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Environmental pollution is one of the most serious problems facing mankind today,and has attracted widespread attention worldwide. The burgeoning class of crystalline porous organic framework materials, metal–organic frameworks and covalent organic frameworks present promising application potential in areas related to pollution control due to their interesting surface properties. In this review, the literature of the past five years on the adsorptive removal of various hazardous materials, mainly including heavy metal ions, harmful gases, organic dyes, pharmaceutical and personal care products, and radionuclides from the environment by using COFs and MOFs, is summarized. The adsorption mechanisms are also discussed to help understand their adsorption performance and selectivity. Additionally, some insightful suggestions are given to enhance the performance of MOFs and COFs in the adsorptive removal of various hazardous materials.  相似文献   

The life of a product begins with the initial product design concepts; the costs and potential impacts of a product are heavily influenced by the final design, the production processes, the economic and environmental costs of all raw materials. Additionally, both of these factors are very much affected by how the products are managed during and after consumer usage. Thus, there is an urgent need for a tool to facilitate the integration and assessment of environmental and economic demands into the product planning and development processes. The introduction of environmental accounting based on emergy as a tool to assist in product design is proposed. This complementary tool may be inserted into the conventional design methodology to facilitate in the selection of materials and processes as well as in the actual design of the products. To illustrate the application of the proposed method for material selection, PET (polyethylene terephthalate) bottles and aluminum cans for beverage packaging are compared. Despite the exceptional condition of aluminum recycling in Brazil, results show that the best option for beverage packages is the PET bottles.  相似文献   

Environmental policies based on the extended producer responsibility (EPR) concept have been adopted in various countries, and the EU, as a strategy to promote product redesign and to reduce the amount and toxicity of solid waste. This paper describes the development and implementation of an EPR-inspired policy in Brazil to deal with tyre waste, and analyses its constraints. It is argued that the experience was an attempt to use an institutional solution to overcome structural problems. The findings provide a basis for recommending that governments pay attention to the potential constraints upon the effective implementation of foreign policy solutions before these are imported.  相似文献   

危险品罐区突发性泄漏事故实时环境风险模拟分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
分析了危险品罐区突发性泄漏事故的动态发展过程,并给出了具体的数学描述.将危险物质的最高允许浓度(MAC)、阈限值(TLV)、最小致死浓度(LCL0)以及美国环保局(EPA)工业环境实验室建立的针对生态系统的周围多介质环境目标值AMEGAE引入到环境风险分析中,建立了针对人和生态系统的环境危害程度分级标准.采用基于数学模型的模拟方法,结合苯储罐突发性泄漏事故,对苯泄漏速率、泄漏后在地表形成的液池的池半径和苯的蒸发速率进行了实时描述.采用改进后的重气扩散模型———箱模型(BoxModel)以及将连续泄漏看作连续的瞬时泄漏,模拟计算了地面附近苯蒸气浓度随时间和空间的分布,并根据文中建立的环境危害程度分级标准,对苯泄漏事故造成的实时动态环境危害进行了分析.  相似文献   

Traffic is a main source of air pollutants in urban areas and consequently daily peak exposures tend to occur during commuting. Personal exposure to particulate matter (PM) was monitored while cycling and travelling by bus, car and metro along an assigned route in Lisbon (Portugal), focusing on PM2.5 and PM10 (PM with aerodynamic diameter <2.5 and 10 µm, respectively) mass concentrations and their chemical composition. In vehicles, the indoor-outdoor interplay was also evaluated. The PM2.5 mean concentrations were 28?±?5, 31?±?9, 34?±?9 and 38?±?21?µg/m3 for bus, bicycle, car and metro modes, respectively. Black carbon concentrations when travelling by car were 1.4 to 2.0 times higher than in the other transport modes due to the closer proximity to exhaust emissions. There are marked differences in PM chemical composition depending on transport mode. In particular, Fe was the most abundant component of metro PM, derived from abrasion of rail-wheel-brake interfaces. Enhanced concentrations of Zn and Cu in cars and buses were related with brake and tyre wear particles, which can penetrate into the vehicles. In the motorised transport modes, Fe, Zn, Cu, Ni and K were correlated, evidencing their common traffic-related source. On average, the highest inhaled dose of PM2.5 was observed while cycling (55 µg), and the lowest in car travels (17 µg). Cyclists inhaled higher doses of PM2.5 due to both higher inhalation rates and longer journey times, with a clear enrichment in mineral elements. The presented results evidence the importance of considering the transport mode in exposure assessment studies.  相似文献   

