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Mapping heavy metals in polluted soil by disjunctive kriging   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
The soil of some 50 km(2) around the town of Weinfelden in north-east Switzerland has been sampled and analysed to estimate and map the concentrations of heavy metals before an incinerator for the canton's waste is built. Given that the estimates are subject to error, the probabilities that true values exceed the maximum tolerable concentrations of the Swiss federal guide have also been estimated by disjunctive kriging. These may now be used by the local planners for making decisions. Of the metals examined, lead exceeded the guide value at several sampling points, and a moderate probability of excess of lead is fairly widespread. Copper exceeded the guide value in vineyards and orchards, but also in a few places elsewhere, and the estimated probabilities of excess were not negligible. The other two metals of concern, cadmium (with one exception) and zinc, had concentrations much less than the guide values. The patterns of distribution of the four metals were similar, the product-moment correlations among them are substantial, except in the vineyards and orchards, and it seems likely that they had common sources.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Although heavy metal pollution has developed into a major global environmental problem, most research has focused on specific elements, especially...  相似文献   

污染土壤中重金属生物有效性的植物指示法研究   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
污染土壤中重金属生物活性的判断是污染土壤修复的关键所在。植物指示法是近年来发展起来的判断污染土壤中重金属生物可利用性的一种经济简便且可靠的方法。综述了近年来国内外科研工作者在重金属污染程度的植物指示方面所做的工作,重点阐述了用指示植物监测环境污染以及指示植物的选择问题。  相似文献   

A new chemical sampling device, artificial mussel (AM), has been developed for monitoring metals in marine environments. This device consists of a polymer ligand suspended in artificial seawater within a Perspex tubing, and enclosed with semi-permeable gel at both ends. Laboratory and field experiments were carried out to examine the uptake of five metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb and Zn) by the AM. Uptake of metals by AM was proportional to the exposure metal concentrations, and the AM was able to accumulate the ASV labile fractions of metals. Uptake and release of the metals of AM are similar to those of the mussel Perna viridis, but less affected by salinity and temperature. Field studies demonstrated that the AM can not only provide a time-integrated estimate of metals concentrations, but also allows comparisons of metal levels in different environments and geographical areas beyond the natural distribution limits of biomonitors.  相似文献   

利用芦竹修复重金属污染湿地的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究了芦竹(Arundo donax linn)对Cu^2+、Ni^2+、Cr^6+重金属污染湿地的响应和对该污染湿地的影响。实验结果表明,芦竹对这3种重金属离子有一定的耐受性,并有不同程度的吸收,Cu^2+、Ni^2+和Cr^6+去除率分别为63.8%,42.3%和34.4%。芦竹在100mg/kg浓度的Cu^2+、Ni^2+污染湿地中生长正常,在低浓度(55mg/kg)Cr^6+污染中能存活,但生长速度较慢。在100mg/kg浓度Cr^6+污染湿地中,出现急性中毒现象,半月后致死。在重金属污染环境中,芦竹普遍出现失绿现象,但除高浓度cr。’(100mg/kg)以外,都能正常存活,表现出较强的适应性。  相似文献   

利用芦竹修复重金属污染湿地的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了芦竹(Arundodonaxlinn)对Cu2+、Ni2+、Cr6+重金属污染湿地的响应和对该污染湿地的影响。实验结果表明,芦竹对这3种重金属离子有一定的耐受性,并有不同程度的吸收,Cu2+、Ni2+和Cr6+去除率分别为63.8%,42.3%和34.4%。芦竹在100mg/kg浓度的Cu2+、Ni2+污染湿地中生长正常,在低浓度(55mg/kg)Cr6+污染中能存活,但生长速度较慢。在100mg/kg浓度Cr6+污染湿地中,出现急性中毒现象,半月后致死。在重金属污染环境中,芦竹普遍出现失绿现象,但除高浓度Cr6+(100mg/kg)以外,都能正常存活,表现出较强的适应性。  相似文献   

