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Positive matrix factorization (PMF) and effective variance (EV) solutions to the chemical mass balance (CMB) were applied to PM2.5 (particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter <2.5 μm) mass and chemically speciated measurements for samples taken from 2008 to 2010 at the Atlanta, Georgia, and Birmingham, Alabama, sites. Commonly measured PM2.5 mass, elemental, ionic, and thermal carbon fraction concentrations were supplemented with detailed nonpolar organic speciation by thermal desorption-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (TD-GC/MS). Source contribution estimates were calculated for motor vehicle exhaust, biomass burning, cooking, coal-fired power plants, road dust, vegetative detritus, and secondary sulfates and nitrates for Atlanta. Similar sources were found for Birmingham, with the addition of an industrial source and the separation of biomass burning into open burning and residential wood combustion. EV-CMB results based on conventional species were qualitatively similar to those estimated by PMF-CMB. Secondary ammonium sulfate was the largest contributor, accounting for 27–38% of PM2.5, followed by biomass burning (21–24%) and motor vehicle exhaust (9–24%) at both sites, with 4–6% of PM2.5 attributed to coal-fired power plants by EV-CMB. Including organic compounds in the EV-CMB reduced the motor vehicle exhaust and biomass burning contributions at both sites, with a 13–23% deficit for PM2.5 mass. The PMF-CMB solution showed mixing of sources within the derived factors, both with and without the addition of speciated organics, as is often the case with complex source mixtures such as those at these urban-scale sites. The nonpolar TD-GC/MS compounds can be obtained from existing filter samples and are a useful complement to the elements, ions, and carbon fractions. However, they should be supplemented with other methods, such as TD-GC/MS on derivitized samples, to obtain a wider range of polar compounds such as sterols, sugars, and organic acids. The PMF and EV solutions to the CMB equations are complementary to, rather than replacements for, each other, as comparisons of their results reveal uncertainties that are not otherwise evident.

Implications:?Organic markers can be measured on currently acquired PM2.5 filter samples by thermal methods. These markers can complement element, ion, and carbon fraction measurements from long-term speciation networks. Applying the positive matrix factorization and effective variance solutions for the chemical mass balance equations provides useful information on the accuracy of the source contribution estimates. Nonpolar compounds need to be complemented with polar compounds to better apportion cooking and secondary organic aerosol contributors.  相似文献   
Laboratory scale biological filter systems for control of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) in waste gas have been studied and the optimum design and operating parameters determined. Extensive tests have been conducted to evaluate the effect of various filter bed operating parameters such as temperature, retention time, H2S concentration, and H2S loading rate. Variable properties of new and used composts such as sulfate content, acidity, and water content have been studied for their influence on H2S removal efficiency. The effects of compost particle size distribution on system pressure drop and the maximum H2S elimination capacity were examined. Biofiltration systems containing various types of yard waste compost as the filter material have been observed to remove hydrogen sulfide with efficiencies greater than 99.9 percent for H2S inlet concentrations in the range from 5 to 2650 ppmv.  相似文献   
Laboratory and field demonstration studies were conducted to assess the efficacy of enhanced biological reduction of 1,2,3‐trichloropropane (TCP) in groundwater. Laboratory studies evaluated the effects of pH and initial TCP concentrations on TCP reduction and the activity of a microbial inoculum containing Dehalogenimonas (Dhg). Laboratory results showed successful reduction at a pH of 5 to 9 with optimal reduction at 7 to 9 and at initial TCP concentrations ranging from 10 to over 10,000 micrograms per liter (μg/L). Based on findings from the laboratory study, the effects of TCP concentration, geochemical conditions, and amendment concentration on bioremediation efficacy were investigated during a field demonstration at a site with relatively low initial concentrations of TCP (< 2 μg/L). The field demonstration included injection of emulsified vegetable oil (EVO) and lactate as a carbon substrate for biostimulation, followed by bioaugmentation using the microbial inoculum containing Dhg. Post‐injection performance monitoring demonstrated reduction of TCP to below laboratory detection limits (< 0.005 μg/L) after an initial lag period of approximately six months following injections. TCP reduction was accompanied by generation of the degradation byproduct propene. A marginal increase in TCP concentrations, potentially due to an influx of upgradient aerobic groundwater containing TCP, was observed eight months after injections thereby demonstrating the sensitivity of this bioaugmentation application to changes in geochemical parameters. Despite this marginal increase, performance monitoring results indicate continued TCP biodegradation 15 months after implementation of the injection program. This demonstration suggests that enhanced biodegradation of TCP by combining biostimulation and bioaugmentation may be a promising solution to the challenges associated with remediation of TCP, even when present at low part per billion concentrations in groundwater.  相似文献   
Phenology: response, driver, and integrator.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A set of biochemical and histological responses was measured in wild gudgeon collected upstream and downstream of urban and pharmaceutical manufacture effluents. These individual end-points were associated to fish assemblage characterisation. Responses of biotransformation enzymes, neurotoxicity and endocrine disruption biomarkers revealed contamination of investigated stream by a mixture of pollutants. Fish from sampled sites downstream of the industrial effluent exhibited also strong signs of endocrine disruption including vitellogenin induction, intersex and male-biased sex-ratio. These individual effects were associated to a decrease of density and a lack of sensitive fish species. This evidence supports the hypothesis that pharmaceutical compounds discharged in stream are involved in recorded endocrine disruption effects and fish population disturbances and threaten disappearance of resident fish species. Overall, this study gives argument for the utilisation of an effect-based monitoring approach to assess impacts of pharmaceutical manufacture discharges on wild fish populations.  相似文献   
