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With the aim being to have an integrated and efficient management system, Malaysia is currently facing a remarkable waste issue with a massive increase in waste generated per day. This study collected 400 survey responses to assess the satisfaction and awareness of households about various issues of solid waste management. This study revealed that the majority of the respondents were satisfied with their waste management services. However, there was concern about providing a more diverse waste management facility. This study found a strong positive relationship between age and waste reduction behaviours. The majority of the respondents agreed that their lifestyle affected waste minimisation. Almost half of the respondents indicated that they lacked knowledge to practise waste sorting. Age and education were positively correlated to reuse and recycling behaviours. Overall, a holistic waste management education is vital for Malaysia to build an efficient waste management system.  相似文献   

The required minimum 30-year post-closure care period for municipal solid waste (MSW) landfills can be shortened by reducing or eliminating of MSW components with long-terms effect in gas and leachate. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the relative persistence of landfill gas, leachate quantity, and selected leachate parameters using post-closure monitoring data from a case study landfill in south Florida. The relative persistence of selected decomposition byproducts in leachate were evaluated by both zero order and first order models based on monitoring data from the case study landfill. The analyses show that although gas and leachate production rates diminish very quickly, some contaminants remain in leachate as the decomposition process continues at a slower rate. For the case study landfill, the parameters which have been detected consistently at high concentrations (above MCL) included chloride, TDS, iron, bicarbonate, benzene, and vinyl chloride. Among these, vinyl chloride has the fastest and TDS has the slowest rate of disappearance in the landfill environment. The effect of waste diversion on persistence times of the selected persistent leachate quality parameters was evaluated. For example, a 40% reduction in the amount of plastics deposited in the landfill could reduce the monitoring time for benzene from 59 to 39 years. Zero order model underestimates the persistence times of the contaminants in leachate due to its linear nature. Shortening the monitoring times can provide significant savings for municipalities who need to continue monitoring leachate quality until the MCL levels are reached.  相似文献   

In Libya, municipal solid waste management is one of the services provided by the authorities to keep the county clean. This study was conducted in the City of Al-Bayda, located in the eastern part of Libya, as there have been several major problems facing the city in dealing with solid waste management. One of these problems is the generation, collection, handling, transportation, recycling, and disposal of municipal solid waste (MSW). This study has identified that the ongoing disposal of MSW to poorly engineered “dump sites” on the outskirts of the city is unsustainable and will not meet the demands of the growing population and increasing urbanization currently experienced within Al-Bayda. Factors impacting the decision-making and operational processes of MSW include lack of resources and services that significantly affect the disposal of waste, an inadequate number of waste collection containers making the distance to these containers for many households excessive, and thus leading to an increasing likelihood of dumping solid waste in open areas and roadsides. The study recommends that the city government of Al-Bayda should identify synergies and increase partnership-working arrangements with the private sector to ensure efficient management of MSW within the city area.  相似文献   

As biodegradable material represents approximately 70% of household waste in Brazil, any strategy to divert appreciable waste quantities from landfills of necessity has to include valorization and recycling of this material. A societal change of attitude is required to perceive this challenge. Experiments in an urban apartment building are described that produced this change of attitude with a success factor of 80%. Divided waste collection was implemented that separated at the source biodegradable from inert material. Correct collection, handling and display procedures were established. Composting of biodegradable material was carried out under the rooftop of the building as an alternative to using it as animal feed. Half of the inert material entered the reverse logistics chain and was also diverted from the landfill. Waste related material flow through the building is completely quantified, food intake and waste production are related, diversion of both biodegradable and inert waste components from the landfill is measured and the composting process is described. The landfill diversion stands at 61%, mass reduction through the composting process is 80% and matured compost is returned to residents for use in flower cages. The system has been operational for two years and stands out as a precedent in successful decentralized household waste management supported by material flow analysis. Readers should send their comments on this paper to: BhaskarNath@aol.com within 3 months of publication of this issue.  相似文献   

Industry has become an essential part of modern society, and waste production is an inevitable outcome of the developmental activities. A material becomes waste when it is discarded without expecting to be compensated for its inherent value. These wastes may pose a potential hazard to the human health or the environment (soil, air, water) when improperly treated, stored, transported or disposed off or managed. Currently in India even though hazardous wastes, emanations and effluents are regulated, solid wastes often are disposed off indiscriminately posing health and environmental risk. In view of this, management of hazardous wastes including their disposal in environment friendly and economically viable way is very important and therefore suggestions are made for developing better strategies. Out of the various categories of the wastes, solid waste contributes a major share towards environmental degradation. The present paper outlines the nature of the wastes, waste generating industries, waste characterization, health and environmental implications of wastes management practices, steps towards planning, design and development of models for effective hazardous waste management, treatment, approaches and regulations for disposal of hazardous waste. Appraisal of the whole situation with reference to Indian scenario is attempted so that a better cost-effective strategies for waste management be evolved in future.  相似文献   

