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Shelterbelts are used for a variety of purposes in agricultural environments, primarily because of their ability to improve the downwind microclimate. Excessive evaporative losses from small, agricultural water supply reservoirs in semi-arid Western Australia motivated a combined numerical modelling and field investigation into the potential for using shelterbelts to reduce evaporation from these open waterbodies. A numerical model of the disturbed momentum and turbulence fields in the region modified by the wind-shelter was employed and accounted for the presence of a waterbody downwind. The model was coupled with conservation equations for heat and moisture and sensible and latent heat fluxes were estimated from the simulated momentum, temperature and humidity fields. The numerical simulations were tested against four days of field data from two experiments conducted in the agricultural districts of southwest Western Australia that measured boundary-layer evolution over a variety of small waterbodies protected by artifical and natural wind-shelters. The model provided good predictions of windspeed during neutral conditions, but inadequate specification of the upwind boundary during non-neutral stabilities resulted in the model failing to capture any sensitivity to atmospheric stability as seen in the field data. Despite this limitation, the temperature and humidity fields were adequately captured by the model, and evaporative mass flux predictions also agreed well with estimates taken from water-balance measurements. It is concluded that well-designed wind-shelters can reduce evaporation from open waterbodies by 20–30% as a result of reductions in the velocity scales responsible for removing moisture from the water surface. The model can be used to estimate the values of various shelterbelt design parameters (e.g., porosity, height) that could be applied in the field to provide optimum evaporation reductions.  相似文献   
本文通过对中国地形及气候特征的讨论 ,提出沙漠治水 ,水治沙漠的观点 ,为中国及其他国家的污水治理 ,提供一种新的思路和建议  相似文献   
分析了造成油库油品蒸发损耗的原因及危害,并针对油罐的自然通风、“小呼吸”、“大呼吸”所造成的油品损耗,提出了降低油品蒸发损耗的措施。  相似文献   
近25年雅鲁藏布江中游蒸发皿蒸发量及其影响因素的变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用气候倾向率方法,对西藏雅鲁藏布江(下称"雅江")中游1981~2005年14个气象站年、季小型蒸发皿蒸发量及其影响气候因子的变化趋势进行了分析。结果表明:近25年西藏雅江中游年蒸发皿蒸发量在流域绝大部分站点均呈现显著的减少趋势,平均减幅为109.92mm,以夏季减少趋势最明显。影响蒸发皿蒸发量的主要气候因子日照时数、平均风速呈现显著下降趋势,平均相对湿度、降水量表现为显著增加,平均气温显著升高,平均最低气温的升温速率(0.52℃/10a)明显比平均最高气温的升温速率(0.23℃/10a)大,导致气温日较差减少(-0.29℃/10a)。因此,雅江中游年日照时数和平均风速的显著下降,以及年平均相对湿度的明显增加可能是年蒸发皿蒸发量显著下降的主要原因,平均气温日较差的显著减小和降水量的增加在蒸发量减少趋势中的作用也不可忽视。  相似文献   
飞机喷洒农药的损失分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
王军 《环境科学学报》1995,15(3):322-329
通过田间试验,对装配GP-81扁扇型喷头的运5飞机在水稻和棉花上喷洒农药中的药液损失进行了分析,同时讨论了2,4-D丁酯对敏感作物的影响。结果表明,一元三次方程Y=b0+b1x2+b2x^2+b3x^3能很好地描述药液飘移与下风距离的关系,方程中的参数具有明确的实验意义;2,4-D丁酰对700m下风距离内的向日葵类高敏感植物有明显药害,对350m范围内的大豆等中等敏感植物也有药害;药液由于飘移和蒸  相似文献   
在全球变暖背景下,持续减少的海冰正在通过降水和蒸发改变着北极水循环。降水同位素及其过量氘参数(d)作为水循环示踪剂对北极水文气候变化研究具有重要帮助,但由于观测资料匮乏,目前有关北极水循环的同位素示踪研究鲜有报道。本文以冬季海冰主要消融区——巴伦支—格陵兰海(BGS)为例,调查了BGS冬季降水d值与海冰和大气环流的关系。结果表明:BGS降水d值与海冰范围呈显著正相关,而与巴伦支—喀拉海(BKS)反气旋指数呈显著负相关。BGS降水d主要受海冰变化导致的局地蒸发控制,当海冰减少时,局地蒸发水汽增加,贡献了更多低d的降水。增强的BKS反气旋通过绝热下沉增温和向极的水热输送,加强了BGS海冰消融与局地蒸发,降低了降水d值;而较低纬地区输送水汽以高的d值为特征,其对BGS降水的直接贡献有限。该项研究从同位素的视角厘清了局地蒸发与较低纬地区水汽输送对北极降水的相对重要性,不仅有助于理解海冰减少对北极水循环的影响,也对北极古气候重建具有重要启示。  相似文献   