石飞  杨庆媛  王成  江娟丽  胡蓉 《自然资源学报》2021,36(11):2892-2912
近年来,中国将石漠化等生态退化区作为休耕的主要试点类型区之一,该区域人地矛盾突出,休耕试点中多以村委会为休耕管护主体。立足于探索在生态退化区以新型经营主体为休耕管护主体的不同休耕管护模式中遇到的主要问题及其适用的运行条件,运用行动者网络理论,以国家第一批休耕试点的松桃县为案例区,选择5个片区(7个村)为样本,围绕不同休耕试点阶段遇到的主要问题,解析不同休耕管护模式下行动者网络的稳定性以及不同休耕管护模式的特点及其适用性。结果表明:(1)松桃县休耕试点形成了四种休耕管护模式,即模式Ⅰ(种植大户管护)、模式Ⅱ(农民专业合作社管护)、模式Ⅲ(公司/企业管护)和模式Ⅳ(村集体经济合作社管护);不同休耕管护模式下的行动者网络转译过程经历了两个阶段,并且遇到了9个方面的休耕问题,导致试行阶段的行动者网络不太稳定和调整阶段的行动者网络出现了分化,其中“休耕补助大幅减少和现行统一的休耕补助标准”是造成行动者网络分化的主要原因;应当制定有梯度、有弹性的休耕补助标准,加强休耕资金管理,创新投融资方式,加大机械化投入。 (2)休耕行动者网络中,人类行动者的理性行为是休耕试点顺利推进的关键因素,应当因地制宜地选择休耕管护模式及其策略。模式Ⅰ适合农业基础条件较好的坝区,但需要酌情提高现有补助标准;模式Ⅱ适合任何区域,但需要合理分配休耕补助和酌情提高现有补助标准,在做好风险防范措施的前提下,可以种植花生等利润相对较高的作物;模式Ⅲ适合石漠化程度较严重的区域,但需要资金雄厚和与休耕有产业上下游关联的公司/企业参与管护;模式Ⅳ适合土地流转费较低、村干部管理能力较强的偏远落后山区,但休耕区域必须符合休耕要求。(3)无论何种休耕管护模式,在生态严重退化区选取休耕区域,关键在于找准提升地力与农民增收的结合点,同时,严格筛选休耕片区和管控休耕时长,保障复耕后可持续利用休耕地以及做好休耕户转移劳动力就业工作。此外,应当完善乡镇政府、乡镇农业服务中心、村支两委和风险防范体系等休耕相关行动者,进一步提高休耕行动者网络的稳定性。  相似文献   

以农户调查为基础,采用农户分类和方差分析等方法,对农户土地利用方式选择行为及其环境影响进行对比分析。受其兼业性、收入水平、文化素质和生产规模影响,不同类型的农户在地块尺度的土地利用方式选择存在差异:纯农业户、低收入农户的土地利用方式选择具有多元化的特征,兼业户、高收入农户、文化水平高的农户往往选择经济效益高、耗时少的土地利用方式。不同类型农户由于其土地利用方式及其肥料投入、水资源利用和秸秆处理等的不同,对土地质量和环境变化产生不同的影响。  相似文献   

土地整理生态评价的方法与案例   总被引:54,自引:3,他引:54  
论文以陕西省榆林市榆阳区为例,借助GIS技术,利用评价模型,探讨了土地整理生态评价的技术方法,分析了生态评价不同综合分值的耕地、林地、牧草地、未利用地等土地利用的土地整理措施。生态评价综合分值在80~100之间的耕地应被划为基本农田保护区,其土地措施主要是进一步完善农田水利设施,提高农作物的品质;非天然林的林地应考虑向经济林发展,发展特色林果业;未利用地可作为耕地的后备资源进行有计划开发。分值在65~80之间的耕地应划为农田保护区,整理措施应注意农田防护林和水土保持措施的设计;林草地则要防止退化,适当发展经济林;未利用地在不破坏生态环境的前提下可适度开垦为耕地。分值在50~65之间的耕地整理措施在有条件的情况下逐步进行生态退耕;未利用地主要是保持原有植被,提高植被覆盖率。分值为0~50的耕地必须实行生态退耕还林还草的整理措施,林草地则注重保护和提高植被覆盖率;未利用地保持原状,不再开垦为耕地。  相似文献   

