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毒死蜱生态毒理与风险研究综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
毒死蜱被认为是一种高效、安全和广谱的含氮杂环类杀虫杀螨剂,被广泛应用于农业生产病虫害的防治中。在中国,毒死蜱曾被列为取代高毒农药的重要品种,并被农业部推荐用于无公害农产品生产的专用杀虫杀螨剂。近年来,由于不断发现的毒死蜱生物毒性及其产生的环境安全问题,美国和欧盟国家已经在某些范围内禁用毒死蜱。综合近几年文献,从环境介质含量、转化行为、生物活性检测以及国外水质基准等方面,对其分别叙述,旨在为今后中国地区毒死蜱的环境健康风险评价、生态风险评价和水质基准制定提供基本参考依据。  相似文献   
分析国内外生态环境科技创新的发展现状,相比较国外以市场机制为导向、以企业为创新主体、政府通过政策和管辖支撑创新的体系特征,我国已形成四大类环境类科创载体,但尚未形成成熟有效的技术成果产业化机制以及市场与政策协同促进科技创新的发展模式。本文根据生态环境科技创新的强政策驱动性、技术验证放大周期长以及集成性强的特点,重点通过环境技术研发、技术成果转化、技术放大与赋能、产业拓展与推广四个方面阐述了生态环境科技创新体系建设的主要环节:环境技术的研发由以科研机构为主的传统自发性研发、企业迭代性研发和联合应用型研发组成;技术成果的转化经历挖掘发现、技术识别与判断、知识产权评估评价后进入已成立的企业或新设公司,在这一过程中,成果转化专业队伍起着至关重要的作用;技术放大与赋能旨在为有创新技术的企业提供科技创新政策、二次研发中试验证、首台套工程案例、投融资等资源的对接,以协助初创企业成长;产业的拓展与推广则通过为解决环境问题形成集成方案、孵化平台为企业背书和产业政策匹配等方式助力企业长期发展。最后从加强专业化创新平台、技术评估体系、成果转化人才培养体系建设以及疏通投融资渠道等方面对中国未来生态环境科技创新发展提出相关建议。  相似文献   
A new procedure of determining optimal C/N (the rate of carbon source to nitrogen source) of mixed distillers' grains for combined bacteria synergic fermentation is established. At the same time an improved method evaluating bacteria growth, called method of dry cell weighing by filtering is developed. For each combination of C and N , their initial and residual contents before and after fermentation respectively are determined. Then followed the calculation of utilization of C and N sources by the compound bacteria. The optimal C/N is finally located from among the utilization of C and N of several combinations and the weight of produced mass of oven-dried thallus The conditions of fermentation are: inoculum size 10%, temperature 30.0℃, rotational speed 170 r/min, shake culture time 48h. The best results obtained from orthogonal experiments are: maximum mass of oven dried thallus is 14.693g in a liter liquid medium, maximum utilization rate of carbon source is 98.13% and maximum utilization rate of nitrogen is 78.14%. Optimal C/N is 5.1.  相似文献   
旅游发展背景下乡村适应性演化理论框架与实证   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
乡村转型及适应演化路径是乡村可持续发展领域重要研究内容,对实施乡村振兴战略及其多元目标的实现具有重要理论和现实意义。通过国家制度(战略)变迁关键时间节点,梳理典型案例乡村发展阶段,明确案例乡村转型适应的体制演化特征。在乡村适应性演化理论分析框架构建基础上,以体制转换明显的乡村为实证案例,结合农户调查与深度访谈数据,评估乡村适应演化下系统适应能力(结果)及农户生计响应效果,并基于归纳法和灰色关联分析,揭示乡村体制转换与微观农户生计关联的适应演化路径及机制。研究结果表明:(1)传统农业体制乡村向旅游体制转换后出现乡村经济发展和环境破坏、社会矛盾风险并存局面,农户生计适应选择对乡村转型响应呈现多样化。(2)不同适应路径农户生计恢复力存在显著差异,升级型、扩张型生计恢复力相对较高,维持型和更替型较低。(3)乡村体制转换(R1到Rn)与农户生计适应(P1到P5)呈现协同且分化的演化路径,基础设施、政策扶持以及生态环境因子是乡村转型与农户生计关联适应演化的关键影响变量。  相似文献   
2020年9月22日,习近平主席在第七十五届联合国大会上郑重承诺,中国将提高自主贡献力度,采取更加有力的政策和措施,努力争取2060年前实现碳中和。电力部门是我国能源系统实现碳中和的关键,而生物质能源技术在电力部门的部署对于推动实现碳中和具有不可替代的重要意义。本文针对三类生物质能源的发电技术,包括生物质直燃/气化发电、生物质耦合发电、生物质与碳捕获封存技术联合发电,分析了技术的国内外发展现状,并从技术可行性、资源可行性、经济可行性和环境影响等方面评析了其在推动电力部门低碳转型过程中的可行性。同时,结合碳中和愿景下电力部门的减排要求及对相关技术潜力的最新研判,对生物质能源技术在我国电力部门的部署提出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   
International cooperation to address climate change now stands at a crossroads.With a new international regime for emissions reduction established by the Durban Platform, "New Climate Economics(NCE)" has become a research hotspot.The need for urgent action to combat climate change has prompted discussion on reforms of economic growth patterns and the energy system.The industrial civilization,therefore,now faces a transition towards a new pathway for ecological sustainability.NCE explores new economic concepts,theories,and analytical methods to design a balanced pathway for sustainable growth and emission reduction.Instead of getting trapped in discussions on allocation of emission reduction responsibilities and obligations among countries,NCE pays more attention to developing win-win multilateral cooperation mechanisms that facilitate collaborative RD and knowledge sharing.In addition,NCE studies incentives for low-carbon transition,turning carbon emission reduction into a domestic need for countries to increase their international competitiveness.To achieve the 2°C target,most countries around the world face challenges of insufficient emission allowances to cover expected emissions associated with their projected economic growth.As carbon emissions rights becomes an increasingly scarce resource,increasing the carbon productivity of the economy turns to