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Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Heavy metal contamination of Hg, As, Cu, Cr, Zn, and Pb was investigated in three different fractions 45, 125, and 200 μm of road dust...  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Humans who are exposed to metals in road dust may have potential health risks through touching, ingesting, and inhaling the suspended road dust. There...  相似文献   

典型石油城市道路积尘重金属污染及健康风险评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从新疆典型石油城市克拉玛依市采集52个道路积尘样品,测定其中As、Cd、Cr、Cu、Pb和Hg 6种重金属元素的含量,采用地质累积指数法与美国环境保护署(USEPA)推荐的健康风险评价模型,分析了道路积尘重金属污染及潜在健康风险。结果表明,克拉玛依市道路积尘中As、Cd、Cr、Cu、Pb、Hg的平均值分别为新疆土壤背景值的1.62、1.75、0.99、1.50、1.24、2.94倍,道路积尘中6种重金属元素的地质累积指数(I_(geo))平均值排序为HgAsCuPbCrCd。其中,Hg处于轻度污染,其他5种元素均处于无污染水平。总体上,As、Cu、Hg的I_(geo)从西北向东南呈减小趋势;Cd的I_(geo)空间分布较为离散,出现两个同心圆状分布格局;Pb、Cr的I_(geo)呈现均匀分布格局。健康风险评价结果表明,克拉玛依市道路积尘中重金属元素的非致癌风险及致癌风险均处于安全范围内,主要暴露途径为手-口摄入,儿童受到的健康风险高于成人,As是克拉玛依市道路积尘中最主要健康风险元素。  相似文献   

为探究土壤热修复后的土壤重金属形态以及健康风险的变化,以退役电镀企业地块的污染土壤为研究目标,分别在200、400和600℃下处理土壤15 min,以分析热处理对土壤重金属Cu、Pb、Ni和Cd赋存形态的影响、生物可给性变化以及重金属人体健康风险的差异.结果 表明,经热处理后,土壤Cu、Pb和Ni的酸可提取态增加,增加...  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Dust suppressant is widely applied to control the road dust pollution, while the unified statement on its control effect has not been obtained. To...  相似文献   

Magnetic properties of road dusts in the East Lake area in Wuhan, China, were measured and compared with the results of heavy metal analyses in order to delineate the sources of pollutants. A total of ninety-seven dust samples were collected spatially from four segments with different traffic density and field settings from the roads encircling the lake. Thermomagnetic and hysteresis measurements revealed that the dominant magnetic carrier is coarse-grained magnetite. Correlations between magnetic parameters and element concentrations with traffic density and distances to the industrial region revealed that elements Cu, Ni and Fe mainly originate from vehicle traffic, which is also the major source of coarser magnetic particles (e.g., pseudo-single-domain/multi-domain (PSD/MD) grains), while element Pb and the smaller grains such as single-domain (SD) magnetic particles mainly originate from industrial emissions. The ratio between anhysteretic remanent magnetization and low-field magnetic susceptibility (ARM/χlf) can be employed as an indirect indicator for Cu, Fe and Ni emissions resulting from vehicle traffic. Due to the intermixture of elements from different sources, the element concentrations are not conclusive about the pollution source. A linear correlation between magnetic concentration-related parameters (e.g., ARM and saturation isothermal remanent magnetization, SIRM) and the concentrations of major elements (e.g., Cu, Co, Fe, Mn, Ni and V) suggests that they can be used as a proxy for heavy metal pollution. Road dusts in four segments show different magnetic characteristics, indicating various influxes of anthropogenic magnetic materials from vehicle traffic and industrial plants due to the different traffic loads and field settings. These results suggest that magnetic measurements can serve as an efficient complementary tool for the routinely employed geochemical methods to map the heavy metal pollution and trace the sources of pollutants in the road dust.  相似文献   

研究了不同粒径垃圾焚烧底渣的质量分布、物质成分(XRF)、晶体结构(XRD)、PAHs含量、酸反应特性、PAHs含量以及在2种浸出液中的毒性浸出情况。在比较国内外相关研究的基础上,实验得出垃圾焚烧底渣主要分布在粒径大于0.28 mm范围内,相比一些地区的研究结果要偏细;主要的物质成分为SiO2、CaO、Al2O3、Fe2O3、MgO、Na2O和K2O,而主要的晶体结构则分别为CaCO3、SiO2、Ca(OH)2和Mg0.3Ca0.97CO3,都与其他地区的研究结果基本相同;PAHs含量为0.043 4~0.247 mg/kg,与一些研究欧洲地区底渣中PAHs的含量的结果基本相近,且PAHs同类物的含量也随着底渣粒径的减小而增大;同时,实验还得出底渣中8种重金属在2种浸出液中的浸出浓度都未超出危险废物浸出毒性鉴别标准值(GB 5085.3-2007),但当底渣粒径大于0.6 mm时,其对环境中酸性物质的缓冲能力变弱。通过比较国外的一些研究结果,得出如将底渣作为建材利用时,需采用相应防范措施以防止其所含的重金属对周围土壤和水体的影响。希望能为进一步认识、处理和利用垃圾焚烧底渣提供一定的理论参考。  相似文献   