Different solid waste management system scenarios were developed and compared for the Municipal Solid Waste Management System of Ankara by using the life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology. The solid waste management methods considered in the scenarios were collection and transportation of wastes, source reduction, Material Recovery Facility (MRF)/Transfer Stations (TS), incineration, anaerobic digestion and landfilling. The goal of the study was to determine the most environmentally friendly option of MSWM system for Ankara. The functional unit of the study was the amount of solid waste generated in the system area of concern, which are the districts of Ankara. The life cycle inventory analysis was carried out by IWM Model-1. The inputs and outputs of each management stage were defined and the inventory emissions calculated by the model were classified in to impact categories; non-renewable energy sources exhausting potential, final solid waste as hazardous and non-hazardous, global warming, acidification, eutrophication and human toxicity. The impacts were quantified with the weighing factors of each category to develop the environmental profiles of each scenario. In most of the categories, Source Reduction Scenario was found to be the most feasible management method, except the global warming category. The lowest contribution to GWP was calculated for the anaerobic digestion process. In the interpretation and improvement assessment stage, the results were further evaluated and recommendations were made to improve the current solid waste management system of Ankara.  相似文献   

Within the last few years, uncleared solid wastes, in the form of heaps, have become a common sight in many Nigerian streets and open spaces. In order to assess the magnitudes of these wastes, a survey of selected 15 Nigerian cities was conducted for 2 months in 1982 with a team of 116 enumerators. It was found that the volumes of these uncleared wastes ranged from about 2 × 106 kg/yr to as high as 56 × 106 kg/yr in the cities studies. It was also found that the areas within a radius of 0.5 km of the city centres accounted for about 40% of these uncleared volumes of solid wastes.As distances increased from the city centres, the volumes of these wastes tended to decline. Therefore, it was determined that the main problem areas for uncleared solid wastes are in and around the city centres. These areas should demand special attention by city waste disposal agents.  相似文献   

The Swedish regulations concerning disposal of clinical radioactive waste are currently under revision and a graded approach is proposed for risk limitation purposes. To assist the revision procedures, a screening study was performed to estimate public exposures from liquid releases from hospitals to public sewers. The results showed that doses to sewage workers were above the dose constraint of 100muSva(-1) especially for (131)I and (99m)Tc. Hence, a dynamic model, LUCIA, was developed for realistic assessments in which radionuclide transportation in sewers was modelled. Probabilistic simulations were performed to obtain probability distributions of radionuclide concentrations in sludge. Concurrently, estimates of the effective doses to sewage workers decreased significantly and were below 10muSva(-1) except for (111)In and (131)I. However, the Kd-coefficients representing the partition of radioactivity between water and sludge in sewers are highly uncertain for (111)In. As shown by sensitivity studies, these values are the major determinant of the exposures in sewers.  相似文献   

Religion in its most ideal form is seen as a powerful force to create ecological transformations to succeeding generations that share similar religious beliefs. This provides an interesting argument for enhancing their role in sustainability transitions. Malaysia is a relevant geographical context in this regard since almost all of its citizens formally embrace some kind of religious belief. However, such ideas are discussed mostly at the theoretical level with little systematic empirical investigation. This paper aims to fill this gap by presenting theoretically informed empirical insights on how a number of religious communities are currently creating successful experiments in recycling within the context of an urban community in Malaysia. The paper argues that such evidence may demonstrate the ‘potential’ role of religious communities to provide localised resources for recycling experiments that can be advantageous for the transition towards a more sustainable municipal solid waste management in Malaysia. The empirical basis of this paper is based on an exploratory multiple case study of successful recycling programmes conducted by selected religious communities from four key religions in Malaysia—Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism and Islam. The theoretical framework for this research is based on the sustainability transitions literature, particularly the ‘transition experiment’ framework.  相似文献   

