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Monitoring the Hydrology of Canadian Prairie Wetlands to Detect the Effects of Climate Change and Land Use Changes 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
There are millions of small isolatedwetlands in the semi-arid Canadian prairies. These`sloughs' are refuges for wildlife in an area that isotherwise intensively used for agriculture. They areparticularly important as waterfowl habitat, with morethan half of all North American ducks nesting inprairie sloughs. The water levels and ecology of thewetlands are sensitive to atmospheric change and tochanges of agricultural practices in the surroundingfields. Monitoring of the hydrological conditions ofthe wetlands across the region is vital for detectinglong-term trends and for studying the processes thatcontrol the water balance of the wetlands. Suchmonitoring therefore requires extensive regional-scaledata complemented by intensive measurements at a fewlocations. At present, wetlands are being enumeratedacross the region once each year and year-roundmonitoring is being carried out at a few locations. Theregional-scale data can be statistically related toregional climate data, but such analyses cast littlelight on the hydrological processes and have limitedpredictive value when climate and land use arechanging. The intensive monitoring network has providedimportant insights but it now needs to be expanded andrevised to meet new questions concerning the effects ofclimate change and land use. 相似文献
A cost-effective method was developed to map fire scars on Quicklooks of Landat TM imagery. The method was compared with a
full resolution Landsat image using visual interpretation and supervised classification using the Maximum Likelihood procedure,
resulting in a high degree of agreement between methods. A long time series of fire scars was developed using all available
Landsat Quicklooks between 1989 and 2001 for an area of 63000 sq km in north-east Namibia.
Between 27 and 51% of the study area burned annually, while only 10% of the area did not burn between 1989 and 2001. Not-burned
areas were mainly settled areas and permanent wetlands. 33% of the area burned between 5 and 7 times during the 13 years indicating
a high frequency overall. Rainfall and livestock had little influence on burned areas.
In 1996 formal fire management started in a portion of the study area consisting of building firebreaks and holding awareness
programs. A comparison of burned areas before and after the intervention started allowed evaluating its effectiveness. The
area where the formal fire management program was undertaken showed a significant decrease in burned area. It is suggested
that awareness campaigns rather than firebreaks contributed to this decrease.
Selected tree population data were compared with fire frequencies. Differences in tree occurrence, regeneration, and stem
diameter distributions between low and high fire frequencies could be detected and explained with known responses of the species
to fire. This suggests that the observed time series is representative of a long-term fire regime in the area. 相似文献
当前环保系统垂直改革稳步推进,县级环境监测质量管理工作也迎来新的机遇与挑战。从县级环境监测站质量管理工作现状着手,分析新形势下存在质量管理体系有效性缺乏、现场监测过程质量管理薄弱、质量管理意识尚待提高等问题。提出,应从加强体系建设、提高现场监测水平、强化考核培训力度等方面改进县级环境监测质量管理工作水平。 相似文献
污染源自动监控设施监督管理的探 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
就《污染源自动监控设施运行管理办法》的基本内容和对运行单位的基本要求,以及环境监察、环境监测和环保局如何正确履行各自监督管理职能等方面进行探析。 相似文献
大量长期地使用农用塑料薄膜,导致邻苯二甲酸酯类的监测结果出现超标。邻苯二甲酸酯类的污染形势不容乐观。结合桂林市农村环境质量试点监测工作,参考全国生态环境监测与评价工作的技术方法,利用高分辨率卫星遥感影像对试点监测村进行了农膜覆盖面积的统计。针对桂林市的丘陵地貌特征,利用高程数据对统计结果进行修正,提高了农膜覆盖面积统计的准确度。同时还对试点监测村周边区域的农膜覆盖情况进行了粗略统计和分析,确定了将来的重点调查目标区域,为将来深入调查邻苯二甲酸酯类污染状况、制定防治方案提供了一定的参考。 相似文献
R. Janikowski R. Kucharski A. Sas-Nowosielska 《Environmental monitoring and assessment》2000,60(1):89-102
