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生活垃圾强制分类的实施对改善城乡环境,促进资源回收利用,加快资源节约型和环境友好型社会建设,提高新型城镇化质量和生态文明建设水平具有重要意义。文章通过分析国内外部分城市生活垃圾分类特点,结合济南市分类现状,对存在问题提出强制分类的建议:首先,应尽快出台垃圾强制分类的精细化管理法规;其次,可对部分居民消费品引入产品全生命周期制,鼓励企业回收再利用;再次,应多渠道加强垃圾分类的宣传教育引导,将垃圾分类知识纳入素质教育考核,逐步转变居民思想观念;第四,应大力吸引社会资本,建设完善、便利的垃圾分类配套体系;最后,通过试点逐步推广,辅以严格执法管理,实现垃圾分类习惯的形成与分类行为的长期维持。  相似文献   

本文以山东省莱芜市房干村为试点,通过对20个典型居民户进行问卷调查和垃圾分类实验,分析了居民生活垃圾组成特征和处理现状,提出了一种农村生活垃圾四分类法,实验检验了其可能效果,并调查分析了居民对这一生活垃圾分类收集方法的接受和支付意愿。  相似文献   

对北京市城市生活垃圾收运系统现状进行了全面的分析,对北京城八区生活垃圾收集、分类收集、转运、生活垃圾处理设施和垃圾物流现状进行了分析,同时对北京市城市生活垃圾收运系统进行了分析,指出了北京市城市生活垃圾收运系统存在的主要问题和今后改进的建议及处理处置设施的规划,为北京城市生活垃圾收运系统的建设和完善起到了积极地推动作用。  相似文献   

分析了垃圾排弃的现状、危害、潜在价值及现有的垃圾处理方法,提出创新垃圾处理方法势在必行。与已有的垃圾处理方法比较,垃圾块体填埋法有自己的特点,以社区为单元的垃圾源头分类投放、收集和预处理,能使垃圾实现分类化处理;通过垃圾中可回收废物的回收利用,能使垃圾最大限度资源化;通过垃圾分类粉碎、脱水、压缩成块体,使垃圾有效地减量化;经过消毒、分类堆砌有助于垃圾填埋场地的分类管理和安全监控,使垃圾处理基本无害化;回收、堆肥、焚烧、填埋,使垃圾处理综合化;填埋场的复垦与开发利用,使垃圾处理环保化。该方法的推广应用,可使垃圾处理无害化、减量化、资源化和市场化目标得以实现。  相似文献   

以我国中部某农业大市为研究对象,重点调查了解其农村地区垃圾的产生来源、种类、数量、收集、清运和处理方式等具体情况,并针对性地提出可行的农村垃圾处置对策。调查结果表明,该市农村垃圾产生量为1516321t/年,人均垃圾产生量为0.79 kg/天。产生的农村垃圾中62%是生活垃圾,24%是农牧业废弃物,4%是农村地区工业产业垃圾。该市农村垃圾收集清运率相对较低,仅占垃圾总产生量的50.9%,且垃圾的处理方式仍以较为落后的简易填埋为主。针对该市农村垃圾的实际情况,建议采用分类收集和处理的方法是较为经济可行的途径。  相似文献   

"C-GSSC"循环是一种基于上海市绿色账户(试点)的激励机制,以一张带有可循环标志的银行卡为核心,将垃圾分类的奖励与银行信用度挂钩,提升居民垃圾分类的积极性和绿色环保的意识,同时增加居民社会责任感。并力求纳入政府,社区,学校和企业等多方,从不同方面来支持和宣传垃圾分类的奖励,提高垃圾分类影响力。此机制不仅可以利用积分奖励的模式来提高垃圾分类的参与度,普及垃圾分类的知识,以积分形式激励促进居民直接受益,还可以将政府的垃圾分类推进资金用在刀刃上,超市、银行等企业单位间接受益,学校、社区配合宣传,使居民积极了解投入到垃圾分类中,同时丰富银行卡使用形式,还可为日后居民信用打分机制的提升,提供了更为全面的评估平台。  相似文献   

