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Abstract Cities based on mining are distinctive from other cities in China. Their heavy dependence on minerals, a relatively undiversified industrial structure, seriously damaged ecological environment and the rather low degree of openness have all reduced their competitiveness, and severely constrained and hindered their sustainable development. In this paper the authors will study mining-based cities from the perspective of sustainable development, first by having a critical review of their features, and then by researching into strategic options to support their sustainable development. 相似文献
Walter R Stahel 《中国人口.资源与环境(英文版)》2007,5(4):3-19
From an economic point of view, the industrial economy is efficient to overcome situations of a scarcity of goods. From a technological point of view, the resource efficiency of the manufacturing processes of the industrial economy has been permanently improved during the last 200 years. In addition, cleaner processes have been developed. However, from an ecologic point of view, an increasing world population with increasing consumption has produced a "global footprint" which approaches the carrying capacity of the planet. A circular economy and its high-value spin-offs-a lake economy and a performance or functional service economy-can fulfil customers' needs with considerably less resource consumption, less environmental impairment in production and considerably less end-of-life product waste, especially in situations of affluence, when a considerable stock of physical goods and infrastructures exists. Also, in situations of a scarcity of natural resources, both energy and materials, often characterised by rapidly rising resource prices, the economic actors of a circular economy have a high competitive advantage over the actors of the industrial economy, due to much lower procurement costs for materials and energy. From a social point of view, a circular economy increases the number of skilled jobs in regional enterprises. However, the shift from a linear manufacturing economy to a circular or service economy means a change in economic thinking from flow (throughput) management to stock (asset) management: in a manufacturing economy with largely unsaturated markets, total wealth increases through accumulation as resource throughput (flow) is transformed into a higher stock of goods of better quality (but in a manufacturing economy with largely saturated markets, wealth represented by the stock of goods will no longer increase); in a circular or service economy, total wealth increases through a smart management of existing physical assets (stock) that are adapted to changes in both technology and customer demand. This second approach not only applies to physical capital but equally to social capital, such as health and education and green GDP. To measure the social wealth of a population, it is not the amount of money spent on schools and hospitals that matters, butif this expenditure has led to a better education of the students, and a better health of the people. 相似文献
王伟光 《中国人口.资源与环境》2011,21(10)
邓小平可持续发展战略思想是邓小平理论的重要观点,构成中国特色社会主义理论体系的重要部分,为我国实现经济社会全面、协调、可持续发展提供了科学指南.邓小平可持续发展战略思想的核心是坚持以人为本;邓小平可持续发展战略思想是全面发展观:邓小平同志提出了统筹兼顾的基本原则和根本方法,也是推进可持续发展的基本原则.邓小平同志可持续发展战略思想对我国的可持续发展具有极其重要的指导意义. 相似文献
As a significant issue, mining cities, especially the resource-exhausted mining cities have already been given intensive attention by academia and government. This article discusses the intrinsic and extrinsic reasons for problems of the mining cities from the perspective of sustainable development, quantitatively analyzes the economic benefit of the mining cities with statistical data, and presents the strategies and measures for sustainable development of the mining cities based on the theoretical discus-... 相似文献
中国农村发展的可持续走向 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
陈鹏 《中国人口.资源与环境》2006,16(5):25-28
从三种生产的视角看,农村发展的可持续方向是指农村发展趋向于三种生产的和谐运行与环境社会系统的稳定演进。获得“经济-社会-环境”整体高效益。资源环境问题是与一定的发展模式相伴而生的,针对中国农村地区的资源环境问题,通过深入剖析城乡整体、城乡之间以及农村内部三种生产的状况,提出改善中国农村发展状况的对策。 相似文献
Cui Jianhai Office of Countryside & Society Development Department of Science Technology of Shandong Province Jinan Shandong China 《中国人口.资源与环境(英文版)》2004,(4)
