of CFC‐13 and 200 pounds of TCA were removed from the groundwater and the contaminant concentrations decreased by several orders of magnitude. However, the efficiency of the remediation system to recover residual Freon and/or TCA reduced significantly. This was evidenced by: (1) low levels (< 10 ppb) of Freon and TCA captured in the extraction wells and (2) a slight increase of Freon and/or TCA in off‐site monitoring wells. A detailed study was conducted to evaluate the alternative for the second‐phase remediation. Results of a two‐year groundwater monitoring program indicated the contaminant plume to be stable with no significant increase or decrease in contaminant concentrations. Monitored geochemical parameters suggest that biodegradation does not influence the fate and transport of these contaminants, but other mechanisms of natural attenuation (primarily sorption and dilution) appear to control the fate and transport of these contaminants. The contaminants appear to be bound to the soil matrix (silty and clay units) with limited desorption as indicated by the solid phase analyses of contaminant concentrations. Results of fate and transport modeling indicated that contaminant concentrations would not exceed the action levels in the wells that showed a slight increase in contaminant concentrations and in the downgradient wells (sentinel) during the modeled timeframe of 30 years. This feasibility study for natural attenuation led to the termination of the extraction system and a transaction of the property, resulting in a significant financial benefit for the original site owner. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The East Gate Disposal Yard (EGDY) at Fort Lewis is the source of a large trichloroethene (TCE) plume at this military installation. Source reduction using thermal treatment was applied using electrical resistance heating. A total of about 5,800 kg of TCE‐equivalent volatile organic compounds (VOCs; TCE and dichloroethene) was extracted during thermal treatment of the three zones selected for source reduction. Pretreatment groundwater TCE concentrations were measured up to 100 ppm. Posttreatment groundwater TCE concentrations within the treatment zones averaged less than 100 ppb. Posttreatment soil TCE concentrations decreased by over 96 percent compared to pretreatment soil concentrations. The overall contaminant flux from EGDY was reduced by an estimated 60 to 90 percent by the source reduction effort. The traditional and new techniques for site characterization and remediation performance monitoring applied at EGDY provide insight for installing, operating, monitoring, and assessing thermal treatment. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Experience with groundwater remediation over several decades has demonstrated that successful outcomes depend on quantitative conceptual site models (CSMs). Over the last 30 years, we have progressed from groundwater pump‐and‐treat remedies, which were largely designed based on a water supply perspective, to in situ and combined remedy strategies, which are only beginning to benefit from understanding the aquifer architecture and distribution of contaminant mass to assess plume maturity, mass flux, and more reliable means of fate and transport assessment. The U.S. Air Force funded the development of the Stratigraphic Flux approach to provide a framework for understanding contaminant transport pathways at its complex sites and enable more reliable and cost‐effective remediation. Stratigraphic Flux enables the development of quantitative, flux‐based CSMs that are founded in sequence stratigraphy, and high‐resolution hydraulic conductivity and contaminant distribution measurements. The result is a three‐dimensional graphical mapping of relative contaminant flux and classification of transport potential that is easy for all stakeholders to understand. The Stratigraphic Flux graphical model is based on a hydrofacies classification system that describes transport potential in three segments of the aquifer: transport zones—where the majority of groundwater flow occurs and transport rates are measured in feet per day; slow advection zones—where transport rates are measured in feet per year; and storage zones—where typically less than 1% of flow occurs, and diffusion dominates contaminant transport. The hydrofacies architectures are based on stratigraphy and transport potential is defined by grouping facies by orders of magnitude classes in hydraulic conductivity. By combining the hydrofacies architecture with contaminant concentration distributions, one can map relative contaminant flux to define and target the complex pathways that control contaminant transport and cleanup behavior. In this article, we describe the Stratigraphic Flux framework, focusing on the key information needed and the methods of analysis. We illustrate the results of its application to evaluate migration pathways for trichlorethylene and chromium at a former chrome pit at Air Force Plant 4 in Fort Worth, Texas. A comprehensive guidance document that describes the approach with a broad spectrum of tools and several site examples can be requested from the authors.  相似文献   

