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There are few accounts of oil contamination of raptors, and it has not been considered a threat for them. However, we and our colleagues found oil-based asphalt on 55 individuals of 9 species out of 1052 raptors (5.2%) captured and examined in the spring of 1985 and 1986 during our raptor migration study at Elat, Israel. Some were extensively contaminated and probably succumbed to the effects of ingested asphalt. The birds most likely picked up the contamination while drinking water from pools with surface oil. Examples of the contamination will be described. Over 1.2 million raptors were counted passing Elat during the spring of 1985. If 5% of these were contaminated, that would be over 60,000 birds, and this does not consider the raptors that migrate along the Red Sea and do not pass near Elat, nor those that pass Elat unseen by the counters. Thus asphalt contamination could be a major problem for raptors migrating along the Red Sea.  相似文献   

To assess the concentration and status of metal contaminants in four major Southeast Asian river systems, water were collected from the Tonle Sap–Bassac Rivers (Cambodia), Citarum River (Indonesia), lower Chao Phraya River (Thailand), and Saigon River (Vietnam) in both dry and wet seasons. The target elements were Be, Al, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Se, Mo, Ag, Cd, Ba, Tl, and Pb and the concentrations exceeded the background metal concentrations by 1- to 88-fold. This distinctly indicates enrichment by human urban area activities. The results of a normalization technique used to distinguish natural from enriched metal concentrations confirmed contamination by Al, Cd, Co, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Zn. Cluster analysis revealed the probable source of metals contamination in most sampling sites on all rivers studied to be anthropogenic, including industrial, commercial, and residential activities. Stable lead isotopes analyses applied to track the sources and pathways of anthropogenic lead furthermore confirmed that anthropogenic sources of metal contaminated these rivers. Discharges of wastewater from both industrial and household activities were major contributors of Pb into the rivers. Non-point sources, especially road runoff and street dust, also contributed contamination from Pb and other metals.  相似文献   

指示水体病原污染的微生物及其检测   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
受粪便污染的水体可能含有严重威胁人类和动物健康的致病微生物,由于病原微生物在水环境中往往数量较少、检测比较困难,通常采用检测与病原微生物具有密切关系的指示微生物来指示和估计病原污染.指示微生物包括总大肠菌群及其替代微生物,已被广泛应用于水体污染程度检测等方面.总结了各种指示微生物的特性、应用范围以及检测方法等方面的最新研究进展.初步介绍了指示微生物和水环境之间的关系,着重介绍了判断病原微生物污染来源的指示微生物及其最新检测方法.  相似文献   

Burfield IJ 《Ambio》2008,37(6):401-407
To conserve biodiversity efficiently, an international framework is needed to ensure that national priorities take into account regional and global priorities. BirdLife International has published five comprehensive assessments of the global status of the world's birds and two evaluations of the status of Europe's birds at a continental level. This paper analyzes the results of these assessments in relation to Europe's 56 species of raptors and owls, 18% of which are of global conservation concern, and 64% of which have an unfavorable conservation status in Europe. The European Union (EU) holds half of the total estimated European breeding population of raptors and owls, and European Russia supports another third, but every European country has a responsibility for at least two species of European conservation concern. During the 1990s, more raptors increased than decreased in most EU member states, but the opposite was true in eastern Europe, where many of the most threatened species are concentrated. Given the popularity of these species with the public, and the political commitment to halt the loss of biodiversity by 2010, much more action is needed to monitor and conserve birds of prey.  相似文献   

The influence of oil concentration on hydrocarbon biodegradation in a sandy sediment was studied in polyvinyl chloride reactors (0.45 x 0.28 x 0.31 m) containing 76.8 kg of beach sand in natura, where the upper layer was artificially contaminated with petroleum. The oil-degrading microorganisms used consisted of a mixed culture named ND, obtained from landfarming and associated with indigenous microorganisms. On the 28th day of the process, the degradation in reactors containing sandy sediment contaminated with light Arabian oil and presenting an initial oil content of 14, 21 or 28 g kg-1 reached the following levels (%): 33.7, 32.9 and 28.9 for oil and grease; up to 88.3, 35.3 and 13.0 for C14-C26 n-alkanes; and 100, 61.3 and 59.4 for pristane, respectively. Phytane removal (37.1%) was only detected in the reactor contaminated with the lowest oil concentration studied. These results, together with the expressive bacterial growth observed (from 10(6) to 10(11) cfu g-1) give strong support to the argument that biodegradation was the dominant component of the remediation process. Susceptibility to biodegradation was inversely proportional to increasing oil contamination. The degradation of branched alkane: pristane was not repressed by the presence of n-alkanes.  相似文献   


