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Sustainable Development and Environment: a Renewed Effort in the OECD   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The importance of sustainable development has been clearly recognised by the OECD Council at Ministerial Level. The Communiqué of the 1998 Ministerial Meeting states that Ministers agreed that the achievement of sustainable development is a key priority for OECD countries. They encouraged the elaboration of the Organisation's strategy for wide-ranging efforts over the next three years in the areas of climate change, technological development, sustainability indicators, and the environmental impact of subsidies.... Further, Ministers asked the OECD to enhance its dialogue with non-member countries in these areas and to engage them more actively, including through shared analyses and development of strategies for implementing sustainable development (OECD, 1998d).To help countries achieve the transition to sustainable development, a framework is required for the integration of economic, environmental and social policy. This was the main recommendation of the report in November 1997 to the OECD Secretary-General, Donald J. Johnston, of the High-Level Advisory Group on the Environment (OECD, 1997b). The OECD and its affiliates (including the International Energy Agency (IEA), the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA), the Development Centre and the European Conference of Ministers of Transport (ECMT)) are well equipped with the broad, multidisciplinary expertise to assist Member governments in this task. Work on sustainable development encompasses the full range of activities of the Organisation: macro and micro-economic analysis; environmental policy; labour markets, education, health and social policies; agricultural and fisheries policies; energy policy; technology policy; regional, local and urban policies; and development co-operation. Activities with non-members add an essential global perspective. The challenge is to move beyond a sectoral approach to integrated policies, and to exploit potential synergies and interrelationships between this wide range of competencies. The aim is to move as far as possible towards the harmonisation and integration of policies within an overall economic framework.  相似文献   

Contrast with artificial environment, the multi-level self-organizational system of nature has great gain. Sustainable material environment should respect nature: non-rubbish and super-cycle quality of natural ecosystem offers the material source of human development, fractal structure of nature offers new field of space and information source to this high-density and information-based society, dissipative structure of nature links the new system of energy with whole ecosystem organically, and life-chain regulation is the base of sustainable life environment. Nature guarantees the physical healthy environ- ment by its all-dimension healthy factor, constructs the mental healthy environment by its quality of co-ordinate and chaos, so that guarantees the whole emergence of sustainable development on the 'super-science' level In the view of sustainable development, construction, green economy and human health are basic fields. With the concept of ecosystem regulation, we can relate these fields organically and fulfill the task of human health, welfare and sustainable development. Ecosystem regulation is the base of sustainable development's new paradigm.  相似文献   


Contrast with artificial environment, the multi-level self-organizational system of nature has great gain. Sustainable material environment should respect nature: non-rubbish and super-cycle quality of natural ecosystem offers the material source of human development, fractal structure of nature offers new field of space and information source to this high-density and information-based society, dissipative structure of nature links the new system of energy with whole ecosystem organically, and life-chain regulation is the base of sustainable life environment. Nature guarantees the physical healthy environment by its all-dimension healthy factor, constructs the mental healthy environment by its quality of co-ordinate and chaos, so that guarantees the whole emergence of sustainable development on the ‘super-science’ level. In the view of sustainable development, construction, green economy and human health are basic fields. With the concept of ecosystem regulation, we can relate these fields organically and fulfill the task of human health, welfare and sustainable development. Ecosystem regulation is the base of sustainable development’s new paradigm.  相似文献   

从混沌系统的角度分析企业环境是一种新的企业管理观念。企业如何适应混沌的外部环境,制订有效的发展战略,从丽实现可持续发展。是研究企业战略管理的一个重要课题。企业所面临的动态环境表现在商业活动日趋全球化、速度日益成为关键要素、战略环境复杂程度大大加深及可测度大为下降、技术对企业战略环境的影响越来越强等方面。由于环境的动态性、复杂性、非均衡性和不确定性等特点。如何认识和把握环境。是企业管理实践中的难题,需要理论和方法上的创新。基于混沌系统理论的假设,企业管理者要抛弃精确预测的管理理念。提高系统的自组织协同能力,建立柔性化的组织结构,使企业与环境达到和谐状态,实现企业的可持续发展。  相似文献   


