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近17年鄱阳湖区景观格局动态变化研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
周云凯  白秀玲 《生态环境》2011,20(11):1653-1658
通过对1989、1999和2006年3期遥感影像进行解译,借助ARCGIS、FRAGSTATS等软件对鄱阳湖区近17年景观格局动态变化进行分析。结果表明:近17年湖区景观空间结构在自然因素和人类活动的影响下发生显著变化。从景观水平上看,湖区整体景观的破碎化程度不断增大,各斑块类型在空间上的分布趋于均匀和分散,景观中斑块的形状渐趋不规则,复杂程度加大。在斑块类型水平上,研究区水体的破碎化程度增加,斑块向着小型化方向发展,斑块之间的结合度降低,形状逐渐变得复杂,水体斑块之间的水力联系减弱;草地和林地的空间结构相对稳定,变化并不显著;耕地虽然是研究区的优势景观类型,但在近17年间,其优势地位被逐渐削弱,破碎化程度也在逐渐加大,斑块形状的规则性降低,各斑块之间的分离性加大;滩地的变化主要受水文情势和泥沙淤积的影响,破碎化程度经历了先加大、后降低的过程,最大斑块面积有所增大;建设用地的变化最为明显,其破碎化程度也有所加大,但斑块间的连接程度相对研究初期有所增加;未利用地是研究区面积最小的景观类型,其景观破碎化程度则有所降低,斑块形状也渐趋简单。  相似文献   

1995至2004年广州土地利用格局变化与驱动分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
综合应用景观生态学、统计学基本原理,以及3S技术、手段,以广州市为研究对象,基于TM和SPOT影像数据,运用ERDAS、ARC/INFO、FRAGSTATS和SAS等GIS和统计学工具平台,分析了广州市1995到2004景观格局状况及其动态变化.研究结果表明:近10年间,广州市的耕地、林地和水域等自然、半自然景观面积减少,其中耕地面积减少的最多,而居民工矿用地和交通路网用地等人文景观面积都在增加,园地和湿地等半自然景观面积也在增加;斑块数量和边缘密度呈增加之势,景观破碎化程度升高;景观多样性指数的升高和景观聚集度的下降,景观异质性增加;景观形状指数增加,景观形状复杂化;影响景观格局变化的驱动因子主要是建筑密度、道路密度、人口密度和第三产业结构比例.根据因子分析的结果,从保护农地、降低景观破碎化程度等方面提出了城市景观的优化建议.  相似文献   

基于本底格局的鸭绿江口滨海湿地景观破碎化评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在3S技术支持下构建了鸭绿江口滨海湿地景观本底格局,并以本底格局为参照,分别对1989年和2005年鸭绿江口滨海湿地景观破碎化过程进行了监测评价.结果表明:湿地本底格局可作为强度开发环境下湿地景观格局破碎化评价的参照依据.与本底格局相比,鸭绿江口湿地景观格局呈持续破碎化趋势,1989年和2005年湿地景观整体自然度分别为89.373%和86.691%.在不同自然湿地景观类型中,芦苇沼泽、滩涂和潮沟面积萎缩幅度较大,2005年其自然度分别为69.94%、71.49%和78.42%;各湿地类型的斑块密度都出现了不同程度的增大,其中芦苇沼泽和滩涂增大最明显,2005年斑块相对密度分别达18.507和6.879;滩涂斑块形状趋于复杂,2005年斑块相对形状指数为1.085,其他湿地类型斑块形状则持续简化;各时期不同自然湿地类型斑块聚集度指数均较高,反映出鸭绿江口各湿地类型多呈聚集分布的空间格局.  相似文献   