To Dredge or Not     
The streams, rivers, freshwater lakes, and coastal and open ocean waters of the world have been used for centuries for the disposal of municipal and industrial wastes. During the twentieth century, the range and quantities of waste materials discharged to the world's fresh and salt waters have grown progressively, increasing the potential ecological and human health impacts. The types and quantities of organic and inorganic wastes reaching the surface waters and associated sediments have increased in proportion to a region's or nation's population and industrial growth. Many of the contaminaants deliberately or inadvertently discharged to waterways are hydrophobic, are not biodegradable, or are highly resistant to degradation resulting in the accumulation of organic and inorganic substances in the waters, bottom, and suspended sediments of impacted waterways. Because of their persistence, these compounds and trace metals bioaccumulate and bioconcentreate in the aquatic organisms that occupy the affected waterway. Because many of the discharged waste materials are relatively insoluble and readily sorb to particles, the bottom and suspended sediments will commonly have higher contaminant concentrations than the associated overlying waters. Concentrations will normally decrease downstream of the contaminant source areas due to inputs and dilution by sediments and waters from cleaner tributaries. Although the sediments will normally have the higher concentrations, considerable quantities of contaminants may be found in the aqueous phase requiring not only removal of the solids, but treatment of the associated water as well. This is particularly the case when the water to solids recovered during dredging may approach 10:1. Many of the persistent contaminants impacting a nation's waterways are readily sorbed to the finer‐grained, organic rich sediments. Reaches of rivers and streams, or areas amenable to deposition of organic rich clays and silts, result in the creation of “hot spots” of contamination, localized areas where higher contaminant concentrations are found. It is these “hot spots” that are at the center of a debate over whether to dredge or leave the contaminated sediments undisturbed to allow natural attenuation to work. It is well recognized that dredging is not able to remove all of the contaminated sediments; some portion of the resuspended sediments created during the dredgirg will be dispersed downstream. The issue is whether to physically removeportions of the mass of contaminants impacting waterwa‐ys or rely on natural attenuation. Environmental dredging is expensive and many argue not worth the effort because of the lack of effective technologies that will prevent redistribution of the material resuspended as apart oJthe dredging process and management of associated water. Opponents of dredging cite natural attenuation and burial by cleaner sediments as eflective mechanisms to reduce the concentration of contaminants. Dredgingproponents argue the contaminant sources and accumulated hot spots must be removed in order to accelerate ecological recovery of the impacted waterway as well as reduce impacts to the environment and to public heulth. During thc next several years, decisions will be made by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agemy (USEPA) on whether to dredge major and minor waterways involving millions of cubic yards of contaminatedsedinaents requiring expenditures of hundreds of millions oj‐dollars by the responsible parties. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Innc.  相似文献   

The North Fork of Clear Creek (NFCC), Colorado, is an acid‐mine‐drainage‐impacted stream typical of many mountain surface waters affected by historic metal mining in the western United States. The stream is devoid of fish primarily because of high metal concentrations in the water (e.g., copper and zinc) and has large amounts of settled iron oxyhydroxide solids that coat the streambed. The NFCC is part of the Central City/Clear Creek Superfund site, and remediation plans are being implemented that include treatment of three of the main point‐source inputs and cleanup of some tailings and waste rock piles. This article examines dissolved (0.45‐μm filterable) concentrations of cadmium, copper, and zinc following several potential remediation scenarios, simulated using a reactive transport model (WASP4/META4). Results from modeling indicate that for cadmium, remediation of the primary point‐source adit discharges should be sufficient to achieve acute and chronic water‐quality standards under both high‐ and low‐flow conditions. To achieve standards for copper and zinc, however, the modeling scenarios suggest that it may be necessary to treat or remove contaminated streambed sediments in downstream reaches, as well as identify and treat nonpoint sources of metals. Recommendations for improvements to the model for metal transport in acid‐mine drainage impacted streams are made. These recommendations are being implemented by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Stormwater runoff from the University of California, Davis/U.S. Department of Energy Laboratory for Energy‐Related Health Research (UCD/US DOE LEHR) Superfund site located on the University of California campus in Davis, California, has been found to contain over 500 ng/L of total recoverable mercury, which is about ten times the California Toxics Rule criterion. This stormwater runoff is discharged to Putah Creek, which is Clean Water Act Section 303(d) listed as impaired for excessive mercury bioaccumulation in edible fish. A discussion is presented on the potential impact of the mercury in stormwater runoff from LEHR leading to excessive bioaccumulation of mercury in Putah Creek fish. The mercury in the stormwater runoff is derived from former flooding of the soils near the creek, which contains mercury derived from abandoned upstream mercury mines located in the Coast Range Vaca Hills to the west of LEHR. The implications of this situation for implementing a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) to control mercury in stormwater runoff to Putah Creek are presented. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