Errors in environmental resource management over the years have created pollution problems in some areas which are difficult to handle, regardless of the development of knowledge and technologies. This is particularly true in the case of soil pollution. The negative effects of persistent pollutants have been observed for a long time. For instance, lead and cadmium remain in the soil for centuries, during which time they are absorbed by plants and simultaneously cause secondary air pollution. The authors made an attempt to describe and assess the possible options of dealing with the problem of contaminated land in Katowice District. Considering the necessity of a multilateral approach, a pairwise comparison technique has been chosen as the most suitable to show the complexity of the problem. The different variants of actions aimed at preventing the pollutants from getting into the food chain were analyzed against a set of criteria, consisting of the following issues: time, cost, effectiveness, social acceptance, feasibility. The relative importance of actions were judged by the team of experts using the Saaty method. Also, a two-perspective assessment (the two different stakeholders), which involves considering the perspective of an owner of a piece of contaminated land and an ecologist has been performed. The results of comparative, multicriteria and multi-perspective assessment indicate the following:- the best method for contaminated agricultural land management is willful and controlled cultivation,- other recommended actions are deep ploughing and phytoremediation,- there is not much acceptance for the other methods. 相似文献
A pilot project to detect and forecast harmful algal blooms in the northern Gulf of Mexico 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
More timely access to data and information on the initiation, evolution and effects of harmful algal blooms can reduce adverse impacts on valued natural resources and human health. To achieve this in the northern Gulf of Mexico, a pilot project was initiated to develop a user-driven, end-to-end (measurements to applications) observing system. A key strategy of the project is to coordinate existing state, federal and academic programs at an unprecedented level of collaboration and partnership. Resource managers charged with protection of public health and aquatic resources require immediate notice of algal events and a forecast of when, where and what adverse effects will likely occur. Further, managers require integrated analyses and interpretations, rather than raw data, to make effective decisions. Consequently, a functional observing system must collect and transform diverse measurements into usable forecasts. Data needed to support development of forecasts will include such properties as sea surface temperature, winds, currents and waves; precipitation and freshwater flows with related discharges of sediment and nutrients; salinity, dissolved oxygen, and chlorophyll concentrations (in vivo fluorescence); and remotely-sensed spatial images of sea surface chlorophyll concentrations. These data will be provided via a mixture of discrete and autonomous in situ sensing with near real-time data telemetry, and remote sensing from space (SeaWiFS), aircraft (hyperspectral imagery) or land (high-frequency radar). With calibration across these platforms, the project will ultimately provide a 4-dimensional visualization of harmful algae events in a time frame suitable to resource managers. 相似文献
在事业单位机构改革过程中,部分事业单位的法人资格被重组到上一级机构,而不再具有独立法人资格,其原有的CMA检验检测资质不复存在。撤并以后的环境监测机构各项业务如何融合开展,资质认定如何管理,多个实验室场所质量管理体系如何构建,是当前一些检验检测机构亟待解决的普遍性问题。为此,该研究在优化多场所实验室质量管理体系,制定科学、合理、全面、具备开放性和可拓展的多场所实验室质量管理体系文件方面进行了积极探索。以江西省生态环境监测中心“1+11”多场所实验室质量管理为例,结合江西省环境监测机构改革现状,兼顾资质认定有关法律法规要求,就环境监测多场所实验室提出了一套系统性的质量管理体系构建模式,希望为多场所检验检测机构的质量管理提供借鉴。 相似文献
生态环境监测管理制度改革对省级生态环境监测机构的管理能力提出更高要求,在数字化发展战略背景下,推动生态环境监测数字化建设是促进监测能力现代化的必由之路.以广东省为例,从生态环境监测管理需求出发,分析改革面临的难点和问题,提出了构建智慧生态环境监测管理体系的思路.以监测业务为主线,串联全省监测人、财、物、事的管理,利用数... 相似文献
研究了当前环境监测人员面临的职业安全风险以及当前环境监测人员职业安全管理方面存在的问题,并提出一套较为可行的环境监测人员职业安全管理体系框架,包括完善环境监测人员职业安全管理制度文件的制定、完善环境监测人员职业安全管理技术文件的编制、构建和完善政府相关职能部门及社会环境监测机构环境监测人员职业安全内部管理机制、构建和完... 相似文献