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The combined genotoxic effects of four anticancer drugs (5-fluorouracil [5-FU], cisplatin [CDDP], etoposide [ET], and imatinib mesylate [IM]) were studied testing their binary mixtures in two crustaceans that are part of the freshwater food chain, namely Daphnia magna and Ceriodaphnia dubia. Genotoxicity was assessed using the in vivo comet assay. Assessment was based on two distinct effect sizes determined from dose-response experiments. Doses for single and combined exposures expected to result in these effect sizes were computed based on Bliss independence as reference model. Statistical comparison by analysis of variance of single and combined toxicities allowed accepting or rejecting the independency hypothesis. The results obtained for D. magna showed independent action for all mixtures except for IM+5-FU that showed an antagonistic interaction. In C. dubia, most mixtures had antagonist interactions except IM+5-FU and IM+CDDP that showed Bliss independence. Despite the antagonistic interactions, our results demonstrated that combinations of anticancer drugs could be of environmental concern because effects occur at very low concentrations that are in the range of concentrations encountered in aquatic systems.  相似文献   

采用高效液相色谱-串联质谱(HPLC-MS/MS)检测,建立了地表水中13种药物及个人护理品的测定方法。水样用盐酸与氢氧化钠溶液调pH值至7.0左右,过固相萃取小柱进行富集,用14 mL甲醇洗脱。以C18柱为分离柱,0.01%甲酸的甲醇-0.01%甲酸水溶液为流动相,目标物在10 min内分离,在0.50~250 μg/L范围内,13种化合物峰面积与内标物质峰面积之比与质量浓度的线性关系良好(>0.99),检出限在0.05~0.5 ng/L范围内。基质加标实验结果表明,13种化合物在水中的回收率分别在56.2%~123.2%之间(加标水平5 ng/mL)和58.0%~107.8%(加标水平50 ng/mL),相对标准偏差在1.60%~19.9%(n=6)之间。应用该方法测定了从2条纳污河流采集的10份水样,结果表明,除美托诺尔和普洛萘尔未被检出外,其余11药物的检出频率在30%~100%之间。在13种目标物质中,咖啡因的检测浓度最高达287.5 ng/L,舒必利次之,为277.5 ng/L。本方法快速、准确,适用于地表水中PPCPs类的快速测定。  相似文献   

The residues of antineoplastic drugs are considered as new and emerging pollutants in aquatic environments. Recent experiments showed relatively high toxicity of 5-fluorouracil (5-FU), imatinib mesylate (IM), etoposide (ET) and cisplatin (CP) that are currently among most widely used antineoplastic drugs, against phytoplankton species. In this study, we investigated the toxic potential of the mixture of 5-FU?+?IM?+?ET against green alga Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata and cyanobacterium Synechococcus leopoliensis, and the stability and sorption of these drugs to algal cells. Toxic potential of the mixture was predicted by the concepts of ‘concentration addition’ and ‘independent action’ and compared to the experimentally determined toxicity. In both test species, the measured toxicity of the mixture was at effects concentrations EC10–EC50 higher than the predicted, whereas at higher effect concentration (EC90), it was lower. In general, P. subcapitata was more sensitive than S. leopoliensis. The stability studies of the tested drugs during the experiment showed that 5-FU, IM and CP are relatively stable, whereas in the cultures exposed to ET, two transformation products with the same mass as ET but different retention time were detected. The measurements of the cell-linked concentrations of the tested compounds after 72 h exposure indicated that except for CP (1.9 % of the initial concentration), these drugs are not adsorbed or absorbed by algal cells. The results of this study showed that in alga and cyanobacteria exposure to the mixture of 5-FU?+?ET?+?IM, in particular at low effect concentration range, caused additive or synergistic effect on growth inhibition, and they suggest that single compound toxicity data are not sufficient for the proper toxicity prediction for aquatic primary producers.  相似文献   

In the assessment of the quality of surface waters, the typical procedure is that the concentration of contaminants in the surface water is monitored and subsequently compared with their respective Maximum Permissible Concentrations (MPCs). If the MPCs are not exceeded the water quality is considered to be safe. But can we be certain that this is true?We compared MPCs to observed and calculated effects of measured contaminants in Dutch surface waters and showed that effects of mixtures can cause a daphnid population to go extinct within 30 h of exposure even when MPCs are not exceeded. We conclude that there are shortcomings underlying the concepts of the MPCs. And that the MPCs aim to protect 95% of all species is not met.  相似文献   


