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基质是潜流式人工湿地污水处理系统的重要组成部分,直接影响到系统的处理效果.本文研究了由沸石、页岩陶粒和碎石3种不同基质构建的潜流式人工湿地对磷的去除效果.结果表明,在设计水力停留时间3 d,连续进出水情况下,碎石单元对磷的去除效果最好,页岩陶粒单元次之,沸石单元效果最差,平均去除率分别为95%、60%和35%.在潜流式人工湿地污水处理系统运行初期观察到磷释放现象,沸石单元最为明显.进水磷浓度较低时,磷的去除率随浓度升高而升高,当正磷、总磷浓度分别升高到2.4~2.5和3.1~3.3 mg/L时,正磷、总磷的去除率开始迅速下降.  相似文献   

3种不同基质潜流湿地对磷的去除效果   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
基质是潜流式人工湿地污水处理系统的重要组成部分,直接影响到系统的处理效果。本文研究了由沸石、页岩陶粒和碎石3种不同基质构建的潜流式人工湿地对磷的去除效果。结果表明,在设计水力停留时间3d,连续进出水情况下,碎石单元对磷的去除效果最好,页岩陶粒单元次之,沸石单元效果最差,平均去除率分别为95%、60%和35%。在潜流式人工湿地污水处理系统运行初期观察到磷释放现象,沸石单元最为明显。进水磷浓度较低时,磷的去除率随浓度升高而升高,当正磷、总磷浓度分别升高到2.4—2.5和3.1~3.3mg/L时,正磷、总磷的去除率开始迅速下降。  相似文献   


The feasibility of using floating treatment wetlands (FTWs) to treat runoff typical of commercial nurseries was investigated using two 8-week trials with replicated mesocosms. Plants were supported by Beemat rafts. Five monoculture treatments of Agrostis alba (red top), Canna × generalis ‘Firebird’ (canna lily), Carex stricta (tussock sedge), Iris ensata ‘Rising Sun’ (Japanese water iris), Panicum virgatum (switchgrass), two mixed species treatments, and an unplanted control were assessed. These plant species are used for ornamental, wetland, and biofuel purposes. Nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) removals were evaluated after a 7-day hydraulic retention time (HRT). N removal (sum of ammonium-N, nitrate-N, and nitrite-N) from FTW treatments ranged from 0.255 to 0.738 g·m?2·d?1 (38.9 to 82.4% removal) and 0.147 to 0.656 g·m?2·d?1 (12.9 to 59.6% removal) for trials 1 and 2, respectively. P removal (phosphate-P) ranged from 0.052 to 0.128 g·m?2·d?1 (26.1 to 64.7% removal) for trial 1, and 0.074 to 0.194 g·m?2·d?1 (26.8 to 63.2% removal) for trial 2. Panicum virgatum removed more N and P than any other FTW treatment and the control in both trials. Results show that species selection and timing of FTW harvest impact the rate and mass of nutrient remediation. FTWs can effectively remove N and P from runoff from commercial nurseries.


为提高人工湿地除磷效能,从沸石、陶粒、萤石、膨胀蛭石、石灰石、麦饭石、火山岩、牡蛎壳、钢渣和废砖块这10种具有较高磷素饱和吸附量的填料中,筛选出钢渣、沸石和石灰石3种适宜处理分散性生活污水的人工湿地填料,并分别使用不同浓度梯度的酸(碱)、盐对3种填料进行改性,以增强其除磷能力。研究结果表明,钢渣、沸石和石灰石分别经2 mol/L AlCl3、2 mol/L NaOH及2 mol/L AlCl3、0.5 mol/L AlCl3溶液改性后,磷素吸附量达到最高值(0.272、0.0801和0.351 mg/g),而双常数方程能更好地描述优选填料对生活污水中磷的吸附动力学过程,综合考虑填料的吸附效果、成本及来源,改性石灰石是人工湿地处理分散性生活污水时较为理想的除磷填料;此外,填料经铝改后,氮磷吸附效果普遍优于其他改性条件,且Al-P有利于植物直接吸收利用,含铝废水来源广泛,故利用铝改液处理人工湿地填料具有较高的应用推广价值。  相似文献   

人工湿地污水处理系统中的植物氮磷吸收富集能力研究   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
比较研究了人工湿地污水处理系统中7种植物对氮、磷的吸收能力.研究表明,所选7种湿地植物,稳定生长4个月后,平均总生物量在1 215~3 500 g/m2,植物氮、磷平均质量浓度分别为13.76~23.11、1.44~3.80 mg/g.香蒲具有最高氮积累量达48.18 g/m2,梭鱼草具有最高磷积累量为7.23 g/m2,姜草对氮、磷的积累量最低分别为21.40、1.68 g/m2.植物地上部氮、磷积累量与地下部的氮、磷积累量差异较大,除姜草外,植物地上部、地下部的氮、磷积累量比均大于3,黄花美人蕉地上部、地下部的氮、磷积累量比分别达11.75、12.10.通过植物收割去除氮、磷量约占湿地总去除量的2%~6%.  相似文献   

