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Fenton氧化技术处理稠油污染土壤   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用Fenton氧化技术对稠油污染土壤进行氧化处理,分析对后续微生物修复的促进作用。向1 000 g石油类含量为8%的稠油污染土壤中加入10.0 mL 18 mmol/L Fe2+溶液与10.0 mL 30%H2O2,反应时间为2 h。氧化处理后土壤中石油烃的总去除率可达到31.38%,胶质去除率为45.22%,沥青质去除率为51.26%,胶质的分子量由1 841下降到1 472,沥青质的分子量由5 831下降到5 073。Fenton氧化可使土壤酶活、各类微生物的数量及呼吸强度有不同程度的下降,但在氧化后30 d内,土壤各类微生物数量都超过了原有水平,其中细菌数量最高达到9.84×105CFU/g,是氧化前的数量的1.57倍。以上实验结果表明,Fenton氧化可以有效去除土壤中胶质和沥青质,并且使土壤中微生物的生长速率加快。因此,Fenton氧化能够促进后续的微生物修复。  相似文献   

石油降解菌的筛选优化及其对油污土壤的修复特性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
分别以牛肉膏蛋白胨-布氏哈斯培养基、蓝色凝胶培养基作为初筛和复筛培养基,从石油污染土壤中筛选出2株可产生微生物表面活性剂的石油烃降解菌。并将菌株投加到油污土壤中进行修复研究,考查了不同影响因素对修复效果的影响。研究结果表明,(1)2株菌对中度石油污染土壤有较好的修复效果,向油污土壤中直接投加菌株修复70 d时对石油烃的去除率为52%;(2)向油污土壤中投加降解菌并同时补充氮营养液,修复70 d时对土壤中总石油烃的去除率可达到75%;对土壤中正构烷烃的去除率为66%;(3)与土壤的含水率及土著菌的降解效果相比,向油污土壤中投加降解菌以及补充氮磷营养液是影响石油污染土壤修复效果的关键因素。  相似文献   

石油污染土壤生物修复菌Z1a-B的分离鉴定与调控效应研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
从山东东营胜利油田附近的石油污染土壤中分离筛选得到一株高效石油降解菌Z1a-B,通过菌落形态及显微镜个体形态观察对其初步鉴定到属,并采用气相色谱/质谱(GC/MS)法分析了Z1a-B的石油降解性能,采用投加石油降解菌、调节土壤N、P含量和优化环境因素等措施,进行了为期60d的石油污染土壤室外自然堆制生物修复实验。结果表明,Z1a-B为链霉菌属白孢类群,其摇瓶培养的石油降解率为66.4%;Z1a-B有着很宽的烷烃降解谱;N、P最佳的添加量组合为KNO32.50g/kg、K2HPO40.35g/kg,即N/P(质量比)为5.57:1.00,此时的石油降解率达63.5%,土壤脱氢酶活性达最高值,为2.99μL/g;石油降解的最佳环境条件为:将石油质量分数为3.3%的100g土样调节pH至8.5后,装入容积为300mL的锥形瓶中灭菌,再接种孢子密度为2.7×108个/mL的菌剂5.5mL,于28℃下进行生物降解,在此条件下的石油降解率可达76.5%;土壤脱氢酶活性的测定结果可以作为检验石油污染土壤生物修复效果的重要指示指标之一;室外自然堆制生物修复实验中,添加菌剂、锯末、秸秆以及N、P后,石油降解率可达69.9%,总体来说,室外自然堆制生物修复是一种投资少、见效快、治理效果较好的石油污染土壤治理方法。  相似文献   

微波催化氧化修复技术处理有机氯污染土壤   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用微波催化氧化修复技术处理常州某农药厂有机氯农药污染场地和南通某化工厂有机氯污染场地土壤,考察不同参数条件下实验装置对污染土壤的处理效能。结果表明,在微波功率18kW、微波辐射时间20min、土壤处理量400kg/h、土壤含水率15%、活性炭添加量0.03kg/kg的最佳条件下,实验装置运行稳定,有机氯农药污染土壤中氯丹去除率可达70%左右;有机氯污染土壤中邻二氯苯、石油烃总量、1,2-二氯乙烷、苯酚去除率分别可达到99.98%、91.29%、98.52%、74.74%。研发的污染土壤微波催化氧化修复技术及实验装置对有机氯污染土壤的修复具有一定的普适性。  相似文献   