The development of high-resolution mass spectrometry methods for the measurement of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in environmental samples has dramatically reduced detection limits, leading to problems obtaining clean blanks. When PCBs are detected in samples at concentrations similar to the blanks, blank contamination must be addressed before fingerprinting and source apportionment through positive matrix factorization (PMF) can be successful. We tested a variety of blank correction methods using data from a study of water column concentrations of PCBs in the Spokane River, where concentrations of Σ209PCBs in whole water samples averaged 171?pg/L without blank correction and Σ209PCBs in the blanks averaged 88?pg/L. The results suggest that subtracting blank masses from sample masses can lead to erroneous results. Instead, censoring at one times the batch-specific blank level is a better approach. The sources of PCBs in field and method blanks were investigated by examining their congener profiles via PMF. The results suggest that commercial PCB formulations (in the US, Aroclors) continue to be the primary source of PCBs in blanks forty years after PCB production and use were banned in the United States. Other sources of PCBs to blanks include PCB 11 from pigments; PCBs 44?+?47?+?65, 45?+?51, and 68 arising from polymers cured using bis(2,4-dichlorobenzoyl) peroxide; and PCBs 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 15 and others arising from silicone products derived from phenylsiloxanes, such as silicone-based adhesives.  相似文献   

Birds of prey, owls and falcons are widely used as sentinel species in raptor biomonitoring programmes. A major current challenge is to facilitate large-scale biomonitoring by coordinating contaminant monitoring activities and by building capacity across countries. This requires sharing, dissemination and adoption of best practices addressed by the Networking Programme Research and Monitoring for and with Raptors in Europe (EURAPMON) and now being advanced by the ongoing international COST Action European Raptor Biomonitoring Facility. The present perspective introduces a schematic sampling protocol for contaminant monitoring in raptors. We provide guidance on sample collection with a view to increasing sampling capacity across countries, ensuring appropriate quality of samples and facilitating harmonization of procedures to maximize the reliability, comparability and interoperability of data. The here presented protocol can be used by professionals and volunteers as a standard guide to ensure harmonised sampling methods for contaminant monitoring in raptors.Electronic supplementary materialThe online version of this article (10.1007/s13280-020-01341-9) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Due to rapid urbanization, industrialization, agricultural development, and mining activities, soil heavy metal pollution has become a severe issue in...  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Anticoagulant rodenticides (ARs) are used globally to control rodent pest infestations in both urban and agricultural settings. It is well documented...  相似文献   

Elevated levels of total glutathione and enhanced activities of glutathione reductase and ascorbate peroxidase were found in needles of red spruce which had been exposed to acidic mists. Reduced levels of ascorbate were also detected. Such observations suggest that oxidative stress is involved in processes which resist foliar injury caused by acidic misting. Different ionic compositions of the acidic mists applied had pronounced effects on the levels of these antioxidants and the activities of related enzymes. Sulphate was found to be most effective in causing increases in glutathione, while additions of ammonium and/or nitrate mitigated the effects of sulphuric acid. Moreover, it is the composition of ions in the applied mists, rather than the levels of acidity, that determines the extent of the overall response of red spruce. By contrast, although acidic mists caused similar increases in glutathione content of Norway spruce needles, no statistically significant changes of ascorbate or related enzymic activities were found.  相似文献   