基于RS和GIS的嫩江下游土地沙漠化景观格局变化特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以2004、2008年的MODIS数据为主要数据源,在ArcGIS 9.0、ERDAS IMAGE 9.0等软件支持下,利用FRAGSTATS软件分析土地沙漠化的景观格局变化.结果表明,研究区域沙漠化土地以轻度和中度沙漠化土地为主;各景观要素的边缘密度和斑块密度呈现一致性的减少,表明斑块形状趋向简单,景观整体破碎化程度降低,边缘效应影响减小;除水域景观外,其他景观要素的形状指数和分维数都呈现一致性的下降,表明整体景观的形状都向着简单化和稳定性方向发展,各景观要素的散布与并列指数和聚集度指数都呈现一致性的增加,反映出各要素斑块趋向大型化发展,景观整体连接度增强,破碎化程度降低,景观相互作用和空间关系增强.  相似文献   

河南省黄泛区农业景观格局动态及驱动因素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以1987年和2002年TM影像及1997年河南省土地利用现状图为主要数据源,采用斑块密度、景观多样性指数、破碎化指数、优势度和分布质心5个景观格局指数定量分析近20 a来河南省黄泛区农业景观格局动态变化及其驱动因子.结果表明,1987-2002年河南省黄泛区农业景观动态变化显著,各景观类型面积、斑块数量和斑块密度都发生了较大变化.水浇地、旱地和建设用地景观类型面积增加,是该地区占优势的景观类型,2002年占全区总面积比例为83.51%.该区人类活动强度较大,景观多样性和破碎化指数增大,优势度减小,说明各景观类型所占面积比例差异正在缩小,区域整体景观破碎化程度仍在增加.农业发展、人口增长、经济发展、人民生活水平提高和城镇化进程加速等是该区农业景观格局变化的主要驱动因素.  相似文献   

基于遥感的泾河流域植被覆盖格局分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以MODIS遥感影像数据为数据源,应用遥感和GIS技术对泾河流域植被覆盖格局进行分析。结果表明:(1)泾河流域植被覆盖类型以退化草地和草地为主,二者占流域总面积的53.30%;地面覆盖程度较高的森林、疏林仅占流域总面积的9.83%,流域植被覆盖程度较低。(2)受自然环境条件和人类活动的影响,退化草地、稀疏灌丛、郁闭灌丛和疏林破碎化程度较为严重,对地面覆盖程度最低的退化草地除集中分布于流域北部外,主要零散分布于流域中、南部,其斑块形状复杂多样,数量最多,应成为流域植被恢复的重点。(3)各植被覆盖类型的斑快数量组成以小斑块所占比例最大,最小斑块比率均在50.0%以上;森林的斑块面积多样性最大,草地的斑块面积多样性最小。  相似文献   

武夷山风景名胜区景观要素斑块特征分析   总被引:20,自引:2,他引:20  
针对近年来开展生态旅游等人类活动的强烈干扰给风景区带来巨大生态影响的问题,在武夷山风景名胜区景观类型划分的基础上,从景观要素斑块特征的角度对武夷山风景名胜区的景观格局及破碎化进行初步的研究,以期为今后武夷山风景名胜区的景观生态保护提供科学的依据.研究结果表明,在武夷山风景名胜区中,马尾松林、茶园与农田是风景区中3个主要景观类型,三者面积与周长之和分别占全区的84.581%和81.669%;景观要素的面积、周长、斑块数的分布极不平衡,尤其在3类主要景观类型中,在斑块面积、周长方面差异显著;各景观要素面积与周长的分布极为相似,而斑块数的分布却没有明显的规律性;景观要素面积、周长、斑块数等斑块特征分析表明,茶园、居住地、经济林等人工或半人工经营景观的破碎化程度高,而马尾松各天然林景观的破碎化程度低,从而证明了人类经营活动的干扰是导致自然风景区景观破碎的主要因素之一.表3参18  相似文献   

