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Lichens are widely used to assess the atmospheric pollution by heavy metals and radionuclides. However, few studies are available in publications on using lichens to qualitatively assess the atmospheric pollution levels. The paper presents research results applying epiphytic lichens as bio-monitors of quantitative atmospheric contamination with uranium. The observations were conducted during 2.5 years in the natural environment. Two experimental sites were used: one in the vicinity of a uranium contamination source, the other one - at a sufficient distance away to represent the background conditions. Air and lichens were sampled at both sites monthly. Epiphytic lichens Hypogimnia physodes were used as bio-indicators. Lichen samples were taken from various trees at about 1.5m from the ground. Air was sampled with filters at sampling stations. The uranium content in lichen and air samples as well as isotopic mass ratios (235)U/(238)U were measured by mass-spectrometer technique after uranium pre-extraction. Measured content of uranium were 1.45 mgkg(-1) in lichen at 2.09 E-04 microgm(-3) in air and 0.106 mgkg(-1) in lichen at 1.13 E-05 microgm(-3) in air. The relationship of the uranium content in atmosphere and that in lichens was determined, C(AIR)=exp(1.1 x C(LICHEN)-12). The possibility of separate identification of natural and man-made uranium in lichens was demonstrated in principle.  相似文献   
Phenotypic variation in the widespread Siberian and Mongolian butterfly species Coenonympha amaryllis (Stoll, 1782), an indicator of undisturbed steppe communities, is analyzed. It is shown that its size variation is influenced by a complex of climatic factors, the most important of them being the average starting date of the frost-free period and average annual temperature in the region. Longitude-dependent variation in size is described by a “sawtooth curve” characteristic of species with changing voltinism.  相似文献   
Residents’ sense of community is an important prerequisite to promote the development of community.Tourism has significant influence on residents’ sense of community.An empirical study from Changdao shows that economy and life conflict caused by tourism can affect neighborhood-friendly and community participation significantly.Culture,environment and social services from tourism can significantly affect community association,community care and place recognition.Therefore,the regional managers should pay attention to allocate revenues in the residents fairly and protect own culture to avoid the negative impact from tourism.  相似文献   
Geometric morphometrics has been used to reveal coupled geographic variation in the mandible shape in two sympatric rodent species, the pygmy wood mouse (Sylvaemus uralensis Pall.) and bank vole (Myodes glareolus Pall.), in the Southern Urals. It has been shown that syntopic samples synchronously collected from the local communities of these species usually display similar, parallel, and unidirectional morphological changes as demonstrated by comparison of species pairs from different localities. The degree of concordance in geographic variation of the species makes it possible to estimate their coevolutionary potential within local communities: the wider the range of ecological conditions under which parallel variation of sympatric species is observed, the higher is their coevolutionary potential.  相似文献   