The oxidative dissolution of mine wastes gives rise to acidic, metal-enriched mine drainage (AMD) and has typically posed an additional risk to the environment. The poly-metallic mine Dabaoshan in South China is an excellent test site to understand the processes affecting the surrounding polluted agricultural fields. Our objectives were firstly to investigate metal ion activity in soil solution, distribution in solid constituents, and spatial distribution in samples, secondly to determine dominant environment factors controlling metal activity in the long-term AMD-polluted subtropical soils. Soil Column Donnan Membrane Technology (SC-DMT) combined with sequential extraction shows that unusually large proportion of the metal ions are present as free ion in the soil solutions. The narrow range of low pH values prevents any pH effects during the binding onto oxides or organic matter. The differences in speciation of the soil solutions may explain the different soil degradation observed between paddy and non-paddy soils.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this study was to determine typical concentrations of heavy metals (HM) in wood from willows and poplars, in order to test the feasibility of phytoscreening and phytoextraction of HM. Samples were taken from one strongly, one moderately, and one slightly polluted site and from three reference sites. Wood from both tree species had similar background concentrations at 0.5 mg kg?1 for cadmium (Cd), 1.6 mg kg?1 for copper (Cu), 0.3 mg kg?1 for nickel (Ni), and 25 mg kg?1 for zinc (Zn). Concentrations of chromium (Cr) and lead (Pb) were below or close to detection limit. Concentrations in wood from the highly polluted site were significantly elevated, compared to references, in particular for willow. The conclusion from these results is that tree coring could be used successfully to identify strongly heavy metal-polluted soil for Cd, Cu, Ni, Zn, and that willow trees were superior to poplars, except when screening for Ni. Phytoextraction of HMs was quantified from measured concentration in wood at the most polluted site. Extraction efficiencies were best for willows and Cd, but below 0.5 % over 10 years, and below 1?‰ in 10 years for all other HMs.  相似文献   

As it flows through a dense steelmaking area, the Fensch River does transport iron-rich particles and colloids, displaying high contents in metallic contaminants (Zn, Cr, Pb, Cu, Ni, and As). Chemical analysis using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) was carried out on three compartments—waters, suspended materials, and sediments—along the river linear. The variations of metallic trace element concentrations along the river were shown to be partially related to external inputs (industrial and domestic wastewaters and urban surfaces leaching). However, some discrepancies of element partitioning were evidenced. Pb, Cu, and Mn tend to concentrate in suspended particulate and in dissolved fraction, while Cr and As follow the trend of Fe and concentrate within sediments of the most downstream station, just before the junction with Moselle waters. Zn appears strongly associated to iron-rich particles, resulting in a decrease of its concentration in waters for the last station. Along the Fensch linear, the variation of metal partitioning between water and particulate phases is accompanied with strong modifications of the nature and mineralogy of iron-rich particles, as evidenced by microanalyses using electron and X-ray beams. The combination of bulk analyses using ICP-MS and microanalyses applied to the three compartments allowed us to propose a three-step process “settling–weathering–resuspension” to explain Zn partitioning.  相似文献   

The carabid faunas of six woodlands at varying distances from a source of heavy metal pollution were studied. Concentrations of zinc, lead, cadmium and copper were determined in three surface layers at each wood. Whereas no gross effects of pollution on populations were identified, some differences relating to the ecology and life histories of the animals were found. The numbers of individuals and numbers of species of Carabidae at each site were not significantly correlated to metal concentration. However, species diversities (Shannon Weiner H') were. Later dates of median capture of total Carabidae were found in the sites nearest to the pollution source. This also occurred with a common species, Nebria brevicollis. At the most polluted site this species also showed an absence of summer diapause. This may be relatd to scarcity of prey. Negative correlations of numbers of spring breeders with metal concentration but positive correlations of numbers of spring breeders with in all the soil layers. The sites were significantly different in the relative distributions of individuals in each of four size categories.  相似文献   

The concentration of six HMs (Cd, Cr, Co, Pb, Hg and Ni) was analysed in 321 organically grown winter and spring wheat genotypes from six genotype groups, i.e. selections, old landraces, primitive wheat, spelt, old cultivars and cultivars. Also the potential risk of individual toxic HM to human health was estimated by using the Hazard Quotient (HQ). Significantly the lowest grain concentration of Cd was found in primitive wheat as compared to all other investigated genotype groups. Intake of HM by consumption of whole wheat grain was not found to pose a health risk to human for any of the investigated genotype groups. The bio-concentration factor of Cd for the different genotype groups indicated a lower ability to accumulate Cd for primitive wheat as compared to other genotype groups. The primitive wheat was found the most promising and might be of interest in future wheat breeding programs to develop wheat genotypes with low HMs concentration in the grain.  相似文献   

The concentration of six HMs (Cd, Cr, Co, Pb, Hg and Ni) was analysed in 321 organically grown winter and spring wheat genotypes from six genotype groups, i.e. selections, old landraces, primitive wheat, spelt, old cultivars and cultivars. Also the potential risk of individual toxic HM to human health was estimated by using the Hazard Quotient (HQ). Significantly the lowest grain concentration of Cd was found in primitive wheat as compared to all other investigated genotype groups. Intake of HM by consumption of whole wheat grain was not found to pose a health risk to human for any of the investigated genotype groups. The bio-concentration factor of Cd for the different genotype groups indicated a lower ability to accumulate Cd for primitive wheat as compared to other genotype groups. The primitive wheat was found the most promising and might be of interest in future wheat breeding programs to develop wheat genotypes with low HMs concentration in the grain.  相似文献   