耕作措施对绿洲灌区冬小麦田蒸散特征的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对甘肃河西地区日渐严重的风蚀、水资源紧缺和蒸散量大等问题,于2005~2006年通过大田定位试验研究了不同耕作措施冬小麦田蒸发蒸腾特性及其影响因子。结果表明,免耕秸杆覆盖(NTS)及免耕立茬(NTSS)能显著降低土壤水分蒸发量(E)、提高水分利用效率(WUE),且NTS优于NTSS。当裸露土壤水分过度蒸发耗损使0~10cm含水量低于13%时,覆盖处理(NTS、NTSS)的蒸发量(E)高于无覆盖处理(T、TIS及NT),叶面蒸腾量也相对较高。TIS、NT一天中蒸发量始终高于覆盖处理,而T的蒸发主要集中在上午。蒸腾速率(Tr)与叶温(Tl)、气孔导度(Gs)和气温(Ta)呈极显著正相关,与相对湿度(RH)呈极显著负相关;E与地温(ST)呈极显著正相关而与RH呈极显著负相关。  相似文献   
以PVC行业废汞触媒、糊式锌锰电池浆液、含汞锌膏为原料,采用动力通量箱法测试其挥发速率,研究了最佳试验操作条件。结果表明:通量箱气体流速在0.5 L/min以下,采用两级大型气泡吸收管吸收挥发汞时效率可达99%以上,增加1次空白测量可测得通量箱壁汞吸附量。  相似文献   
介绍了我国现代煤化工项目的废水来源及特性,归纳了废水的处理技术路线,从废水"零排放"、废水处理技术与管理、蒸发塘的污染转移、废水处理与固体废物处理及废气处理的关系、污染物源头控制等方面阐述了我国当前煤化工废水处理存在的误区和建议。  相似文献   
Vacuum evaporation consists in the boiling of a liquid substrate at negative pressure, at a temperature lower than typical boiling temperature at atmospheric conditions. Condensed vapor represents the so called condensate, while the remaining substrate represents the concentrate.This technology is derived from other sectors and is mainly dedicated to the recovery of chemicals from industrial by-products, while it has not been widely implemented yet in the field of agricultural digestate treatment. The present paper relates on experimental tests performed in pilot-scale vacuum evaporation plants (0.100 and 0.025 m3), treating filtered digestate (liquid fraction of digestate filtered by a screw-press separator). Digestate was produced by a 1 MWe anaerobic digestion plant fed with swine manure, corn silage and other biomasses. Different system and process configurations were tested (single-stage and two-stage, with and without acidification) with the main objectives of assessing the technical feasibility and of optimizing process parameters for an eventual technology transfer to full scale systems.The inputs and outputs of the process were subject to characterization and mass and nutrients balances were determined.The vacuum evaporation process determined a relevant mass reduction of digestate.The single stage configuration determined the production of a concentrate, still in liquid phase, with a total solid (TS) mean concentration of 15.0%, representing, in terms of mass, 20.2% of the input; the remaining 79.8% was represented by condensate. The introduction of the second stage allowed to obtain a solid concentrate, characterized by a content of TS of 59.0% and representing 5.6% of initial mass.Nitrogen balance was influenced by digestate pH: in order to limit the stripping of ammonia and its transfer to condensate it was necessary to reduce the pH. At pH 5, 97.5% of total nitrogen remained in the concentrate. This product was characterized by very high concentrations of total Kjeldhal nitrogen (TKN), 55,000 mg/kg as average.Condensate, instead, represented 94.4% of input mass, containing 2.5% of TKN. This fraction could be discharged into surface water, after purification to meet the criteria imposed by Italian regulation. Most likely, condensate could be used as dilution water for digestion input, for cleaning floor and surfaces of animal housings or for crop irrigation.The research showed the great effectiveness of the vacuum evaporation process, especially in the two stage configuration with acidification. In fact, the concentration of nutrients in a small volume determines easier transportation and reduction of related management costs. In full scale plants energy consumption is estimated to be 5–8 kWhe/m3 of digestate and 350 kWht/m3 of evaporated water.  相似文献   
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