The industrialization of the Paraíba Valley, Brazil has been driven since the 1950s by an intense urbanization process, while municipalities located far from the valley's economic center stagnated. Despite the economic differences and unequal population distribution in the region, the municipalities share similar topographic characteristics with a predominance of hilly terrains. The depletion of the soils' productive capacity after numerous land use cycles without adequate management practices was a common cause of land use abandonment. This research analyzes land use/cover data, environmental policies, census-based data, and interviews with stakeholders, to understand the factors that account for a forest transition in the Paraíba Valley where gains in forest cover more than offset any remaining deforestation. Local conditions, such as topography, land use history, environmental policies, engagement of society in complying with legal regulations, commodity markets, and the action of enforcement agencies, represent dimensions which, combined, have boosted forest transitions.  相似文献   

区域土地利用转型分析——以长江沿线样带为例   总被引:38,自引:6,他引:38  
区域土地利用形态与其经济和社会发展阶段相对应,它随着某个区域所处的经济和社会发展阶段的变化而变化。区域土地利用转型,即区域土地利用形态在时序上的变化,它通常与经济和社会发展阶段的转型相对应。论文在划分长江沿线样带土地利用变化的区域类型基础上,结合社会经济统计数据,分析了各区段耕地和建设用地的变化。研究表明,长江沿线样带区域农村建房用地的转型基本上能反映整个样带的区域土地利用转型,且各区段所处的农村建房用地转型阶段非常明显。此外,还发现样带各区段所处的农村建房用地转型阶段与整个样带的社会经济发展水平相吻合。  相似文献   

A range of new nanomaterials to replace the active materials in lithium ion batteries are currently being studied and employed in an attempt to overcome various performance limitations of previous technologies. Nanomaterial production and manufacturing techniques appear to fit into a general trend towards more energy intensive production methods for high-tech goods. This does not necessarily imply an increase in lifecycle energy use; artefacts that consume or transform energy during use could possibly regain this increased initial input via increased efficiency in use. In particular, this paper highlights that larger gains could be possible if the artefact in question allows a given service to be provided via an alternative and more efficient system entirely.The lifecycle energy efficiencies of lithium ion batteries constructed from several new advanced materials are analysed with several different system boundaries. Although nanomaterials require more energy input to produce, the implications of nanomaterials for energy flows in the use phase (i.e. driving), and higher levels such as the architecture of future transport fuel production systems are much larger in magnitude than the initial lifecycle inputs for producing the materials in question.  相似文献   

Set-aside programs of the European government have a double impact on the regional soil erosion risk in agricultural regions: (1) there is less area susceptible to soil erosion and (2) fields with a high erosion rate are preferably taken out of production resulting in a decrease of the average erosion risk. In order to quantify this double effect an inquiry among farmers in central Belgium was set up to find out which fields are preferably taken out of production. A statistical analysis pointed out that fields with a weak slope gradient, a loamy topsoil and good soil drainage have a low probability of being taken out of production. The results of the questionnaire were used to construct a transition probability map representing for each field the probability that it will be taken out of production. These transition probabilities were used to simulate the decrease in regional erosion risk for different scenarios. The outcome of these simulations suggests that there is a negative power relation between the set-aside percentage and the regional soil erosion risk.  相似文献   

在加快建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会的背景下,以生态学和环境科学角度论述交通工程的生态功能。从泰州大桥建设实际出发,阐述创建环境友好型工程须遵循的理论基础及方法原理,提出创建工作要点,为泰州大桥创建环境友好型工程提供理论和技术参考。  相似文献   

用地指标是我国空间规划实施和国土空间管制的关键政策工具。研究收集省级土地利用总体规划(2006—2020年)新增建设用地指标数据,利用多层线性模型,分析了用地指标分配的偏好及其影响因素,并探讨了省级和市级因素对指标分配的交互作用机制。结果表明: (1)用地指标分配策略具有明显的地区差异性,绝对量呈现东高西低的格局,而相对量呈现西部和东南高、中部和东北低的空间特征;(2)用地指标分配模式主要受经济发展需求驱动,缺乏对水土等资源环境限制性因素的考虑;(3)快速发展期的省倾向于集中分配策略,发展水平较高的省则更为均衡。因此,需坚守资源环境底线,配合有效的经济激励政策,实施差别化的用地指标管理策略。  相似文献   