Aluminium-based water treatment residual (Al-WTR) is the most widely generated residual from water treatment facilities worldwide. It is regarded as a by-product of no reuse potential and landfilled. This study assessed Al-WTR as potential phosphate-removing substrate in engineered wetlands. Results indicate specific surface area ranged from 28.0 m2 g−1 to 41.4 m2 g−1. X-ray Diffraction, Fourier transform infrared and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopes all indicate Al-WTR is mainly composed of amorphous aluminium which influences its phosphorus (P) adsorption capacity. The pH and electrical conductivity ranged from 5.9 to 6.0 and 0.104 dS m−1 to 0.140 dS m−1 respectively, showing that it should support plant growth. Batch tests showed adsorption maxima of 31.9 mg P g−1 and significant P removal was achieved in column tests. Overall, results showed that Al-WTR can be used for P removal in engineered wetlands and it carries the benefits of reuse of a by-product that promotes sustainability.  相似文献   

人工湿地中基质与植物对污染物去除效率的影响   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:6  
针对太湖五里湖富营养化水体,采用中试规模的人工湿地现场实验开展了不同基质、不同植物的污染物去除效果研究。基质采用炉渣和沸石2种,在一个湿地池种植单一植物茭白,另一个湿地池种植鸢尾+菖蒲混合植物,同时构建了无植物的对照组湿地。研究表明:(1)在运行初期,沸石和炉渣2种基质对TN、TP的去除率差异为12.5%和12.6%,吸附饱和后,2种基质对TN和TP的去除率差异缩小为3.2%和6.1%,从长期运行来看,炉渣和沸石2种基质在人工湿地中的去除效率差异将减小;(2)茭白单一植物湿地对污染物的去除率与鸢尾+菖蒲混合植物湿地对污染物的去除率两者之间差异不大;(3)人工湿地种植植物后对TN、TP的去除率比无植物状态时分别高出13.6%和19.5%,植物在人工湿地中对污染物的去除发挥了重要作用;(4)在本试验条件下,茭白吸收所去除的氮数量为湿地氮总去除量的8.95%,茭白吸收去除磷的数量为湿地磷总去除量的20.16%,在人工湿地中,茭白吸收对磷的去除效率比对氮的去除效率高。  相似文献   

研究证明,将催化铁添加至传统生物除磷工艺的厌氧段,可使得生物除磷和化学除磷两者作用耦合。为了研究工艺中生物除磷与化学除磷的关系,采用不同催化铁投配率分别为0、1和2 g Fe/(mg P·d)的3组反应器进行实验。结果表明,催化铁投配率为1 g Fe/(mg P·d)时,系统的除磷效率最佳,去除率在90%以上,生物除磷与化学除磷耦合作用好;负荷为2 g Fe/(mg P·d)时,系统在未达到稳定之前即发生恶化,生物除磷作用受到抑制。铁化合物的积累量过多是系统出现恶化的主要原因:在污泥中铁含量小于30 mg Fe/g MLSS时,生物除磷作用与化学除磷作用两者协同,除磷效率提高;当污泥中铁含量超过52.8 mg Fe/g MLSS时,出现竞争,生物除磷作用受到抑制;通过排泥,降低污泥中铁含量,则除磷功能可以得到恢复。  相似文献   

在比较了不同基质脱氮效率的基础上,认为基质作为人工湿地的重要组成部分,在为植物和微生物提供生长介质的同时,也能通过沉淀、过滤和吸附等作用直接去除污染物质,其中基质的类型、级配等因素会影响基质作用的发挥;不同基质对脱氮性能存在较大差异,沸石和蛭石是目前研究中脱氮效率较高的两种基质。在归纳了脱氮机制和影响因素的基础上,认为不同基质由于脱氮机制不同,脱氮性能和脱氮效率也存在较大差异;人工湿地基质所有理化性状都可能影响到它对污水的脱氮效率。最后,对今后的相关研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

Agricultural region wastewater near Dianchi Lake, China increases eutrophication of the lake. Thus nitrogen and phosphorus removal from the wastewater by Phragmites australis and Zizania caduciflora in two Constructed Wetlands (CWs) was studied. South CW and North CW have areas of 2800 and 4200 m², respectively. From January 2003 to December 2003, the input loads were 5.31 (2.89) and 0.68 (0.37) kg P ha−1 day−1 in SCW (NCW). The removal amounts of N and P via plant harvesting accounted for 32 (58) and 37 (51)% of the corresponding removal load in SCW (NCW).  相似文献   

