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房地产开发项目的环境污染和防治措施   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着我国房地产事业的蓬勃发展,建设开发过程中的环境问题日益突出,如果防治措施不当,会对环境造成一定危害。根据房地产开发项目的污染特点,分别采取不同的防治措施后,可以实现项目开发和环境保护的双赢。  相似文献   

许多房地产项目都是在工业企业原址上进行开发建设,可能存在不同程度的土壤污染。土壤污染的评估和修复方案已成为房地产开发项目环评的重点,文中采用单因子指数法、内梅罗指数法和土壤背景值对照法对江苏某房地产用地土壤进行了环境风险评价,结果表明该地块不需要进行土壤修复和处置。  相似文献   

本文总结了房地产开发中出现的主要环境问题,由此分析了房地产项目进行环境规划的必要性,在与以往环境规划理论对比的基础上,提出房地产项目环境规划的特点和重点,进一步论述了规划的功能及其实现途径。最后通过一个实例探讨了规划功能的具体实现,并提出详细可行的控制措施。  相似文献   

已建和待建的多条地铁线路穿过某房地产开发地块,为了防治地铁运行对建筑造成振动环境影响,需要设定建筑靠近地铁的最小达标距离,包括采取减振措施后的距离。通过现场系统实验监测结合数值模型分析,从工程实践的角度提出了上述距离。对于实验中观察到随距离出现振动局部放大以及进口与国产仪器监测结果不同的现象,佐证了有关学者的理论与实验分析,提出:(1)现有地铁环境影响评价报告常用的60m评价范围偏小,推荐可扩大至80~100m;(2)迫切需要新的振动环境标准发布,避免有关项目的环境管理要求偏低。  相似文献   

已建和待建的多条地铁线位穿过某房地产开发地块,为了防治地铁运行对建筑造成振动环境影响,对廊道内已建地铁线路地下隧道内与地表面的振动情况进行了系统地实地监测,应用现场调查相关结果和测量数据,建立和优化地铁振动预测模型,预测了多条地铁线位对本地块的联合影响,提出减小地铁对本地块影响的对策与措施,最后建议:《环境影响评价技术导则城市轨道交通》(HJ 453—2008)推荐的简化预测模型只是一种简化线性衰减模型,实际振动传播规律更复杂(如远场可能出现振动局部放大);迫切需要新的振动环境标准发布,避免有关项目的环境管理要求偏低;地屏障尤其是蜂窝排桩是控制远场出现振动局部放大、缩小地铁振动影响传播距离、提高沿线土地利用率的有效途径之一。  相似文献   

农药行业三废排放物具有毒性大、浓度高、治理难的特点,文中着重分析了农药化工存在的主要环境问题和农药项目污染防治措施的技术要点,并指出了农药行业污染防治技术的发展趋向。  相似文献   

建设项目环境影响评价的管理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在借鉴国外经验的基础上,我国的环境影响评价工作逐步发展起来,并且已自成体系。目前,环境影响评价工作已遍布全国,环境影响评价制度日趋完善,评价技术日臻成熟,评价队伍日益壮大,它已成为我国环境管理的重要内容。1环境影响评价的法律依据中华人民共和国环境保护法第十三条提供了建设项目需提交环境影响报告书的法律依据。第十三条中规定:“建设污染环境的项目,必须遵守国家有关建设项目环境保护管理的规定。建设项目的环境影响报告书,必须对建设项目产生的污染和对环境的影响作出评价,规定防治措施,经项目主管部门预审并依照…  相似文献   

通过对某公路建设施工期的环境污染源调查分析,探讨了采取的防治措施,以预防或减少公路建设项目在施工期间对环境的影响。  相似文献   

通过对柔性线路板生产工艺、过程控制、能耗控制、污染防治技术等方面措施的论述,为柔性线路板项目实现,清洁生产提供帮助。  相似文献   

简要论述了污染防治微生物制剂的概念和在城市河流污染控制中的应用,并介绍了国外对微生物制剂的风险评估和对污染防治微生物制剂的管理方式,提出了国内应优先开发本土的天然的污染防治微生物制剂的建议,尽快发展中国环境微生物技术.  相似文献   

The cross-region water pollution issue has always been the widespread concern around the world. It becomes especially critical for China due to the imbalance relates to environmental costs that have accompanied rapid growth of economy. Though the government makes great efforts to improve it, the potential for water pollution conflict is still great. We consider the problem of determining combined control strategies for China’s cross-region lake pollution based on the environmental green costs. The problem is first formulated as a generalized bilevel mathematical program where the upper level consists in each region that reduces environmental green costs including three parts: the reduction cost, pollution permit trade cost and cost of environment damage, while the lower level is represented by pollution permit equilibrium market. Finally, we take an empirical analysis in Taihu lake. The numerical study shows that the minimum costs of both total and regional are obviously superior to the current processing costs, which provides theoretical basis for the price of emission permits.

Implications: Today, China’s rapid gross domestic product (GDP) growth has come at a very high cost, as real estate prices have skyrocketed, the wealth gap has widened, and environmental pollution has worsened. China’s central government is urged to correct the GDP-oriented performance evaluation system that is used to judge administrative region leaders. The cross-region water pollution issue has become a troubling issue that urgently needs to be resolved in China. This paper will not only actively aid efforts to govern Lake Taihu and other cross-region valleys, but it will also provide a supplement for theoretical research on cross-region pollution issues.  相似文献   

当前全国各地掀起的房地产业方兴未艾,然而忽视房地产开发中的环境保护意识的短期行为,必将造成未来域市发展的战略失误。文内列举古、今、中、外有关资料并调查了某些城市房地产开发热中忽视环境保护的典型事例,试图对改革开放形势下的房地产业发展方向有所借鉴。  相似文献   