Investigation of suspect surface contamination in a building may require comparative sampling across different zones to provide meaningful information with regard to contaminant sources, pathways and/or extent of dispersal. However, evaluation of the data using traditional null hypothesis significance testing (NHST) based upon the mean may result in misleading inference when encountering erratic distributions typical of environmental contaminant data. Sampling data (n = 90) for lead content in surface dust collected throughout a historic building with suspect contamination from uncontrolled disturbance to lead coatings were evaluated using traditional NHST and randomization/permutation inference; the latter metric was the maximum difference in frequency of detection (Δfd max), to directly calculate the probability of the observed differences. In the examples for lead in surface dust presented herein, areas with “lower” mean concentration and/or no significant difference via NHST actually represented “greater contamination,” as Δfd max indicated a greater probability of encountering lead at higher concentrations. Resulting conclusions with regard to sources and pathways contradicted those generated from traditional NHST, and underscore the need to recognize differences in applicability of different inference approaches, depending upon the distribution of the data and the particular problem. This is particularly relevant for forensic purposes.  相似文献   

Considering tobacco smoke as one of the most health-relevant indoor sources, the aim of this work was to further understand its negative impacts on human health. The specific objectives of this work were to evaluate the levels of particulate-bound PAHs in smoking and non-smoking homes and to assess the risks associated with inhalation exposure to these compounds. The developed work concerned the application of the toxicity equivalency factors approach (including the estimation of the lifetime lung cancer risks, WHO) and the methodology established by USEPA (considering three different age categories) to 18 PAHs detected in inhalable (PM10) and fine (PM2.5) particles at two homes. The total concentrations of 18 PAHs (ΣPAHs) was 17.1 and 16.6 ng m?3 in PM10 and PM2.5 at smoking home and 7.60 and 7.16 ng m?3 in PM10 and PM2.5 at non-smoking one. Compounds with five and six rings composed the majority of the particulate PAHs content (i.e., 73 and 78 % of ΣPAHs at the smoking and non-smoking home, respectively). Target carcinogenic risks exceeded USEPA health-based guideline at smoking home for 2 different age categories. Estimated values of lifetime lung cancer risks largely exceeded (68–200 times) the health-based guideline levels at both homes thus demonstrating that long-term exposure to PAHs at the respective levels would eventually cause risk of developing cancer. The high determined values of cancer risks in the absence of smoking were probably caused by contribution of PAHs from outdoor sources.  相似文献   

While terrestrial moss and other plants are frequently used for environmental mapping and monitoring projects, data on the regional geochemistry of humus are scarce. Humus, however, has a much larger life span than any plant material. It can be seen as the “environmental memory” of an area for at least the last 60-100 years. Here concentrations of 39 elements determined by ICP-MS and ICP AES, pH and ash content are presented for 259 samples of forest floor humus collected at an average sample density of 1 site/300 km2 in the Czech Republic. The scale of anomalies linked to known contamination sources (e.g., lignite mining and burning, metallurgical industry, coal fired power plants, metal smelters) is documented and discussed versus natural processes influencing humus quality. Most maps indicate a local impact from individual contamination sources: often more detailed sampling than used here would be needed to differentiate between likely sources.  相似文献   

In the present study, we aim to investigate the extent of soil contamination by Hg, particularly by anthropogenic Hg, and tentatively estimate the total Hg (HgT) accumulation in topsoils (0-15 cm) in Fuyang, Zhejiang Province—a secondary Cu smelter of China. The results show that the levels of soil Hg in the vicinity of the smelters have been substantially elevated following local smelting activities. The spatial distribution of soil Hg in this area reveals a rapid decrease as the distance from the smelter reaches 1.5 km, which is probably due to the quick deposition process of particulate Hg and reactive gaseous Hg emitted from the smelters. The total accumulation of HgT in the topsoils of the study area of 10.9 km2 is approximately 365-561 kg and of which 346-543 kg might be contributed by anthropogenic emission alone with an annual emission of 17.3-27.2 kg Hg to the topsoils.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - It is well known that road transport emits various trace elements into the environment, which are deposited in soils in the vicinity of roads,...  相似文献   

Ground and river water from Bulgarian Danube plain, an intensive agricultural area, was monitored for pesticide contamination. Seventeen pesticides belonging to 5 chemical groups were selected for analysis according to a farm use survey. The study has been carried out for two years. Analysis were carried out by capillary gas chromatography (GC) using a dual detection system (ECD and NPD), as well as by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with UV detection. Atrazine was the compound found most often in ground water. The other active ingredients detected in ground and river water were mainly herbicides (alachlor, 2,4-D, metolachlor). The organochlorine insecticides, lindane and endosulfan, were detected at extremely low concentrations. The contamination of atrazine was associated mostly with continuous corn production.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Soil contamination by trace elements like copper (Cu) can affect soil functioning. Environmental policies with guidelines and soil survey measurements...  相似文献   