基于耕地生产价值和生态价值理论及其评估方法,构建农地整治背景下耕地生产价值和生态价值的分析框架,利用湖北省天门市和潜江市的农户问卷调查数据,采用DID模型和OLS模型,分析不同农地整治模式影响耕地生产价值和生态价值的作用机理。研究发现: (1)农地整治能较大促进耕地生产价值的提高,且新型经营主体主导模式的促进作用要优于政府主导模式;(2)农地整治能显著促进耕地生态价值的提高,但两种模式的促进效应没有明显不同;(3)耕地生产价值的提升有助于耕地生态价值的提高。基于此,今后不仅要继续加大农地综合整治的投资力度,还要在农地综合整治中重视生态整治,更要创新农地整治实施模式。  相似文献   

谭淑豪  刘青  张清勇 《自然资源学报》2021,36(12):3131-3143
关注以稻虾共作为代表的稻田综合种养土地利用新型模式,基于在湖北省潜江市和荆州市的实地调研数据,运用非期望产出的SBM模型和投入导向DEA方法,测算和比较了稻虾共作户和水稻单作户土地利用的生态—经济效果。研究发现:与水稻单作相比,稻虾共作能够改善土地利用的生态—经济效果;但调研区一半以上的共作农户仍然延续着传统粗放的生产模式,生产中存在严重的过量投入,阻碍了其土地利用生态—经济效果的进一步优化。此外,若忽略环境污染,只考虑经济效果,将导致稻虾共作的土地利用效率被高估45.28%。目前,稻虾共作提高土地利用效率的功能未能充分发挥,亟需把环境影响纳入土地利用效率评估中,贯彻“双水双绿”的发展理念,引导农户合理安排各项生产投入,切实优化稻虾共作的生态—经济效果,促进土地可持续利用。  相似文献   

危险废物在填埋场中的浸出规律模拟实验方法研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
应用数学模型对危险物质的非饱水浸出机理进行了分析,并建立了小柱非饱和水模拟浸出实验系统,对危险废物在填埋场中的浸出规律进行了研究,结果表明,小柱模拟实验能较真实地反映实际填埋场中危险组中填埋场中的迁移和浸出规律,该系统的建立为我国危险废物填埋场的设计、施工及埋场的安全评价具有指导意义。  相似文献   

“乡村振兴”战略是解决城乡发展不协调、乡村发展不充分问题的重要抓手。居业协同作为乡村人居融合发展的高级形态,其程度能够反映乡村振兴的质量与成效。采用土地利用数据从结构和利用两个维度探索淮海经济区中心城市徐州三个尺度下的居业协同格局,结果表明:(1)徐州市土地在供给方面表现出居业失衡,宅基地供给相对于经营性建设用地优势明显;但由于使用中宅基地的空废,二者利用状态表现得更协同。(2)不同空间尺度下,居业协同状态有所差异,其中乡镇尺度居业空间关系较为稳定,基本维持相对平衡,本文认为乡镇是土地资源配置、实施乡村振兴战略的最佳尺度。(3)后续研究中,居业用地适宜的比例及农用地对居业协同的影响都需要进一步探索。  相似文献   

基于耕地利用水资源的供需视角,在综合考虑耕地利用类型、作物种植结构、作物生长期等条件的基础上,结合黑龙江省的国家气象站数据,对耕地利用需水量与有效供水量从微观尺度上进行分析,并以此对1990—2018年内不同生长期耕地利用水土资源匹配的时空动态进行分析。结果表明:1990—2018年间黑龙江省耕地结构不断变化,旱改水现象在2010— 2018年间最为普遍;作物生育前期与中期需水量较多,后期需水量较少,需水量逐年上涨,与水田占比变化保持较为一致,并且空间上需水量高值地区偏移规律与同时段内的旱地水田化现象保持高度一致;1990—2018年间,作物各生育期水土资源匹配程度均先降后升,大部分的水土资源匹配高值地区分布在有效降水量的高值地区与旱地地区的交接地带,可见天然降水仍是满足耕地作物用水的主要来源;近年来三江平原南部地区水土资源匹配程度严重下降,粮食单产下滑,建议该部分地区减少旱改水工程量,同时,松嫩平原西部地区水土资源匹配水平与粮食单产逐年上升,可适当进行旱改水工程。  相似文献   

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