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在配电网带电作业接上和断开空载电缆线路时,产生的电弧会危及人身和财产安全。研究试验通过模拟人工带电操作空载电缆线路时的速度,断开距离和容性电流,找到在不同条件下带电断开空载电缆线路的电弧自然熄灭值。  相似文献   

音频电流种子处理机主要由音频电压发生器、联接电缆、电极板和浸种容器组成。使用时将浸润的农作物种子放置在电极板间 ,由于交变电流的生化作用 ,增强了种子的活力 ,有利于种子发芽生长 ,提高了出苗率 ,增强了抗病害能力。同时 ,该装置效率高、能耗小、使用简便、成本低 ,适于广泛推广应用。 (ZL 992 0 5999.2 )音频电流种子处理机  相似文献   

电力电缆系统的长期运行可靠性主要取决于电缆绝缘性能,而运行电缆系统的缆芯温度影响绝缘性能的变化,因此精确测量电缆系统缆芯温度实践意义重大。本文基于分布式光纤测温技术,将测温光纤内置于导体实现缆芯温度的实时测量。论文首先研究了基于分布式光纤的测温技术,接着进行具体电缆线路测控系统软硬件设计,最后介绍了所研制的智能电缆测控系统的现场应用,现场应用效果表明该系统具有良好的故障定位功能,能及时发现和提前预警电缆的薄弱环节,提高了电缆运行的可靠性。  相似文献   

为了测试电源线滤波器对核电磁脉冲传导干扰的防护性能,本文采用脉冲电流注入法(PCI)对某型号单相电源线滤波器进行了注入试验。通过计算电流抑制比,判断该滤波器的传导干扰抑制能力。测试结果表明:在脉冲电流注入峰值为1.0 kA、1.5 kA、2.0 kA、2.5 kA时,该电源线滤波器的电流抑制比均小于30dB,而且随着注入电流峰值的增大,其残余电流峰值增大,最大值达到133.2A。试验结果为后期该滤波器的抗核电磁脉冲加固改进打下了基础。  相似文献   

硅橡胶电缆材料真空烘烤除气参数实验分析方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的在于通过硅橡胶电缆护套材料真空出气性能研究,分析材料真空烘烤除气的参数。方法是依据真空中材料出气性能测试标准,测试电缆材料使用温度范围内,不同温度条件下材料的质量损失(TML)、收集的可凝挥发物量(CVCM),分析材料出气参数的变化。结果硅橡胶电缆材料出气温度85℃时,CVCM量值与75℃时基本相同,出气温度95℃时,CVCM量值是85℃时的4倍,且收集到的物质组分也明显增加;出气温度85℃条件下,24小时后材料的质量损失约占总质量损失的94%。结论通过材料出气性能实验方法,有效获得了硅橡胶电缆材料真空烘烤除气参数,体电阻率测试结果检验了真空烘烤除气参数的合理性。  相似文献   

1、适用范围本标准是关于50或60赫交流或直流,电压250伏以下、电流30A以下电路中使用的小型电磁继电器,在规定的硫化氢气氛中放置时的试验方法.注 除本标准有特别规定者外,还包括用于频率1000兆赫以下的触点电路.  相似文献   

随着空调的发展,开关电源、可控硅及相关非线性器件的大量应用,一方面提高了人们对电能的利用效率;另一方面,非线性的电能转换又在电网中引入了大量谐波电流。作为对电网质量的控制及维护人体健康,我国相继出版了两个标准:GB17625.1《电磁兼容限值低压电气及电子设备发出的谐波电流限值(设备每相输入电流≤16A)》及GB17625.2《电磁兼容限值对额定电流不大于16A的设备在低压供电系统中产生的电压波动和闪烁的限值》(此两标准分别等同于IEC61000-3-2和IEC61000-3-3)。从标准号看,均为强制性标准,特别是在我国开展的强制性产品认证中,有相当一部分电气和电子产品需要进行谐波电流的发射测试,所以值得各相关企业特别注意。本文主要分析了其危害性、起因、对策。  相似文献   

为了实现对不同温度下高压交联聚乙烯电缆绝缘老化程度检测,提出基于量化回归分析的高压交联聚乙烯电缆绝缘老化程度检测方法。构建不同温度下高压交联聚乙烯电缆绝缘老化程度的统计数据分析模型,采用谱特征分析方法进行不同温度下高压交联聚乙烯电缆绝缘老化程度的谱分析,提取反映不同温度下高压交联聚乙烯电缆绝缘老化程度的谱信息特征量,采用关联特征分析和定量递归图分析方法,进行不同温度下高压交联聚乙烯电缆绝缘老化程度的自适应检测,构建电缆绝缘老化程度的模糊相关性统计分析模型,结合模糊参数自适应寻优控制方法,实现电缆绝缘老化程度的检测优化设计。仿真结果表明,采用该方法进行电缆绝缘老化程度检测的准确性较高,检测结果可靠性较好。  相似文献   

