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ABSTRACT: Data splitting is used to compare methods of determining “homogeneous” hydrologic regions. The methods compared use cluster analysis based on similarity of hydrologic characteristics or similarity of characteristics of a stream's drainage basin. Data for 221 stations in Arizona are used to show that the methods, which are a modification of DeCoursey's scheme for defining regions, improve the fit of estimation data to the model, but that is is necessary to have an independent measure of predictive accuracy, such as that provided by data splitting, to demonstrate improved predictive accuracy. The methods used the complete linkage algorithm for cluster analysis and computed weighted average estimates of hydrologic characteristics at ungaged sites.  相似文献   
我国森林环境服务市场构建与私人参与的选择   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
刘璨 《自然资源学报》2002,17(2):246-252
分析了我国出现森林资源环境服务市场构建态势及存在问题、对策等,回顾了现有市场构建的政策与制度,把森林资源环境服务与产品界定为公共产品,分析了私人部门参与的可能性、必要性。其次,对流域管理、生物多样性保护、景观价值、碳储存等生态服务的市场构建状况进行分析,最后分析市场创建机制所面临的主要挑战,并提出了相应的政策建议,以促进私人部门参与森林环境服务。  相似文献   
Multimetric indices based on fish and benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages are commonly used to assess the biological integrity of aquatic ecosystems. However, their response to specific stressors is rarely known. We quantified the response of a fish-based index (Mid-Atlantic Highlands Index of Biotic Integrity, MAH-IBI) and a benthic invertebrate-based index (West Virginia Stream Condition Index, WV-SCI) to acid mine drainage (AMD)-related stressors in 46 stream sites within the Cheat River watershed, West Virginia. We also identified specific stressor concentrations at which biological impairment was always or never observed. Water chemistry was extremely variable among tributaries of the Cheat River, and the WV-SCI was highly responsive across a range of AMD stressor levels. Furthermore, impairment to macroinvertebrate communities was observed at relatively low stressor concentrations, especially when compared to state water quality standards. In contrast to the WV-SCI, we found that the MAH-IBI was significantly less responsive to local water quality conditions. Low fish diversity was observed in several streams that possessed relatively good water quality. This pattern was especially pronounced in highly degraded subwatersheds, suggesting that regional conditions may have a strong influence on fish assemblages in this system. Our results indicate that biomonitoring programs in mined watersheds should include both benthic invertebrates, which are consistent indicators of local conditions, and fishes, which may be indicators of regional conditions. In addition, remediation programs must address the full suite of chemical constituents in AMD and focus on improving linkages among streams within drainage networks to ensure recovery of invertebrate and fish assemblages. Future research should identify the precise chemical conditions necessary to maintain biological integrity in mined Appalachian watersheds.  相似文献   