珠江三角洲典型区景观生态聚类分析   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
珠海是珠江三角洲地区一个海陆交互作用与人类干扰活动频繁的典型区域。文章以2000年TM数据为基础数据源,编制珠海地区景观类型图,并以镇(区)为基本空间单元将珠海划分为20个景观生态子区,在GIS与景观斑块分析软件Patch Analyst 2.0支持下计算各子区的景观特征指数。通过各子区的景观指数对比分析,探讨研究区范围内景观格局的空间差异,揭示人类活动、自然干扰等各种景观生态机制对区域景观生态的影响。根据各指数反映的景观特征信息,选择平均斑块大小(MPS)、斑块大小变异系数(PSCOV)、边缘密度(ED)、面积加权分维数(AWMPFD)、破碎度指数(F)、多样性指数(SDI)及人为干扰指数(DT)进行珠海景观生态聚类分析,根据聚类分析结果可多层次客观地对珠海地区进行景观生态类型区划分。  相似文献   

以ETM 影像数据为基础,利用景观分析软件Fragstats对唐家河自然保护区植被景观分别从东西、南北、西北至东南3个方向进行空间梯度分析.结果表明,沿东西方向,景观多样性呈现"升-降-升"的波动变化趋势,破碎化程度与复杂度降低;沿北南方向,景观多样性、复杂度以及连接度逐渐下降,但破碎度增加,形状趋于复杂;沿西北至东南方向,景观多样性与复杂度均表现出"降-升-降-升"的波动变化趋势;在西北部至中部斑块邻近度相对较高,变化较为明显;而东南部相对较低,变化幅度小.唐家河自然保护区所处的自然条件是其景观格局梯度变化形成的主要原因和先决条件,植物群落的空间格局明显受水文地貌特征的控制.  相似文献   

以MODIS遥感影像数据为数据源,应用遥感和GIS技术对泾河流域植被覆盖格局进行分析。结果表明:(1)泾河流域植被覆盖类型以退化草地和草地为主,二者占流域总面积的53.30%;地面覆盖程度较高的森林、疏林仅占流域总面积的9.83%,流域植被覆盖程度较低。(2)受自然环境条件和人类活动的影响,退化草地、稀疏灌丛、郁闭灌丛和疏林破碎化程度较为严重,对地面覆盖程度最低的退化草地除集中分布于流域北部外,主要零散分布于流域中、南部,其斑块形状复杂多样,数量最多,应成为流域植被恢复的重点。(3)各植被覆盖类型的斑快数量组成以小斑块所占比例最大,最小斑块比率均在50.0%以上;森林的斑块面积多样性最大,草地的斑块面积多样性最小。  相似文献   

Contribution of Roads to Forest Fragmentation in the Rocky Mountains   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
The contribution of roads to forest fragmentation has not been adequately analyzed. We quantified fragmentation due to roads in a 30,213-ha section of the Medicine Bow-Routt National Forest in sout heastern Wyoming with several indices of landscape structure using a geographic information system. The number of patches, mean patch area, mean interior area, mean area of edge influence, mean patch perimeter, total perimeter, and mean patch shape identified patch- and edge-related landscape changes. Shannon-Wiener diversity, dominance, contagion, contrast, and angular second moment indicated effects on landscape diversity and texture. Roads added to forest fragmentation more than clearcuts by dissecting large patches into smaller pieces and by converting forest interior habitat into edge habitat. Edge habitat created by roads was 1.54–1.98 times the edge habitat created by clearcuts. The total landscape area affected by clearcuts and roads was 2.5–3.5 times the actual area occupied by these disturbances. Fragmentation due to roads could be minimized if road construction is minimized or rerouted so that its fragmentation effects are reduced. Geographic information system technology can be used to quantify the potential fragmentation effects of individual roads and the cumulative effects of a road network on landscape structure.  相似文献   

