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工业固体废物资源化的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
循环经济发展模式从根本上缓解环境、资源与发展之间的尖锐冲突,在促进经济增长的同时顾及到生态环境的承受能力,从工业经济系统自身发掘资源、能源,充分挖掘潜力,寻找伴生资源,开发利用废弃物,促进工业固体废物资源化,以循环经济模式替代陈旧的线性经济模式,保持经济可持续发展。  相似文献   

宁东能源化工基地目前以及将来都是宁夏回族自治区工业固体废物主要产生源,因此做好宁东能源基地工业固体废物污染防治工作就相当于解决了宁夏地区大部分工业固体废物问题。通过对基地在工业固体废物方面存在的问题进行剖析,提出宁东能源化工基地固体废物污染防治对策,旨在为减少宁东基地工业固体废物的产生量,提高工业固体废物的综合利用率。做好工业固体废物贮存、处置工作,提供科学指导,保证基地的高水平建设,为可持续发展提供科学依据。  相似文献   

工业园区固体废物资源化是实施循环经济、建设生态文明的关键一环,但在实施过程中遇到诸多问题.以工业园区固体废物外延的重新界定为起点,从3个方面分析了工业园区固体废物资源化技术:固体废物生态产业链构建与运行维护、回收与分类技术、再利用与循环技术,并就固体废物资源化方面存在的问题提出了相应的解决建议.  相似文献   

吉林省2007年工业固体废物总量为1.73亿t,工业固体废物贮存总量为14 850.41万t,占全省工业固体废物总量的85.71%。吉林地区工业固体废产生量最高,为964.51万t。全省工业固体废物综合处理指数为14.20,工业固体废物处理量很低。长春地区工业固体废物综合处理指数最高,为71.19。建立以长春和吉林地区为核心的工业固体废物循环利用和处置中心,加强工业固体废物的循环利用,不仅能增加社会、经济效益,而且从根本上有效地防止工业固体废物对环境的污染。  相似文献   

循环经济与低碳经济都是要求人类在考虑生产和消费时,还需考虑自然生态系统的承载能力,尽可能地节约自然资源,不断提高固体废物的利用效率,在固体废物减量化、资源化、无害化过程中,降低化石能源消耗,减少温室气体排放活动,建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会,促进人与自然的和谐发展。  相似文献   

油气开采钻井固体废物处理与利用研究现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
对比分析了我国部分地区油气开采钻井固体废物的污染特征,对普通钻井固体废物和含油钻井固体废物的无害化处理与资源化利用技术分别进行梳理和分析,主要包括固化处理技术、生物处理技术、不落地处理技术、资源化利用技术、萃取技术、热解析技术和组合处理技术等。结合当前存在的主要问题针对性地提出了4条对策建议:加强源头控制,减少钻井固体废物产生量;对钻井固体废物进行分质分级区别处理和利用;开发高效、低成本、低能耗的钻井固体废物处理技术,发展联合处理工艺;制定相关政策和标准,加强油气田污染治理的事中事后监管。  相似文献   

当前工业固体废物治理工作愈来愈成为国内外关注的热点问题,包头市作为资源型城市,不可避免地存在工业固体废物产生量大的问题。基于包头市2015—2020年工业固体废物产生量和分析结果,构建了工业固体废物GM(1,1)灰色预测模型,对2021—2025年包头市工业固体废物产生量进行有效预测,以期为工业固体废物治理工作提供数据支撑,并从优化产业结构、强化顶层设计、加强监督管理、重视宣传教育、推进生态修复和构建循环产业链方面提出未来工业固体废物治理建议。  相似文献   

铜渣是工业上冶炼铜产生的固体废弃物.时至今日,大量铜渣的产生和堆积,使得大片"渣山"成为工况企业下游难以解决的问题.为了解决"渣山",国内外许多专家学者耗费大量的时间和精力,开展了相关的理论研究和实践研究.通过文献查阅,总结了目前国内外铜渣的主要组成、资源化方向,归纳了几种通过改善铜渣性质来增强其利用率或回收率的工艺技...  相似文献   

赤泥是生产氧化铝时产生的一种强碱性工业固体废物,目前我国赤泥年产生量已超过1亿t,总堆存量超过6亿t,带来了一系列环境问题。广西是我国主要的铝土矿资源富集区之一,年产生赤泥约1 700万t,占全国的11.26%,以拜耳法赤泥为主,现堆存量超过1亿t,大多为筑坝堆存,综合利用率不足10%。主要分析拜耳法赤泥现有的处置技术,分析广西赤泥资源化利用的现状及存在的问题,并提出相应的对策,为寻找一条综合利用率高、处置方式多样化、处置成本低、便于复制推广的赤泥资源化利用路径提供指导。  相似文献   

提出了城市生活垃圾填埋处置及资源化利用的循环经济产业模式,分析论述了该模式实施的关键点及其资源化优势,并通过案例估算突出其投资优势,最后提出了该模式产业化应用的发展建议.  相似文献   

通过分析废旧纺织品综合利用现状,总结了纯棉废旧纺织品、废旧民用纺织品、废旧军服等领域综合利用的初步进展,提出了我国目前废旧纺织品综合利用存在的主要问题,明确了废旧纺织品综合利用的发展方向,即废旧纺织品综合利用必须紧紧围绕“合理规划、分类回收、技术保障、市场拓展、政策引导、舆论宣传、全社会广泛参与”的指导方针,通过长期而系统的推进,最终实现行业规范化、专业化、集约化的健康科学发展。  相似文献   