利用苯酚诱导获得厌氧菌群JAC1强化去除土壤中的石油烃,对其在厌氧条件下的石油烃降解条件进行了优化,得到最适降解条件为:pH 7.5~8.5,土壤总石油烃(TPH)质量浓度50 mg/kg, NaCl质量分数0.3%,JAC1接菌量0.15 mL/g。厌氧菌群JAC1对石油烃的降解符合一级动力学模型。通过气相色谱质谱联用仪分析,芳香烃较直链烷烃更难降解,推测部分长链烷烃在降解过程中会分解为短链烷烃后再进行降解。基于土壤宏基因组测序分析可知,土壤微生物群落多样性与TPH浓度呈负相关,投加JAC1后土壤中与石油烃降解有关的功能菌群相对丰度呈现出不同程度增高,说明JAC1有助于建立一个高效的微生物降解体系来强化石油烃降解。  相似文献   

以过硫酸钠为氧化剂,硫酸亚铁为活化剂,通过箱体实验,结合农业滴灌技术,原位化学氧化修复浅层石油烃(TPH)污染土壤,考察修复过程中土壤TPH、含水率、电导率、pH的变化情况。结果表明,硫酸亚铁活化过硫酸钠对土壤中TPH具有较好的去除作用,通过40d的原位修复处理,表层土和中层土中的TPH去除率分别达到44.6%、44.1%;修复过程中,表层土含水率、电导率呈先上升后下降的趋势,中层土含水率、电导率则先上升后波动变化,表层土、中层土pH均呈先下降后上升的趋势;土壤TPH与含水率、电导率、pH间均存在相互制约的关系。  相似文献   

石油污染土壤的生物修复室内模拟实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在实验室模拟的条件下,利用从克拉玛依的石油污染土壤中筛选出的4株高效降解菌,以石油烃降解率、脱氢酶活性、呼吸强度、微生物量碳氮和土壤毒性作为评价指标,研究不加生物菌剂不翻耕、不加生物菌剂翻耕、加生物菌剂不翻耕、加生物菌剂翻耕、加固定化菌剂不翻耕和加固定化菌剂翻耕6种不同实验条件对石油污染土壤修复的效果。结果表明,在63 d的修复过程中,加固定化菌剂翻耕实验F组的石油去除率达到了78.7%,比不加生物菌剂不翻耕实验A组的石油去除率提高了49.5%。随着土壤毒性逐渐降低,玉米(Zea mays L.)和赤子爱胜蚓(Eisenia fetida)可以在F组土壤中良好的生长,达到了修复的效果。  相似文献   

中原油田石油污染土壤原位生物修复技术实验研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
通过实验室选择性富集培养,从中原油田石油污染土壤中获得了能以中原原油为碳源快速生长的石油降解菌群。结合黑麦草(Ryegrass)和苜蓿(Alfalfa),采用该降解菌群对原油污染土壤进行了原位生物联合修复实验。接入降解菌的实验区分种植黑麦草、种植苜蓿、未种植区,另设黑麦草区和空白区。经过99 d的生物修复,石油烃累计降...  相似文献   

典型禾本科植物对石油污染土壤的修复作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
石油类污染物对土壤生态系统的结构与功能造成了较为严重的破坏,影响植物的生长,甚至直接影响到人类健康。选择典型禾本科植物-高粱和玉米,通过盆栽实验,种植于模拟石油污染的土壤中,植物成熟收割后,通过测定土壤中总石油烃的含量,植物体中多环芳烃和直链烷烃的含量,研究高粱和玉米对石油污染土壤的修复作用。结果显示:在种植高粱、玉米后,土壤中总石油烃含量明显降低,并且在收获的高粱、玉米植物体中直链烷烃和多环芳烃含量明显高于空白对照组(未检出)。说明高粱、玉米对石油烃具有一定的去除作用,且高粱对土壤中石油烃的去除作用高于玉米;高粱、玉米对土壤中的多环芳烃和直链烷烃具有一定的积累与富集作用。  相似文献   