《Ecological modelling》2004,180(1):73-87
Spatial modeling of forest patterns can provide information on the potential impact of various management strategies on large landscapes over long time frames. We used LANDIS, a stochastic, spatially-explicit, ecological landscape model to simulate 120 years of forest change on the Nashwauk Uplands, a 328,000 ha landscape in northeastern Minnesota that lies in the transition between boreal and temperate forests. We ran several forest management scenarios including current harvesting practices, no harvests, varied rotation ages, varied clearcut sizes, clustered clearcuts, and landowner coordination. We examined the effects of each scenario on spatial patterns of forests by covertype, age class, and mean and distribution of patch sizes. All scenarios reveal an increase in the spruce-fir (Picea-Abies) covertype relative to the economically paramount aspen-birch (Populus-Betula) covertype. Our results also show that most covertypes occur in mostly small patches <5 ha in size and the ability of management to affect patch size is limited by the highly varied physiography and landuse patterns on the landscape. However, coordination among landowners, larger clearcuts, and clustered clearcuts were all predicted to increase habitat diversity by creating some larger patches and older forest patches. These three scenarios along with the no harvest scenario also create more old forest than current harvesting practices, by concentrating harvesting on some portion of the landscape. The no harvest scenario retained large, fire-regenerated aspen-birch patches. Harvests fragment large aspen-birch patches by changing the age structure and releasing the shade-tolerant understory species. More sapling forest, and larger sapling patches resulted from the shortened rotation scenario.  相似文献   

辽河三角洲湿地景观空间格局变化分析   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
以1988年和2001年2个时相的Landsat-TM/ETM影像为信息源,选取斑块数量、斑块平均面积、边界密度、斑块密度、形态指数和斑块分维数等6个代表性格局指数,对辽河三角洲湿地景观格局变化进行了定量分析。结果表明,1988~2001年,水田、内陆水体和养殖用地呈现明显的增加趋势,苇田、光滩、河口潮间带水域和碱蓬面积呈减少趋势。受人类的区域综合开发活动的影响,研究区斑块数量和边界密度分别增加了32.76%和21.4%,而斑块平均面积减小了30.2%,平均斑块密度由17.43个/km2增加至24.21个/km2,斑块形态指数由84.03增至103.20,斑块分维数由1.057增至1.059。  相似文献   

The landscape pattern of Ma'anshan City was analyzed based on theories and methodologies of landscape ecology, remote sensing, global positioning, and a geographic information system (GIS). The study area encompassed the entire built-up area of 63.88 km2; a north–south transect 3-km wide and 13-km long was established along the long axis of the city. Five major landscape elements were assessed: urban land, urban forest, agriculture, water, and grass. Urban land was the dominant land cover type, and occupied 67% of total land area; while patches of urban forest occupied 16%, with a landscape element dominance of 0.42. Urban forest was classified according to land-use category and location into six types: scenic forest, yard forest, recreational forest, roadside forest, shelter forest, and nurseries. There were 2464 urban forest patches, the largest being 185.1 ha, with an average of 0.43 ha. The low nearest neighbor index and high patch density indicated that urban forest patches tend to be aggregated and have a high degree of fragmentation. This study also demonstrated that the spatial pattern of urbanization could be quantified using a combination of landscape metrics and gradient analysis. Urban forest has distinct spatial characters that are dependent on specific landscape metrics along the urbanization gradient.  相似文献   

Abstract:  We evaluated the importance of small (<5 ha) forest patches for the conservation of regional plant diversity in the tropical rainforest of Los Tuxtlas, Mexico. We analyzed the density of plant species (number of species per 0.1 ha) in 45 forest patches of different sizes (1–700 ha) in 3 landscapes with different deforestation levels (4, 11, and 24% forest cover). Most of the 364 species sampled (360 species, 99%) were native to the region, and only 4 (1%) were human-introduced species. Species density in the smallest patches was high and variable; the highest (84 species) and lowest (23 species) number of species were recorded in patches of up to 1.8 ha. Despite the small size of these patches, they contained diverse communities of native plants, including endangered and economically important species. The relationship between species density and area was significantly different among the landscapes, with a significant positive slope only in the landscape with the highest deforestation level. This indicates that species density in a patch of a given size may vary among landscapes that have different deforestation levels. Therefore, the conservation value of a patch depends on the total forest cover remaining in the landscape. Our findings revealed, however, that a great portion of regional plant diversity was located in very small forest patches (<5 ha), most of the species were restricted to only a few patches (41% of the species sampled were distributed in only 1–2 patches, and almost 70% were distributed in 5 patches) and each landscape conserved a unique plant assemblage. The conservation and restoration of small patches is therefore necessary to effectively preserve the plant diversity of this strongly deforested and unique Neotropical region.  相似文献   