This paper uses Chinese provincial data from 2006 to 2021 as a sample period to study the relationship between higher education development, industrial structure adjustment, and environmental pollution. Conclusions were as follows: (1) the industry structure adjustment can reduce environmental pollution in Chinese regions except eastern, and the increase in the proportion of the tertiary industry will increase pollution emissions in the eastern region. (2) Although there is a negative correlation between higher education and environmental pollution in China, it is not significant. From different regions, the coefficients in the eastern are positive which means aggravated environmental pollution, and the coefficients in the central region are not significant, but higher education in the western region improves environmental pollution. (3) Urbanization has a significant moderating effect on the national and regional environmental pollution, but in the central and western regions, it is smaller than the eastern region; although environmental regulation has a certain inhibitory effect on environmental pollution, the coefficient in the eastern region is significantly positive, and there is a situation of “more pollution, more control.” Further, the increase of foreign direct investment will aggravate environmental pollution; although the elasticity coefficient in the eastern region is negative, there is a trend of improving environmental pollution, but it is not significant. The study holds promising implications for the development of policies related to education, industry, and the environment. Through the research on the relationship between the three, exploring and improving the regional environmental pollution level from the perspective of higher education and industrial structure have important practical significance for the regional green development.


文中论述了合理施肥对提高作物产量、改善品质以及净化与保护生态环境、实现农业可持续性发展的重要性与不可替代性,而施肥不当或滥用肥料不仅对土壤、植物养分平衡失调,作物产量与品质构成威胁,而且更重要的是作物吸收后所残留的肥料随着灌水或降水而产生径流、淋溶或侧渗,其累积效应对土壤和地表水、地下水易于造成污染,从而影响土壤环境与农业生态系统的稳定性、可持续性发展。为此,本文在肯定施肥对农业生产重要作用的基础上,重点探讨了施肥不当或滥用化肥,以城市生活垃圾、污水等为肥源所可能导致的土壤环境污染、对生态系统的危害性及其有效防治措施。  相似文献   

Today, many more communities in the United States are in a better position to undertake the study of the possible health effects of the air pollution in their environment than has been possible before. Further, such study may furnish baseline data for evaluating the efficacy of air pollution control activity in those cities.

Assessment by city and county control officials can be accomplished by examining the relationship between the demographic characteristics of the area as reported in the 1970 Census of Population, the aerometric measurements now being made routinely in many areas, and mortality in the population as reported to the state office of vital statistics. From the census, detailed demographic or population data will be available by census tract in urban areas. These areas include virtually every U. S. city with a population of 50,000 or more.

The procedures used in the Buffalo and Nashville Air Pollution Studies are discussed with a view toward possible replication by other geographic areas. The need to take account of differences in socio-economic status is emphasized, as is the desirability of obtaining smoking histories. Another major type of air pollution research which is again made possible by the 1970 Census is the comparison of mortality experience, on an agespecific and an age-adjusted basis centered around 1970, for the more than 200 Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas in the United States.  相似文献   

施肥过程中的污染控制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
农业生产造成的自身污染是一个不可忽略的环境问题,化肥施用不当造成植物体内硝酸盐含量增加以及水源的污染,城市活性污沁的农用处理,扩大了农田重金属污染的途径和范围,因此要提介科学种田,合肥施肥,以减轻对农业环境的污染。  相似文献   

近年来,随着我国经济的发展,次级河流突发性水污染事件频繁发生,对生态环境及居民生活造成了严重的影响。次级河流突发性水污染事件发生后,为减少污染造成的损失和影响,保证受损的环境资源得到恢复和补偿,不仅要立即采取行之有效的应急处置措施,而且应当积极开展环境损害鉴定评估工作,全面追究污染者的环境责任。根据次级河流本身的特点,结合各省市在环境应急处置过程中的具体做法,建立了一套应对突发性次级河流水污染事件的应急处置工作程序;阐述了环境损害鉴定评估的必要性、工作方法和技术路线,同时从受损环境资源的确认、污染源和污染物的识别以及暴露途径的建立3个方面构建了开展次级河流突发性水污染事件环境损害鉴定评估工作的因果关系链条,对实际开展相关工作具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Air pollution is a thoroughly hybrid phenomenon. It is composed of inseparable physical, scientific, cultural, social, economic and political dimensions. It is both an object of environmental science and embedded in our everyday social and cultural worlds. Nevertheless, much air pollution scholarship focuses solely on the physical dimensions of air pollution which are expressed quantitatively and pays little or no regard to the identities, discourses, bodies and emotions which constitute and are constituted by air pollution as a physical reality. This article argues for a more reflexive and hybrid approach to air pollution research which bridges intellectually confining binaries. Drawing on the work of Bruno Latour and other actor–network theorists, it argues that if we can let go of a foundational nature, disrupt our humanism and take non-scientific knowledges seriously, we might develop a new respect for the atmospheric environment and begin the task of building a better common world.  相似文献   

Zhu Z  Deng Q  Zhou H  Ouyang T  Kuang Y  Huang N  Qiao Y 《Ambio》2002,31(3):226-230
The Pearl River Delta Economic Zone is the most dynamic economic area in South China. One of the major problems in the region is the sustainable utilization of the water resources. On the basis of analysis of the water environment status and pollution sources, it is suggested that domestic sewage is the primary cause of pollution. Two new concepts "degradation coefficient" and "degradation volume" of water resources, due to pollution, which may be used to assess macroscopically the carrying capacity of the water resources and sustainability of the water environment, are proposed by the authors. The results calculated indicate that the volumes of degraded water resources will be up to 204, 352, and 537 million m3 in 2002, 2010, and 2020. It is suggested that water for daily consumption and domestic sewage must be controlled more effectively and there should be cross-regional coordination in tackling problems of water environment.  相似文献   

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