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应用复合碱式氯化铝对垃圾渗沥液进行预处理的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用生物法处理垃圾渗沥液 ,其出水CODCr、色度和含盐量等指标往往大于排放标准。应用亚滤技术作深度处理 ,可有效地去除剩余的污染物质 ,使出水达标。但由于渗沥液中存在大量的胶体微粒 ,对亚滤管产生阻垢作用 ,从而堵塞住亚滤管微孔 ,增加动力消耗 ,影响处理效果。故采用一种新型高效的复合型无机高分子混凝剂———聚硫氯化铁铝 (PAFCS)用于亚滤装置的预处理。通过与碱式氯化铝 (PAC)混凝剂的对比研究表明 ,PAFCS表现出比PAC更好的除浊、脱色能力 ,可有效地去除掉垃圾渗沥液中的浊度、胶粒和部分CODCr,从而使亚滤装置发挥最大效能。结果表明 ,PAFCS的投加量在1 50— 2 0 0mg/L左右 ,pH值在 5左右 ,沉降时间为 40— 50min的条件下 ,混凝效果最佳 ,浊度去除率可达到 90 % ,CODCr去除率可达 40 %左右。  相似文献   

Gao B  Yue Q  Wang B 《Chemosphere》2002,46(6):809-813
The chemical species distributions of polyaluminum silicate chloride (PASC) and polyaluminum chloride (PACl) determined by Al-Ferron complexation timed spectrophotometric and 27Al-NMR methods, respectively, have been compared and analyzed. The experimental results show that the species distribution and transformation of PASC are different from those of PACl, due to the interaction of polysilicic acid and hydrolyzed aluminum species. At the same basicity (B), the contents of, Al(b), Al13 and the monomer species Almono (also determined by 27Al-NMR) in PASC are lower than those in PACl, while the contents of Al(c) and the Alother determined by 27Al-NMR in PASC are higher than those in PACl. The differences between PASC and PACl with respect to these species enlarge as the molar ratio of Al/Si in PASC decreases. Further, in PACl the ratio of Al13 to Al(b) closes to 1.0, indicating that the amount of the two fractions are similar. In PASC, however, such an agreement does not exist at the lower B values and Al/Si molar ratios. When the B value and Al/Si molar ratios increase, however, the amount of Al13 and Al(b) species tends to close. The study findings indicate that polysilicic acid can react with hydrolyzed aluminum species to form an aluminum silicate polymer composite and result in the change in species distribution of PASC.  相似文献   

Ward ML  Bitton G  Townsend T 《Chemosphere》2005,60(2):206-215
This research describes the use of a toxicity assay for the identification of metal toxicity, bioavailability and heavy metal binding capacity (HMBC) of municipal solid waste (MSW) landfill leachates. MetPLATE, an assay specific for heavy metal toxicity, was used to determine the HMBC of MSW leachates collected from 14 sites in Florida, with a wide range of chemical and physical characteristics. The leachates displayed a low toxicity which was attributed to the site-specific parameters, including, high concentrations of both organic and inorganic ligands. The HMBC test was undertaken to measure the effect of these site-specific parameters on metal toxicity. The potential for MSW leachate to bind and, thus, detoxify heavy metals was investigated with copper, zinc, and mercury. The HMBC values obtained ranged from 3 to 115, 5 to 93 and 4 to 101 for HMBC-Cu+2, HMBC-Zn+2, and HMBC-Hg+2, respectively. Additionally, the high strength leachates displayed the highest binding capacities, although the landfills sampled represented a wide range of characteristics. For comparison, the HMBC values reported with local lake water, Lake Alice and Lake Beverly, and a wastewater treatment plant effluent were all below 3. A partial fractionation of MSW leachate samples from sites 1, 5 and 8, was conducted to further investigate the influence of selected site-specific physico-chemical parameters on metal binding. The fractionation revealed that the HMBC of the leachate samples was heavily influenced by the concentration of solids, organics and hardness.  相似文献   