Wetlands, with their many values and important functions, are precious resources. They have, however, undergone great changes during economic development and population growth. Relying on recent advances in remote sensing and geographic information system (GIS) techniques, this paper probes changes in wetland landscapes on Yinchuan Plain during 1978–2006. A series of remote sensing images was used to identify wetland landscape types. Landscape pattern indices, such as patch number, patch density, landscape shape, and Shannon's diversity, evenness, and contagion indices were calculated with GIS and landscape analysis software. Changes in wetland landscape patterns on Yinchuan Plain were analyzed. The analysis show that the total area of wetlands on Yinchuan Plain decreased from 391,540,239 m2 in 1978 to 267,979,957 m2 in 2006, a significant change over 28 years. The area of rivers and lakes has shrunk, and the area of paddies has increased consistently, with increasing wetland fragmentation and heterogeneity. The number of patches, patch density, and landscape shape index shows that wetland landscape patterns have undergone great changes. The landscape diversity, landscape evenness, and contagion indices indicate that wetland landscapes have become less heterogeneous. We discuss the causes of these changes and the sustainable development of wetland ecosystems.  相似文献   

There is mounting evidence that fire size and severity have been growing on the central and southern California coastal landscape over the past several decades. Landsat satellite data was analyzed for the 20 largest fires on the Central California coast since 1984 to determine the relationships between climate/weather conditions at the time of ignition and the size of high burn severity (HBS) areas. The study also examined the relationship between area burned and landscape patterns of HBS coverage, including patch size, edge complexity, perimeter-to-area ratio, and aggregation metrics. Results showed that climate conditions at the time of ignitions have been significant controllers of the total area of HBS and the complexity of HBS patches on the fire landscape. As maximum air temperatures for the month of ignition approached 40o C, the percentage of HBS to total area burned frequently exceeded 20%. The percentage of HBS to total area burned also exceed 20% when the precipitation total recorded during the previous 12 months was less than 25% of the annual average precipitation. Landscape analysis results showed that, as the total area burned in fires on the Central California coast grows, the edge lengths and areas of HBS patches also grows at a rapid rate. At the same time, the perimeter-to-area ratio of HBS patches decreases gradually and the HBS patches become more aggregated as total burned area grows.  相似文献   

Abstract: Although enhancing reserve shape has been suggested as an alternative to enlarging nature reserves, the importance of reserve shape relative to reserve area remains unclear. Here we examined the relative importance of area and shape of forest patches to species richness, species composition, and species abundance (abundance of each species) for 3 taxa (33 birds, 41 butterflies, and 91 forest‐floor plants) in a fragmented landscape in central Hokkaido, northern Japan. We grouped the species according to their potential edge responses (interior‐, neutral‐, and edge‐species groups for birds and forest‐floor plants, woodland‐ and open‐land‐species groups for butterflies) and analyzed them separately. We used a shape index that was independent of area as an index of shape circularization. Hierarchical partitioning and variation partitioning revealed that patch area was generally more important than patch shape for species richness and species composition of birds and butterflies. For forest‐floor plants, effects of patch area and shape were small, whereas effects of local forest structure were large. Patch area and circularization generally increased abundances of interior species of birds and forest‐floor plants and woodland species of butterflies. Nevertheless, only patch circularization increased abundances of 1 woodland species of butterfly and 2 and 6 interior species of birds and forest‐floor plants, respectively. We did not find any significant interaction effects between patch area and shape. Our results suggest that although reserves generally should be large and circular, there is a trade‐off between patch area and shape, which should be taken into consideration when managing reserves.  相似文献   

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