利用矿化垃圾对石油污染土壤进行修复研究,以期在低成本、易操作、修复效果好的前提下达到以废治废的目的。分别研究了矿化垃圾与石油污染土壤的混合比例、土壤含盐量、含油量和含水率对矿化垃圾修复石油污染土壤的影响,并通过3D-EEM(三维荧光)和GC-MS(气相-质谱)技术分析了体系石油污染物的去除特性。结果表明:矿化垃圾对石油污染土壤具有较好的修复效果,在矿化垃圾与石油污染土壤的混合比例为6:4、土壤不添加盐分、含油量为4%、含水率为30%的条件下,运行94 d后土壤中石油去除率最高可达58.61%;同时,基于3D-EEM分析发现土壤中石油类物质的荧光峰位置在处理前后均出现在Ex/Em=300 nm/330 nm处,其去除率为44.89%,表明矿化垃圾床对三环及其同系物和单环及其同系物的芳烃去除效果较好;另外,基于GC-MS技术分析得出,经矿化垃圾修复后,土壤中石油总去除率为66.57%,除正十八烷去除率(19.84%)较低外,其他烷烃的去除率均高于56.8%。  相似文献   

Biopesticides are usually sprayed on forests by using planes made up of aluminum alloy. Bioval derived from starch industry wastewater (SIW) in suspension form was developed as stable anticorrosive biopesticide formulation. In this context, various anticorrosion agents such as activated charcoal, glycerin, ethylene glycol, phytic acid, castor oil and potassium silicate were tested as anticorrosive agents. There was no corrosion found in Bioval formulation where potassium silicate (0.5% w/v) was added and compared with Foray 76 B, as an industrial standard, when stored over 6 months. In relation to other parameters, the anticorrosion formulation of Bioval+buffer+KSi reported excellent zeta potential (?33.19 ± 4 mV) and the viscosity (319.13 ± 32 mPa.s) proving it's stability over 6 months, compared to the standard biopesticide Foray 76 B (?36.62 ± 4 mV potential zeta, pH 4.14 ± 0.1 and 206 ± 21 mPa.s viscosity). Metal analysis of the different biopesticides showed that Bioval+buffer+KSi has no corrosion (5.11 ± 0.5 mg kg?1 of Al and 13.53 ± 1.5 mg kg?1 of Fe) on the aluminum alloy due to the contribution of sodium acetate buffer at pH 5. The bioassays reported excellent results for Bioval+Buffer+KSi (2.95 ± 0.3 × 109 CFU mL?1 spores and 26.6 ± 2.7 × 109 IU L?1 Tx) compared with initial Bioval (2.46 ± 0.3 × 109 CFU mL?1 spores and 23.09 ± 3 × 109 IU L?1 Tx) and Foray 76 B (2.3 ± 0.2 × 109 CFU mL?1 spores and 19.950 ± 2.1 UI L?1 Tx) which was due to the break-up of the external chitinous membrane due to abrasive action of potassium silicate after ingestion by insects. The contribution of sodium acetate buffer and potassium silicate (0.5% and at pH = 5) as anticorrosion agent in the Bioval allowed production of an efficient biopesticide with a reduced viscosity and favorable pH as compared to Foray 76 B which enhanced the entomotoxic potential against spruce budworm (SB) larvae (Lepidoptera: Choristoneura fumiferana).  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to characterize the microbial community in ground pork using molecular approaches. Forty six ground pork products were purchased from local stores in the north central area of South Korea. Aerobic plate counts varied 4.23 ± 5.14 × 105 CFU/g with the range between 5.00 × 103 and 1.85 × 106 CFU/g for ground pork samples. Four ground meat samples were further processed for metagenomic analysis. Pseudomonas species was the most relative abundant with a wide range occurring (1.72 to 77.7%) as part of the microbial genera in ground pork. Bacteria such as Carnobacterium, Yersinia, Photobacterium were also identified in ground pork. Despite the prominence of certain genera across all samples there was still extensive microbial diversity among ground pork products that originated from different slaughter houses and were processed in different markets. Such diversity indicates that designing interventions to extend shelf life may be hampered by the extensive variability in the microbial consortia associated with pork products. However, this diversity may be useful for developing microbial traceability signatures unique to a slaughter house or a particular market.  相似文献   