Rametes of Norway spruce were fumigated with 30 ppb (nl litre(-1)) ozone above ambient level for 4 years in open-top chambers. They were grown under different light conditions, because some of the chambers received approximately 10% less light than the others. Samples from three age classes were analyzed for nitrogen and pigments using HPLC. It could be demonstrated that the ozone treatment reduced the concentration of chlorophyll (a) and (b), alpha- and beta-carotene, but increased the concentration of antheraxanthin. A significant decrease was found for the violaxanthin/antheraxanthin ratio following the ozone treatment. The concentration of all the pigments and of nitrogen were significantly related to the age classes, and a similar relationship was found for the light levels, except for antheraxanthin and total carotenoids. The ratio of chlorophyll a/b was only significantly related to the age classes.  相似文献   

The concentrations of air pollutants were measured during selected periods in late 1974 and early 1975. The observed concentrations were low, comparable to results from similar measurements reported in the literature. This study shows significant time variations in the concentrations of heavy metals, and a clear correlation between the level of these pollutants and the direction of air transport. The lowest concentrations were always observed when air transport was from areas with few sources of pollutants.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the potential of a native wild bird, Lagopus lagopus, as a monitor of environmental metal levels, in particular with respect to the influence of atmospheric deposition of metals from long-range transport. Specimens of willow ptarmigan were collected from ten different locations in Norway. The concentrations of cadmium, zinc and copper were determined in kidneys of birds from all sites. Mean cadmium levels in adult ptarmigan kidney ranged from 6.6 to 48.5 microg g(-1) (wet weight), with individual concentrations up to 71.0 microg g(-1). These are among the highest cadmium levels reported in wild birds. The kidneys of adult birds contained 3-10 times higher cadmium levels than kidneys from juvenile birds in the same collection area, and most of the high cadmium levels probably reflect natural exposure, rather than atmospheric pollution. Concentrations of elements in kidney tissues were highly correlated with each other.  相似文献   

Monitoring of ambient air PCDD/F levels in Portugal   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Coutinho M  Pereira M  Borrego C 《Chemosphere》2007,67(9):1715-1721
As part of a monitoring program conducted by IDAD--Institute for Environment and Development and supported by regional municipal solid waste (MSW) management authorities, dioxin concentrations in ambient air were measured in three regions of Portugal: Porto, Lisbon and Madeira. These independent studies were performed with the intention of providing data as a basis for the evaluation of potential impacts of the operation of recently built MSW incinerators. Thus, 170 samples were collected in nine different sites from January 1999 till present. The measured levels revealed an extremely variable content of PCDDs/PCDFs depending both on the area and the season of the year. Samples taken in Porto and Lisbon reveal a similar homologue structure even if concentrations measured in the Porto region are significantly greater. Data from Madeira is characteristic of a remote site with some of the congeners concentrations below the detection limit.  相似文献   

Evidently increased environmental pollution as a consequence of the 25-year manufacture of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in eastern Slovakia was observed. PCB levels determined in ambient air, soil, surface water, bottom sediment, wildlife (fish and game) samples collected in a potentially contaminated area of about 250 km2 (a part of the Michalovce district) were compared with those determined in a control area (Stropkov district). Up to 1700 ng/m3 were found in ambient air in a village close to a manufacturer's dumping site and a highly contaminated manufacturer's effluent canal whereas PCB concentrations in ambient air samples taken in villages in the control area were about 80 ng/m3 only. While soil samples taken from the agricultural fields of the polluted area contained PCBs at levels comparable with soil samples from the control area (about 0.008 mg/kg) much higher values (from 0.4 to 53,000 mg/kg) were determined in soil taken in the vicinity of manufacturer's landfill and storage sites and especially plants preparing asphalted gravel using formerly PCBs in their heat-exchanging systems. The contamination of the Laborec river and large Zemplinska Sirava reservoir is caused by the manufacturer's effluent canal since PCB levels in the canal sediment are still to be found about 3000 mg/kg. While PCB levels in sediment samples from Michalovce watercourses ranged between 1.7 and 6 mg/kg, sediment samples from the control Stropkov district ranged between 0.007 and 0.052 mg/kg only. Fish living in contaminated Michalovce waters contained about hundred times higher PCB levels than those caught in Stropkov ones. Similarly, game animals shot in Michalovce forests contained several times higher levels than those shot in Stropkov ones.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Plastics are synthetic polymers known for their outstanding durability and versatility, and have replaced traditional materials in many applications....  相似文献   