Data from recent sediment and surface water surveys have been collated and mapped to illustrate the spatial distribution of contaminants across the entire Great Lakes basin. Information from historical surveys, together with data from surface water monitoring programs in three major connecting channels, has also been collated in order to evaluate temporal trends. In general, Lakes Superior and Michigan exhibited the lowest levels of sediment contamination while Lake Ontario had the highest. Contaminants such as gamma-HCH (lindane) and dieldrin were ubiquitous in surface waters across the entire basin, which was indicative of atmospheric sources. The distribution of other compounds including hexachlorobenzene, octachlorostyrene and mirex indicated the presence of local sources within the watersheds of the connecting channels. Surficial sediment contamination was found to have decreased markedly since the late 1960s and 1970s. Similarly, surface water contamination decreased over the period 1986-1997 with concentrations of dieldrin, hexachlorobenzene, octachlorostyrene and mirex reduced by over 50%. However, the spatial distributions of both sediment and surface water contamination indicate that further effort is warranted in reducing local sources of contaminants, particularly in Lake Ontario.  相似文献   

Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) contamination in tropical and sub-tropical areas and the associated risks have attracted great concern. A total of 69 samples representing five distinct land types were collected to assess PCB concentrations in the Pearl River Delta (PRD), South China, including spatial distributions in soils of the area, the probable anthropogenic sources, and related potential risks. PCBs concentrations in soils of the PRD ranged from 0.3 to 202 ng?g?1. More severe PCBs contamination was presented in the western part than in the eastern part of the PRD region. The PCBs were dominated by low-chlorinated biphenyls; however, the proportion of higher-chlorinated biphenyls was elevated with the influence of industrial activities. Principal component analysis indicated that PCBs contamination in soils of the PRD region was mainly associated with 1#PCBs, while 2#PCB and e-waste emission in South China also accounted for it partly, especially to the industrial activity severely impacted areas. Toxic equivalent (TEQ) of the dioxin-like PCBs in the soils indicated that higher risk of PCB contamination was presented in the Dongjiang River Valley (55 ng?TEQ?kg?1, on average) than in the Xijiang River Valley, and were mostly contributed by the congener of PCB126.  相似文献   

An intensive investigation was conducted to study the distribution of trace metals in surface soils of Hong Kong and to assess the soil environmental quality. From results of cluster analysis, and comparisons among soil types and areas, it is clearly shown that increases in trace metal concentrations in the soils were generally extensive and obvious in urban and orchard soils, less so in vegetable soils, whilst rural and forest soils were subjected to the least impact of anthropogenic sources of trace metals. However, some of the forest soils also contained elevated levels of As, Cu, and Pb. Urban soils in Hong Kong were heavily polluted by Pb from gasoline combustion. Agricultural soils, both orchard and vegetable soils, usually accumulated As, Cd, Cu, and Zn originating from applications of pesticides, animal manures, and fertilizers. In general, trace metal pollution in soils of the industrial areas and Pb pollution in the soils of the commercial and residential areas were obvious.  相似文献   

K Kümmerer 《Chemosphere》2001,45(6-7):957-969
After administration, pharmaceuticals are excreted by the patients into wastewater. Unused medications are sometimes disposed of in drains. The drugs enter the aquatic environment and eventually reach drinking water if they are not biodegraded or eliminated during sewage treatment. Additionally, antibiotics and disinfectants are supposed to disturb the wastewater treatment process and the microbial ecology in surface waters. Furthermore, resistant bacteria may be selected in the aeration tanks of STPs by the antibiotic substances present. Recently, pharmaceuticals have been detected in surface water, ground water and drinking water. However, only little is known about the significance of emissions from households and hospitals. A brief summary of input by different sources, occurrence, and elimination of different pharmaceutical groups such as antibiotics, anti-tumour drugs, anaesthetics and contrast media as well as AOX resulting from hospital effluent input into sewage water and surface water will be presented.  相似文献   

The contamination level of 92 samples (12 species) of wild edible mushrooms and underlying substrates with heavy metals (Cd, Cu, Hg, Pb and Zn) in the Slovak Paradise National Park that borders with a region of historical mining and processing of polymetallic ores, were determined. The collected samples were analyzed using of atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The metals were determined separately in hymenophore (H) and rest of fruit bodies (RFB). Bioaccumulation factor as well as ratio of metal content in H and RFB were calculated. Cadmium and lead contents in hymenophore exceeded statutory limits of the EU (Cd: 0.5 mg/kg dry weight (dw), Pb: 1.0 mg/kg dw) for edible mushrooms in 96% and 83% of the samples, respectively. The risk from the consumption of the collected mushroom species was calculated based on the provisionally tolerable weekly intake (PTWI) values, and the highest health risk arising with consumption of particularly Macrolepiota procera, Marasmius oreades and Russula vesca from the observed area was demonstrated. It was shown that average weekly consumption of tested mushrooms species results the threat of exceeding of PTWI limits in the case of cadmium values (by 164%, 86% and 4% of PTWI for M. oreades, R. vesca and R. puellaris, respectively) and of mercury (by 96% of PTWI for M. procera) but not lead.  相似文献   

