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The presence of toxic heavy metals in the environment is considered as a risk factor for adverse human and environmental health effects. Farahabad Region is a tourist center in the southern coast of Caspian Sea in Mazandaran Province of Iran. Environmental monitoring of this site is important for public health for individuals visiting and residing in this region. Although numerous biomonitoring data are available globally, very few if any apparent investigations have been conducted in this region. In this study, concentration of three heavy metals chromium (Cr), lead (Pb), and cadmium (Cd) was determined for one year in Cladophora glomerata, the predominant macroalga species present in this region. Detection of heavy metals was performed with atomic absorption spectrophotometer using standard methods. Results showed that the range of Cr metal in various algal samples was 29–55 ppm/g dry weight. The levels of Pb in algal samples (Cladophora) ranged from 2 to 8 ppm/g dry weight. The Cd concentrations in C. glomerata biomass ranged from 1.5 to 8.2 ppm/g dry biomass. In view of potential threats of such high metal concentrations in coastal waters and in algal tissues, it is necessary to adopt conservation measures to ensure public health safety.  相似文献   

Barnacles in the genus Chelonibia are commensal with a variety of motile marine animals including sea turtles, crustaceans, and sirenians. We conducted a worldwide molecular phylogenetic survey of Chelonibia collected from nearly all known hosts to assess species relationships, host-fidelity, and phylogeographic structure. Using DNA sequences from a protein-coding mitochondrial gene (COI), a mitochondrial rRNA gene (12S), and one nuclear rRNA gene (28S), we found that of four species, three (C. testudinaria, C. patula, and C. manati) are genetically indistinguishable. In addition, we show each utilizes a rare androdioecious mode of reproduction involving complemental males. In contrast, the fourth species (C. caretta), which is hermaphroditic and specializes on turtles, is genetically distinct—leading to the conclusion that the three former taxa are morphotypes of the same species and should be synonymized under C. testudinaria. Phylogenetic analysis resulted in three geographic clades (Atlantic, Indian Ocean/western Pacific, and eastern Pacific) with haplotype parsimony networks revealing no shared haplotypes among geographic regions. Analysis of molecular variance detected significant differences among sequences by region (p < 0.005); conversely, there were no significant differences among sequences when grouped by host or taxonomic designation. Average pairwise genetic distances were lower between the eastern Pacific and Atlantic clades (0.053 ± 0.006) than between the eastern Pacific and Indian Ocean/western Pacific clades (0.073 ± 0.008), suggesting Atlantic and eastern Pacific populations were connected more recently, perhaps until the rise of the Isthmus of Panama. Host use by Chelonibia morphotypes is discussed along with speculation on possible ancestral hosts and support for a “turtle-first” hypothesis.  相似文献   

The carbonate radical (CO 3 ) is a photoinduced transient species occurring in surface waters. The carbonate radical can transform both natural compounds and xenobiotics. For instance, it can react with electron-rich substrates such as anilines, phenols and organic sulfur compounds. Here we used the APEX software to assess photochemical reactions, including the formation rates of transient species, based on water chemistry and depth, under summertime irradiation conditions. We found that the reaction between peroxynitrite and carbon dioxide is a potentially significant source of CO 3 in sunlit surface waters, and could account for up to 10–15 % of the total CO 3 formation. The peroxynitrite pathway to CO 3 would be most significant at pH 7–8 and would be enhanced in waters with elevated nitrate and low alkalinity. Therefore, the proposed process could add to the known photochemical sources of CO 3 in surface-water environments.  相似文献   

This paper focused on the past shoreline change rates along the coastal plain of the Volturno River, in southern Italy, western Mediterranean. A wide database comprising historical maps, aerial photographs, topographic sheets, bathymetric data was used to extract the spatial and temporal information of the coastlines at seven time points. Coastline displacement was calculated for two successive time points and relative surface variation (accretion and erosion) was estimated as well as minimum and maximum accretion/erosion linear values and rates. The surface variation analysis has revealed that the studied coast can be considered homogeneous since the 1970s, whereas it exhibits a variety of shoreline evolutionary trends after that time period. Timing and causes of trends and rates of variation were detected. Based on the estimated shoreline change rates, an appropriate morhodynamic one-line model was applied to predict evolutionary scenarios also in presence of port and defence works. The results obtained strongly emphasize that a successful coastal management requires a constant monitoring of the human-induced changes to account for the variability of rates over time.  相似文献   