推动生活垃圾分类对破解"垃圾围城"困境、减少温室气体排放、延缓全球气候变暖的进程、应对国家能源短缺、改善城市生态环境具有重要意义。本文基于宁波市6区2 036户社区居民实地调查数据,采用二元logistic回归模型,对影响城市居民垃圾分类意愿和行为的因素及其差异进行了实证分析,并进一步探讨垃圾分类的内在机制。研究结果表明,城市居民垃圾分类意愿和行为存在较大的差异,愿意参与垃圾分类的比例(82.5%)明显高于实际参与垃圾分类行为的比例(13%),较高的分类意愿并不必然会产生较高的分类行为;其次,影响垃圾分类意愿和行为的因素有差别,垃圾分类行为的实现取决于情境因素/便利性、认知和态度,垃圾分类意愿则主要受认知和态度、个体特征、推动措施的影响:第三,垃圾分类意愿和行为影响因素的重要程度有差别,垃圾分类行为受情境因素/便利性影响较大,垃圾分类意愿受个体特征等主观因素影响较大,认知和态度对分类意愿和行为都具有重要影响;垃圾分类试点的成效对分类行为影响更大,分类意愿影响不显著。根据实证结果,本丈提出促进城市居民垃圾分类的一些建议:首先,垃圾分类设施的便利性是阻碍垃圾分类的首因,必须加快完善垃圾分类设施和服务供给体系;其次,通过加强居民分类知识普及和垃圾分类责任感/价值观培养,促进垃圾分类意愿;第三,通过建立垃圾分类行为短期激励和长期激励的关联机制,合并垃圾分类的内在过程和外部条件,共同促进垃圾分类行为习惯的形成和维持。  相似文献   

城市居民的响应度和参与度是当前垃圾分类政策顺利贯彻实施的基础.基于规范激活理论利用4个特大城市1 156份问卷的微观数据,通过构建多元有序Logistic模型和层次回归模型对个体规范、社会规范对城市居民垃圾分类参与的影响进行了研究.结果显示:个体规范作为影响城市居民垃圾分类参与的关键变量,会受到其对不进行分类所产生严重后果的感知和自我责任归属的影响.通过对4个特大城市的比较分析发现,社区氛围等描述性规范和法律法规等指令性规范会通过刺激从众行为和制度约束对城市居民个体规范—垃圾分类参与产生正向的促进作用.因此,从加大垃圾乱丢所产生的严重后果及分类良性社会效益宣传同步进行,强化城市居民垃圾分类的内在意识和责任感,提高其个体规范;并通过细化垃圾分类行为指导,倡导将垃圾分类纳入居民公约,引入分类定时定点及专人监督模式,强化社会规则压力;让垃圾分类具体知识科普常态化,营造全员参与的分类氛围等方面提出了促进城市居民垃圾参与的具体对策.  相似文献   

当今中国正处于城市化调速提质、经济结构深度调整的特殊历史时期,随之而来的是深刻的社会转型。在人口流动频繁、城市空间重构与户籍制度造成的二元分割客观存在的社会大背景下,研究居民生活垃圾分类行为将有助于从新的视角增进对这一现象的理解和把握。在新的历史时期,社区已成为城市居民生活的主要场域,也成为其表达价值观、态度和采取相应行为的重要载体。在全球化、市场化和城市化的共同作用下,中国城市社区面临快速的转型和重构。传统的街坊和单位社区开始瓦解,商品房、保障房等新型社区大量涌现,城市居住空间分异加剧,同时也带来了社区同质化、基层社会管理缺位、邻里关系淡薄、社区感丧失等问题。北京市的生活垃圾分类活动多以社区为单位,触及每位居民的私人生活方式,因此,社区融合程度将不可避免地对其产生影响。本文采用计划行为理论(TBP)作为分析框架,从心理学、社会学和组织行为学的视角探讨了社区融合如何影响社区居民的生活垃圾分类行为。研究发现:社区融合程度可以从社区认同、社区参与和社区支持三个维度来考察,而社区融合的程度则通过信任态度、环境责任感、垃圾分类效能感为完全中介对居民的生活垃圾分类行为产生影响。同时,这三个中介变量与垃圾分类行为之间的关系受到该社区垃圾分类设施与服务体系完善程度的影响。本研究整合了多个学科领域对垃圾分类行为的研究成果,丰富了垃圾分类行为的前因研究,有助于推动对垃圾分类行为产生机制的整体认知。  相似文献   