Using the focusing event framework, a comprehensive analysis of private households’ and businesses’ preparedness was undertaken in the aftermath of the 2002 and 2006 flood events on the Elbe River in Germany. In August 2002, preparedness of households (n = 235) and businesses (n = 103) was low: 30% of the households and 54% of the businesses took no precautionary measures before the flood event. Many undertaken emergency measures were ineffective, since only 26% of all households knew how to react when the flood warning came, and only 9% of businesses had an emergency plan in place. Due to this extreme flood, double-loop learning occurred in many households and businesses, so that many did implement precautionary measures. The distribution of adopted precautionary measures for households fits well to Preisendörfer’s low-cost hypothesis, but does not apply for businesses. Only 10% of the households (n = 112), but still 29% of the businesses (n = 41) were unprepared before the flood in 2006. Significant improvement in flood preparedness activities is still necessary. Particularly for businesses, regulatory programs and programs encouraging proactive behaviour should be implemented. The focusing event framework proofed to be a useful tool for a differentiated analysis of the responses to and learning due to a disaster also in the commercial and private sector.  相似文献   
The objective of this study is to examine the relationship between a company's environmental performance and its systematic risk. Using a sample of 351 European listed companies over the 2007–2015 period, the technique of principal components analysis is applied to calculate a synthetic global index of corporate environmental performance using 71 evaluation criteria suggested by the ASSET4 database. Using this same approach, subindices of the global index are calculated using the following ASSET4 dimensions: reduction of emissions, product innovation, and reduction of resource usage. To test the relationship between these variables and risk, panel data regression techniques are applied. Results indicate that the synthetic global index of environmental performance negatively affects the systematic risk of company. The decomposition of this global index into three subindices shows that those subindices relating to the reduction of environmental emissions and of resource usage make it possible to significantly reduce systematic risk, whereas the subindex relating to product innovation has a rather moderate effect. Thus, environmental performance, like governance, can be considered as an insurance mechanism for the company, which reduces the probability of events occurring, which negatively affect its cash flow and risks faced by shareholders.  相似文献   
Although larval dispersal is crucial for the persistence of most marine populations, dispersal connectivity between sites is rarely considered in designing marine protected area networks. In particular the role of structural characteristics (known as topology) for the network of larval dispersal routes in the conservation of metapopulations has not been addressed. To determine reserve site configurations that provide highest persistence values with respect to their connectivity characteristics, we model nine connectivity topological models derived from graph theory in a demographic metapopulation model. We identify reserve site configurations that provide the highest persistence values for each of the metapopulation connectivity models. Except for the minimally connected and fully connected populations, we observed two general ‘rules of thumb’ for optimising the mean life time for all topological models: firstly place the majority of reserves, so that they are neighbours of each other, on the sites where the number of connections between the populations is highest (hub), secondly when the reserves have occupied the majority of the vertices in the hub, then select another area of high connectivity and repeat. If there are no suitable hubs remaining then distribute the remaining reserves to isolated locations optimising contact with non-reserved sites.  相似文献   
Modelling the fate of marine turtle hatchlings   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The SLIM oceanographic model was used to examine the fate of hatchling flatback turtles (Natator depressus) in the first two weeks of their dispersal starting at Wild Duck Island, a major turtle-nesting site in the central Great Barrier Reef region of Australia. We ran simulations to investigate the effects of spring versus neap tides, hatchling's swimming behaviour during their first three days at sea, and the location of nesting beaches. The model predicted that up to 50% of the turtle hatchlings entering the sea from the windward, southern beach remained after 14 days in shallow, nearshore waters, irrespective of tides and swimming. These waters are turbid and may be inhospitable to hatchlings. In contrast >80% of hatchlings dispersing from the leeward, northern beach were dispersed to deeper water (10-40 m) in a quasi-stationary dispersion core centred around 10 km north of the nesting beach after 14 days and the offshore spread of the turtle plume was enhanced by the hatchling's seaward swimming during the first three days. This was due to the presence of a coastal boundary layer and a stagnation zone around the northern side of island, but not the southern side. The model confirmed that dispersal from eastern Queensland flatback turtle rookeries is restricted to the lagoons and coastal waters, and that water circulation and hatchling's swimming control dispersion. The model explains why more turtles nest on the northern than the southern side. This study highlights the usefulness of oceanographic models to increase knowledge about a cryptic life stage of marine turtles.  相似文献   
In natural environment, semiochemicals are involved in many interactions between the different trophic levels involving insects, plants and hosts for parasitoids or prey for predators. These volatile compounds act as messengers within or between insect species, inducing particular behaviours, such as the localisation of a source of food, the orientation to an adequate oviposition site, the selection of a suitable breeding site and the localisation of hosts or prey. In this sense, bacteria have been shown to play an important role in the production of volatile compounds which ones act as semiochemicals. This review, focusing on the semiochemically mediated interactions between bacteria and insects, highlights that bacterial semiochemicals act as important messengers for insects. Indeed, in most of the studies reported here, insects respond to specific volatiles emitted by specific bacteria hosted by the insect itself (gut, mouthparts, etc.) or present in the natural environment where the insect evolves. Particularly, bacteria from the families Enterobacteriaceae, Pseudomonaceae and Bacillaceae are involved in many interactions with insects. Because semiochemicals naturally produced by bacteria could be a very interesting option for pest management, advances in this field are discussed in the context of biological control against insect pests.  相似文献   
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