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Using Japanese facility-level data from an OECD survey, we estimate the effects of implementation of ISO14001 and publication of environmental reports on the facilities’ environmental performance. While most previous studies focused on an index of emissions toxicity, this study examines three areas of impacts, none of which have been explored in the literature: natural resource use, solid waste generation, and wastewater effluent. The study is also unique in that the effectiveness of ISO14001 is considered in relation to environmental regulations. Our findings are summarized as follows. First, both ISO14001 and report publication help reduce all three impacts; the former appears more effective in all areas except wastewater. Second, environmental regulations do not weaken the effect of ISO14001. Third, assistance programs offered by local governments—a voluntary approach—promote facilities’ adoption of ISO14001. These findings suggest that governments can use command-and-control and voluntary approaches concurrently.  相似文献   

Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology - Deep-diving sperm whales have a complex social structure and the largest brain of any animal, but very little is known about the ontogeny of their diving,...  相似文献   

Voluntary and active participation by a wide variety of actors is a prerequisite for successful societal transitions towards sustainability. The ‘Commitment to Sustainable Development 2050’ is a national-level initiative in Finland, aiming to mobilise a large-scale transition involving various societal actors through openly communicated commitments to concrete actions. Each commitment should focus on at least one of the eight nationally defined sustainability objectives connected to the global Sustainable Development Goals. This article assesses the implementation and the development needs of the commitment process based on a range of materials. The results highlight the importance of securing adequate resources for long-term coordination and continuous development of the commitment process, trust creation through long-term and open communication, and flexibility allowing for experimentation aimed at finding new modes of interaction between the public and private sectors.  相似文献   

Wang JM  Firestone MK  Beissinger SR 《Ecology》2011,92(5):1137-1145
The viability of freshly laid avian eggs declines after several days of exposure to ambient temperatures above physiological zero, and declines occur faster in tropical than temperate ecosystems. Microbial infection during preincubation exposure has recently been shown as a second cause of egg viability decline in the tropics, but whether microbial processes influence the viability of wild bird eggs in temperate ecosystems is unknown. We determined the microbial load on eggshells, the incidence of microbial penetration of egg contents, and changes in the viability of wild bird eggs (Sialia mexicana, Tachycineta bicolor, Tachycineta thalassina) experimentally exposed to temperate-zone ambient conditions in situ in a mediterranean climate in northern California. Initial microbial loads on eggshells were generally low, although they were significantly higher on eggs laid in old boxes than in new boxes. Eggshell microbial loads did not increase with exposure to ambient conditions, were not reduced by twice-daily disinfection with alcohol, and were unaffected by parental incubation. The rate of microbial penetration into egg contents was low and unaffected by the duration of exposure. Nevertheless, egg viability declined very gradually and significantly with exposure duration, and the rate of decline differed among species. In contrast to studies performed in the tropics, we found little evidence that temperature or microbial mechanisms of egg viability decline were important at our temperate-zone site; neither temperatures above physiological zero nor alcohol disinfection was significantly related to hatching success. Delaying the onset of incubation until the penultimate or last egg of a clutch at our study site may maintain hatching synchrony without a large trade-off in egg viability. These results provide insight into the environmental mechanisms that may be responsible for large-scale latitudinal patterns in avian clutch size and hatching asynchrony.  相似文献   

Previous epidemiological studies have shown that dental fluorosis is endemic in the lowland, dry zone of Sri Lanka, which is considered to be an area in which excessive quantities of fluorides are present in the drinking water supplies. It has been found that kaolinitic clay forms a suitable raw material in the defluoridation of water.It is shown that there is a noticeable effect of selenium and media pH on the reactions involved in the interaction of fluoride with clay. In this study, 1 mM fluoride solutions containing SeO 3 2– (selenite) concentrations of 0 mM, 0.1 mM, 0.5 mM and 1 mM were used in the reactions with kaolinitic clay. The effect of pH was monitored in the range 4 to 8. It was observed that fluoride adsorption was maximum at a pH of 5.6 without either SeO 3 2– or SeO 4 2– , the adsorption capacity being 15.2 mol F g–1 clay. However, when the SeO 3 2– concentration was increased up to 0.5 mM at this optimum pH, the adsorption capacity reduced to 12.8 mol F g–1 clay. Monitoring of the effect of SeO 4 2– and media pH on fluoride adsorption showed that when the SeO 4 2– concentration increases from zero to 0.1 mM, there is a reduction of fluoride adsorption capacity. However, when the SeO 4 2– concentration is further increased from 0.1 mM to 1.0 mM, there was an increase in the fluoride adsorption capacity, indicating a more consistent effect of SeO 3 2– on fluoride-kaolinitic clay interaction than SeO 4 2– .Fluoride concentrations in drinking water supplies have a marked effect on dental health and the geochemistry of selenium appears to play an important role in the geochemical mobility of fluoride ions.  相似文献   