推动生活垃圾分类对破解"垃圾围城"困境、减少温室气体排放、延缓全球气候变暖的进程、应对国家能源短缺、改善城市生态环境具有重要意义。本文基于宁波市6区2 036户社区居民实地调查数据,采用二元logistic回归模型,对影响城市居民垃圾分类意愿和行为的因素及其差异进行了实证分析,并进一步探讨垃圾分类的内在机制。研究结果表明,城市居民垃圾分类意愿和行为存在较大的差异,愿意参与垃圾分类的比例(82.5%)明显高于实际参与垃圾分类行为的比例(13%),较高的分类意愿并不必然会产生较高的分类行为;其次,影响垃圾分类意愿和行为的因素有差别,垃圾分类行为的实现取决于情境因素/便利性、认知和态度,垃圾分类意愿则主要受认知和态度、个体特征、推动措施的影响:第三,垃圾分类意愿和行为影响因素的重要程度有差别,垃圾分类行为受情境因素/便利性影响较大,垃圾分类意愿受个体特征等主观因素影响较大,认知和态度对分类意愿和行为都具有重要影响;垃圾分类试点的成效对分类行为影响更大,分类意愿影响不显著。根据实证结果,本丈提出促进城市居民垃圾分类的一些建议:首先,垃圾分类设施的便利性是阻碍垃圾分类的首因,必须加快完善垃圾分类设施和服务供给体系;其次,通过加强居民分类知识普及和垃圾分类责任感/价值观培养,促进垃圾分类意愿;第三,通过建立垃圾分类行为短期激励和长期激励的关联机制,合并垃圾分类的内在过程和外部条件,共同促进垃圾分类行为习惯的形成和维持。  相似文献   

With the recommendation of the EU environmental policies, the separate waste collection issue has become more and more an object of public concern. Nevertheless, Italy’s waste management performances need further assessment processes. Until recently, some areas, especially in the South, have experienced serious waste management crises, mainly due to low rates of separate waste collection (less than 10 % of solid waste generated). The aim of this paper is to analyse the driving factors that influence the separate waste collection. Relatively to the Italian provinces in the year 2011, the analysis consists of two steps. In the first step, we characterize different institutional and socio-economic contexts through a multidimensional scaling analysis. In the second step, we provide evidence about the presence of subsets among Italian provinces using cluster analysis. Results show that contexts featuring high institutional quality promote the separate collection process. Differently, tourism-oriented environments characterized by low institutional quality don’t produce positive effects on the recycling process.  相似文献   

中国环境教育研究的历史与未来趋势分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对1979年以来中国环境教育学术文章在数量、内容和研究方法等方面的分析。发现中国环境教育研究自1994年开始持续升温。2000年开始从文章内容和研究方法上明显显示出转向可持续发展教育方向的趋势,2004年开始从文章数量上也显示出转向可持续发展教育的方向o20多年来的环境教育研究中。对环境教育意义的阐述和国外环境教育动态的研究分量最重,研究方法的探讨和研究则表现出对主流教育领域的影响敏感且响应及时。但这些文章显示出的环境教育研究方法绝大多数以思辨为主。实证研究、质的研究缺乏。对文章作者分析结果显示。中国环境教育研究队伍很不稳定。缺乏基本的研究经费支持是研究队伍不能保持稳定并缺乏在本土开展的实证和质的研究的根本制约因素。怎样协调因资源禀赋和发展程度不同而导致各国在开展环境教育时出现环境价值观和环境立场产生差异甚至对立的现象。是未来环境教育研究不可回避的任务。  相似文献   

The aim of this paper was twofold: on the one hand, we analyse the results achieved in terms of percentages of separate collection in Italy by testing the effectiveness of Legislative Decree 152/2006 in improving the separate collection process; and on the other hand, we investigate on some of the factors, related to the sociocultural local context, that could explain the different impacts of the law in the three macro-areas considered (North, Central and South Italy). To this purpose, an econometric analysis on the Italian regions for the 1996–2013 period is performed, comparing the period before (1996–2006) and after (2006–2013) the date of entry into force of the new law. The results show the effectiveness of Legislative Decree 152/2006 in promoting separate collection, although a regional difference in terms of separate collection rate is observed. Northern regions proved to be more dynamic and reactive to the above-mentioned legislation, while Central and especially Southern regions achieved poorer results in moving to higher separate waste collection rates. Finally, our work provides evidence on some local factors that may have hampered an effective policy implementation in Southern regions, among them, the presence of criminal activities and the lack of citizen participation in politics.  相似文献   

城市废物的回收处理与利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前世界各国均面临着“废弃物”所造成的环境污染问题。本文列举了一些国家“废弃物”的排放以及回收利用情况,并举例说明对变废为宝的技术路线和应该采取的措施。  相似文献   


The continuous increase in waste generation warrants global management of waste to reduce the adverse economic, social, and environmental impact of waste while achieving goals for sustainability. The complexity of waste management systems due to different waste management practices renders such systems difficult to analyze. System dynamics (SD) approach aids in conceptualizing and analyzing the structure, interactions, and mode of behavior of the complex systems. The impact of the underlying components can therefore be assessed in an integrated way while the impact of possible policies on the system can be studied to implement appropriate decisions. This review summarizes various applications of SD pertinent to the waste management practices in different countries. Practices may include waste generation, reduction, reuse/recovery, recycling, and disposal. Each study supports regional-demanding targets in environmental, social, and economic scopes such as expanding landfill life span, implementing proper disposal fee, global warming mitigation, energy generation/saving, etc. The interacting variables in the WMS are specifically determined based on the defined problem, ultimate goal, and the type of waste. Generally, population and gross domestic product can increase the waste generation. An increase in waste reduction, source separation, and recycling rate could decrease the environmental impact, but it is not necessarily profitable from an economic perspective. Incentives to separate waste and knowledge about waste management are variables that always have a positive impact on the entire system.


