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随着人类环境意识、资源意识的不断深化,越来越多的国家签署了国际环境公约。中国石油企业若要进一步参与国际化竞争,在环境保护方面就势必面临更大的挑战与压力。对气候变化框架公约、巴塞尔公约、湿地公约、海洋环境保护公约以及酸雨问题等与石油工业相关的国际环境公约进行了分析及探讨,以期为石油工业适应环境保护工作发展的需要及提高国际竞争力制定相应对策提供参考。  相似文献   
提高高校档案利用的新途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对目前高校档案利用率不高的实际情况,为有效地提高档案利用率,充分发挥高校档案在高校发展建设、科学管理、提升教育教学水平中的作用,笔者通过多年的探索实践,提出了加大宣传力度、搞好基础建设、提高人员素质、拓展服务方式、创新服务内容等高校档案利用的新途径,与从事高校档案工作的广大同仁商榷。  相似文献   
This paper applies the concept of Hybrid Governance to the analysis of the GASAP (Groupe d’Achats Solidaires de l’Agriculture Paysanne), a solidarity-based producers–consumers network established in Brussels in 2006. The Hybrid Governance concept allows to capture the role of key governance tensions in driving the self-organisation, scaling out and self-reflexive dynamics of Alternative Food Networks (AFNs). The approach provides a multifaceted and sound socio-political account of the ways AFNs arise, self-organise, associate and build networks in the pursuit of their food allocation objectives, often facing a contradictory socio-institutional environment. Three types of governance tensions, i.e. organisational, resource, and institutional, as well as the interactions among them, are analysed throughout the life-course of the GASAP network. The analysis identifies three phases in the GASAP’s life-course, showing how governance tensions and their interrelations arise and play a critical role in conditioning the overall development of the organisation through time. The paper concludes with highlighting prospective values of the hybrid governance approach for the analysis of AFNs in general. These values relate to: the role of the hybrid approach in illuminating on key drivers behind the scaling out of AFNs; the hybrid governance as a tool to conceptualise and sustain the self-reflexive capacity of local food initiatives and the ways by which this approach unravels challenges to build cooperative alliances and networks among a diversity of agents in the food arena.  相似文献   
Despite the increased importance of and attention to renewable energy, its share in the overall energy mix has varied significantly across countries and over time. There are many determinants of clean energy transitions; this study focuses on political constraints. Here it is argued that political systems that have fewer political constraints have fewer access points through which powerful status quo veto players can slow the progress of clean energy reforms. To test the theory, a hierarchical model is applied on a dataset of 125 countries over four decades. The results provide significant support for the theory. Furthermore, the effects for political constraints hold even when we distinguish between hydro and non-hydro renewable sources and control for regime type. This study builds on research that recognizes the importance of politics in understanding the challenges and opportunities of clean energy reform.  相似文献   
随着近年来我国碳排放总量的增加,一些西方国家开始把碳减排责任的矛头指向中国。为了明确中国碳排放的国际地位,运用历史唯物主义观点,从经济发展阶段视角进行了国际比较研究。首先运用IEA2011年公布的碳排放数据分析了我国2009年面临的碳排放形势,继而研究了工业革命以来中国碳排放的总体贡献情况,最后从经济发展阶段视角进行了国际比较研究。认为:①尽管我国当前的碳排放总量巨大,但人均碳排放量低于世界前10名的主要碳排放国家,碳排放强度与世界主要碳排放国家相比还存在一定差距;②我国的历史累计碳排放贡献及人均碳排放均较低,发达国家和地区的累计碳排放量达到世界累计碳排放量的近3/4;③与发达国家相同经济发展阶段相比,我国的人均碳排放和碳排放强度远低于主要发达国家和地区;④世界主要发达国家和地区在快速推进工业化的经济发展阶段普遍伴随着高碳排放。鉴于此,我们认为应该辩证地看待中国的碳排放,一方面中国当前的确产生了较大的碳排放,另一方面中国的经济发展阶段决定了这种碳排放规模和水平。发达国家的经济发展轨迹和碳足迹也表明,在工业化快速推进的过程中,一定程度的高碳排放是世界经济发展的客观规律。  相似文献   

Two prevalent views are reviewed on China’s urbanization firstly. Then, this article highlights the characteristics and pattern of urbanization in the world based on the quadrants map, using data of 118 countries or areas. The results indicate that the process of urbanization in the world excluding the data of China has slowed down gradually. A further exploration examines China’s urbanization process and economic development over time, which reveals that both urbanization level and the level of economic development belong to the low-grade coordination pattern. The low level of urbanization is closely connected with the low level of economic development. Actually, China’s urbanization gap appeared during 1985–1995, but it has been eliminating this urbanization gap since 1995 as a result of rapid urbanization growing. The complicated realities revealed in this analysis challenge the existing two prevalent views.  相似文献   
In the high technology industry, small and medium sized technology enterprises (SMSTEs) play a pivotal role in advancing the whole industry. To achieve sustainable development, they need to extend their scope of business activities beyond a national view and exploit international market actively to meet international competitions that increase quickly in the form of allocating resources within the scope of the world. However, the SMSTEs are also facing risks associated with themselves during the process of exploiting international market owing to their own restrictions, so what they should do is to consider risk evaluations in exploiting the international market.  相似文献   
Sustainable development requires enriching and developing the traditional international trade theory, especially integrating the environmental elements into the current analysis framework of relative comparative advantages. These relationships among labor, capital, and environmental resources are analyzed in this study, using the relative comparative advantages method. As indicated in the analysis, the ever-increasing international trading volume in China relies not only on the relative comparative advantage of labor but also on the environmental one; these are the two major advantages in China. However, the two advantages will experience serious challenge in the future along with a rising cost on labor and environmental pollution.  相似文献   
论我国国际河流可持续开发利用的问题与法律对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国是世界上国际河流最多的国家之一,在国际河流的开发利用方面采取了一定的措施并取得了一定的成绩,但是在国际河流的可持续开发利用中仍存在不少问题,需要完善相关的国际与国内法律制度并采取其他有效的措施予以解决。从中国国际河流的概况出发,阐述对其进行可持续的开发利用在促进中国经济发展、加强民族团结以及保障国防安全等方面的重大意义,进而分析中国国际河流在可持续开发利用中存在的问题,包括立法缺失、保障措施缺位、管理机构缺乏等,最后从完善可持续开发利用的前提要素、确立可持续开发利用的基本原则、完善可持续开发利用的立法以及积极参与可持续开发利用的国际合作等方面提出解决上述问题的对策思考,以促进和保障我国国际河流可持续开发利用的实现.  相似文献   
虚拟耕地是指隐含在农产品贸易中,生产这些农产品过程中所必需占用的土地资源,有意识的在国际农产品贸易中实施虚拟耕地战略,对于平衡国内耕地赤字、保障粮食安全,发挥我国农产品在国际市场上的竞争优势具有重要的理论指导意义。首先介绍了虚拟耕地的定义及其量化方法,接着分析计算了我国谷物、油籽、棉花等几类主要农产品单位重量的虚拟耕地含量,在此基础上,对当前农产品进出口贸易中虚拟耕地的交易现状及未来发展趋势作了分析和预测。结果显示:近10 a来虚拟耕地净进口量出现持续增长,2006年,通过农产品国际贸易净进口虚拟耕地16602903.1 hm2,约占当年全国耕地总面积的12.77%。同时,虚拟耕地净进口量在今后若干年仍将保持增长态势。  相似文献   
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