An integrated technique consisted of ozonation and coagulation/flocculation processes was studied, aiming to provide an efficient method for the treatment of stabilized/biologically pre-treated leachates, in order to reduce the organic pollutants' content to concentration values lower than the corresponding limits, imposed by the legislation. Leachates were collected from a municipal landfill site; samples containing around 1000 mg l(-1) COD and BOD(5)/COD ratio about 0.17 were treated by using two different processes or combinations between them, i.e. ozonation, coagulation-flocculation, ozonation followed by coagulation/flocculation and coagulation/flocculation followed by ozonation. The application of single ozonation resulted to the efficient removal of color and organic loading, due to the respective oxidation, induced by ozonation; however, COD values lower than 200 mg l(-1) could be only achieved after prolonged reaction times and for high ozone production rates. The coagulation of leachate samples was studied by the addition of ferric chloride or poly-aluminum chloride agents at various dosages. Maximum COD removal rates (up to 72%) were achieved by the addition of 7 mM Fe, or of 11 mM Al respectively. However, final COD values higher than 200 mg l(-1) were obtained indicating the requirement of an additional treatment step. Pre-ozonation followed by coagulation/flocculation was not found to be an efficient treatment approach for this aim, but coagulation/flocculation followed by ozonation, was proved to be an efficient process for the reduction of COD to lower than 180 mg l(-1).  相似文献   

聚合氯化铝铁的电动性能研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过测定Zeta电位对聚合氯化铝铁(PAFC)水解产物的电动特性进行了研究.通过对模拟悬浊水样的絮凝实验对PAFC除浊性能进行了考察.结果表明:PAFC水解产物的电动特性与pH,PAFC投加量和Al/Fe摩尔比的变化密切相关;PAFC是通过电中和、吸附架桥和卷扫作用起混凝作用的,3种作用的综合能力越强,其混凝效果就越好.  相似文献   

Municipal solid wastes (MSW) are unavoidable sources of environmental pollution. Improper disposal of municipal waste results in the leaching of toxic metals and organic chemicals, which can contaminate the surface and ground water leading to serious health hazard. In this study, the toxic effects of the leachate prepared from municipal solid waste samples were examined in root meristem cells of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) at various stages of cell cycle, i.e., G1, S, and G2. Seeds of barley were exposed to 2.5, 5, and 10 % of leachates in soil and aqueous media in 48 h at different cell cycle stages. The physicochemical data of the present study revealed that municipal solid waste leachate contains high amount of heavy metals, which significantly affected growth and physiological activities of barley. Significant inhibition in hypocotyl length, germination, and mitotic index were observed at all concentration of leachate treatment. Induction of chromosomal aberrations (CA’s) and micronuclei (MN) formation were also observed with different concentrations of leachate treatment at 7, 17, and 27 h of presoaking durations, which falls in G1, S, and G2 phase of the cell cycle, respectively. Also, exposure of leachate at S phase of the cell cycle had significant effects in barley through chromosomal aberration and micronuclei formation.  相似文献   

新型混凝剂在废水处理中的应用研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自行研发出一种新型混凝剂,它能广泛应用于印染废水、生活污水和餐饮废水等的处理。经过一步强化混凝处理后,各种废水的COD、色度和浊度等均有良好的去除效果。混凝污泥可以再生重复利用。  相似文献   

新型混凝剂在废水处理中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自行研发出一种新型混凝剂,它能广泛应用于印染废水、生活污水和餐饮废水等的处理。经过一步强化混凝处理后,各种废水的COD、色度和浊度等均有良好的去除效果。混凝污泥可以再生重复利用。  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Landfill leachate has been documented as a significant source of trace organic pollutants, comprising an expansive family of per- and polyfluoroalkyl...  相似文献   

采用快速加碱法制备了分别以Al13和Al30为主要水解形态的聚合氯化铝PAC-Al13和高聚聚合氯化铝PACAl30。通过向PAC-Al30中引入SO2-4/Al3+摩尔比为0.06的SO2-4离子,制得高聚聚硫氯化铝SPAC-Al30。激光散射粒径分析以及Ferron逐时络合比色结果表明,加入SO2-4后SPAC-Al30的平均粒径增大为4.85 nm,高聚合水解形态Alc含量分别比PAC-Al13和PAC-Al30提高52.7%和17.5%。ζ电位分析以及烧杯混凝实验结果表明,SPAC-Al30的电中和能力不及PACAl30和PAC-Al13,混凝去除水中腐殖酸的效果却有显著提高,且由于SPAC-Al30较为温和的电中和性能,在混凝剂投量较高时不易出现再稳现象。SPAC-Al30的纳米级分子尺寸和高聚合水解形态有利于其发挥更优的吸附架桥和网捕卷扫作用,SPAC-Al30是去除水中腐殖酸的一种新型高效混凝剂。  相似文献   