In 2003, concentrations of altogether 17 PCDD/Fs congeners and 12 non-ortho and mono-ortho dioxin-like PCBs were measured in the blood of 60 randomly selected adults who lived in three settlements surrounding a chemical plant that had been producing chlorinated herbicides (mainly HCHs, HCB, pentachlorophenole, 2,4,5-T) in the 1960's; subjects consuming home-produced animal foods were chosen. Twenty blood donors with similar characteristics from the locality with about 80 km distance were used as control subjects. The factors that influenced the dioxin levels were investigated on the basis of a questionnaire. The aim of our study was to find out whether the residents living in the surroundings of the chemical plant are at a greater exposure risk than the controls. To calculate TEQ values, WHO-TEFs were used. The concentrations of four PCDD and six PCDF congeners were below the LOD in more than 50% of samples. Significantly higher WHO-TEQ levels (p<0.05) were found for PCDDs, PCDFs, or PCBs in all three followed up groups compared with controls. The geometric means of the total TEQ values for PCDD/F/PCBs were 43.8, 50.2, and 40.0 pg/g fat compared to 23.2 pg/g fat in the control. The percentages of TEQ due to the measured congeners in exposed groups were 9-10.3% for PCDDs, 20.5-26.9% for PCDFs, 19.2-23.1% for coplanar and 43.6-47.2% for mono-ortho PCBs. In control, the percentage of TEQ was 11.6, 26.7, 24.1, and 37.5%. PCBs, predominantly PCB156, followed by PCB126 contributed 60 to 70% of the total TEQ value. Positive correlation of the PCDD/PCDF/PCB blood levels with age and with consumption of locally produced eggs was found.  相似文献   

In 2007, a program was initiated to monitor air levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and bioaerosols in the vicinity of a municipal solid waste incinerator (MSWI) (Tarragona, Catalonia, Spain). To investigate the temporal trends of chemical and microbiological pollutants, four 6-monthly campaigns were performed. Air samples were collected at different distances and directions from the facility, as well as in reference sites. In general terms, the concentrations of microbiological agents were very similar to those found in urban zones worldwide. The seasonal evaluation of the results showed higher levels of gram-negative bacteria in winter, contrasting with the increase of the airborne amount of total bacteria in summer. On the other hand, the concentrations of VOCs (mean range: 7.6-18.2 μgm−3) were typical of suburban zones. The current exposure to those compounds should not mean additional health risks for the population living nearby.  相似文献   


The level of nitrate in water has been increasing considerably all around the world due to vast application of inorganic nitrogen fertiliser and animal manure. Because of nitrate’s high solubility in water, human beings are getting exposed to it mainly through various routes including water, food etc. Various regulations have been set for nitrate (45–50 mgNO3?/L) in drinking water to protect health of the infants from the methemoglobinemia, birth defects, thyroid disease, risk of specific cancers, i.e. colorectal, breast and bladder cancer caused due to nitrate poisoning. Different methods like ion exchange, adsorption, biological denitrification etc. have the ability to eliminate the nitrate from the aqueous medium. However, adsorption process got preference over the other approaches because of its simple design and satisfactory results especially with surface modified adsorbents or with mineral-based adsorbents. Different types of adsorbents have been used for this purpose; however, adsorbents derived from the biomass wastes have great adsorption capacities for nitrate such as tea waste-based adsorbents (136.43 mg/g), carbon nanotube (142.86 mg/g), chitosan beads (104 mg/g) and cetyltrimethylammonium bromide modified rice husk (278 mg/g). Therefore, a thorough literature survey has been carried out to formulate this review paper to understand various sources of nitrate pollution, route of exposure to the human beings, ill effects along with discussing the key developments as well as the new advancements reported in procuring low-cost efficient adsorbents for water purification.


Levels of dioxins and furans in urban surface soil in Trondheim, Norway   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A study was conducted on polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) in surface soil in order to determine the concentration levels and possibly distinguishing between known and potential sources. The concentration levels are low (0.16-14 ng I-TEQ kg(-1)). The results show a clear pattern where the highest concentration levels were found in the oldest parts of the city. A number of sources were recognised in the soil samples through congener profiles, not all of them active, although similar congener profiles make it extremely difficult to distinguish between different sources. Estimations show that the municipal solid waste incinerator (MSWI) and domestic wood burning are the largest PCDD/F pollution sources within the area.  相似文献   

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