江苏沿江地区土壤肥力空间分布及其区域对比研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
长江流域尤其下游地区是土地利用的典型地区。区域分异研究是用来阐明地理事物分布规律的重要研究方法,是区域规划和生态环境保护的重要基础工作。依据1:20万土壤数据库,采用反映土壤肥力的综合性指标,计算并输出江苏省沿江土壤肥力等级图,据此分析了土壤肥力空间分布特征,并进行了区域对比研究,可以为长江下游、特别是江苏省进行区域规划及其相关工作的开展提供科学依据。其结果也表明GIS技术和地统计学在这一领域的综合应用具有先进性,可提高区域分异工作效果。  相似文献   
以天津市医疗废物管理现状为研究对象,对处置方式进行深入探讨,分析目前分散处置和集中处置存在的缺陷,提出“区域集中处置”设想;并运用模糊决策模型理论,建立较完善的处置方式评价指标体系,应用模糊综合评价模型得出“区域集中处置”是最佳的医疗废物处置方式,同时提出了相应的区域集中处置策略。  相似文献   
In the high technology industry, small and medium sized technology enterprises (SMSTEs) play a pivotal role in advancing the whole industry. To achieve sustainable development, they need to extend their scope of business activities beyond a national view and exploit international market actively to meet international competitions that increase quickly in the form of allocating resources within the scope of the world. However, the SMSTEs are also facing risks associated with themselves during the process of exploiting international market owing to their own restrictions, so what they should do is to consider risk evaluations in exploiting the international market.  相似文献   
在区域合作的大背景下,基于区域物流发展的背景与研究现状的基础上,对区域物流概念与研究地域的范围进行界定,进而对我国泛珠三角区域物流的空间组织形态做了较为详细的探讨。通过分析认为,目前在泛珠三角区域的物流经济要素处于以集聚为主的阶段,物流经济空间组织采取点、轴、网、面模式,合理的人为调控和组织可以有效促进空间结构的演化,最后提出了相应的调控措施。  相似文献   
京津地区区域一体化程度分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
20世纪50年代以来,全球化背景下世界各国间经济依存度加强,与之相伴生的区域集团化趋势日益显著。北京和天津作为京津冀地区经济实力最强的两个城市,两市的一体化程度研究可以在一定程度反映京津冀一体化的程度,也能对规划京津冀发展提供依据。本文从对区域经济一体化的概念和发展过程的讨论出发,并以京津地区为研究对象,从市场一体化、产业一体化和空间一体化三个方面探讨其一体化整合程度。采用"价格法",利用两市的商品零售价格指数对相对平均价格方差进行分析,得出市场较早具备了一体化的优势条件,近年来发展却不大;分析工业和第三产业各行业的区位商,了解到产业互补潜力尚未充分发挥;同时以京津冀地区的城市分布情况为研究对象,根据费里德曼空间结构的演变阶段理论将其空间一体化程度划分为初级阶段。未来通过政策引导、合理布局和整体规划,京津一体化的发展将成为区域经济发展的主要推动力之一。  相似文献   
我国当前城乡建设用地置换的实践探索及问题剖析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
当前我国城乡建设用地利用存在着城市建设用地指标紧缺、农村建设用地低效利用和城乡建设用地"双增"大量侵占耕地等问题。城乡建设用地增减挂钩政策推动下的城乡建设用地置换有望成为破解该问题的综合途径。2004年开始,伴随相关政策陆续出台,城乡建设用地置换实践在多个省市试点推进,其中江苏省万顷良田建设工程、天津市宅基地换房、山东省农村社区化、重庆市地票交易市场的实践较为典型。基于上述典型案例和系统要素分析,总结了实践的问题、根源与演进,认为目前系统中的要素与相应的操作环节中存在问题隐患且部分问题表现突出;实践中主要以涉及"非自愿"置换、补偿与保障不足、生产生活方式改变等的农民利益受损问题较为突出;问题的根源集中在三个方面,即国家层面的约束性的法律、法规、政策尚不健全,地方政府操作不合理和缺乏科学研究支撑。今后的实践中,应该建立统一的城乡土地市场并逐步完善政府主导下的城乡土地市场运行机制,建立科学合理的征地补偿机制,深入开展相关科学研究,遵循集约型用地增长模式,同小城镇建设紧密结合,注重保护村落景观风貌。  相似文献   
二氧化碳捕集、利用与封存(CCUS)被认为是燃煤和燃气电厂以及钢铁、水泥和石化等行业实现碳中和的重要技术选项,而碳市场则是重要的市场化减排机制,提高两者的衔接水平,对于我国“双碳”目标的实现具有重要意义。通过总结国际上CCUS项目与碳市场衔接的成功经验,可以为我国CCUS项目与碳市场衔接提供相关借鉴。本文系统梳理了国内外CCUS项目纳入碳市场的立法、激励政策、CCUS减排核算方法学研究情况,识别出我国在CCUS项目与碳市场衔接方面尚存在法律支撑不足、缺乏激励政策以及CCUS项目碳减排核算方法不准确等一系列问题,最后提出多项建议以推动我国CCUS项目与碳市场的衔接:①完善碳市场监管和法律体系,促进CCUS与碳市场衔接;②研判CCUS优先领域,分阶段促进不同行业CCUS项目纳入碳交易市场;③强化政策激励,打通CCUS与碳市场衔接的投融资与成本疏导路径;④分阶段完善碳交易市场建设,充分发挥碳市场金融属性促进CCUS与碳交易市场衔接;⑤建立完善的监测、报告和核查(MRV)标准体系和证书制度,保证CCUS项目减排量核证的准确性和规范性。  相似文献   
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