The roles of PM2.5-induced mitochondrial damage and oxidative stress on mast cell degranulation were examined in vitro. Mast cells were treated with suspensions of PM2.5 in Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium at concentrations from 25 to 200?mg/L in the absence or presence of 10?mmol/L N-acetyl-L-cysteine. Biological effects and mitochondrial function were assessed by determining cell viability, β-hexosaminidase release, interleukin-4 secretion, reactive oxygen species generation, adenosine triphosphate production, potential alteration of mitochondrial membrane, and activities of mitochondrial electron transport chain complexes I and III. Exposure of mast cells to PM2.5 induced reduction of adenosine triphosphate production, collapse of mitochondrial membrane potential, and inhibition of the activity of complex III. Co-treatment of mast cells exposed to PM2.5 with N-acetyl-L-cysteine attenuated cytotoxicity and the production of reactive oxygen species, and decreased the release of β-hexosaminidase and interleukin-4. Evidently, PM2.5-induced oxidative stress plays an essential role in mitochondrial toxicity and mast cell activation.  相似文献   

Mercury (Hg) accumulation in fishes is a serious threat for food security because mercury induces dieseases. Here we studied the total mercury content in four species of Pacific salmon (pink, chum, sockeye and chinook), caught in the Sea of Okhotsk, the Bering Sea, and the Kuril oceanic waters. Results show that the lowest concentration of mercury was found in the pink salmon, and the highest was 5–6 times higher in sockeye. Hg concentrations exceed several times those in other species of Pacific salmon from the North Pacific  相似文献   

Dune slacks are low-lying, nutrient-poor, species-rich, inter-dunal, seasonally flooded wetlands, are amongst the most threatened habitats in the Dutch coastal dunes. Since 1853 Waternet has been extracting groundwater from the coastal dunes southwest of Haarlem to produce its drinking water. Dune slacks largely disappeared due to the desiccation caused by this water abstraction, over more than a century biodiversity declined as a consequence. Increased societal concern pushed habitat restoration high on the political agenda by the end of the 1980s. It was agreed to do what is possible to restore original dune slacks without endangering the water supply. Far reaching interventions in the dune water system were foreseen to achieve this mutual goal. To allow reliable decision making, the entire hydrological history of the drinking water production in the Amsterdam Dunes since 1853 and its ecological consequences were evaluated over a 10-year study period. The main tool was a 3D groundwater model constructed using all information gathered to date and calibrated using the long-term monitoring data available and widely extended for the purpose, to which ecological modeling was added and calibrated with the available long-term and extended vegetational inventories. These scientific tools were used to assess proposed interventions to be decided upon, which aimed at finding a new balance between groundwater extraction and nature restoration. In 1996 and 2007 large-scale measures were taken, which include filling in of recovery canals, mowing, grazing and sod-cutting to support the native plant communities of wet dune slack habitats. Results of these measures in terms of the restoration of natural hydrological conditions are shown together with the first results for the recovery of wet slacks vegetation that resulted from the combined hydrological and ecological restoration measures that were taken since 1995.  相似文献   

The success of marine protected areas (MPAs) as a tool for conservation and fisheries management has been well documented. However, these results have typically been seen in shallow water systems and questions remain whether this management strategy could be successfully applied to deepwater ecosystems. Our objectives were to determine the efficacy of four deepwater MPAs called bottomfish restricted fishing areas (BRFAs), with various time spans of protection, monitored at depths between 90 and 310 m from 2007 to 2011 for six species of deepwater snapper and one grouper harvested in the Main Hawaiian Islands. Our results suggested that the duration of protection influenced reserve effects, particularly for target species. Mean fish length, and in some cases abundance, increased for one or more of the most economically important target species inside nearly all tested BRFAs. In addition, more mature fish were seen inside the BRFA with the longest duration of protection (~14 years); species richness increased outside this area while inside it remained the same. Here, we provide the first evidence that deepwater MPAs can have positive effects on deepwater species and that many protection effects were consistent with results found in shallow water ecosystems. While these findings are novel, additional data over greater temporal scales will be necessary to determine whether these trends will continue and if others will become important over time.  相似文献   