以SBR反应器为研究对象,采用人工配水,考察在厌氧/好氧/缺氧(AOA)运行方式下系统的脱氮除磷性能,并通过对排水比、好氧停留时间和进水氨氮负荷的调试,优化运行条件。在优化工况下,通过分析典型周期系统中胞内聚合物的形成与转化情况,研究AOA-SBR系统中聚磷菌(PAOs)的代谢特性。结果表明:在AOA-SBR系统中,排水比为50%,好氧停留时间为110 min,进水氨氮负荷为0.20 kg N·(kg MLSS·d)-1是系统的优化工况;厌氧段合成PHA的能量主要来自于聚磷水解,还原力大多来自于糖酵解,只有25% 来自于TCA循环;PHA和糖原是驱动缺氧段反硝化的共同碳源。  相似文献   

To study the optimal performance characteristics and maximize the removal efficiency of contaminants by the constructed floating islands (CFIs), four kinds of parallel pilot-scale CFIs with different structures were set up outdoors to treat eutrophic water for approximately 6 months. The contribution of artificial aeration to nutrient removal on the basis of gas-water ratios was investigated, and the influences of the structure and temperature were evaluated simultaneously. It was noted that the nutrient removal rate of the multi-medium CFI was greater than those of others. In the four kinds of units, aeration could significantly increase the nutrient removal efficiency, and a gas-water ratio of 10 was adequate for the relatively high removal of nutrients. Using the aforementioned gas-water ratio of 10 and a hydraulic residence time (HRT) of 2 days, the mean removal efficiencies of the multi-medium CFI for NH3-N and total phosphorus were 71.7% and 63.6%, respectively-approximately twice as great as those in the non-aerated system. Furthermore, temperature was an important factor for nutrient removal in the multi-medium CFI. With the water temperature of >13 degrees C and the HRT of 2.5 days, the mean removal efficiencies for NH3-N and total phosphorus were 87.6% and 83.5%, respectively, whereas the removal efficiency decreased significantly when the temperature was lower than 13 degrees C.  相似文献   

铁氧化物和锰氧化物均可在缺氧条件下介导氨氮(NH4+-N)的氧化去除,这2项技术被称为铁氨氧化(Feammox)和锰氨氧化(Mnammox)。此外,金属氧化物对总磷(TP)也有去除能力,因此,在人工湿地中具有良好的应用前景。为比较铁矿基和锰矿基人工湿地的脱氮除磷效果,本研究建立了铁矿基人工湿地(CW-Fe)、锰矿基人工湿地(CW-Mn)和砾石对照组人工湿地(CW-C)3组人工湿地。结果表明,CW-Fe和CW-Mn的脱氮除磷性能均优于CW-C。尽管锰矿对NH4+-N的吸附作用最强,但CW-Fe却表现出了更优越的NH4+-N长期去除性能。在基质对NH4+-N的吸附饱和后,CW-Fe对NH4+-N的去除率仍有39.93%~62.4%,而CW-Mn只有29.15%~35.4%。由于铁矿和锰矿溶出的金属离子能与磷酸盐结合形成稳定的沉淀,从而有效去除TP,CW-Fe和CW-Mn均有优异的TP去除性能。CW-Mn的TP去除率最高,为95.26%,其次是CW-Fe,为79.97%。在微生物方面,具有还原铁氧化物和氧化NH4+-N潜力的BacillusExiguobacterium在CW-Fe中均得到了显著富集。结合水质数据及脱氮相关功能菌的分析,推测出Feammox中可能更倾向于将NH4+-N直接氧化为N2,而Mnammox则是更倾向于先将NH4+-N氧化为NOx-N。本研究可为探索同步脱氮除磷的低能耗污水处理工艺及人工湿地中基质的选择提供案例参考。  相似文献   

以煤渣和陶粒作为填料,通过静态吸附实验对二者的磷吸附动力学和等温吸附过程进行模型拟合,并考察了不同盐度对人工渗滤系统吸附除磷的影响。静态吸附实验结果表明,零盐度下,Elovich模型和双常数模型可较好拟合煤渣吸附除磷过程,而陶粒更符合一级动力学模型,二者吸附机理取决于填料的理化性质;不同盐度下,二者等温吸附过程 Langmuir 方程的拟合效果要好于Freundlich方程;盐度增大总体呈现对磷吸附的抑制作用,但由于盐度增加导致溶液中阴离子与磷酸根离子激烈竞争填料表面吸附位点,二者的吸附量均在1%和1.5% 盐度之间出现反复。人工渗滤系统连续实验结果表明,系统整体受盐度影响趋势与静态吸附实验结果基本一致。  相似文献   