Recent advances in the field of nanotechnology enabled the manufacturing of elaborated nanometer-sized particles for various biomedical applications. The cosmetic industry is one of the most enthusiastic early adopters of nanotechnology which routinely uses nano-scale ingredients. However, in the absence of mandatory product labeling, it is difficult to estimate the number of cosmetics, sunscreens and personal care products containing nanoparticles that are now commercially available. The increased capacity of nanoparticles to penetrate skin and gain access to human cells is a double-edged sword as it may be useful for medical purposes, but might also result in far greater uptake of substances that exert adverse health effects. Since nanomaterials represent a large group of structurally, physically, and chemically variable substances, specific toxicological studies are required for each product prior to commercialization. This review aims to delineate the most investigated applications, risk and safety considerations, and regulation of nanotechnology in the field of cosmetics.  相似文献   

Seed choice by rodents: learning or inheritance?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Learning plays a central role in animal life, and it has received special attention in the context of foraging. In this study, we have tested whether learning operates in seed choices by rodents using the Algerian mouse (Mus spretus) and Holm oak (Quercus ilex) acorns as a model. At the laboratory, those rodents captured in the field during the acorn fall period (experienced individuals) rejected weevil-infested acorns, presumably because of their lower energetic value. By contrast, rodents born in captivity and reared without any contact with acorns (naïves) predated weevil-infested acorns at similar rates than sound ones. After exposing naïves to infested and sound acorns during 15 days, they rejected infested acorns as the experienced individuals. In the field, predation on weevil-infested acorns was lower than on sound ones. Predation rates on infested acorns were lowest at the end of the acorn fall season, whereas predation rates of sound acorns increased along the same period. This might be explained by the improved ability to reject infested acorns because of the accumulated experience acquired by the initially naïve rodents along the acorn fall season. We show that learning shapes strongly seed choices by rodents, and it may be advantageous over inherited behaviors in variable unpredictable situations, such as acorn infestation rates that vary strongly between years and trees. We consider that the role of learning has to be taken into account in future studies on seed predation by rodents.  相似文献   

丛枝菌根(arbuscular mycorrhizal, AM)真菌是生态系统地上地下部的重要连接体,对其群落结构特征的研究有助于菌种资源的发掘和生态系统的可持续发展.人类生产生活活动对全球环境带来了一系列的改变,如二氧化碳和臭氧浓度升高、氮沉降、增温及降水减少/增多等,全球环境变化对AM真菌群落结构的影响也引起了广泛关注.针对二氧化碳和臭氧浓度升高、增温、氮沉降和降水减少/增多等全球环境变化因子,总结其对AM真菌群落结构影响的国内外研究进展,探讨全球环境变化对AM真菌群落的可能作用途径.已有模拟全球环境变化实验研究主要集中于北半球的草原、农田和森林系统.大多研究发现二氧化碳和臭氧浓度升高未对AM真菌多样性产生不利影响,但使AM真菌群落结构显著分异.氮沉降和增温对AM真菌多样性的影响表现为降低、无显著影响和增加等多种情况,对AM真菌群落结构的影响也表现为未显著和显著分异,主要与模拟实验处理方式、增加幅度、土壤养分水平和生态系统类型等因素有关.降水减少未显著影响AM真菌群落结构和多样性,而降水增加使AM真菌群落结构发生显著分异.这些研究主要注重AM真菌群落结构和多样性如何改变等生态现象而潜在机理探索以及热带和南半球不同生态系统下的研究尚不足.另外,鉴于全球变化因子间的关联性,复合因子对AM真菌群落结构的影响值得重视.(图1表4参113)  相似文献   