改性矿化垃圾反应床处理填埋场渗滤液研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在固液比(矿化垃圾与废水的质量比)为100,1,运行周期为3 h.水力负荷为0.08 m3/(m3·d)条件下,分别采用废铁屑、钢渣、蘑菇渣、秸秆作为改性材料进行矿化垃圾反应床处理填埋场渗滤液的工艺强化研究.结果表明,废铁屑对COD、色度、总氮和总磷的去除有显著的强化作用,COD、总氮和总磷去除率平均提高9.3%、17%和7.7%;钢渣不利于氨氮和总氮的去除,且需定期置换钢渣以维持其去除COD和总磷的强化作用;蘑菇渣和秸秆均需先进行合适的驯化降解处理,才能实现其去除COD、色度、氨氮和总氮的强化作用.从工程应用角度看,废铁屑是相对理想的一种改性材料.  相似文献   

采用硅酸钠制备聚硅酸,探讨了活化pH、活化剂、硅酸钠浓度(以SiO_2质量分数计)及聚合温度等因素对聚硅酸稳定性的影响.利用聚硅酸及氯化铁制备聚硅基复合氯化铁(PSiF),并通过正交试验分析了活化pH、Si/Fe(摩尔比)、OH/Fe(摩尔比)、制备时间对PSiF絮凝性能的影响.综合考虑絮凝性能、稳定性以及经济性等因素,确定PSiF适宜的制备条件为SiO_2质量分数2%~3%;活化pH为2~3;Si/Fe为0.50~0.75;OH/Fe为0.50~0.75;制备时间为0.5 h;聚合温度低于25℃.对比PSiF、PAC、FeCl_3对采油废水的处理效果,PSiF除浊、除COD效果以及经济性最好,是一种应用前景广阔的新型絮凝剂.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Excess fluoride (F) ion of drinking water is a major problem in many areas of India and causes harmful effects such as dental and skeletal fluorosis....  相似文献   

The purpose of the paper is to assess the groundwater quality near the landfill sites using landfill water pollution index (LWPI). In order to investigate the scale of groundwater contamination, three landfills (E, H and S) in different stages of their operation were taken into analysis. Samples of groundwater in the vicinity of studied landfills were collected four times each year in the period from 2004 to 2014. A total of over 300 groundwater samples were analysed for pH, EC, PAH, TOC, Cr, Hg, Zn, Pb, Cd, Cu, as required by the UE legal acts for landfill monitoring system. The calculated values of the LWPI allowed the quantification of the overall water quality near the landfill sites. The obtained results indicated that the most negative impact on groundwater quality is observed near the old Landfill H. Improper location of piezometer at the Landfill S favoured infiltration of run-off from road pavement into the soil-water environment. Deep deposition of the groundwater level at Landfill S area reduced the landfill impact on the water quality. Conducted analyses revealed that the LWPI can be used for evaluation of water pollution near a landfill, for assessment of the variability of water pollution with time and for comparison of water quality from different piezometers, landfills or time periods. The applied WQI (Water Quality Index) can also be an important information tool for landfill policy makers and the public about the groundwater pollution threat from landfill.  相似文献   

Physical-chemical methods have been suggested for the treatment of low strength municipal landfill leachates. Therefore, applicability of nanofiltration and air stripping were screened in laboratory-scale for the removal of organic matter, ammonia, and toxicity from low strength leachates (NH4-N 74-220 mg/l, chemical oxygen demand (COD) 190-920 mg O2/l, EC50 = 2-17% for Raphidocelis subcapitata). Ozonation was studied as well, but with the emphasis on enhancing biodegradability of leachates. Nanofiltration (25 degrees C) removed 52-66% of COD and 27-50% of ammonia, the latter indicating that ammonia may in part have been present as ammonium salt complexes. Biological pretreatment enhanced the overall COD removal. Air stripping (24 h at pH 11) resulted in 89% and 64% ammonia removal at 20 and 6 degrees C, respectively, the stripping rate remaining below 10 mg N/l h. COD removals of 4-21% were obtained in stripping. Ozonation (20 degrees C) increased the concentration of rapidly biodegradable COD (RBCOD), but the proportion of RBCOD of total COD was still below 20% indicating poor biological treatability. The effect of the different treatments on leachate toxicity was assessed with the Daphnia acute toxicity test (Daphnia magna) and algal growth inhibition test (Raphidcocelis subcapitata). None of the methods was effective in toxicity removal. By way of comparison, treatment in a full-scale biological plant decreased leachate toxicity to half of the initial value. Although leachate toxicity significantly correlated with COD and ammonia in untreated and treated leachate, in some stripping and ozonation experiments toxicity was increased in spite of COD and ammonia removals.  相似文献   