The development of everthing follows its own law, which does not change at people's own sweet will. Therefore, we must study the development of things so as to grasp the essence of things in their deep meanings, explore the direction of their development, and make them better serve the people. As a part of the thought of sustainable development, city environment art will be of active significance to the perfection of the thought and will also be the concrete embodiment of the synthetic index of economic development. Such a thesis, starting from the macroscopic angle, and relying on the leading thought of sustainable development, takes hold of the development trend of city environment art, and explores the various problems that have arisen in city environment in the process of city management by combining thoughts on city planning, so as to guide urban harmonious development theoretically. The present paper expounds on the views comprehensively and, through the synthetic analysis on city planning, city environment, art esthetics and the thought of sustainable development, makes a detailed analysis of the effects of the present rapid city development on city environment.  相似文献   

Environment and health have been more and more jointly addressed in recent years,thanks to the efforts of several public and private institutions.In this scenario,a leading role has been played by the World Heath Organisation(WHO).A specific attention was devoted to the issue by the European Union(EU)EU institutions and the WHO Office for Europe,which lists 52 countries(including Europe,Eastern European Countries and Turkey, former Yugoslavia and part of the former Soviet Union).The objectives of the present paper are to give an overview of the main developments in this area,and to underline the progress made towards a common understanding of health and environment issues,the advantages and limits of these developments and the challenges for the future,to be tackled at a global level.  相似文献   

在当前我国城市化进程和西部大开发的时代背景中,历史文化名城阆中具有一定的代表性,集中地凸现着历史遗产保护与城市发展的矛盾冲突。本文通过对阆中的实地调研,结合可持续发展观,提出了以可持续发展思想为基础的历史文化名城可持续发展的理念。通过分析历史文化名城可持续发展内涵,构建了阆中可持续发展模式,并从保护、经营、传承三方面总结了可持续发展策略。  相似文献   

全球可持续发展面临的挑战与对策   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
全球可持续发展涉及可持续经济、可持续环境和可持续社会三方面的协调统一,要求人类在发展中讲究经济效率、关注环境和谐与追求社会公平,最终达到人的全面发展。自1992年联合国环境与发展大会以来,国际社会积极推动实施《关于环境与发展的里约宣言》、《21世纪议程》和《可持续发展首脑会议执行计划》,各种形式的国际和区域环发合作深入开展,各个国家为促进可持续发展付出了巨大努力,在消除贫困和实现千年发展目标方面取得一些成绩。但是,全球在经济、环境和社会发展方面正在面临着越来越复杂的形势,全球可持续发展事业依然面临严峻的挑战。本文从经济、环境与社会三个方面,系统分析了全球可持续发展面临的挑战。分析表明:全球经济发展依然不平衡,不稳定性在加大,而且世界贫富差距明显,发达国家对发展中国家的官方援助不足;全球能源结构没有根本性改变,CO2排放不断增加,气候变化问题突出,而且一些国家生态环境问题较为严重;世界总人口数不断增加,各国就业水平难以提高,各国教育水平非常不均衡,而且欠发达国家人均医疗卫生支出水平低,居民健康状况堪忧。针对全球可持续发展面临的挑战,本文提出了相应的对策:①坚持"共同但有区别的责任"原则。可持续发展没有统一的模式,各国的发展阶段、条件和能力的不同必须予以正视;要区别发达国家和发展中国家的不同国情,要充分尊重发展中国家的发展权利;要为发展中国家向可持续发展转型提供技术、资金和能力建设方面的强有力支持。②加强各国政府在环境领域的交流与合作。不仅要重视全球性环境问题,而且更要优先考虑区域性环境问题,特别是发展中国家和最不发达国家面临的生态环境问题。③积极推动全球社会朝向均衡、普惠和共赢的方向发展。世界上所有国家都应有权以平等的身份参与全球治理过程以及不断改进和优化治理机制,而且全球治理结构应该向发展中国家倾斜;要积极消除贫困、减少不平等现象、使增长具有包容性、使生产和消费更可持续;要增强人们做出可持续选择的权利,特别是妇女、年轻人、失业者以及社会最弱势和最脆弱群体的权利等。  相似文献   

