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利用空气质量自动监测系统分析了2011年春节期间鄂尔多斯市东胜区的SO2、NO2及PM10的浓度值,发现烟花爆竹的燃放对它们的浓度有较大影响。  相似文献   
In a proton exchange membrane electrolyzer cell (PEMEC), liquid/gas diffusion layer (LGDL) is expected to transport electrons, heat, and reactants/products to and from the catalyst layer with minimum voltage, current, thermal, interfacial, and fluidic losses. In addition, carbon materials, which are typically used in PEM fuel cells (PEMFCs), are unsuitable in PEMECs due to the high ohmic potential and highly oxidative environment of the oxygen electrode. In this study, a set of titanium gas diffusion layers with different thicknesses and porosities are designed and examined coupled with the development of a robust titanium bipolar plate. It has been found that the performance of electrolyzer improves along with a decrease in thickness or porosity of the anode LGDL of titanium woven meshes. The ohmic resistance of anode LGDL and contact resistance between anode LGDL and the anode catalyst play dominant roles in electrolyzer performance, and better performance can be obtained by reducing ohmic resistance. Thin titanium LGDLs with straight-through pores and optimal pore morphologies are recommended for the future developments of low-cost LGDLs with minimum ohmic/transport losses.  相似文献   
文章在对首都经济贸易大学校园进行声功能区环境噪声监测的基础上,分析和计算了各区域测点噪声超标值(△LAeq)、噪声指数(LKZ)和噪声污染指数(PN);从强度和影响人群人数两个角度评价校园声环境质量。结果表明,首都经济贸易大学校园声环境质量处于较差的水平,噪声强度超标率达到82%;据此,课题对校园噪声污染现状进行了影响分析和声环境质量的等级评定,最后针对污染现状提出了相关措施和建议。  相似文献   
在对长湖流域水资源状况、水质现状、水文条件调查的基础上,根据水质目标的要求,利用纳污水体的概率型水环境容量模型,对基于总磷的长湖水环境容量进行了核算。结果表明:长湖的水环境容量是动态变化的,而模型的选取和参数的取值对概率型水环境容量的计算非常关键。通过计算分析得到长湖磷的概率水环境容量为:19%丰水期:41.9t/a-45.9t/a;49%平水期:31.8t/a~41.9Va;32%枯水期:11.8t/a~31.8t/a。  相似文献   
作为人地关系中"地"对"人"负面作用的核心学科——灾害风险学存在着显著的地理空间尺度差异与尺度效应。本文提出灾害风险尺度耦合的概念与类型,从数据、方法和区划三个方面提出灾害风险研究中的空间降尺度和空间升尺度耦合思路,供同行学者参考。  相似文献   
Most probable number (MPN) and colony-forming unit (CFU) estimates of fecal indicator bacteria (FIB) concentration are common measures of water quality in aquatic environments. Thus, FIB intensively monitored in Yeongsan Watershed in an attempt to compare two di erent methods and to develop a statistical model to convert from CFU to MPN estimates or vice versa. As a result, the significant di erence was found in the MPN and CFU estimates. The enumerated Escherichia coli concentrations in MPN are greater than those in CFU, except for the measurement in winter. Especially in fall, E. coli concentrations in MPN are one order of magnitude greater than that in CFU. Contrarily, enterococci bacteria in MPN are lower than those in CFU. However, in general, a strongly positive relationship are found between MPN and CFU estimates. Therefore, the statistical models were developed, and showed the reasonable converting FIB concentrations from CFU estimates to MPN estimates. We expect this study will provide preliminary information towards future research on whether di erent analysis methods may result in di erent water quality standard violation frequencies for the same water sample.  相似文献   
活性炭纤维对氯仿气体动态吸附的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
为了探讨活性炭纤维(ACF)对氯仿有机废气的动态吸附,考察氯仿气体流速、浓度、温度、ACF再生次数对吸附效率的影响以及滤速和压降的关系。结果表明:低浓度、低流速、低温度均有利于吸附。ACF对氯仿的吸附以物理吸附为主。提高氯仿气体滤速,气体压降增大。  相似文献   
研究在低水温条件下,进厂污水中有机物浓度较低时(污水平均BOD5为45 mg/L左右),漳扎污水处理厂生化系统较优的运行工况。研究结果表明,在上述情况下,较优的连续运行工况为:污泥回流比为75%左右,MLSS为3 200~3 500 mg/L,生化池处的溶解氧在0.7~1.3 mg/L之间;较优的间歇运行工况为:以曝气3 h停曝3 h的方式运行,生化池处的溶解氧在3~5 mg/L之间,污泥回流比为75%左右,MLSS为3 200~3 500 mg/L。上述两种运行工况对污水中的污染物质都有较高的去除率,能成功避免污泥解絮的发生,使系统中的微生物平稳过冬;其中间歇曝气方式能达到节能减耗的目的,建议在旅游淡季时采用该方式运行。  相似文献   
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