The problem of producing strong greenhouse gas of nitrous oxide (N2O) from biological nitrogen removal (BNR) process in wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) has elicited great concern from various sectors. In this study, three laboratory-scale wastewater treatment systems, with influent C/N ratios of 3.4, 5.4, and 7.5, were set up to study the effect of influent C/N ratio on N2O generation in anaerobic/anoxic/oxic (A2O) process. Results showed, with the increased influent C/N ratio, N2O generation from both nitrification and denitrification process was decreased, and the N2O-N conversion ratio of the process was obviously reduced from 2.23 to 0.05%. Nitrification rate in oxic section was reduced, while denitrification rate in anaerobic and anoxic section was elevated and the removal efficiency of COD, NH4 +-N, TN, and TP was enhanced in different extent. As the C/N ratio increased from 3.4 to 7.5, activities of three key denitrifying enzymes of nitrate reductase, nitrite reductase, and nitrous oxide reductase were increased. Moreover, microorganism analysis indicated that the relative abundance of ammonium-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) and nitrite-oxidizing bacteria (NOB) were positively correlated with N2O generation, which was reduced from (8.42 ± 3.65) to (3.61 ± 1.66)% and (10.38 ± 4.12) to (4.67 ± 1.62)%, respectively. NosZ gene copy numbers of the A2O system were increased from (1.19 ± 0.49) × 107 to (2.84 ± 0.54) × 108 copies/g MLSS with the influent C/N ratio elevated from 3.4 to 7.5. Hence, appropriate influent C/N condition of A2O process could optimize the microbial community structure that simultaneously improve treatment efficiency and decrease the N2O generation.


The objective of the present study was to examine a biological model under greenhouse conditions for the bioremediation of atrazine contaminated soils. The model consisted in a combination of phytoremediation (using Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and rhizopheric bio-augmentation using native Trichoderma sp., and Rhizobium sp. microorganisms that showed no inhibitory growth at 10,000 mg L?1 of herbicide concentration. 33.3 mg of atrazine 50 g?1 of soil of initial concentration was used and an initial inoculation of 1 × 109 UFC mL?1 of Rhizobium sp. and 1 × 105 conidia mL?1 of Trichoderma sp. were set. Four treatments were arranged: Bean + Trichoderma sp. (B+T); Bean + Rhizobium sp. (BR); Bean + Rhizobium sp. + Trichoderma sp. (B+R+T) and Bean (B). 25.51 mg of atrazine 50 g?1 of soil (76.63%) was removed by the B+T treatment in 40 days (a = 0.050, Tukey). This last indicate that the proposed biological model and methodology developed is useful for atrazine contaminated bioremediation agricultural soils, which can contribute to reduce the effects of agrochemical abuse.  相似文献   