北京高校校园道路灰尘重金属污染特征及健康风险评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了解高校校园道路灰尘重金属污染特征及其可能带来的健康风险,在北京10所高校共采集了50个道路灰尘样品,测定了灰尘中Cr、Ni、Cu、Zn、Cd和Pb的浓度,采用美国环境保护署(USEPA)推荐的健康风险评价模型对高校道路灰尘重金属做了初步的健康风险评价。结果表明,北京10所高校校园道路灰尘中Cr、Ni、Cu、Zn、Cd和Pb的平均质量浓度分别为0.77、85.07、82.41、34.03、54.30、308.31mg/kg,均高于北京土壤重金属背景值。10所高校的重金属平均地累积指数(Igeo)排序为ZnCdCuCrPbNi,其中Zn、Cd和Cu处于中度污染水平,Cr和Pb处于轻度污染水平,Ni处于无污染水平。对于非致癌风险,呈现摄食皮肤接触呼吸吸入的特征,摄食是主要的暴露途径,Cr和Pb是主要的风险元素。对于致癌风险,Cr、Ni、Cd的致癌风险均低于风险阈值。高校校园道路灰尘重金属引起的健康风险处于较低水平。  相似文献   

Areas contaminated with heavy metals can pose major risks to human health and ecological environments. The aims of this study are to assess human health risk and pollution index for heavy metals in agricultural soils irrigated by effluents of stabilization ponds in Birjand, Iran. The results revealed that the levels of Cr, Mn, Zn, Fe, Cu, Cd, and Pb were in range of 70.3–149.65, 355–570, 31.15–98.45, 23,925–29,140, 22.75–25.95, 0.17–6.51, and 8.5–23.5 mg/kg in topsoils, respectively. Total hazard index values from heavy metals through three exposure routes for adults and children were 9.13E−01 and 1.10, respectively, indicating that there was non-carcinogenic risk for children. The total risk of carcinogenic metals (Cr, Cd, and Pb) through the three exposure routes for adults and children was 1.06E−04 and 9.76E−04, respectively, which indicates that the metals in the soil will not induce carcinogenic risks to these age groups. Pollution levels of heavy metals in soil samples including enrichment factor (EF), contamination factor (CF), pollution load index (PLI), and geo-accumulation index (Igeo) showed heavy metal contamination of agricultural soils. The results of the present study provide basic information about heavy metal contamination control and human health risk assessment management in the study area.  相似文献   

A verity of human activities i.e. urbanization and industrialization have been resulted serious environmental contaminations by heavy metals in all over the world. The settlement of populations in urban and nearby industrial areas for economic development has significant share in their exposure to these metallic contaminants. Depending on the nature and type of the pollutants, targeted urban-industrial environments can have harmful and chronic health risk impacts on exposed local inhabitants and may require detoxification, healing and remedial therapy. Consequently, environmental monitoring as well as human health risk assessments of urban environments under industrial influence are key dominant features. We believe this work will provide new insights into the studies of metals exposure and associated health risks in emerging industrials cities of developing countries. Present study aimed to study the bioavailability of metals, quantify the changeability in soil and vegetable metal concentrations and estimation of human health risks via dietary exposure, focusing on urban-industrial environment. Soil and vegetable samples were collected in six random sites within the urban, periurban and industrial areas and analyzed for metal concentrations. In addition, risk assessment model proposed by US-EPA was employed to estimate the potential health risk of heavy metals via dietary intake. Results indicated that the heavy metal concentrations were noteworthy in periurban and urban-industrial areas. However, contamination levels varied with the type of vegetable, and the point source pollution such as traffic, urban wastes and industrial effluent. According to the estimated THQ and HI values for non-carcinogenic risk, little or no negative impact of heavy metals was observed on local inhabitants. However, the concentrations of Cr, Cd, Pb and Ni were nearly closed to the permissible limits described by US-EPA in urban-industrial areas. Conclusively, some efficient remedial strategies should be focus to overcome the increasing levels of Cr, Cd, Pb and Ni in this study area to protect the health of local inhabitants.  相似文献   

Chemical analysis of heavy metals in the insoluble residue, collected in standard dust fallout gauges, has enabled both the source of dust to be identified and its distribution to be measured over a wide area. A characteristic metal such as manganese has enabled dust from a brick manufacturing industry to be distinguished from Interference due to localized dust in a residential area. Analysis for cadmium, copper, lead, zinc and other metals in dust showed that dust was blown across residential areas more than 10 km from ore concentrate dumps.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Although heavy metal pollution has developed into a major global environmental problem, most research has focused on specific elements, especially...  相似文献   