Recent meta-analyses identified conservation hotpots at the scale of the Mediterranean, yet those may be crude by lack of detailed information about the spatial ecology of the species involved. Here, we identify an irreplaceable marine area for >95 % of the world population of the Scopoli’s shearwater (Calonectris diomedea), which is endemic to the Mediterranean and breeds on the island of Zembra off Tunis. To this end, we studied the three-dimensional at-sea movements of 50 breeding adults (over a total of 94 foraging trips) in 2012 and 2013, using GPS and temperature–depth recorders. Feathers were also collected on all birds to investigate their trophic status. Despite Zembra being the largest seabird colony in the Mediterranean (141,000 pairs), the per capita home-range of Scopoli’s shearwaters foraging from this colony was not larger than that of birds from much smaller colonies, indicating highly beneficial feeding grounds in the Gulf of Tunis and off Cap Bon. Considering depleted Mediterranean small pelagic fish stocks, supposed to be Scopoli’s shearwater prey base, we therefore speculate that birds may now also largely feed on zooplankton, something which is supported by our stable isotopic analyses. Crucially, shearwater at-sea feeding and resting areas showed very little overlap with a conservation hotspot recently defined on the western side of the Gulf of Tunis using meta-analyses of species distributions relative to anthropogenic threats. We therefore propose a major extension to this conservation hotspot. Our study stresses the importance of detailed biotelemetry studies of marine megafauna movement ecology for refining large-scale conservation schemes such as marine protected area networks.  相似文献   

Li  Li  Sun  Junwei  Jiang  Jingjing  Wang  Jun 《Environmental geochemistry and health》2022,44(9):3057-3080
Environmental Geochemistry and Health - Haze pollution has drawn lots of public concern due to its potential damages to human health. Strategic interaction of environmental regulation among local...  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to develop regression models to estimate the total concentration of polybrominated diphenyl ethers in serum based on the known concentrations of a limited number of congeners. Because of the possible adverse health effects associated with the exposure to polybrominated diphenyl ethers, it is of interest to know their total concentrations. Data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey for 2003–2004 (N = 1859) were used to develop regression models to estimate both wet weight and lipid-adjusted total concentrations. Only the knowledge of three congeners, namely, 2,2′,4,4′-tetrabromodiphenyl ether, 2,2′,4,4′,5-pentadibromodiphenyl ether, and 2,2′,4,4′,5,5′-hexabromodiphenyl ether was required to use these models. Other than the concentrations of these three congeners, age, gender, and smoking status were the only information needed to use these models. Optionally, models were developed that could also use the race/ethnicity of the participants. All models explained more than 98% of the known variability in the observed total concentration levels. Over 98% of the model generated, predicted values were found to be within 5% of the observed values.  相似文献   

This study determines the efficiency of polyaluminium chloride application on phytoplankton species as a consequence of five reservoir restorations in the Czech Republic during the years 2005 and 2008, including the first ever large-scale application. Although polyaluminium chloride has been used in water treatment plants across the world, information about its application toward cyanobacterial blooms in nature is poor. Although the application of polyaluminium chloride did not cause any fundamental long-term changes in the composition of phytoplankton species or phosphorus load, instead causing fast and acute removal of the phytoplankton community, it may act as an algicidal compound with fast removal efficiency. All treated water bodies described in our study remained unaffected by cyanobacterial blooms and the hygienic limit for the purposes of recreation was not exceeded in any particular season. This article should serve as notice of the advantages and disadvantages of polyaluminium chloride application, and also warn against the uniform usage of this chemical as a method of reducing phytoplankton species in all types of water bodies where cyanobacteria are present. Moreover, data about the effects on non-target (invertebrates) species and microcystin release from cyanobacterial cells are also mentioned.  相似文献   