铅封是保护电缆接头部位的重要部件。为确保铅封的有效性,基于涡流技术设计了一种高压电缆铅封缺陷识别方法,并展开仿真分析。首先,设置一个含噪声的一维涡流检测信号,基于离散傅里叶变换得到频域信号,对所得数据进行多项式拟合,利用去噪的方式对涡流检测数据实施预处理。然后基于涡流技术设计电缆铅封缺陷判别方法,训练缺陷识别分类器,通过求解凸二次规划得到最优分类决策函数,结合分类结果设计缺陷识别算法。仿真实验中,高压电缆铅封中分别模拟感应电流与感应磁场的分布情况。结果显示,该方法的识别准确率始终保持在87.0%以上,其在无缺陷以及缺陷深度大于1 mm时的识别精度在95%左右,可见该方法识别精度较高。  相似文献   

采用电磁仿真软件FEKO对大型运输机的主要舱室及内部线缆进行了HIRF(高强度辐射场)耦合的数值仿真。通过矩量法、多层快速多极子法、物理光学法、几何光学法等算法,仿真计算了100MHz~18GHz频段HIRF辐照下,舱室内的电磁场分布,以及10kHz~400MHz的HIRF辐照下,飞机内部的电缆终端的感应电压和电流;分析了飞机舱室的屏蔽效能及不同线型的线缆的耦合规律。得出了一些有价值的结论,为飞机中电子设备的HIRF防护提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

自然通风热老化试验箱(以下简称老化试验箱)主要用于电线电缆的热老化性能测试试验。而需要对箱体性能进行评估的多为老化试验箱的生产厂、电线电缆生产厂的产品检验实验室和开展相关项目的检测机构等公司和部门。温度参数和换气量参数是老化试验箱计量的主要项目,其测量结果的准确程度将直接影响对箱体性能的评估,分析并计算出了换气量测量结果扩展不确定度,对换气量参数的测量结果的可信赖程度具有参考意义。  相似文献   

介绍了废印制电路板处理及资源化技术、废旧冰箱无害化处理及资源回收技术、电视电脑拆解处理设备、废线缆资源回收生产线等四项废旧电子电器产品资源化利用技术的原理、工艺流程、技术特点及应用案例、经济和社会效益。  相似文献   

Recent years have seen the environment emerge as one of the most pressing issues facing American business. Eventually, environmental costs will affect the bottom line of every American company. A recent study in the National Law Journal estimates that cleanup of the nation's known hazardous wastes sites will cost $752 billion over thirty years under current environmental policies. Environmental legislation and regulations impose annual compliance costs estimated by the Environmental Protection Agency at more than $30 billion. In the near future, environmental expenses for cleanup, regulatory compliance, and management are anticipated to grow to between 2.5 and 3 percent of GNP. Corporations that wish to be competitive must successfully manage these costs while maintaining or improving their role as responsible corporate citizens. Implementing a comprehensive system for identifying and managing environmental costs requires a multidisciplinary team effort. Environmental costs impact product selection, design and pricing, capital budgeting, and future strategic direction. In order to make informed and meaningful managerial decisions on environmental programs, real cost data are vital. An environmental management systems (EMS) requires information to set goals and then monitor progress towards those goals over time. This article will discuss the current cost accounting systems (CASs) available to support the myriad goals of environmental management systems. In addition, the article will outline a framework for plotting the location of your current EMS on a matrix of regulatory and information requirements and evaluating whether your corporation's CAS is adequate to support the goals and objectives set by your environmental management program. By anticipating future regulatory and information requirements, flexible systems can be developed to adapt to new and more stringent regulations and more complex information requirements.  相似文献   

为脱除焦化废水中的酚,本文研究了新型化学破乳法液膜脱酚的工艺,确定了搅拌塔操作条件,并实际应用于焦化厂含酚废水的处理中,结果表明该工艺具有良好的脱酚效果。  相似文献   