公路地表灰尘及径流中颗粒物附着重金属对比研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对北京城区北三环上北太平桥以西约300 m处路段地表灰尘及径流中不同粒径颗粒物附着重金属载荷进行对比研究.结果表明:(1)随着颗粒物粒径的增大,地表灰尘中颗粒物附着重金属浓度总体上逐渐降低;地表灰尘中<40.00 μm颗粒物附着重金属浓度最高;重金属载荷分布集中度不强,但主要集中在地表灰尘中<300.00 μm的颗粒物L.(2)地表径流中大部分重金属附着在<125.00 μm颗粒物上;0.45~10.00 μm颗粒物附着重金属载荷最高;0.45~40.00 μm颗粒物附着重金属载荷平均为77.1%.(3)地表灰尘中<40.00 μm的颗粒物的潜在水环境风险不太突出,但是其实际水环境影响却起主导作用.(4)进入水体的小粒径颗粒物质量分数升高是地表灰尘和径流重金届载荷随颗粒物粒径分布不同的重要原因之一;大气湿沉降对小粒径颗粒物重金属载荷可能会有一定的影响.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Risks of heavy metal exposure from contaminated indoor dust constitute a major threat to human health. In this paper, heavy metals in deposited indoor...  相似文献   

焦化废水处理过程所排放污泥中重金属的含量及化学形态是否构成环境风险将直接影响污泥处置方法的选择,为此,实验采用BCR顺序提取法分析了焦化废水处理站外排污泥中重金属(Cd、Hg、Pb、Cr、As、Ni、Zn、Cu和Mn)的形态特征,并采用地累积指数(Igeo)和潜在生态危害指数(RI)评价了重金属对土壤的潜在环境风险。研究结果表明:除Ni主要以可氧化态存在外,焦化废水外排污泥中其他几种重金属元素主要存在于残渣态,重金属元素的含量低于《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准(GB18918—2002)》中的控制限值;与城市污泥相比,焦化废水外排污泥具有低Pb、Cr、Zn、Cu含量,而高Cd、Hg、Mn含量的特点;基于Igeo和RI的评价结果,Cd和Hg是外排污泥中具有一定环境风险的元素,需要考虑其下游去向。焦化废水处理外排污泥中主要存在残渣态重金属成分,不表现为很高的环境风险,其处置应重点考虑其中有机污染物特别是POPs。  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - This study aimed to evaluate the health risks of cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), inorganic arsenic (As), and nitrate exposure through the consumption of...  相似文献   

道路扬尘是大气细颗粒物的来源之一,道路清扫保洁可以降低道路积尘量和道路扬尘排放。收集北京市2015年道路尘土残存量(d≤2 mm)数据,采用道路积尘湿式采样器采集秋季道路积尘量(d≤180 μm),分析道路积尘的空间和道路类型分布特征,道路积尘中有机物和无机物含量等,并与瑞典斯德哥尔摩城市道路积尘特征进行比较。结果表明:春、夏、秋、冬和年均值道路尘土残存量分别为26.1、15.7、14.9、15.0和17.9 g·m-2,4类城市功能区的道路尘土残存量分别为13.8、15.0、24.8和20.6 g·m-2;秋季首都功能核心区和城市功能拓展区道路积尘量分别是道路尘土残存量的3.2和2.5倍,是斯德哥尔摩市道路积尘量的5.3和3.9倍;道路积尘量主要来自车辆遗撒、车轮带泥、非铺装路肩风蚀水蚀和大气降尘等无机物,无机物约占道路积尘量的(86.8±5.1)%,最高可达95.8%。建议严格控制渣土车遗撒和车轮带泥等污染源,并加强道路清扫保洁。  相似文献   

城市污水污泥的重金属离子Pb、Zn超过国家固体废弃物排放最高允许值,属于危险废物。污水污泥的最佳出路是无害化处理,资源化利用,产业化发展。研究了以上海市污水污泥为原料,加入一定比例的固化剂和矿物掺合料使之固结,经养护满足路用强度性能,测试其固结体重金属离子浸出质量浓度亦满足国家固体废弃物排放标准,即污泥中的重金属离子得到有效的束缚和稳定固化,既解决了环境问题,又为污泥产业化发展开辟了新的途径。  相似文献   

城市污水污泥的重金属离子Pb、Zn超过国家固体废弃物排放最高允许值,属于危险废物。污水污泥的最佳出路是无害化处理,资源化利用,产业化发展。研究了以上海市污水污泥为原料,加入一定比例的固化剂和矿物掺合料使之固结,经养护满足路用强度性能,测试其固结体重金属离子浸出质量浓度亦满足国家固体废弃物排放标准,即污泥中的重金属离子得到有效的束缚和稳定固化,既解决了环境问题,又为污泥产业化发展开辟了新的途径。  相似文献   

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