Thyroid dysfunction during pregnancy has been shown to be associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes. Consequently, this study was undertaken to assess the thyroid health of the pregnant females in the United States. Publically available data from National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey for the cycles 1999–2002 and 2007–2012 were analyzed for this purpose. Over 22% (SE: 5.7%) of the pregnant females based on the unweighted data in their first trimester had higher than the recommended levels of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) or 2.5 mIU/L. Free triiodothyronine (FT3) and free thyroxine (FT4) levels decreased over pregnancy trimesters. Based on unweighted data, about 6% (SE: 2.6%) pregnant females were positive for thyroglobulin antibodies and 34.9% (SE: 5.2%) pregnant females were positive for thyroid peroxidase antibodies. Over 55% (SE: 3.5%) pregnant females based on the unweighted data were iodine deficient. As many as 41% (SE: 3%) first trimester pregnant females having TSH > 2.5 mIU/L is of concern. Future research should concentrate on developing educational and other materials that can advise pregnant females during their prenatal care and other appointments about the adverse effects of high TSH levels and what they can do to keep their TSH levels within the recommended levels.  相似文献   

Throughout the world, governments foster the deployment of wind power to mitigate negative externalities of conventional electricity generation, notably CO2 emissions. Wind turbines, however, are not free of externalities themselves, particularly interference with landscape aesthetics. We quantify these negative externalities using the life satisfaction approach. To this end, we combine household data from the German Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP) with a novel panel dataset on over 20,000 installations. Based on geographical coordinates and construction dates, we establish causality in a difference-in-differences design. Matching techniques drawing on exogenous weather data and geographical locations of residence ensure common trend behaviour. We show that the construction of wind turbines close to households exerts significant negative external effects on residential well-being, although they seem both spatially and temporally limited, being restricted to about 4000 m around households and decaying after five years at the latest. Robustness checks, including view shed analyses based on digital terrain models and placebo regressions, confirm our results.  相似文献   

The pine-dominated forests of west-central Mexico are internationally recognized for their high biodiversity, and some areas are protected through various conservation measures including prohibition of human activity. In this region, however, there is evidence for human settlement dating back to ca. AD 1200. It is therefore unclear whether the present forest composition and structure are part of a successional stage following use by indigenous human populations during the past, or due to natural processes, such as climate. We present a study reconstructing the vegetation dynamics of pine-dominated forest over the past 4200 years using paleoecological techniques. Results from fossil pollen and charcoal indicate that, in this region, pine-dominated forests are the native vegetation type and not anthropogenically derived secondary succession. The predominant driving mechanism for the expansion of pine-dominated forest appears to be intervals of aridity and naturally induced burning. A close association is noted between pine abundance and longer-term climatic trends, including intervals of aridity between ca. 4200 and 2500, 1200 and 850, and 500 and 200 cal yr BP and shorter-term trends. Evident periodicity occurs in pine and Poaceae abundance every 80 years. These short-term quasi-periodic oscillations have been recorded in a number of lake and ocean sediments in Mexico and are thought to be linked to solar forcing resulting in drought cycles that occur at approximately the same time intervals.  相似文献   

Numerous smelter sites are surrounded by rural land. The entrance of non-essential metals such as lead or cadmium into the food chain is very likely as well as phytotoxicity effects of zinc. Finding a realistic solution for these large-scale contaminations was one aim of this study. Previous results from pot experiments showed a high potential for the reduction of metals entering the food chain via crops grown on smelter-contaminated soils from Arnoldstein, Austria, by the use of amendments for immobilisation. A further aim was to optimise a field experiment for overcoming the gap between pot and field experiments and to look for long-term efficiency of the treatments [lime (CA), red mud (RM), gravel sludge + red mud (GS + RM)]. Field experiment results were obtained for 5 years. Besides soil and soil pore water samples, the following harvests were yielded: spring barley (Hordeum distichon ssp. L.) (2004–2005), narrowleaf plantain (Plantago lanceolata L.) (2006–2007) and velvet grass (Holcus lanatus L.) (2007–2008). The long-term efficiency of GS + RM led us to conclude that their application seems to be a realistic and practical measure for extensively contaminated land, best in combination with metal excluding cultivars.  相似文献   

Simplified models provided information on the binding ability of organic acids with trace elements, the distribution of the formed organo‐heavy metal complexes at different pH, and the biological stability (biodegradation ability) of these complexes.  相似文献   

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