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对自然界中云滴到雨滴的转化和降雨的形成过程进行了阐述,同时对降雨过程中雨滴的形状、直径、降雨强度、终速度等的物性特点进行了分析。重点探讨了人工模拟降雨试验方法中关于雨滴直径0.5-4.5 mm、雨滴终速度9 m/s、行程、风速18 m/s等指标要求在实际试验中涉及的部分相关问题,基于对降雨过程和降雨引起的破坏机理的分析,结合淋雨设备原理和国内环境试验设备厂家现状,对现行GJB 150.8A—2009淋雨试验中的雨滴直径、雨滴终速度提出了补充完善的建议和意见。 相似文献
以A2/O-移动床生物膜反应器(MBBR)长期稳定运行的反硝化除磷污泥为研究对象,通过在厌氧段投加乙酸钠、缺氧段投加NO3--N,考察反硝化聚磷菌(DPAOs)在不同电子受体浓度(NO3--N:10、20、30、40、50 mg·L-1)下的脱氮除磷特性以及内碳源转化利用规律。实验结果表明:缺氧段电子受体不足导致吸磷受限,微生物由于处于饥饿状态出现糖原(GLY)降解,增加二次释磷的风险;而电子受体过量会抑制DPAOs的生物活性,降低内碳源的转化利用效率和同步脱氮除磷效果。当NO3--N浓度为30~40 mg·L-1时,NO3--N和PO43--P去除率分别为92.28%~96.37%和99.39%~100%,聚-β-羟基链烷酸脂(poly-β-hydroxyalkanoate,PHAs)利用率为84.6%~86.2%,达到较好的同步脱氮除磷效果且实现了内碳源的高效利用。动力学参数对比结果表明,不同电子受体浓度下比吸磷速率(PUR)和比反硝化速率(DNR)在4.32~8.18 mg·(g·h)-1、1.81~6.08 mg·(g·h)-1(以VSS计)范围内波动,且NO3--N/PO43--P比值可间接反映DPAOs生物活性。 相似文献
利用亚硝酸盐为电子受体反硝化聚磷菌的筛选与富集 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
依据DPB原理,利用SBR动态反应器和静态释/聚磷装置.以A2/O工艺厌氧段污泥为种泥,研究以亚硝酸盐为电子受体反硝化聚磷菌的筛选与富集,同时对选择、富集污泥的反硝化聚磷性能进行了考察.结果表明:利用亚硝酸盐为电子受体的反硝化聚磷菌存在于A2/O厌氧段污泥中,通过厌氧/好氧和厌氧/缺氧方式运行后,聚磷菌总数由1400个/mL增加到32 000个/mL,其中反硝化聚磷菌占聚磷菌总数的比例也由14.5%提高到81%,磷酸盐和亚硝酸盐去除率分别由最初的8.65%和7.55%上升到91%和95.62%;筛选与富集利用亚硝酸盐为电子受体的反硝化聚磷菌时,缺氧段进水COD的浓度须控制在10 mg/L以下;当体系处于稳定状态,且亚硝酸盐氮浓度高达30 mg/L时,并未对反硝化聚磷菌的生存产生抑制和体系运行产生干扰,此时磷酸盐出水低至1.06 mg/L. 相似文献
Microbial community structure in an integrated A/O reactor treating diluted
livestock wastewater during start-up period 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
In order to investigate the correlation between reactor performance and the microorganisms, an integrated A/O reactor was operated
for 72 days to treat diluted livestock wastewater. Chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal e ciency increased from 79% to 94%,
with total nitrogen (TN) removal e ciency from 37% to 50% (HRT 7.4 hr) when the influent COD and TN were ca. 1500 mg/L and 95
mg/L, respectively, and the outlet COD concentration was less than 100 mg/L at the end. Microbial community was monitored during
start-up period by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) based on 16S rRNA gene. DGGE profiles showed that microbial
community had changed significantly during the start-up and these shifts were in accordance with the reactor performance. UPGMA
clustering analysis showed that 14 anaerobic samples fell into five main groups and so did the aerobic ones, but the grouping patterns
were di erent. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that microbial populations in the anaerobic compartment belonged to Firmicutes,
Proteobacteria, Chloroflexi and Bacteroidetes, while Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Firmicutes, Verrucomicrobiae and Nitrospira were
present in the aerobic compartment. In the anaerobic compartment, more fermentative and acetogenic bacteria were detected during the