With the emergence of risk‐based corrective action decisions, there is interest in the use of more natural techniques that may be as protective as the traditional removal, landfill, or capping approaches for impoundment closure. The use of phytoremediation is one of the more promising techniques. This article presents the results of a three‐year field‐pilot phytoremediation study that involved the use of plants to enhance sludge dewatering at an inactive natural gas‐cracking wastewater lagoon. The dewatering was accompanied by contaminant reduction of benzene, toluene, xylene (BTX), and naphthalene concentrations to below the cleanup goals. Meanwhile, the concentration reductions of three or more ring polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) varied between 30 percent and 60 percent, except for dibenz[a,h]anthracene. The residual PAHs in the sludge are not leaching. Parallel laboratory studies suggest a reduced PAH availability and mobility in the unsaturated zone sludge. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This study evaluated pilot‐scale active caps composed of apatite, organoclay, biopolymers, and sand for the remediation of metal‐contaminated sediments. The active caps were constructed in Steel Creek, at the Savannah River Site near Aiken, South Carolina. Monitoring was conducted for 12 months. Effectiveness of the caps was based on an evaluation of contaminant bioavailability, resistance to erosion, and impacts on benthic organisms. Active caps lowered metal bioavailability in the sediment during the one‐year test period. Biopolymers reduced sediment suspension during cap construction, increased the pool of carbon, and lowered the release of metals. This field validation showed that active caps can effectively treat contaminants by changing their speciation, and that caps can be constructed to include more than one type of amendment to achieve multiple goals. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

An Accelerated Remediation Technologies (ART) In‐Well Technology pilot test was performed to evaluate the removal of chlorinated volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from groundwater. The ART In‐Well Technology was installed in one well located in the source area where dense nonaqueous‐phase liquid has been identified and VOC concentrations exceed 140,000 μg/L. Monitoring wells at the site were positioned between 10 and 170 feet from the ART test well. Overall, VOC concentrations from samples collected from the groundwater monitoring wells and in the vapors extracted for discharge from the ART treatment well were analyzed over the testing period. Monitoring results showed that concentrations of perchloroethylene were reduced in the closest monitoring well to nondetectable concentrations within 90 days. The cumulative removal of chlorinated VOCs from the ART test well over the six‐month pilot test period exceeded 9,500 pounds based on air monitoring data. The ART technology proved effective and cost‐efficient in reducing contaminant concentrations and removing a large mass of contamination from the subsurface in a short period of time. The radius of influence of the ART technology at the site was estimated to range between 65 and 170 feet. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Groundwater remediation alternatives were simulated for homogeneous and heterogeneous aquifers with a numerical mass transport model. Low‐energy alternatives involved an injection–extraction well pair positioned along a downgradient linear transect. This transect was located 5 m from the contaminant plume and oriented perpendicular to the regional hydraulic gradient. Through numerous trials, for one homogeneous and three heterogeneous settings, the model identified an optimal spacing and minimum pumping rate for a well pair: (1) centered on the downgradient tip of the plume (best centered), and (2) anywhere along the downgradient transect (best overall). Results suggest that low‐energy well pairs are an effective means for containing and removing some contaminant plumes, and best‐performing configurations are generally not centered on the downgradient tip of the initial contaminant plume. ©2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The 1987 Sand Creek Operable Unit 5 record of decision (ROD) identified soil washing as the selected technology to remediate soils contaminated with high levels of organochlorine pesticides, herbicides, and metals. Initial treatability tests conducted to assess the applicability of soil washing technology did not effectively evaluate the removal of the elevated contaminant concentrations that were found. To further evaluate the applicability of soil washing at this industrial site, a second more comprehensive pilot-scale treatability test was conducted. Twenty-three test runs were conducted over a two-week period in late September 1992, using a pilot-scale soil washing device called the volume reduction unit (VRU). The experimental design evaluated the effects of two wash temperatures, two pH levels, three surfactants, four surfactant concentrations, and two liquid-to-soil ratios on the contaminant removal efficiency of the soil washing process. Site soils from layers at three different depths were used in the study. Results from the pilot-scale treatability test indicated that the VRU could achieve contaminant reduction efficiencies of 97 percent for heptachlor and greater than 91 percent for dieldrin in the uppermost contaminated soils (surface to 1-ft. depth). Residual concentrations of heptachlor and dieldrin in the treated soil ranged from 50 ppm to less than 1.6 ppm, and 6.8 ppm to less than 1.6 ppm, respectively. However, the analytical method detection limit of 1.6 ppm was not low enough to provide residual concentration data at the risk-based action levels of 0.55 ppm for heptachlor and 0.15 ppm for dieldrin.  相似文献   