The current situation of solid waste management in China   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
With economic development, the quantity of solid waste is increasing rapidly in China; the total quantities of municipal solid waste (MSW), industrial solid waste (ISW), and hazardous waste (HW) in 2002 were 136.5 million tons, 945 million tons, and 10 million tons, respectively. In 2002, the quantity of MSW disposed of was 74.04 million tons, 89.30% of which was landfilled, 3.72% was incinerated, and 6.98% was composted. There are currently 651 disposal facilities for MSW in China. Mining gangue is the largest component of ISW, making up 27.5% of the total. In the Chinese industrial sector, the coal mining and processing industry contributed most to the total quantity of ISW, with 16.0% of the total quantity of ISW generated by this sector. In total, 44% of HW was recycled, 27% was stored, 13.5% was disposed of, and 15.4% was discharged. Of the total HW generated, 40% was produced by the chemical materials and chemical products industry. Five categories of HW, i.e., waste alkali, waste acid, inorganic fluoride waste, copper waste, and inorganic cyanide waste, made up 57.8% of the total HW generated. Solid waste pollution has become a huge challenge faced by those involved in Chinese environmental management, but this can be seen as an opportunity to improve environmental quality. This article introduces the strategies taken to improve solid waste management in China.  相似文献   

研究提出废旧纺织品回收现状及典型模式,主要有衣物回收箱模式、民间自发回收模式、企业自主回收模式和以衣换物模式等;分析归纳了废旧纺织品综合利用基本情况,涵盖棉、毛、混纺、边角料等类型废旧纺织品的综合利用;总结了废旧纺织品产业技术创新战略联盟的工作进展和成效,突出技术创新在废旧纺织品综合利用中的重要作用;明确了废旧纺织品综合利用的发展方向,未来要从开发先进技术、培育产业集群、强化政策扶持、拓展利用渠道、建设回收体系、建立行业标准、探索二手市场和加强宣传教育等方面开展工作。  相似文献   

日本生活垃圾的焚烧率高达80%,对焚烧灰渣的处理也比较先进,其资源化利用方式主要有在熔融设施进行熔融处理后制成熔融灰渣、作为水泥原料及路基材料等.介绍了日本生活垃圾焚烧灰渣的产生及资源化利用情况,以期对我国处理焚烧灰渣有所借鉴.  相似文献   

In China, controlling environmental pollution resulting from solid waste (SW) and hazardous waste (HW) has become one of the most pressing tasks in the field of environmental engineering. It is reported that the annual generation of industrial solid waste (ISW) in China exceeded 0.6 billion tons in the 1990s, and is increasing every year. Although ISW management has been strengthened in recent years, about 40% of SW is put in uncontrolled landfill without appropriate treatment. According to statistics from the national Environmental Protection Agency, the cumulative ISW uncontrolled landfill in China had reached 6.6 billion tons by the end of 1995, occupying around 55 000 hectares of land. Although some major uncontrolled landfills were constructed, nonetheless groundwater contamination resulted from the use of low-standard liners and poor management. Furthermore, about 20 million tons of ISW was discharged into the environment illegally, and a third of this waste was discharged directly into water bodies, making ISW one of the greatest pollution sources for surface water and ground water. Environmental pollution accidents resulting from SW occur about 100 times a year in China, and environmental issues frequently arise because of ISW pollution. The practices of SW management, treatment, and disposal started relatively late in China, and for a long time the management of SW pollution has received little attention compared with water and air pollution management. China faces problems such as the insufficiency of management laws and regulations, insufficient investment, inadequate treatment and disposal technology, and a lack of qualified technicians. At present, most treatment and disposal technology cannot meet the requests for solid waste pollution control. In order to protect, restore, and improve environmental quality in China and to realize sustainable development, the safe management and disposal of solid and hazardous wastes is a pressing challenge. In recent years, much attention has been paid to SW management in China, and investment to develop management and treatment technologies has increased. In 1995, the Law for Solid Waste Pollution Protection was issued, and work on solid waste treatment and disposal began to be legally managed. SW treatment and disposal facilities have been constructed, and now operate in some large and medium-sized cities. In particular, rapid improvements have been seen in ISW recycling, collection, and disposal of municipal solid waste and regional HW management. All the figures in this paper are from 1995, and represent the situation in China in that year. Received: April 18, 2000 / Accepted: May 15, 2000  相似文献   

The increasing generation of municipal solid waste (MSW) is a major problem particularly for large urban areas with insufficient landfill capacities and inefficient waste management systems. Several options associated to the supply chain for implementing a MSW management system are available, however to determine the optimal solution several technical, economic, environmental and social aspects must be considered. Therefore, this paper proposes a mathematical programming model for the optimal planning of the supply chain associated to the MSW management system to maximize the economic benefit while accounting for technical and environmental issues. The optimization model simultaneously selects the processing technologies and their location, the distribution of wastes from cities as well as the distribution of products to markets. The problem was formulated as a multi-objective mixed-integer linear programing problem to maximize the profit of the supply chain and the amount of recycled wastes, where the results are showed through Pareto curves that tradeoff economic and environmental aspects. The proposed approach is applied to a case study for the west-central part of Mexico to consider the integration of MSW from several cities to yield useful products. The results show that an integrated utilization of MSW can provide economic, environmental and social benefits.  相似文献   

简要介绍废旧胶粉的制造方法,以及胶粉在实际生产、生活当中的应用现状。提高废旧胶粉的再利用技术,拓展其应用领域,是节约资源、保护环境,促进国民经济增长方式转变和可持续发展的重要措施。  相似文献   

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