水温是评价水库水生态系统影响的重要水质参数之一,为研究三峡水库库首水温分布状况,于2011年在距三峡大坝约为35 km处,对三峡水库建成后各个运行期库首水温进行了详细监测。研究发现:在已确定的三峡工程常规调度运行方式下, 12~4月库首底部形成明显的低温区域,3月表层和底部水温之差为全年的最大值208℃,最大温度梯度为0156。5月底部低温区迅速减弱,表层和底部水温之差小于10℃。6~9月期间,低温区一直处于减弱的趋势,水体垂向掺混逐渐增强,库首水温垂向分布基本均匀一致。但进入10月后,由于上游来流水温较低,水体由于密度较大而潜入底部对低温区域起到了加强的作用,致使表底层温差达到146℃。根据2012年3~5月对三峡水库库首茅坪断面水温监测数据可知,在横向断面上,水温几乎没有差别。在分析三峡水库库首水温空间分布时,可以近似认为其横向水温分布基本一致。为研究三峡大坝的建成对河道水温的改变以及坝前是否存在水温分层现象提供依据和参考  相似文献   
位于湖北和河南两省交界的丹江口水库是南水北调中线工程的水源地,水库的水域变化监测与评估,对保障水库调水能力具有重要意义。收集了2002~2011年47幅Landsat TM/ETM和HJ 1A/B卫星遥感影像,采用基于阈值分割的归一化水体指数法(NDWI)提取了过去10 a的水库水域动态信息。结果表明:水库各月份平均水域面积从12月至次年3月,呈现下降趋势,而从3月到12月,呈现波动上升的趋势,最小水域面积出现在3月份,最大水域面积出现在12月份;由于受上游明显季节性降雨及水库运行管理的影响,丹江口水库丰水期(7月~次年1月)水域面积较枯水期(2月~6月)波动更为明显。而四季之中,春夏季节水库水域面积相对稳定,秋冬季节水域面积波动较大。针对枯水季节水库水量少的情况,管理部门应该加强监测力度,合理调蓄,保证水库的供水能力。从过去10 a整体来看,水库水域面积基本维持在300 km2以上,通过分析水库水域面积波动较小、影像积累最多的5月份遥感影像,发现水库水域面积呈现增长趋势,并且在枯水期、丰水期和过去10 a整体上都呈现了不同程度的增长趋势;此外,水库蓄水新增的水域面积主要集中在水库东、北部地区,应加强对这部分地区的生态恢复和环境监测  相似文献   
随着滇池治理的进展,在今后一个时期内,恢复滇池饮用水环境功能,成为滇池治理的首要目标和任务。围绕滇池流域水资源供求平衡,采用水资源全要素配置框架下的三次平衡分析理论,从整体上分析了滇池流域水资源供求平衡关系及存在的主要问题,提出了以需求为导向,建立滇池流域水资源综合平衡管理目标和措施。分析表明:在滇池治理的基础上,通过建立滇池流域水资源综合平衡管理体系,落实管理措施,从总量平衡的理论上能够充分发挥引水工程的作用,恢复滇池饮用水环境功能,实现水量、水质供求的综合平衡。建议进一步开展量化分析和模拟实验研究,为在滇池流域实施综合平衡管理提供可靠依据和建议  相似文献   
大坝通过坝身泄流时,巨大的洪水卷吸空气中的大量气体直泻到下游河床,造成下游河道特别是近坝区域气体含量过饱和,给下游水生生物带来不利影响,其中鱼类气泡病就是水体气体过饱和造成的典型病症。为探明大坝泄流对坝下河道溶解氧饱和度的影响,以三峡 葛洲坝区域坝下近坝区定点区域的溶解氧实测资料为基础,建立溶解氧饱和度的BP网络预测模型,对大坝不同运行工况进行下游溶解氧饱和度的预测仿真计算,并将仿真预测值与实测及数值模拟结果进行比较分析。结果得出BP网络模型能很好地逼近坝下近坝区指定区域的溶解氧饱和度,可根据大坝运行工况对下游水体溶解氧饱和度进行快速预测,为有效控制坝下水体溶解氧饱和度提供借鉴  相似文献   
为研究洪涝灾害中不同洪涝致灾因子组合特征对灾害的决定作用,基于历史文献资料,对长江三角洲地区1644~1949年五种洪涝致灾因子(简称洪涝因子)——连续降水、台风、潮灾、上游洪水以及强降水——分类辨识并逐年赋值统计,得到1644~1949年长江三角洲逐年洪涝因子总值序列。结果表明:(1)影响洪涝的因子平均为1.66个,依据洪涝因子总值序列变化趋势,研究时段可划分为三阶段:阶段一,1644~1718年,三因子与四因子洪涝年多集中于这一阶段,该阶段均值高于全段均值与其它两阶段;阶段二,1719~1864年,该段波动较大,单一因子与二因子洪涝年发生频次较高,该段均值最低,其中单一因子洪涝年以强降水因子的影响为最多;阶段三,1865~1949年,大多出现单一因子与二因子洪涝年,整体波动较小,为较平稳的时段。(2)单一因子洪涝年发生频率最大,以强降水因子出现最多,二因子洪涝年发生频率次之,以连续降水-强降水比例最高,三因子洪涝年以连续降水-台风-强降水为最多,四因子洪涝年出现最多的为连续降水—台风—上游洪水—强降水的因子组合,未出现五因子洪涝年。(3)按灾情影响范围辨识了长江三角洲地区1644~1949年6个极端洪涝灾害年和7个极端台风灾害年,发现极端洪涝灾害年主要集中于阶段一中期和阶段二后半期,包括2个四因子年、3个三因子年和1个二因子年,都与连续降水和强降水有关;而极端台风灾害年多发生于阶段二前半期,多为台风与潮灾共同致灾。  相似文献   

The continuous increase in waste generation warrants global management of waste to reduce the adverse economic, social, and environmental impact of waste while achieving goals for sustainability. The complexity of waste management systems due to different waste management practices renders such systems difficult to analyze. System dynamics (SD) approach aids in conceptualizing and analyzing the structure, interactions, and mode of behavior of the complex systems. The impact of the underlying components can therefore be assessed in an integrated way while the impact of possible policies on the system can be studied to implement appropriate decisions. This review summarizes various applications of SD pertinent to the waste management practices in different countries. Practices may include waste generation, reduction, reuse/recovery, recycling, and disposal. Each study supports regional-demanding targets in environmental, social, and economic scopes such as expanding landfill life span, implementing proper disposal fee, global warming mitigation, energy generation/saving, etc. The interacting variables in the WMS are specifically determined based on the defined problem, ultimate goal, and the type of waste. Generally, population and gross domestic product can increase the waste generation. An increase in waste reduction, source separation, and recycling rate could decrease the environmental impact, but it is not necessarily profitable from an economic perspective. Incentives to separate waste and knowledge about waste management are variables that always have a positive impact on the entire system.

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