As a significant issue, mining cities, especially the resource-exhausted mining cities have already been given intensive attention by academia and government. This article discusses the intrinsic and extrinsic reasons for problems of the mining cities from the perspective of sustainable development, quantitatively analyzes the economic benefit of the mining cities with statistical data, and presents the strategies and measures for sustainable development of the mining cities based on the theoretical discus-...  相似文献   

城市未来发展持续性评价决策支持系统构建和设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
城市作为一定区域内的政治、经济和文化教育等中心,具有明显的集聚能力和辐射带动作用,其可持续发展是区域及整个国家可持续发展的前提。开发和构建城市未来发展持续性评价决策支持系统(UFDADSS),对加强城市发展可持续性动态监测和科学评价、提高城市可持续发展战略规划及决策水平具有重要意义。本文主要根据城市可持续发展的系统性、多样性、空间性、动态性等特征,从体系结构、功能模块、集成方式等几个方面,对UFDADSS的构建和设计进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

淮南市持续发展的生态安全评价   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
淮南市是一所典型的煤炭资源型城市。是建立在资源、环境、经济和社会等子系统上的复杂系统。是城市发展与资源和环境保护之间矛盾较为突出的区域。主要表现在:城市布局不合理。城市整体结构不完善;人类进行煤炭资源开发利用过程中对生态和景观产生了干扰和破坏。从而造成其生态结构、功能的破坏以及量观的破碎化。本研究从压力-状态-响应三方面构建了淮南市生态安全评价指标体系。指标体系包括目标层、系统层、要素层和指标层。并给出了计算各评价指标值之闻均衡度的模型。量后结合RS、GIS技术实施该评价模型。对淮南市为实例进行了分析和评价。评价结果与实际情况基本符合。  相似文献   

From an economic point of view, the industrial economy is efficient to overcome situations of a scarcity of goods. From a technological point of view, the resource efficiency of the manufacturing processes of the industrial economy has been permanently improved during the last 200 years. In addition, cleaner processes have been developed. However, from an ecologic point of view, an increasing world population with increasing consumption has produced a "global footprint" which approaches the carrying capacity of the planet. A circular economy and its high-value spin-offs-a lake economy and a performance or functional service economy-can fulfil customers' needs with considerably less resource consumption, less environmental impairment in production and considerably less end-of-life product waste, especially in situations of affluence, when a considerable stock of physical goods and infrastructures exists. Also, in situations of a scarcity of natural resources, both energy and materials, often characterised by rapidly rising resource prices, the economic actors of a circular economy have a high competitive advantage over the actors of the industrial economy, due to much lower procurement costs for materials and energy. From a social point of view, a circular economy increases the number of skilled jobs in regional enterprises. However, the shift from a linear manufacturing economy to a circular or service economy means a change in economic thinking from flow (throughput) management to stock (asset) management: in a manufacturing economy with largely unsaturated markets, total wealth increases through accumulation as resource throughput (flow) is transformed into a higher stock of goods of better quality (but in a manufacturing economy with largely saturated markets, wealth represented by the stock of goods will no longer increase); in a circular or service economy, total wealth increases through a smart management of existing physical assets (stock) that are adapted to changes in both technology and customer demand. This second approach not only applies to physical capital but equally to social capital, such as health and education and green GDP. To measure the social wealth of a population, it is not the amount of money spent on schools and hospitals that matters, butif this expenditure has led to a better education of the students, and a better health of the people.  相似文献   

环境-社会系统管理与可持续发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提出以环境-社会系统管理推进可持续发展。就是要寓经济发展于生态化中。寓生态建设于经济化中.寓社会发展于生态和经济的协调发展之中.为“经济-社会-环境”系统建立一个健康、安全、和谐的可持续发展模式。  相似文献   