为了提高阿特拉津降解菌Acinetobacter sp.DNS32的产量,分别采用响应曲面法和基于人工神经网络的遗传算法对阿特拉津降解菌DNS32发酵培养基中3个重要基质成分(玉米粉、豆饼粉、K2HPO4)进行优化研究。响应曲面法确定3种成分的含量为玉米粉39.494 g/L,豆饼粉25.638 g/L和K2HPO43.265 g/L时,预测发酵活菌最大生物量为7.079×108CFU/mL,实测量为7.194×108CFU/mL;人工神经网络结合遗传算法优化确定3种主要成分含量为玉米粉为39.650 g/L,豆饼粉为25.500 g/L,K2HPO4为2.624 g/L时,预测最大值为7.199×108CFU/mL,实测量为7.244×108CFU/mL;最终确定培养基配方:玉米粉为39.650 g/L,豆饼粉为25.500 g/L,K2HPO4为2.624 g/L,CaCO3为3.000 g/L,MgSO4.7H2O和NaCl均为0.200 g/L;优化后阿特拉津降解菌DNS32发酵生物量比优化前提高了36.6%。结果表明,在阿特拉津降解菌DNS32发酵培养基组分优化方面,响应面法和基于人工神经网络的遗传算法都是可行的,基于人工神经网络的遗传算法具有更好的拟合度和预测准确度。  相似文献   


In the present study, we isolated three novel bacterial species, namely, Staphylococcus sp., Bacillus circulans–I, and Bacillus circulans–II, from contaminated soil collected from the premises of a pesticide manufacturing industry. Batch experiments were conducted using both mixed and pure cultures to assess their potential for the degradation of aqueous endosulfan in aerobic and facultative anaerobic condition. The influence of supplementary carbon (dextrose) source on endosulfan degradation was also examined. After four weeks of incubation, mixed bacterial culture was able to degrade 71.82 ± 0.2% and 76.04 ± 0.2% of endosulfan in aerobic and facultative anaerobic conditions, respectively, with an initial endosulfan concentration of 50 mg l?1. Addition of dextrose to the system amplified the endosulfan degradation efficiency by 13.36 ± 0.6% in aerobic system and 12.33 ± 0.6% in facultative anaerobic system. Pure culture studies were carried out to quantify the degradation potential of these individual species. Among the three species, Staphylococcus sp. utilized more beta endosulfan compared to alpha endosulfan in facultative anaerobic system, whereas Bacillus circulans–I and Bacillus circulans–II utilized more alpha endosulfan compared to beta endosulfan in aerobic system. In any of these degradation studies no known intermediate metabolites of endosulfan were observed.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to assess the impact of citric acid (CA) and rhizosphere bacteria on metal uptake in Phragmites australis cultured in a spiked acid mine drainage (AMD) soil. Rhizosphere iron-oxidizing bacteria (Fe(II)OB) enhanced the formation of Fe plaque on roots, which decreased the uptake of Fe and Mn. CA inhibited the growth of Fe(II)OB, decreased the formation of metal plaque, raised the metal mobility in soil, and increased the accumulation of metals in all tissues of the reeds. The higher the CA dosage, the more metals accumulated into reeds. The total amount of metals in reeds increased from 7.8?±?0.5?×?10?6 mol plant?1 (Mn), 1.4?±?0.1?×?10?3 mol plant?1 (Fe), and 1.0?±?0.1?×?10?4 mol plant?1 (Al) in spiked soil without CA to 22.2?±?0.5?×?10?6 mol plant?1 (Mn), 3.5?±?0.06?×?10?3 mol plant?1 (Fe), and 5.0?±?0.2?×?10?4 mol plant?1 (Al) in soil added with 33.616 g C6H8O7·H2O for per kilogram soil. CA could be effective at enhancing the phytoremediation of metals from AMD-contaminated soil.  相似文献   

The emissions from the chimney of the Yatagan thermal power plant have caused a 3050-hectare forest to wither. Such air pollutants as sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and fly ash are carried towards the Bencikdagi Calabrian pine forests on the prevailing north-east winds. To study these effects, the Q-Basic computer program developed for the Gaussian puff model was used with meteorological data provided by the Yatagan Meteorological Office and the pollutant loads formed by the thermal power plant. In the grid system on the map showing the surroundings of the thermal power plant, the concentrations of the pollutants in each grid square were determined. The Yatagan plant has three units containing 9000 mg/m3 sulfur dioxide, 1800 mg/m3 nitrogen oxides and 680 mg/m3 fly ash in its chimneys. The minimum pollutant emissions were found to be 100 μg/m3 SO2, 20 μg/m3 NOx2, and 77 μg/m3 NOx  相似文献   

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