Measurements of the cosmogenically-produced 35S, a radioisotope of sulphur (t1/2 = 87 days), are reported for the Ned Wilson Lake watershed in Colorado. The watershed contains two small lakes and a flowing spring presumed to be representative of local ground water. The watershed is located in the Flattops Wilderness Area and the waters in the system have low alkalinity, making them sensitive to increases in acid and sulphate deposition. Time series of 35S measurements were made during the summers of 1995 and 1996 (July–September) at all three sites. The system is dominated by melting snow and an initial concentration of 16–20 mBq L-1 was estimated for snowmelt based on a series of snow samples collected in the Rocky Mountains. The two lakes had large initial 35S concentrations in July, indicating that a large fraction of the lake water and sulphate was introduced by meltwater from that year's snowpack. In 1995 and 1996, 35S concentrations decreased more rapidly than could be accounted for by decay, indicating that other processes were affecting 35S concentrations. The most likely explanation is that exchange with sediments or the biota was removing 35S from the lake and replacing it with older sulphate devoid of 35S. In September of 1995 and 1996, 35S concentrations increased, suggesting that atmospheric deposition is important in the sulphate flux of these lakes in late summer. Sulphur-35 concentrations in the spring water were highly variable but never higher than 3.6 mBq L-1 and averaged 2 mBq L-1. Using a simple mixing model, it was estimated that 75% of the spring water was derived from precipitation of previous years.  相似文献   

Chlorinated solvents were released to the surficial groundwater underneath a former dry cleaning building, resulting in a groundwater plume consisting of high concentrations of trichloroethene (TCE) and cis‐1,2‐dichloroethene (cis‐1,2‐DCE) and low concentrations of tetrachloroethene (PCE) and vinyl chloride. The initial remedial action included chemical oxidation via injection of 14,400 gallons of Fenton's Reagent in March 2002, and an additional 14,760 gallons in April 2002. A sharp reduction of contaminant concentrations in groundwater was observed the following month; however, rebound of contaminant concentrations was evident as early as October 2002. A source area of PCE‐impacted soils was excavated in June 2004. Following the excavation, Golder Associates Inc. (2007) implemented a biostimulation plan by injecting 55 gallons of potassium lactate (PURASAL® HiPure P) in September 2005, and again in February 2006. Comparing the preinjection and postinjection site conditions, the potassium lactate treatments were successful in accomplishing a 40 to 70 percent reduction in mass within four months following the second injection. Elevated vinyl chloride concentrations have persisted through both injection events; however, significant vinyl chloride reduction has been observed in one well with the highest total organic carbon (TOC) concentrations following each injection. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