be the critical path to address the dilemma of green or growth.NCE studies the historical evolution of carbon productivity for countries at different development stages as well as ways to enhance such carbon productivity.This type of study provides invaluable lessons for emerging economies to reach their own emission peaks without losing the momentum of growth.Replacing fossil fuels with new and renewable energy has proven to be an inevitable choice for reshaping the energy system and addressing climate change- it has already become a global trend.NCE studies incentives for new energy technology innovation and deployment provided by carbon pricing,and sheds light on the co-benefits of climate change mitigation,such as resource conservation,environmental protection,and energy security.The role of carbon pricing in promoting intemational RD cooperation and technical transfer will also be studied.The shift in consumption patterns is another key factor enabling a low-carbon transformation.Therefore,NCE also explores the theoretical work on new values of wealth,welfare and consumption,new lifestyles in the context of ecological civilization,concepts and implementation of low-carbon urban planning in developing countries,and the impacts of consumption pattern changes on social development,material production,and urban infrastructure construction.  相似文献   
基于珠三角大气超级站2013年8月至2014年3月PM2.5、PM2.5中主要水溶性无机离子组分及其重要气态前体物等参数的逐时在线监测结果,揭示当地大气PM2.5中二次无机组分与其气态前体物的相互作用,以及PM2.5理化特性与成因的季节差异。结果表明,观测期间,PM2.5、PM10的年平均质量浓度分别为64.2、105.1μg/m3,PM2.5在PM10中所占比例(PM2.5/PM10)平均为61.1%。SO2-4、NO-3、NH+4的年平均质量浓度分别为16.6、9.0、10.2μg/m3,3者之和(SNA)占PM2.5的比例(SNA/PM2.5)平均为55.8%,体现了二次转化对珠三角地区PM2.5污染的重要影响;不同季节,SNA/PM2.5为46.0%~64.3%,夏季最低,冬季最高,其中SO2-4、NH+4对PM2.5的贡献相对稳定,NO-3贡献的季节差异较大;秋、冬季各项观测参数浓度的日变化规律相对明显,夏季除HNO3和NH3外,多项观测参数在低浓度水平波动,日变化规律不明显;珠三角大气中具有足量气态NH3以中和硫酸盐和硝酸盐,PM2.5中NH+4、SO2-4、NO-3主要以(NH4)2SO4和NH4NO3形式存在;本研究站点夏季的硫氧化率和氮氧化率均高于广州市,这充分体现了该站点的区域性特征。  相似文献   
国土空间规划新时代旅游规划的定位与转型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
龙江智  朱鹤 《自然资源学报》2020,35(7):1541-1555
我国已经迈入以国土空间规划引领"多规合一"的空间治理新时代,对各专项规划的管控约束性更严、技术性和衔接性要求更高。为此,本文重新审视了旅游规划的性质和地位,并基于产业专项性和空间融合性特征,将旅游规划分为战略规划、协调规划、发展规划和开发规划。以旅游发展规划为示例,提出了六大转型:规划理念从无限思维向边界思维、融合理念和空间思维转变,编制思路从甲方意志向市场导向转变,规划内容从大而全向专而精转变,技术路线从概念逻辑向空间逻辑转变,规划方式从封闭向开放转变,规划技术从缺乏技术到技术融合转变以期推动旅游规划衔接和融入新时代国土空间规划体系,进一步引领中国旅游产业的转型升级和高质量发展。  相似文献   
为对含蜡原油管道中的蜡沉积厚度进行准确预测,在函数cot(x2)变换的基础上,结合平移变换思想,利用cot(x2+c)变换建立新的改进GM(1,1)模型。以现场管道结蜡数据和室内环道结蜡数据为例,对比改进GM(1,1)模型、基于函数cot(x2)变换建立的GM(1,1)模型及传统GM(1,1)模型之间的预测精度,并分析平移量c对改进GM(1,1)模型预测精度的影响。结果表明:改进GM(1,1)模型的预测精度最高,其次是基于函数cot(x2)变换建立的GM(1,1)模型,而传统GM(1,1)模型的预测精度最低;随着平移量的增大,改进GM(1,1)模型的平均相对预测误差呈现出先减小后增大的趋势,因此合理的平移量有助于模型精度的提高。应用改进GM(1,1)模型来预测管道蜡沉积厚度是可行的,该方法可为含蜡原油管道蜡沉积厚度的准确预测提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   
A growing number of people are entering the artisanal and small‐scale mining (ASM) sector worldwide. In Madagascar, millions of individuals depend on this informal activity. Through a case study in the Alaotra‐Mangoro region of Madagascar, our research aimed to understand the “bottom‐up” dynamics and ripple effects of the sector, by looking at the realities for rural communities where inhabitants are both directly and indirectly affected by ASM. We were interested in community members' and miners' perceptions of the socio‐economic and environmental impacts of ASM, and in identifying the factors attracting people living in one of the country's agricultural hubs to this activity. Our results show a wide diversity of push and pull factors leading people to enter the sector. Although many positive impacts of ASM exist for miners and communities within the vicinity of mines, most miner participants considered themselves worse off since starting to mine, highlighting the high risk and low probability of return of ASM. ASM's potential for local and national development will remain squandered if its negative impacts continue to go unmanaged. Accounting for local contexts and the ripple effects of ASM will be crucial in achieving safety and security for miners, and to tap into the benefits it may offer communities while minimising environmental damage.  相似文献   
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