Extra-pair mating constitutes a relatively common reproductive strategy in many socially monogamous bird species. This strategy may considerably improve reproductive success of males, but female benefits from extra-pair matings still remain unclear and empirical evidence is scarce. This may be because genetic benefits of extra-pair mating are not always revealed. It is possible that they are shown only in unfavourable environmental conditions and hence problems arise with detecting differences between within- and extra-pair offspring whose performance is measured under favourable conditions. In order to test this prediction, we manipulated environmental conditions by altering brood sizes of blue tits and compared phenotypic characteristics of within- and extra-pair offspring in mixed-paternity broods. We found that extra-pair young exhibited a higher response to phytohemagglutinin in comparison to within-pair young, but this was only observed among nestlings from experimentally enlarged broods. These results indicate that genetic benefits may interact with the environment, and thus benefits of extra-pair mating are likely to become visible only when conditions are relatively unfavourable.  相似文献   

We study whether a government-sponsored voluntary pollution reduction program (VPR) promotes or deters the development of new environmental technologies that yield future emission reduction benefits. Using a panel of 127 U.S. manufacturing industries defined by 3-digit SIC classifications over the 1989–2004 period, we estimate impacts of industry-level participation in the 33/50 program, a VPR initiated by government regulators in 1991, on industry-level rates of environmental patenting. We find that higher rates of 33/50 program participation are associated with significant reductions in the number of successful environmental patent applications five to nine years after the program ended.  相似文献   

It is commonly assumed that shallow flows are in good approximation two-dimensional (2D) or quasi-2D. We will provide evidence that this is not always the case, and that the simple scaling argument based on the continuity equation does not always apply. Laboratory experiments on vortex flows in shallow fluid layers have revealed that locally significant three-dimensional (3D) effects and substantial vertical motions may occur, clearly destroying the assumed 2D character of the flow. For example, in the case of a dipolar vortex structure, an oscillatory vertical motion is observed in the vortex cores, while a spanwise circulation roll is present in front of the travelling dipole. These laboratory observations are confirmed by 3D numerical flow simulations. Attention will be given to a correct scaling analysis, in which both the aspect ratio of the fluid depth and a typical horizontal scale and the Reynolds number play a role.  相似文献   

The role of Dufour's gland secretion as an egg discriminator pheromone was reevaluated by simultaneously exposing workers to two combs, one containing queen- or worker-laid eggs and the second containing treated or untreated worker-laid eggs. Treatments included extracts of Dufour's gland secretion as well as the synthetic esters that were identified in the secretion. Policing was clearly detected both in queenright and queenless colonies by the swift removal of worker, but not of queen eggs. However, neither the glandular secretion nor its synthetic ester constituents were able to protect worker-born eggs from policing. Treated worker eggs were removed significantly faster than queen eggs, and at the same rate as non-treated worker eggs. These results are not consistent with the hypothesis that the secretion serves as an egg-marking pheromone. Chemical analyses of the queen abdominal tips revealed the presence of Dufour's esters, indicating that the glandular secretion oozes out and spreads over the cuticle around the genital chamber. However, contamination while ovipositing may also explain the minute amounts of these esters that were detected on the egg surface. Dufour's gland caste-specific composition suggests that in queens it may constitute a signal that plays a role in queen-worker interactions. Attraction bioassays revealed that the queen secretion, but not that of workers, is very attractive to workers. When applied either on a glass slide or on another worker, a retinue formed around the "surrogate queen". We conclude that Dufour's gland secretion constitutes part of a complex queen signal that is the basis for the social integrity of the honeybee colony.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that parent–offspring conflict over parental investment might have led to the rarity of dizygotic twins in humans. We explored the theoretical prediction that twins maximize their inclusive fitness by the death of a co-twin, while mothers of twins maximize fitness by raising both twins to independence. We used life history data (1700–1900) from two parishes in Central Norway to compare differences in inclusive fitness (measured as number of children reared to the age of 16 years, using Hamilton's rule) between twins and mothers of twins. Our results show that twins maximize their inclusive fitness by the death of a co-twin, while mothers of twins raise more children by rearing both twins to adulthood. However, because twins growing up as singletons may produce higher or at least equal number of offspring than the sum of the two twins growing up together, mothers might gain more grandchildren by allowing twins to grow up as singletons. To conclude, both selfish twins and their mothers might benefit by the death of a co-twin, indicating that there is no parent–offspring conflict responsible for the rareness of twins in these human populations. Finally, we discuss the results in the light of “The Insurance Egg Hypothesis” and “The Natural Selection Hypothesis”.  相似文献   