Life cycle assessment (LCA) is a popular tool used to evaluate the environmental performance of municipal solid waste (MSW) management systems. Although reviews of LCAs of MSW have been undertaken to assess the validity of the ‘waste hierarchy,’ a recent review of the goal, scope and results of LCAs of mixed-material MSW management systems has yet to be performed. This paper is a comparative analysis of 20 process-based LCAs of MSW published between 2002 and 2008 in a total of 11 English-language peer-reviewed journals. It quantifies the methodological transparency of the studies and the frequency of use of particular system boundaries, types of data sources, environmental impact categories, impact weightings, economic valuations, sensitivity analyses, and LCA computer models. Net energy use (NEU), global warming potential (GWP), and acidification potential (AP) values for various types of MSW management systems are also compared using statistical indicators.The reviewed LCAs differ substantially in their system boundaries. Half or more of the LCAs either do not mention or are unclear in whether or not life cycle emissions from energy inputs or capital equipment are included in the calculation of results. Only four impact categories are common to more than half of the reviewed LCAs. The human and ecological toxicity impact categories are much less common than global warming potential, acidification, and eutrophication.A financial life cycle costing is present in eight of the reviewed LCAs, while an economic valuation of the environmental impacts is observed in five. Explicit sensitivity analyses are present in 4/20 of the studies, although many more LCAs evaluate the effects of varying model parameters by increasing the number of waste management scenarios. There is no consensus on whether or not to use the marginal or average source of electricity in calculating environmental impacts. Eight out of the 20 do not mention this source while the remaining LCAs are evenly split between the marginal and average electricity source. One quarter of the reviewed LCAs supply weighted results for the overall environmental performance of MSW management scenarios. All but one of these concurred with the ‘hierarchy of waste’ that the environmental performance of landfilling is lower than that of all the other treatment methods, and that thermal treatments are inferior to recycling.The comparative analyses of the NEU, GWP and AP results are based on 37, 45, and 42 MSW management scenarios, respectively. As measures of statistical dispersion, the interquartile ranges of the NEU, GWP and AP values are lowest for the landfilling (AP, NEU) and thermal treatment (GWP) scenarios. The results of the statistical analysis of the NEU, AP and GWP values appear to indicate that thermal treatment scenarios have a better environmental performance than landfilling, while the results for mixed treatment scenarios are less obvious. A comparison of the relative environmental performances of MSW treatment scenario types within each study did not provide a clear confirmation or repudiation of the waste hierarchy.This paper concludes that many recently published LCAs do not ensure that the methodological assumptions are made clear to the reader. Lack of transparency makes the results difficult to interpret, and hampers meaningful comparisons between the LCA results. A convergence in the adoption of particular assumptions that are more representative of MSW management systems would facilitate the comparison of the results.  相似文献   

Environment, Development and Sustainability - The growth of secondary and tertiary sectors in the peri-urban villages results in development strain and causes demographic, socio-economic, and...  相似文献   

中国缺乏生活垃圾管理成本核算,各类隐性补贴使生活垃圾焚烧社会成本被低估。本文将这一成本界定为社会因生活垃圾焚烧而承担的,以市场价核算的成本。基于生命周期评价(LCA)框架建立了城市生活垃圾焚烧社会成本核算方法,将该成本分为补贴项目与外部成本。前者包括固定成本、可变成本、税收减免,采用直接成本法、机会成本法、比较法计算;后者采用美国加州环保局热点分析计划建立的暴露途径分析方法,利用空气扩散模型(AERMOD)、空气扩散与风险评估工具(ADMRT)、"工资—风险"法计算二口恶英致癌健康损失。基于北京市运营的3座生活垃圾焚烧处理厂运营数据、排放参数、地形与气象参数对成本进行评估,结果表明:2015年北京市生活垃圾焚烧社会成本20.4亿元,相当于1 088.5元/t;其中,补贴项目占比30%,相当于324.5元/t,健康损失占比70%,相当于752.8元/t;垃圾处理费和电价补贴分别占补贴项目的 50.2%、20%,是焚烧厂的主要收入;生活垃圾管理"收集—转运—焚烧"全过程社会成本为42.2亿元,相当于2 253元/t,远高于40—300元/t的处理费标准。生活垃圾焚烧代价巨大但被隐蔽,又缺乏专门的危险空气污染物排放标准与健康风险评估,垃圾焚烧社会成本存在失控风险。建议:建立生活垃圾管理社会成本核算准则,实现成本显性化;明确生活垃圾管理社会成本降低目标,以强制源头分类、计量收费政策降低垃圾清运量、焚烧量;建立危险空气污染物定量风险评估制度,实施二口恶英减排。  相似文献   

Over the last decade, suppliers of drinking water have recognised the limitations of relying solely on end-product monitoring to ensure safe water quality and have sought to reinforce their approach by adopting preventative strategies where risks are proactively identified, assessed and managed. This is leading to the development of water safety plans; structured 'route maps' for managing risks to water supply, from catchment to consumer taps. This paper reviews the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) procedure on which many water safety plans are based and considers its appropriateness in the context of drinking water risk management. We examine water safety plans in a broad context, looking at a variety of monitoring, optimisation and risk management initiatives that can be taken to improve drinking water safety. These are cross-compared using a simple framework that facilitates an integrated approach to water safety. Finally, we look at how risk management practices are being integrated across water companies and how this is likely to affect the future development of water safety plans.  相似文献   