start-up while denitrifying bacteria faded away. Two functional populations such as Nitrospira defluvii and Dechloromonas denitrificans
were observed when nitrogen removal was high, indicating that simultaneous nitrification and denitrification occurred in the aerobic
compartment. 相似文献
The salt-secreting mangrove, Avicennia marina, and non-salt-secreting mangrove, Kande/ia candel were cultivated in sand with various salinities(0‰, 100‰, 20‰, 30‰, 40‰) for 60 d. Plasma membrane vesicles of highpurity in leaves and roots of A. marina and K. candel seedlings were obtained by two-phase partitioning. The function of the plasma membranes, the activity of ATPase, membrane potential and transmembrane proton gradient, at various salinities were investigated. The results showed that within a certain range of salinity( A. marina and roots of K. candel: 0-30‰; leaves of K. candel: 0-20‰), the activity of ATPase increased with increasing salinity, while high salinity (above 30‰ or 20‰) inhibited ATPase activity. In comparison with A. marina, K.candel appeared to be more sensitive to salinity. The dynamics of membrane potential and transmembrane proton gradient in leaves and roots of A. marina and K. candel seedlings were similar to that of ATPase. When treated directly by NaCl all the indexes were inhibited markedly: there was a little increase within 0-10‰( K. candel) or 0-20‰( A. marina) followed by sharp declining. It indicated that the structure and function of plasma membrane was damaged severely. 相似文献
以A/O工艺和单级好氧除磷工艺为研究对象,利用生活污水中存在最广泛的乙酸钠作为单一碳源,对比研究了2组SBR(A/O工艺,SBR1;单级好氧除磷工艺,SBR2)的除磷效果.连续进行3个月的研究表明,2组SBR在稳定除磷阶段的除磷率和单位污泥的除磷水平分别为91.72%和3.23 mg.g-1(SBR1)与71.70%和2.91 mg.g-1(SBR2).进一步研究还发现:在SBR1中PHA合成的同时伴随着糖原质的消耗,而在SBR2中PHA合成的同时伴随糖原质的积累,这意味着单级好氧除磷工艺中PHA的合成无需糖原质的参与;在静置阶段,2组SBR都表现出了很明显的释磷现象,但SBR2具有更高的释磷水平(释磷量分别为2.6 mg.L-1和13.28 mg.L-1).SBR1和SBR2体现出不同的除磷能力的原因很有可能是2组SBR的微生物在代谢过程中储能物质在消耗和存贮的循环过程中存在差异. 相似文献
选择两种常见的天然黏土矿物高岭石和蒙脱石,研究了有机污染物双酚A(BPA)在其表面的吸附及草酸对黏土矿物悬浮液中BPA光降解的影响.结果表明,BPA在两种黏土矿物表面的吸附量较小,吸附符合Langmuir等温式.在250W金属卤化物灯(λ≥360nm)照射下,草酸可显著促进BPA在高岭石和蒙脱石悬浮液中的光降解,降解动力学符合Langmuir-Hinshelwood方程. 降解速率受pH值的影响较大,pH=4.0时速度最快,光降解速率同时受草酸浓度的影响.最后,通过分析矿物中铁的化学环境及反应过程中铁浓度变化,分析了草酸促进BPA在黏土矿物悬浮液中光降解的可能机制. 相似文献
在处理双酚A(BPA)模拟废水的序批式活性污泥系统(SBR)反应器中,保持进水COD含量均为300 mg·L-1左右,通过改变水力停留时间HRT从12~8 h,污泥龄SRT从20~10 d,考察污泥有机毒性和其他水质指标的变化.试验分析了空白组和40 mg·L-1初始浓度BPA对照组在不同工况条件下周期末出水COD值、污泥有机毒性分布规律以及稳定期单周期内COD值和污泥有机毒性的变化趋势.结果表明,缩短水力停留时间和污泥龄有利于活性污泥降解BPA,并消减稳定期污泥的有机毒性;出水COD稳定在50 mg·L-1左右,且水相和泥相均无BPA残留.在应用PCR-DGGE技术分析SBR系统内微生物菌群多样性和不同样品间的相似性过程中,得出污泥总毒性抑制率与微生物多样性呈负相关性关系,进水成分的不同和运行参数改变是导致污泥总毒性差异的主要原因. 相似文献
IntroductionOzoneplaysacriticalroleintheearth’secologicalbalanceowingtoitsstrongabsorptionofbiologicallydamagingincomingultra... 相似文献
IntroductionThedeterminationofironreceivedextensiveattentionbecauseofitsincreasingimportanceinbiochemicalandenvironmentalstud... 相似文献