研究了由固体废物 (炼铁废渣 )制取的含有多种金属离子的染料废水脱色混凝剂 (PSDC Ⅰ ) ,试验了它对染料废水的脱色效果及对印染废水的混凝效果 ,并与PAC进行了比较。考察了影响PSDC Ⅰ混凝及脱色效果的因素。结果表明 ,pH值在 6— 10范围内 ,PSDC Ⅰ具有良好的混凝效果。PSDC Ⅰ的两个最佳脱色区为 pH值 6— 8和 pH值 13左右。与PAC相比 ,PSDC Ⅰ不仅具有良好的混凝效果而且具有良好的脱色效果  相似文献   

任宏洋  何敏  王兵  张聪 《环境工程学报》2016,10(4):1761-1768
以聚合氯化铁(PFC)和聚二甲基二烯丙基氯化铵(PDMDAAC)为原料制备PFC-PDMDAAC无机-有机复合混凝剂。考察PDMDAAC/Fe质量比(P)及PDMDAAC分子质量分别对混凝剂电荷特性与Fe(Ⅲ)形态分布的影响,并优选复合混凝剂应用于石油开发中钻井废水的处理。结果表明,复合混凝剂Zeta电位随复合质量比(P)及PDMDAAC分子质量增加而增大。随着P增加复合混凝剂中Feb含量增大,当PDMDAAC分子质量为400 000~500 000时,混凝剂中铁的有效形态含量最高,在一定程度上提高复合质量比及有机物分子质量均能提高混凝效率。在优选混凝剂应用处理油田钻井废水实验中,质量比(P)大且PDMDAAC分子质量高的编号为f的复合混凝剂表现出较优的混凝效能,这与混凝性能研究结果相一致。应用响应曲面法优化编号为f的混凝剂处理油田钻井废水混凝条件的结果为,投加量1 679.73 mg/L,pH=9.7。在最优条件下进行验证实验,COD去除率达71.190%,TOC去除率达77.527%,与工业级PAC、PFC处理油田钻井废水效果相比优势较明显。  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - As eco-friendly adsorption material, hydroxyapatite (Ca5(PO4)3OH, HA) has been extensively applied to the removal of heavy metal ions. However,...  相似文献   

在一定温度下 ,将聚二甲基二烯丙基氯化铵 (PDMDAAC)溶解在聚合硫酸铁 (PFS)中 ,制成稳定的均相复合溶液。采用FT IR和X 射线衍射对其固体结构进行了分析。考察了液体复合絮凝剂的稳定性和固体复合絮凝剂的吸湿溶解性能 ,及其对生活污水的处理效果。结果表明 :在 6 0℃以下制备的液体复合絮凝剂具有良好的稳定性 ,固体复合絮凝剂具有良好的溶解性和比PFS更强的吸湿性 ;复合絮凝剂不是由PDMDAAC与PFS简单的机械混和 ,而是互相融合的复合体系 ;具有比PFS更优的去污性能和与PFS类似的较宽的最佳投药范围和 pH适用范围。对浊度和COD分别为 10 5 2和 187 5mg/L ,pH值为 7 5 9的生活污水 ,复合絮凝剂中Fe3 + 和PDMDAAC最佳用量分别为 5 4 .15和 4 2 7mg/L ,对COD的去除率为 77 14 % ,比PFS在用量为 81 2 2mg/L时的最佳效果高 12 %。  相似文献   

探索了试验过程中SiO2 -3 离子团的加入对脉冲自动倒极电解法合成聚合氯化硅酸铝中Alb 含量的影响。通过试验确定了最佳摩尔比。在脉冲倒极周期和电解槽电流一定的情况下 ,当总铝AlT 与SiO2 -3 的摩尔比为 10∶1~ 2 0∶1时 ;在此合成条件下制备液中Alb 含量超过 80 % ;处理模拟水样最佳投药量为 :0 5~ 5mgAl2 O3 /L。在制备过程中 ,极化现象得到了极好的控制 ,电解槽电压和电流十分稳定  相似文献   

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