Environment, Development and Sustainability - Due to the high density of users hosted everyday, public buildings are important producers of waste and emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs). Public...  相似文献   

The comparative acute and chronic toxicities of municipal, industrial, coal-fired power plant, and synthetic fuel solid waste leachates to the aquatic invertebrate Daphnia magna were determined. Seventeen leachates were laboratory-derived by extraction with 0.5 N acetic acid, and one, an arsenic-contaminated groundwater, was naturally derived. The acute toxicity 48-h LC50 estimates (concentrations of the test materials that killed 50% of the test organisms in 48 h) ranged from 0.0005% for a dye waste leachate to > 100% (i.e., undiluted) for a coal gasification waste leachate. The most toxic leachates were derived from a dye waste, a plater's waste, and the arsenic-contaminated groundwater, and the least toxic were from a soybean process cake waste and a coal gasification waste. Of the 16 leachates used in the 28 day chronic toxicity tests, only the arsenic-contaminated groundwater and a municipal sewage sludge significantly affected D. magna reproduction. The former material at 1.0% concentration and the sludge at 0.1% caused about an 88% reduction in the numbers of young produced by exposed females compared with controls. Generally, the industrial waste leachates were more toxic than those from the power plant and synthetic fuel wastes. Because its presence in the test materials interfered with interpretation of the results, acetic acid may not be an appropriate extraction medium for preparation of leachates.  相似文献   

This research proposes for the introduction of a recycling system in the Gambia to enhance sustainable municipal solid waste management. Poor infrastructures, coupled with inadequate resources and lack of funding, work against the optimization of a MSW disposal service. In the authors’ view, authorities in charge of waste management need to change not only behaviors, but modernize their processes. Recycling technology is a key part of the solution. A model has been developed which suggest the involvement of stakeholders to achieve meaningful sustainable MSWM. This can be achieved by recognizing the role of the informal sector through community-based organizations, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), and the private sector. The open dump approach is leading to severe environmental consequences as the groundwater and soil within the dump is been contaminated. In this study, an integrated municipal solid waste management approach was developed with a model to help achieve sustainable municipal solid waste management. Resource recovery, not waste disposal, must be the ultimate goal with clearly defined end user markets so that the recovery loop is complete. Mandatory sorting of waste at household level would help greatly in making recycling activity successful.  相似文献   


The continuous increase in waste generation warrants global management of waste to reduce the adverse economic, social, and environmental impact of waste while achieving goals for sustainability. The complexity of waste management systems due to different waste management practices renders such systems difficult to analyze. System dynamics (SD) approach aids in conceptualizing and analyzing the structure, interactions, and mode of behavior of the complex systems. The impact of the underlying components can therefore be assessed in an integrated way while the impact of possible policies on the system can be studied to implement appropriate decisions. This review summarizes various applications of SD pertinent to the waste management practices in different countries. Practices may include waste generation, reduction, reuse/recovery, recycling, and disposal. Each study supports regional-demanding targets in environmental, social, and economic scopes such as expanding landfill life span, implementing proper disposal fee, global warming mitigation, energy generation/saving, etc. The interacting variables in the WMS are specifically determined based on the defined problem, ultimate goal, and the type of waste. Generally, population and gross domestic product can increase the waste generation. An increase in waste reduction, source separation, and recycling rate could decrease the environmental impact, but it is not necessarily profitable from an economic perspective. Incentives to separate waste and knowledge about waste management are variables that always have a positive impact on the entire system.


From 1975 to 2004, a municipal solid waste incinerator (MSWI) was operating in Montcada (Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain). Because of the potential health risks derived from emission of pollutants by the facility, especially polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and dibenzofurans (PCDFs), a long-term monitoring program focused on measuring the environmental levels of PCDD/Fs near the facility, and to assess the health risks for the population living in the neighborhood, was established between 1996 and 2002. A total number of 111 soil and 121 herbage samples were analyzed for PCDD/Fs during this period. Human health risks for the individuals living near the MSWI (500 and 1,000 m) were also assessed before (1998) and after modernization (2000) of the facility. It included PCDD/F inhalation, dermal contact, soil and dust ingestion, and food intake. All these data are here summarized. The environmental levels of PCDD/Fs showed that the MSWI was not the main responsible of the atmospheric pollution by these compounds. In turn, human health risks for the population living in the vicinity of the facility after introduction of a modern technology were negligible in comparison with the dietary PCDD/F exposure.  相似文献   

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