Li  Li  Sun  Junwei  Jiang  Jingjing  Wang  Jun 《Environmental geochemistry and health》2022,44(9):3057-3080
Environmental Geochemistry and Health - Haze pollution has drawn lots of public concern due to its potential damages to human health. Strategic interaction of environmental regulation among local...  相似文献   

We show that for a broad class of technologies the relationship between policy stringency and the rate of technology adoption is inverted U-shaped. This happens when the marginal abatement cost (MAC) curves of conventional and new technologies intersect, which invariably occurs when emissions are proportional to output and technological progress reduces emissions per output. This outcome does not result from policy failure. On the contrary, in social optimum, the relationship between the slope of the marginal damage curve and the rate of technology adoption is also inverted U-shaped. Under more general conditions, these curves can look even more complicated (e.g., such as inverted W-shaped).  相似文献   

The effect of predators on the abundance of prey species is a topic of ongoing debate in ecology; the effect of snake predators on their prey has been less debated, as there exists a general consensus that snakes do not negatively influence the abundance of their prey. However, this viewpoint has not been adequately tested. We quantified the effect of brown treesnake (Boiga irregularis) predation on the abundance and size of lizards on Guam by contrasting lizards in two 1-ha treatment plots of secondary forest from which snakes had been removed and excluded vs. two 1-ha control plots in which snakes were monitored but not removed or excluded. We removed resident snakes from the treatment plots with snake traps and hand capture, and snake immigration into these plots was precluded by electrified snake barriers. Lizards were sampled in all plots quarterly for a year following snake elimination in the treatment plots. Following the completion of this experiment, we used total removal sampling to census lizards on a 100-m2 subsample of each plot. Results of systematic lizard population monitoring before and after snake removal suggest that the abundance of the skink, Carlia ailanpalai, increased substantially and the abundance of two species of gekkonids, Lepidodactylus lugubris and Hemidactylus frenatus, also increased on snake-free plots. No treatment effect was observed for the skink Emoia caeruleocauda. Mean snout-vent length of all lizard species only increased following snake removal in the treatment plots. The general increase in prey density and mean size was unexpected in light of the literature consensus that snakes do not control the abundance of their prey species. Our findings show that, at least where alternate predators are lacking, snakes may indeed affect prey populations.  相似文献   

Eelgrass, Zostera marina, produces two types of shoots: morphologically simple vegetative shoots and highly branched flowering (reproductive) shoots, the latter found only in summer months. We examined whether the abundance and diversity of mobile epifaunal assemblage are affected by the presence of flowering shoots in an eelgrass meadow of Otsuchi Bay, northeastern Japan. Comparisons of epifauna in natural vegetation revealed that density and species richness did not differ significantly between sites consisting of both flowering and vegetative shoots, and those only of vegetative shoots. A transplant experiment, conducted to examine the colonization rates of epifauna to defaunated eelgrass planted with different combination of vegetative and flowering shoots, showed no obvious variation in abundance and species richness. At species level, the density of some species such as a tanaid Zeuxo sp. and a polychaete Platynereis sp. was higher at sites and/or treatments with flowering shoots, whereas that of some gastropods, such as Lirularia iridescens and Siphonacmea oblongata was higher at sites without flowering shoots. The species-specific response led to dissimilarity of epifaunal assemblage between sites and among treatments with different densities of vegetative and flowering shoots. Similar patterns observed for natural vegetation and the transplant experiment suggest that the variation in assemblage structure is caused by habitat selection of each species, for example, the utilization of flowering shoots as feeding ground and nursery by Zeuxo sp.  相似文献   

We show that for a broad class of technologies the relationship between policy stringency and the rate of technology adoption is inverted U-shaped. This happens when the marginal abatement cost (MAC) curves of conventional and new technologies intersect, which invariably occurs when emissions are proportional to output and technological progress reduces emissions per output. This outcome does not result from policy failure. On the contrary, in social optimum, the relationship between the slope of the marginal damage curve and the rate of technology adoption is also inverted U-shaped. Under more general conditions, these curves can look even more complicated (e.g., such as inverted W-shaped).  相似文献   

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