This paper set forth the goals of implementing sustainable development strategy in Shandong Province guided by the view of scientific development of being people oriented, comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable. Based on the target of sustainable development strategy in Shandong province this paper discusses the main tasks in the sustainable development strategy Countermeasures for sustainable development strategy in Shandong province are put forward. 相似文献
Cui Jianhai 《中国人口.资源与环境(英文版)》2013,11(4):57-60
Abstract This paper set forth the goals of implementing sustainable development strategy in Shandong Province guided by the view of scientific development of being people oriented, comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable. Based on the target of sustainable development strategy in Shandong province this paper discusses the main tasks in the sustainable development strategy Countermeasures for sustainable development strategy in Shandong province are put forward. 相似文献
淮南市持续发展的生态安全评价 总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14
淮南市是一所典型的煤炭资源型城市。是建立在资源、环境、经济和社会等子系统上的复杂系统。是城市发展与资源和环境保护之间矛盾较为突出的区域。主要表现在:城市布局不合理。城市整体结构不完善;人类进行煤炭资源开发利用过程中对生态和景观产生了干扰和破坏。从而造成其生态结构、功能的破坏以及量观的破碎化。本研究从压力-状态-响应三方面构建了淮南市生态安全评价指标体系。指标体系包括目标层、系统层、要素层和指标层。并给出了计算各评价指标值之闻均衡度的模型。量后结合RS、GIS技术实施该评价模型。对淮南市为实例进行了分析和评价。评价结果与实际情况基本符合。 相似文献
北方干旱、半干旱地区地下水超采严重,水资源供需矛盾突出。为探索一条地下水合理开发利用的途径.本文提出了“有序”开采的思路:在来来几十年内.政府部门应根据人口,经济发展规划提出地下水资源需求量的控制计划.并给下属各地区下达取水配额。使储存资源的消耗处于有计划和监控范围内。有序开采应分阶段实现:第一阶段应以抑侧超采量的过快增长为目标;第二阶段应以需水总量的下降为目标;第三阶段应实现总需水量低于地下水系统补给资源量,使数十年超采造成的储存资源亏空逐年得以偿还。“有序”开采应注意三点:①超采必须限制在有限时间内;②开采活动应在政府的严格控制之下。任何超过计划配额的取水行为都是不允许的;③开采量和总需水量的下降,必须以节水为前提。发达国家的需水量变化经历证明。通过“有序”开采实现北方地区地下水可持续利用是可行的. 相似文献
区域可持续发展战略规划的理论与方法研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
实施区域可持续发展战略规划是落实科学发展观的需要。结合广东省江门市可持续战略规划的实践,对可持续发展规划的概念、内涵、基本框架以及技术流程进行探讨。基本结论是:区域可持续发展战略规划应以“环境社会系统”全新的视角,回答一个区域该如何化解“三大供需矛盾”,消除“三大危机”,提高区域可持续发展能力的问题;对区域环境社会系统这类开放型复杂巨系统进行可持续发展战略决策,需采用专家经验与计算机建模相结合、反复试错、多元互动的综合集成方法。 相似文献
Study on Economic growth,Urbanization and Sustainable Utilization of Cultivated Land in China 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Wu Qun Guo Guancheng & Fan LiCollege of Land Management Nanjing Agricultural University Nanjing China 《中国人口.资源与环境(英文版)》2004,2(2)
By means of the dynamic regression model, this paper analyzes the relationships among economic growth, urbanization and changes of cultivated land in China, finds that the ratio of cultivated land occupied by economic growth is decreasing with social and economic growth. And, based on that, some policy suggestions on how to promote the sustainable use of cultivated land in China are put forward. 相似文献
Abstract By means of the dynamic regression model, this paper analyzes the relationships among economic growth, urbanization and changes of cultivated land in China, finds that the ratio of cultivated land occupied by economic growth is decreasing with social and economic growth. And, based on that, some policy suggestions on how to promote the sustainable use of cultivated land in China are put forward. 相似文献
Cui Jianhai 《中国人口.资源与环境(英文版)》2004,2(4)
This paper set forth the goals of implementing sustainable development strategy in Shandong Province guided by the view of scientific development of being people oriented, comprehensive,coordinated and sustainable. Based on the target of sustainable development strategy in Shandong province this paper discusses the main tasks in the sustainable development strategy Countermeasures for sustainable development strategy in Shandong province are put forward. 相似文献
中国资源型城市经济转型问题与战略探索 总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21
资源型城市经济性转型正面临着重大的经济、社会和资源环境问题:①城市产业结构属于资源型、粗放型的传统初级产业结构。技术水平与效益低下;②就业和社会保障压力巨大;③资源濒临枯竭。环境污染和生态问题严重;④机制体制问题突出。创新能力不足。资源型城市的经济成功转型需要战略创新。具体战略包括:发展目标创新——社会福利均等化、经济持续发展、生态环境整治与社会经济协调发展的三大效益目标;循环经济发展战略一多元化产业结构优化。构建生态产业体系。转变传统增长方式;资源替代与产业替代战略;科技创新战略——依靠高新技术的后发优势战略;生态城市战略;机制体制创新战略等。 相似文献
Zhao Linan Yang Bolin Xu MingzhiManagement School Xi''''an Jiaotong University Xi''''an China Shandong Institute of Architecture Engineering inan China 《中国人口.资源与环境(英文版)》2004,2(1)
Building ecocities becomes an objective requirement for sustainable development. This article discusses the relationship between sustainable development and sustainable urban development. On the basis of discussing the sigificance of sustainable urban development and that of an eco-city from different perspectives, it suggests several management strategies for developing an eco-city, a desirable sustainable urban model. 相似文献