浙江省污染源自动监控管理信息化发展探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文分析了污染源自动监控系统当前运行管理中存在的问题,指出在企业方和运维方的责任意识、自动监控设备的技术条件、环保部门的管理水平和系统应用等四方面存在的不足,分析了信息化在突破当前污染源自动监控工作瓶颈中的优势,并指出污染源自动监控管理工作利用信息化发展的具体途径:1通过信息化,构建先进的现场端自动监控管理体系,如增加治污设施运行监控、开展远程控制和站房信息化管理等;2提升监控平台智能化管理水平,支撑并规范自动监测数据质量控制体系的运行,提升系统自动巡检修复和报警信息推送的能力,提升数据有效性审核的效率;3建立高效的自动监控数据应用能力自动评价体系和数据共享渠道,提升自动监测数据的应用能力和水平。通过全方位提升自动监控管理的信息化水平,按照"以用促管"的思路实现自动监控运行和环境管理的双赢。  相似文献   

榄普一线500 k V线路由于地线覆冰严重,多次出现线路跳闸、地线断裂等事故,因此需要将架空地线取消。结合行波法和ATP-EMTP电磁暂态分析,对取消地线前后榄普一线的耐雷强度进行了仿真计算。计算结果表明,取消地线后雷击基本都变为绕击,并且绕击耐雷强度和反击耐雷强度均有所降低,需要采用其他防雷措施进行保护。  相似文献   

通过盘锦海域的海水质量和水文分析,建立盘锦海域潮流场模型。在不同输入条件下,利用潮流场模型对近岸海域的无机氮污染物含量变化响应进行模拟,得出3条河流(辽河、大辽河和大凌河)无机氮削减值,在此条件下可实现近岸海域无机氮达标要求。  相似文献   

The European Environment Agency (EEA) is the European Union body dedicated to providing sound, independent information on the environment. It is a major information source for those involved in developing, adopting, implementing and evaluating environmental policy in Europe, and also for the general public. In line with its mandate, the EEA has developed — focused around a set of policy relevant questions — a set of indicators to assess progress in Europe in integrating environmental considerations into the energy sector. Each question is answered through one or more indicators describing the development of the sector in Europe, implications for the environment and links to policy actions. The indicators cover not only the current situation, but also trends and prospects and, most importantly, point to the conditions for change that are needed for progress towards a more sustainable energy policy that benefits the environment. The results of the most recent assessment are presented in this article and show that in many areas of environmental integration there have been some successes, but overall progress to date has been insufficient. Substantial additional action will therefore be required in the future if the European Union is going to move towards a more environmentally sustainable energy system.  相似文献   

The personal assessments of the current and expected future state of the environment by 3232 community respondents in 18 nations were investigated at the local, national, and global spatial levels. These assessments were compared to a ranking of each country's environmental quality by an expert panel. Temporal pessimism (“things will get worse”) was found in the assessments at all three spatial levels. Spatial optimism bias (“things are better here than there”) was found in the assessments of current environmental conditions in 15 of 18 countries, but not in the assessments of the future. All countries except one exhibited temporal pessimism, but significant differences between them were common. Evaluations of current environmental conditions also differed by country. Citizens' assessments of current conditions, and the degree of comparative optimism, were strongly correlated with the expert panel's assessments of national environmental quality. Aside from the value of understanding global trends in environmental assessments, the results have important implications for environmental policy and risk management strategies.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The effectiveness of urban Best Management Practices (BMPs) in achieving the No-Net-Increase Policy (NNTP), a policy designed to limit nonpoint nitrogen loading to Long Island Sound (US), is analyzed. A unit loading model is used to simulate annual nitrogen exported from the Norwalk River watershed (Connecticut) under current and future conditions. A probabilistic uncertainty analysis is used to incorporate uncertainty in nitrogen export coefficients and BMP nitrogen removal effectiveness. The inclusion of uncertainty in BMP effectiveness and nitrogen export coefficients implies that additional BMPs, or BMPs with a greater effectiveness in nitrogen removal, will be required to achieve the NNIP. Even though including uncertainty leads to an increase in BMP implementation rates or BMP effectiveness, this type of analysis provides the decision maker with a more realistic assessment of the likelihood that implementing BMPs as a management strategy will be successful. Monte Carlo simulation results indicate that applying BMPs to new urban developments alone will not be sufficient to achieve the NNIP since BMPs are not 100 percent effective in removing the increase in nitrogen caused by urbanization. BMPs must also be applied to selected existing urban areas. BMPs with a nitrogen removal effectiveness of 40–60 percent, probably the highest level of removal that can be expected over an entire watershed, must be applied to at least 75 percent of the existing urban area to achieve the NNIP This high rate of application is not likely to be achieved in urbanized watersheds in the LIS watershed; therefore, additional point source control will be necessary to achieve the NNIP  相似文献   

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