A sulfuric acid leak in 1988 at a chloroethene‐contaminated groundwater site at the Naval Air Station Pensacola has resulted in a long‐term record of the behavior of chloroethene contaminants at low pH and a unique opportunity to assess the potential impact of source area treatment technologies, which involve acidification of the groundwater environment (e.g., Fenton's‐based in situ chemical oxidation), on downgradient natural attenuation processes. The greater than 75 percent decrease in trichloroethene (TCE) concentrations and the shift in contaminant composition toward predominantly reduced daughter products (dichloroethene [DCE] and vinyl chloride [VC]) that were observed along a 30‐m groundwater flow path characterized by highly acidic conditions (pH = 3.5 ± 0.4) demonstrated that chloroethene reductive dechlorination can continue to be efficient under persistent acidic conditions. The detection of Dehalococcoides‐type bacteria within the sulfuric acid/chloroethene co‐contaminant plume was consistent with biotic chloroethene reductive dechlorination. Microcosm studies conducted with 14C‐TCE and 14C‐VC confirmed biotic reductive dechlorination in sediment collected from within the sulfuric acid/chloroethene co‐contaminant plume. Microcosms prepared with sediment from two other locations within the acid plume, however, demonstrated only a limited mineralization to 14CO2 and 14CO, which was attributed to abiotic degradation because no significant differences were observed between experimental and autoclaved control treatments. These results indicated that biotic and abiotic mechanisms contributed to chloroethene attenuation in the acid plume at NAS Pensacola and that remediation techniques involving acidification of the groundwater environment (e.g., Fenton's‐based source area treatment) do not necessarily preclude efficient chloroethene degradation. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The thrust of this study is to develop an in-situ method/technique capable of modifying the contaminated soil environment and maximizing contaminant extraction. Contaminated soils were compacted in electrokinetic cells to densities similar to natural field conditions. Conditioning fluids were used during the application of a direct current to solubilize the precipitated forms of heavy metals. Mobilization of contaminants as a function of time was quantified by analysing metal ion concentrations in the extracted effluents at both the anode and cathode and in the compacted specimens. For each conditioning fluid used, the removal efficiencies were evaluated based on both effluent and soil concentrations.  相似文献   

A major challenge for in situ treatment is rebound. Rebound is the return of contaminant concentrations to near original levels following treatment, and frequently occurs because much of the residual nonaqueous phase liquid (NAPL) trapped within the soil capillaries or rock fractures remains unreachable by conventional in situ treatment. Fine‐textured strata have an especially strong capacity to absorb and retain contaminants. Through matrix diffusion, the contaminants dissolve back into groundwater and return with concentrations that can approach pretreatment levels. The residual NAPL then serves as a continuing source of contamination that may persist for decades or longer. A 0.73‐acre (0.3‐hectare) site in New York City housed a manufacturer of roofing materials for approximately 60 years. Coal tar served as waterproofing material in the manufacturing process and releases left behind residual NAPL in soils. An estimated 47,000 pounds (21,360 kg) of residual coal tar NAPL contaminated soils and groundwater. The soils contained strata composed of sands, silty sands, and silty clay. A single treatment using the RemMetrik® process and Pressure Pulse Technology® (PPT) targeted the contaminant mass and delivered alkaline‐activated sodium persulfate to the NAPL at the pore‐scale level via in situ treatment. Posttreatment soil sampling demonstrated contaminant mass reductions over 90 percent. Reductions in posttreatment median groundwater concentrations ranged from 49 percent for toluene to 92 percent for xylenes. Benzene decreased by 87 percent, ethylbenzene by 90 percent, naphthalene by 80 percent, and total BTEX by 91 percent. Mass flux analysis three years following treatment shows sustained reductions in BTEX and naphthalene, and no rebound. ©2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Changes in concentrations of soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP), excess partial pressure of carbon dioxide (EpCO2), and chlorophyll-a were examined for two rivers in the in the upper Thames catchment: the main river Thames at Wallingford and a chalk stream tributary, the River Kennet. Sampling began in the spring of 1997 and has covered extremes in river flow conditions. During the sampling period there was a dramatic reduction in phosphorus (P) inputs from the introduction of effluent P-treatment at sewage treatment works, as a result of the EU Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive. Despite major reductions in baseflow SRP concentrations in the River Kennet, from around 700 μg-P L-1 to around 100 μg-P L-1, observations of aquatic plant communities indicate overall degradation in ecological quality since effluent P-treatment was introduced. The degradation was associated with a spring and summer decline in growth of Ranunculus, a macrophyte of high conservation value in chalk streams, particularly from 2000 onwards, linked to shading by epiphytic algae. Although the EpCO2 records indicate a reduction in primary productivity since effluent P-treatment, the River Kennet may have become more sensitive to epiphyte blooms. Episodes of epiphyte proliferation appear to be linked temporally to small increases in SRP concentrations (typicallyabove a 100 μg-P L-1 threshold) under summer baseflow conditions. The in-stream system is highly complex and individual processes and causality are difficult to resolve, particularly given changes in river flows linked to background climatic variability and limited availability of biological data. This study demonstrates the need for integrated long-term biological and chemical monitoring of river systems subject to major perturbations to assess timescales required to produce new dynamic equilibria in ecosystem response.  相似文献   

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