Lindstrom SM  White JR 《Chemosphere》2011,85(4):625-629
Treatment wetlands have a finite period of effective nutrient removal after which treatment efficiency declines. This is due to the accumulation of organic matter which decreases the capacity and hydraulic retention time of the wetland. We investigated four potential solutions to improve the soluble reactive P (SRP) removal of a municipal wastewater treatment wetland soil including; dry down, surface additions of alum or calcium carbonate and physical removal of the accreted organic soil under both aerobic and anaerobic water column conditions. The flux of SRP from the soil to the water column under aerobic conditions was higher for the continuously flooded controls (1.1 ± 0.4 mg P m−2 d−1), dry down (1.5 ± 0.9 mg P m−2 d−1) and CaCO3 (0.8 ± 0.7 mg P m−2 d−1) treatments while the soil removal and alum treatments were significantly lower at 0.02 ± 0.10 and −0.07 ± 0.02 mg P m−2 d−1, respectively. These results demonstrate that the two most effective management strategies at sequestering SRP were organic soil removal and alum additions. There are difficulties and costs associated with removal and disposal of soils from a treatment wetland. Therefore our findings suggest that alum addition may be the most cost effective and efficient means of increasing the sequestering of P in aging treatment wetlands experiencing reduced P removal rates. However, more research is needed to determine the longer term effects of alum buildup in the organic soil on the wetland biota, in particular, on the macrophytes and invertebrates. Since alum effectiveness is time limited, a longer term solution to P flux may favor the organic soil removal.  相似文献   

新型人工湿地生态填料净化生活污水的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用单一粒级的碎石作为粗骨料,水泥、粉煤灰和化学添加剂为胶结材料制备了2种新型人工湿地生态填料(以下简称人工生态填料),分别为普通人工生态填料(ES-C)和内置空隙人工生态填料(ES-V),对比研究了2种人工生态填料和普通碎石填料对模拟农村生活污水的净化处理效果,探讨了影响其去除效果的几个因素。结果表明,处理第5天,效果最好的ES-V对COD、NH4+-N和TP的去除率分别为83.13%、75.25%和75.17%,浓度达到《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》(GB 18918—2002)一级B标准;普通碎石填料的NH4+-N去除率比人工生态填料低30%左右,TP的去除率约为人工生态填料的一半。当COD/NH4+-N(质量比)为9~13,NH4+-N负荷为20~55mg/L时,人工生态填料对NH4+-N的去除效果较好;TP为3~10mg/L时,人工生态填料对TP有较高的去除率。最后从物理、化学和生化作用3个方面探讨了人工生态填料的去污机制。  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The combined effects and respective advantages of using pyrite and alkali-modified rice husk (RH) were studied as substrates for nitrogen and...  相似文献   

微生物的异化Fe(Ⅲ)还原是一种能够利用Fe(III)作为末端电子受体在无氧条件下氧化有机物的产能过程。结合这一特性,考察了在兼性厌氧/严格厌氧条件下Fe^0钝化膜作为Fe(111)源时的生物还原能力以及对N、P等营养元素的去除效果。结果表明,严格厌氧条件下微生物异化Fe(Ⅲ)还原能力较好,富集培养至7d,累计Fe(II)浓度达到最大,最大产生速率为98.69mg/(L·d),同时TP去除率高达97.1%以上。而体系对NH4-N、TN的去除相对滞后,培养至13d,去除率开始增大,最终分别达到86.6%和76.1%。这为装填有海绵铁+聚氨酯泡沫载体的SBBR中填料的原位再生问题提供了解决思路。  相似文献   

在人工配制的污水中投入一定量的基质,不同条件下振荡培养,评价沸石、炉渣和陶瓷滤料3种基质在不同因素影响下对氨氮(NH4+-N)和总磷(TP)的吸附能力。结果表明,不同吸附时间时,沸石对NH4+-N的吸附效果最好,陶瓷滤料对TP的吸附效果最好;进水浓度对沸石吸附NH4+-N的影响较大,其吸附量随进水浓度的增大而增大,进水浓度对炉渣和陶瓷滤料吸附NH4+-N及炉渣吸附TP影响不大;3种基质对NH4+-N和TP的吸附量均是随吸附剂量的增加而降低,要达到较好的去污效果,应根据实验结果考虑基质投入量;pH值对沸石吸附NH4+-N影响显著,pH值6~7范围内吸附效果最好,pH值8~12的碱性条件有利于基质对TP的吸附。  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Phosphorus (P) is responsible for algal growth and the structural changes in algal communities. Therefore, it is essential to know whether the...  相似文献   

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