Using 1995-2006 panel data for 210 cities, this article firstly measures total factor energy efficiency for Chinese cities with constant return to scale data envelopment analysis model,and then describes the features of regional differences. The results show that the changing trend displays four "reversed U" shapes. A turning point of widening gap occurred among cities in 2000 and there was a certain convergence among four regions. Urban energy efficiency level is unstable. Cities with low efficiency and high energy input will be the focus of energy-saving and reducing emissions. According to Tobit model, resource endowment, temperature, industrial structure, technology level and variety of policy factors should be treated differently in different situations. 相似文献
孙新章 《中国人口.资源与环境》2017,(4):1-5
2016年12月,国务院发布《中国落实2030年可持续发展议程创新示范区建设方案》,引起了国内外的广泛关注,成为当前中国推进可持续发展的标志性事件.本文介绍了该方案的制定过程及其重要意义,对方案的主要内容进行了解析,并提出了近期应围绕创新示范区建设开展的几项重点工作.文章认为,建立落实2030年可持续发展议程创新示范区是中国顺应全球可持续发展趋势的必然选择,是解决国内可持续发展主要问题的迫切需要,是回应国际社会期待的客观要求.文章提出,在建设落实2030年可持续发展议程创新示范区时关键要把握好四个原则:①勇于突破GDP导向的传统发展思维,真正以可持续发展的理念推动地方发展;②从制约地方可持续发展的瓶颈问题入手,通过制度、科技等各方面的改革和创新,形成成熟有效的系统性解决方案;③调动社会各界的积极性,形成政府引导、市场配置资源、各利益攸关方共同参与的机制;④主动分享系统性解决方案和实践经验,为全球可持续发展做出中国贡献.文章最后提出,面向未来,建设中国落实2030年可持续发展议程创新示范区要做好四个衔接:①加强与国家可持续发展实验区工作的衔接,形成互为支撑的布局体系;②加强与"绿色技术银行"工作的衔接,促进先进适用技术落地生根;③加强与国家科技计划的衔接,促进创新能力的提升;④加强与各领域改革工作的衔接,形成综合创新示范的局面. 相似文献
Either from the perspective of the finite supply capacity of global resources and energy,or from the perspective of global environment restrictive conditions,developing countries can not repeat the old development road of developed countries,either in view of the international pressure China is currently facing,or in view of China’s own resources endowment and stages of development,we must actively face such a challenge of climate change.We must recognize that the issue of climate change may be a great restraint to the present and future eco-social development,and may also be an important driving force and new opportunity to push forward the transformation of development pattern,to take a new road of industrialization and to realize sustainable development.This demands us,on the one hand,to take the Scientific Outlook of Development as the guide to make efforts to control the emission of greenhouse gases and continuously increase the capability of adapting to climatic change,and set up the overall plan to respond to climate change of our country,and on the other hand,we should unswervingly take the road of sustainable development,save energy,optimize energy structure and strengthen biological protection in slowing and adapting to climate change. 相似文献
国外资源型城市发展与转型研究综述 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
资源型城市的建设与发展是一个世界性的普遍问题.目前我国资源型城市的持续、健康发展已成为全社会共同关注的焦点.为借鉴国外相关领域最新理论研究和实践经验,促进我国资源型城市的转型与可持续发展,本文以国外资源型城市研究中引用率较高的文献作为主要参考,结合一些新近发表的相关论著,对国外资源型城市发展与转型研究进行了系统的总结和分析.结果表明:国外资源型城市研究经历了理论奠基与初步发展、理论规范性研究、转型研究和可持续发展研究四个阶段,各阶段在研究背景、研究内容、理论基础、研究重点等方面具有不同的特点.进而开展国内外资源型城市研究的对比分析,发现它们在资源型城市的定义和范畴、城市特征、企业与城市关系,以及研究领域和研究传统、研究手段和研究方法等方面存在联系与差异.最后提出应从完善研究内容、改进研究方法等方面出发,构建符合我国国情和资源型城市特征的资源型城市发展与转型研究方法和理论框架. 相似文献
Cao Jianmin Hu Ruifa Zhu Lifen 《中国人口.资源与环境(英文版)》2007,5(1):53-57
Today, the overuse of nitrogen (N) fertilizer and high N loss result in serious nitrate pollution of water and deter the sustainable development of agriculture and social economy. A recently developed site-specific nutrient management (SSNM) can reduce fertilizer N use while preventing the yield from falling. In this paper, we raise the question of fertilizer N application in rice production through a survey of farmers' practice of fertilizer N in 18 villages of four provinces. The average rate of N application for rice production in the 18 villages was 190 kg/ha, and 76% to 100% of the total fertilizer N which was applied within l0 days after transplanting resulted in lots of nitrate leached into water. Furthermore, we tested the effect of SSNM through farmer participatory trial. The SSNM technology maintained rice yields with significantly less fertilizer N and there was no increase in labor input, as much as 31% fertilizer N were saved with the SSNM technology. Finally, the paper points that extension and further research of the SSNM technology should be an effective method to deal with the contradiction of population, food and nitrate nonpoint pollution of water resource and promote the sustainability of agriculture. 相似文献