信息产业与可持续发展在共同的时代背景下应运而生,相互作用又有机统一.信息产业对可持续发展有显著的正效应,主要表现为:信息产业对经济发展的贡献;信息技术的发展应用,可以减少人物流动,提高资源配置效率;合理利用自然资源,实时监测环境变化;可以通过非物质化降低能耗和物耗,等等.同时,信息产业因其固有的特殊性,又表现出与可持续发展不协调的方面,如信息安全与信息污染、电子产品中有毒元素的应用、电磁辐射及对人体的影响等.文章最后提出,信息产业对社会经济的可持续发展具有重要的推动作用,大力发展信息产业是我国产业结构调整的必然选择,以可持续发展战略指导信息产业健康发展,并以信息产业推动其他行业的可持续发展,提高资源环境利用和管理水平,是可持续发展的必由之路.  相似文献   

This article will briefly outline the origins, structure and functions of United Nations Environment Program and the Commission on Sustainable Development in the context of the goals of ecologically sustainable development (ESD). Economic development, social development and environmental protection form the three interconnected parts of ESD. The achievements of the key UN environmental institutions and programs in opening up the global system to civil society, the private sector and a diversity of actors and interests, promoting the role of poverty alleviation as part of ESD through the Millennium Development Goals, and facilitating important Multilateral Environmental Agreements should be recognized. However, with these notable exceptions, organizations such as United Nations Environment Program and the Commission on Sustainable Development have become weak in scientific and technical leadership, global policy, co-ordination (inside and outside the UN) and has few achievements in the inter- national and national implementation of obligations and standards in Global Environmental Governance - including enforcement, compliance and effectiveness. This article will outline the key reasons for this inadequacy. Attention will also be focused on the way forward through of a new United Nations Environment Organization. This will require a clarification of purpose and function (within the UN system and as part of global governance structures) as well as consideration of whether it depends on system-wide UN reform. It is recommended that medium and long term strategies for reform are necessary.  相似文献   

城市可持续发展能力及其影响因素的实证   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用DEA方法构建了一个综合评价城市可持续发展能力的指标——资源与环境效率系数,利用除拉萨以外的全国30个直辖市、省会城市、自治区首府2005-2008年的面板数据,计算了城市资源与环境效率系数,并对资源与环境效率的影响因素进行了实证检验。城市资源与环境效率系数的计算显示:就单个城市而言,资源与环境效率最高的城市是合肥,其次是沈阳、长春、长沙、济南,最低的是贵阳、兰州、西宁、银川、乌鲁木齐;分区域来看,资源与环境效率最高的是位于东北的城市,其次是位于东部和中部的城市,最低的是位于西部的城市。资源与环境效率影响因素的实证检验显示:产业结构对资源与环境效率有显著影响;政府财力对资源与环境效率的影响并不显著;经济外向度、人口质量对资源与环境效率有显著的正向影响。  相似文献   

相对于传统发展模式。可持续发展在发展目标与内容上更具有公共性和长期性的取向。从而使政府能力将面临着更大的挑战.“卡尔多-希克斯改进”原则为政府推动可持续发展和走向“帕累托改瞢”提供了思路,并决定了政府能力的核心是制度供给能力。为了充分发挥政府能力。制度安排应遵循市场优先、地方政府优先、公众参与、遵循法治四个原则。  相似文献   

China's national sustainable development strategies were drafted under the guidance of Deng Xiaoping's theory on socialist construction with Chinese distinguishing features and, the theory and practice of sustainable development has further enriched and perfected Deng Xiaoping's theory. An in-depth study of Deng Xiaoping's theory is significant if we are to accurately understand our sustainable development program and how to best implement the strategies.  相似文献   

This paper set forth the goals of implementing sustainable development strategy in Shandong Province guided by the view of scientific development of being people oriented, comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable. Based on the target of sustainable development strategy in Shandong province this paper discusses the main tasks in the sustainable development strategy Countermeasures for sustainable development strategy in Shandong province are put forward.  相似文献   


This paper set forth the goals of implementing sustainable development strategy in Shandong Province guided by the view of scientific development of being people oriented, comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable. Based on the target of sustainable development strategy in Shandong province this paper discusses the main tasks in the sustainable development strategy Countermeasures for sustainable development strategy in Shandong province are put forward.  相似文献   

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