The concentrations of heavy metals (Cr, Cd, Hg, Cu, Zn, Pb and As) in the water, sediment, and fish were investigated in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, China. Potential ecological risk analysis of sediment heavy metal concentrations indicated that six sites in the middle reach, half of the sites in the lower reach, and two sites in lakes, posed moderate or considerable ecological risk. Health risk analysis of individual heavy metals in fish tissue indicated safe levels for the general population and for fisherman but, in combination, there was a possible risk in terms of total target hazard quotients. Correlation analysis and PCA found that heavy metals (Hg, Cd, Pb, Cr, Cu, and Zn) may be mainly derived from metal processing, electroplating industries, industrial wastewater, and domestic sewage. Hg may also originate from coal combustion. Significant positive correlations between TN and As were observed.  相似文献   

典型石油城市道路积尘重金属污染及健康风险评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从新疆典型石油城市克拉玛依市采集52个道路积尘样品,测定其中As、Cd、Cr、Cu、Pb和Hg 6种重金属元素的含量,采用地质累积指数法与美国环境保护署(USEPA)推荐的健康风险评价模型,分析了道路积尘重金属污染及潜在健康风险。结果表明,克拉玛依市道路积尘中As、Cd、Cr、Cu、Pb、Hg的平均值分别为新疆土壤背景值的1.62、1.75、0.99、1.50、1.24、2.94倍,道路积尘中6种重金属元素的地质累积指数(I_(geo))平均值排序为HgAsCuPbCrCd。其中,Hg处于轻度污染,其他5种元素均处于无污染水平。总体上,As、Cu、Hg的I_(geo)从西北向东南呈减小趋势;Cd的I_(geo)空间分布较为离散,出现两个同心圆状分布格局;Pb、Cr的I_(geo)呈现均匀分布格局。健康风险评价结果表明,克拉玛依市道路积尘中重金属元素的非致癌风险及致癌风险均处于安全范围内,主要暴露途径为手-口摄入,儿童受到的健康风险高于成人,As是克拉玛依市道路积尘中最主要健康风险元素。  相似文献   

利用环保疏浚联合土工管袋脱水减容工艺治理某重金属污染河道底泥,考察了该工艺对底泥重金属污染治理的工程应用效果.该工程实施的内容包括:环保疏浚工程、土工管袋脱水工程、底泥加药系统设计实施及尾水处理工程设计实施.结果 表明:经过上述联合工艺处理后,底泥的污泥比阻可下降至少80%;硫酰胺类共聚物(ES)稳定剂对重金属Cr和H...  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Rice is the main food in China, and its pollution by heavy metals has attracted widespread attention. In this study, rice grain samples were collected...  相似文献   

为探究土壤热修复后的土壤重金属形态以及健康风险的变化,以退役电镀企业地块的污染土壤为研究目标,分别在200、400和600℃下处理土壤15 min,以分析热处理对土壤重金属Cu、Pb、Ni和Cd赋存形态的影响、生物可给性变化以及重金属人体健康风险的差异.结果 表明,经热处理后,土壤Cu、Pb和Ni的酸可提取态增加,增加...  相似文献   

We investigated root versus canopy uptake of nickel and copper by mountain birch, Betula pubescens subsp. czerepanovi, close to a nickel-copper smelter on the Kola Peninsula, northwest Russia. To distinguish between aerial contamination of leaf surfaces by dust particles and root-derived contamination of leaves by soluble metals, we transplanted seedlings from a control site to clean and metal-contaminated soils and exposed these seedlings both in clean and polluted sites. Patterns of leaf surface contamination and root uptake were similar for nickel and copper; however, nickel but not copper was effectively translocated from roots to shoots and leaves. The majority (80-95%) of nickel and copper found in birch foliage in the heavily contaminated site was due to deposition of dust particles on leaf surfaces; 32-40% of foliar nickel and 9-19% of foliar copper were in water soluble forms. Washing of fresh leaves removed only a minor part of surface contaminants; boiling of unwashed leaves in distilled water for 15 min removed >90% of soluble nickel and copper.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Ceramic foodwares are among the products used by people on daily basis without being cautious of exposures to heavy metals through possible leaching...  相似文献   

Borage, white mustard and phacelia, green manure plants currently used in agriculture to improve soil properties were cultivated for 10 wk on various polluted soils with metal(loid) concentrations representative of urban brownfields or polluted kitchen gardens. Metal(loid) bioavailability and ecotoxicity were measured in relation to soil characteristics before and after treatment. All the plants efficiently grow on the various polluted soils. But borage and mustard only are able to modify the soil characteristics and metal(loid) impact: soil respiration increased while ecotoxicity, bioaccessible lead and total metal(loid) quantities in soils can be decreased respectively by phytostabilization and phytoextraction mechanisms. These two plants could therefore be used for urban polluted soil refunctionalization. However, plant efficiency to improve soil quality strongly depends on soil characteristics.  相似文献   

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