环境教育是搞好环境保护的关键措施   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
环境教育是建立环境意识的基础,是防治环境污染的手段,是贯彻执行环境保护法规的保证,是搞好环境保护的关键措施。  相似文献   

A quantitative study was conducted in 1998 to investigate differences in perception, knowledge, awareness, and attitude with regard to environmental problems between educated and community groups and to identify human-dimension factors to improve public perception, knowledge, awareness, and attitude in relation to global environmental conservation concerns in developing countries. Educated and community groups in Jakarta were interviewed, and data obtained from a total of 537 males aged 30-49 years were analyzed. The data were evaluated by the chi-squared test and logistic regression was applied after factor analysis. The results show that: (1) The perception, knowledge, awareness, and attitude of educated subjects in regard to regional and global environmental problems were much better than those of subjects in the community group; (2) The highest 'yes' response in the community group was in regard to perception of AIDS (82.9%). Few subjects in the community group knew the effects and the cause or source of environmental problems, however, they were well informed about AIDS (86.4% for effects and 93.9% for cause or source). The conclusions are: (1) subjects in the educated group had better perception, more detailed knowledge, were more aware, and had better attitudes in regard to regional and global environmental problems than those in the community group; (2) more education is needed to develop environmental actions and ethics in developing countries; (3) non-formal environmental education through popular mass media should be used more widely and frequently, and more detailed information on the environment should be provided to literate people by newspapers and other means.  相似文献   

Different solid waste management system scenarios were developed and compared for the Municipal Solid Waste Management System of Ankara by using the life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology. The solid waste management methods considered in the scenarios were collection and transportation of wastes, source reduction, Material Recovery Facility (MRF)/Transfer Stations (TS), incineration, anaerobic digestion and landfilling. The goal of the study was to determine the most environmentally friendly option of MSWM system for Ankara. The functional unit of the study was the amount of solid waste generated in the system area of concern, which are the districts of Ankara. The life cycle inventory analysis was carried out by IWM Model-1. The inputs and outputs of each management stage were defined and the inventory emissions calculated by the model were classified in to impact categories; non-renewable energy sources exhausting potential, final solid waste as hazardous and non-hazardous, global warming, acidification, eutrophication and human toxicity. The impacts were quantified with the weighing factors of each category to develop the environmental profiles of each scenario. In most of the categories, Source Reduction Scenario was found to be the most feasible management method, except the global warming category. The lowest contribution to GWP was calculated for the anaerobic digestion process. In the interpretation and improvement assessment stage, the results were further evaluated and recommendations were made to improve the current solid waste management system of Ankara.  相似文献   

Modern societies face a dilemma called electronic waste (e-waste). This waste, which may contaminate the soil or cause unwanted impacts on human health when treated improperly, is one of the fastest growing waste streams in developed as well as developing countries and has brought great environmental impacts. Developing countries like Iran also face this modern waste management challenge. In order for more appropriate disposal or, if possible, recycling of this waste, more attention has been paid to reverse logistics as the most appropriate way to manage them. The first and most important action to address e-waste and implementation of reverse logistics is to persuade residents to bring back their obsolete electronic products. This paper attempts to understand significant factors affecting residents’ incentive dependency to participate in e-waste recycling program. Socioeconomic and demographic information of different residents is discussed by means of logistic regression for the first time in Iran. The results show that about 58.7 % of residents will participate even if no incentive is given. Household income, household size, education, e-waste concern level, and marital status are the significant factors affecting the incentive dependency of respondents.  相似文献   

长江三角洲地区环境污染与经济增长的脱钩时空分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自进入21世纪以来,长江三角洲环境污染与经济增长的脱钩状况有明显改善,但时有波动。工业三废中,废水排放脱钩状况较废气和废物有较大改善,但废气、固体废物减排形势严峻;空间上,上海脱钩状态最佳,江苏的脱钩状态较浙江有较大改善,且江浙内部分别形成了脱钩空间分异。分析环境污染形成机制,归纳出规模效应、产业结构效应和技术效应等三类要素,其中规模效应增加了环境污染排放,三次产业结构变化对污染排放具备一定抑制作用,但作用方向不甚明确,而工业结构变化对环境污染影响明显,最后,技术效应全面推动了污染减排。  相似文献   

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