Mercury (Hg) concentrations in human hair and fish samples from Phnom Penh, Kien Svay, Tomnup Rolork and Batrong, Cambodia, collected in November 1999 and December 2000 were determined to understand the status of contamination, and age- and sex-dependent accumulation in humans and to assess the intake of mercury via fish consumption. Mercury concentrations in human hair ranged from 0.54 to 190mug/g dry wt. About 3% of the samples contained Hg levels exceeding the no observed adverse effects level (NOAEL) of WHO (50mug/g) and the levels in some hair samples of women also exceeded the NOAEL (10mug/g) associated with fetus neurotoxicity. A weak but significant positive correlation was observed between age and Hg levels in hair of residents. Mercury concentrations in muscle of marine and freshwater fish from Cambodia ranged from <0.01 to 0.96mug/g wet wt. Mercury intake rates were estimated on the basis of the Hg content in fish and daily fish consumption. Three samples of marine fish including sharp-tooth snapper and obtuse barracuda, and one sample of sharp-tooth snapper exceeded the guidelines by US EPA and by Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA), respectively, which indicates that some fish specimens examined (9% and 3% for US EPA and JECFA guidelines, respectively) were hazardous for consumption at the ingestion rate of Cambodian people (32.6g/day). It is suggested that fish is probably the main source of Hg for Cambodian people. However, extremely high Hg concentrations were observed in some individuals and could not be explained by Hg intake from fish consumption, indicating some other contamination sources of Hg in Cambodia.  相似文献   

Lee CC  Guo YL  Kuei CH  Chang HY  Hsu JF  Wang ST  Liao PC 《Chemosphere》2006,65(3):436-448
A pentachlorophenol (PCP) manufacturing plant in southern Taiwan discontinued production in 1989. The site of the abandoned plant was heavily contaminated by PCDD/PCDFs, impurities formed in the PCP production process. Serum samples collected from 27 residents living near the deserted plant were evaluated to determine whether this contamination had associated serum levels of PCDD/PCDFs in local residents. The average level of 17 tested congeners ranged from 556 to 5240 pg/g lipid (mean, 1670 pg/g lipid). The corresponding 2,3,7,8-TCDD toxicity equivalent quotient values calculated by international toxicity equivalent factors (I-TEFs) and those recommended by WHO (WHO-TEFs) were 47.2 pg I-TEQ/g lipid and 53.4 pg WHO-TEQ/g lipid, respectively. Levels in other parts of Taiwan typically range from 15 to 20 pg WHO-TEQ/g lipid; therefore, it is likely that the heavily contaminated plant site caused these unusually high serum levels. The average PCDD/PCDF levels of 29 fish-tissue and nine soil samples collected from the sea reservoir surrounding the abandoned PCP plant were also abnormally high: 8630 pg/g lipid (985 pg WHO-TEQ/g lipid) and 606000 pg/g-sample (922 pg WHO-TEQ/g-sample), respectively. Factor analysis indicated that the congener pattern of human serum samples collected from residents living near the abandoned PCP plant different from samples collected from other areas in Taiwan without known PCDD/PCDF pollution. Similar results were observed for the fish tissue and soil samples. The current study may have discovered a "hot spot" for elevated dioxin human exposure in Taiwan. The preliminary finding has raised a public health concern in the inspected area and requires further investigations to clarify the nature of the contamination and potential impact on the local environment and human health.  相似文献   

Duke G 《Ambio》2008,37(6):397-400
This paper outlines the importance of the policy context for monitoring with and for raptors, and, conversely, of the importance of such monitoring for policy. It then outlines two key areas of European Union (EU) environmental policy most relevant to monitoring for and with raptors, namely biodiversity policy and pollution policy. For each of the policy areas, the pertinent objectives and actions of the current EU policy are identified, and their relevance for raptor monitoring is discussed. The potential contribution of raptor monitoring to the further development of these policy areas is also addressed.  相似文献   

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