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为实现上海市政府制定的二氧化硫减排目标,普陀区政府严格落实各项总量控制措施。"十一五"期间,二氧化硫排放从1 867.37 t/a降低到327.90 t/a,二氧化硫减排工作取得明显成效。介绍了上海市普陀区在二氧化硫减排工作中采取的措施,并提出优化产业结构、优化能源结构、加大对大气污染治理设施的监管力度等进一步削减和控制二氧化硫排放的对策。  相似文献   

环保部:实施节能减排规划确保实现约束性指标近期,国务院发布了《节能减排"十二五"规划》(以下简称《规划》)。《规划》对减排任务较重的重点工业行业、城镇居民生活污染、农业污染源等提出了具体目标要求。要求火电行业二氧化硫削减16%、氮氧化物削减29%,钢铁行业二氧化硫削减27%,水泥、造纸、纺织印染行业污染物削减10%以上;农业源化学需氧量和氨氮分别按8%和10%的总体削减水平确定行业减排任务;城市污水处理率提高8个百分点,到2015年达到85%,城镇生活污染得到进一步治理。(环境保护部网站)  相似文献   

"十一五"期间,中国政府出台了一系列推动节能减排的政策措施。据国家发展改革委介绍,过去五年,全国单位国内生产总值能耗预计下降19.06%,全国化学需氧量排放量和二氧化硫排放量分别下降12.45%、14.29%,基本完  相似文献   

“十一五”的环保大考提前交出了合格的答卷:规划中确立的二氧化硫减排任务提前一年完成,COD(水中污染物)的减排提前半年完成,这也是我国首次五年规划中的环保目标。对这样的成绩,环保部一直低调,只是临近“十一五”的尾声,  相似文献   

"十一五"的环保大考提前交出了合格的答卷:规划中确立的二氧化硫减排任务提前一年完成,COD(水中污染物)的减排提前半年完成,这也是我国首次五年规划中的环保目标.对这样的成绩,环保部一直低调,只是临近"十一五"的尾声,才陆续发出消息.  相似文献   

通过对锦州市"十一五"减排成果及问题的分析,围绕"十二五"减排目标,从电力行业脱硫设施稳定运行、推进低氮燃烧技术、加快钢铁企业烧结机脱硫,取缔供暖行业燃煤小锅炉,加快用车淘汰力度及规范油品供应等方面对锦州市"十二五"期间减排潜力进行了调查和分析。  相似文献   

二氧化硫作为污染减排约束性指标之一,以及由其主要产生的酸雨是减排工作的重中之重。最近,经国务院同意,国家环保总局和国家发改委联合印发了《国家酸雨和二氧化硫污染防治“十一五”规划》(以下简称《“十一五”规划》。为使读者对我国的酸雨和二氧化硫污染防治整体情况有一个较为直观的感受,本刊记者对总局污控司副司长李新民进行访谈,从几个主要方面对规划进行解读:  相似文献   

基于"十一五"和"十二五"期间(2006—2015)我国31个省份的面板数据,以二氧化硫排放量为研究对象,发现以环境约束性指标为抓手的环保绩效考核有效减少了地方的二氧化硫排放量,且"十二五"期间的政策驱动力比"十一五"期间更强。随着环保绩效考核的持续推进,年轻的省委书记越来越关注污染减排,但与年长的省委书记相比,环境绩效依然较差。总体来说,官员异质性对环境政策执行效果的影响正在逐渐减弱,制度化机制对地方环境治理的驱动效果正在增强。在"十四五"期间,进一步优化中央环保绩效考核制度将成为"打赢蓝天保卫战"的关键所在。  相似文献   

【环境新闻】发改委:六大措施确保实现2011节能减排目标国家发展改革委副秘书长、新闻发言人李朴民表示。2011年发改委将扎实推进节能减排和应对气候变化工作,力争实现单位国内生产总值能耗比上年下降3.5%,二氧化碳排放强度下降3.5%左右,二氧化硫、化学需氧量、氨氮和氮氧  相似文献   

通过对钢铁行业消耗水资源及产生污染情况进行分析,阐述了目前钢铁行业为节能减排而采取的管理、技术、污染治理措施,以达到减少废水外排量、降低污染物浓度、降低新水消耗的目的,对钢铁行业废水回用中尚存和潜在的工艺、设计问题进行了讨论,同时提出了通过清洁生产、优化工艺结构来解决问题的措施和建议,确立了企业近期和长期的节能减排任务目标。  相似文献   

秦永昊  方维凤 《四川环境》2010,29(3):140-142
本文以研究营区内雨水集蓄利用效果为目的。分析雨水集蓄利用不同方法,通过建立合理模糊数学模型,对各种雨水集蓄利用方法进行权重比较,得出最优结果。并将该模型用在营区雨水集蓄利用效果的评价分析,通过运算结果确定营区内雨水利用效果的优、良、中、差。通过运用模糊数学模型对营区内雨水集蓄利用方法进行分析,综合评价营区内雨水集蓄利用结果为良好。  相似文献   

The task of regulating potentially harmful chemicals in the environment is presently hindered by the lack of appropriate concepts and methods for evaluating the effects of anthropogenic chemicals on ecosystems. Toxicity tests at the molecular and physiological levels have been used successfully as indicators of adverse effects on test organisms and have been extrapolated to humans to establish a basis for risk assessment. However, laboratory measurements of effects upon individuals do not translate readily into potential effects upon natural populations, in part because natural populations interact with other populations and with the physical environment. Even more difficult to assess are the deleterious impacts of anthropogenic chemicals on ecosystems, because of effects on species interactions, diversity, nutrient cycling, productivity, climatic changes, and other processes.Effects on ecosystems resulting from chemical stresses are outside the realm of classical toxicology, and an ecosystem-level perspective is essential for the consideration of such effects; but the science that deals with ecosystem-level effects,ecotoxicology, is still developing. This article synthesizes the topics discussed at a workshop on ecotoxicology held by the Ecosystems Research Center at Cornell University. Topics covered include: the regulatory framework in which ecotoxicological research must be applied; ecosystem modification of toxicant fate and transport; how ecosystem composition, structure, and function are influenced by chemicals; methods currently available for predicting the effects of chemicals at the ecosystem level; and recommendations on research needs to enhance the state of the science of ecotoxicology.  相似文献   

武威市被确定成为甘肃省统筹城乡发展的试验区,为当地经济、文化、旅游发展带来了新的战略机遇。虽然武威城乡融合发展核心区旅游业取得了长足发展,但是存在旅游文化产业要素分布不均衡,产业水平总体不高;文化资源与旅游产业的整合、融合度不足;旅游产品创新程度总体不高等问题。在对核心区文化旅游资源进行空间整合分析的基础上,深入挖掘了大靖、土门的历史文化资源特征,探讨了如何建立大靖历史文化名镇观光体验区、明代堡寨军事文化旅游体验区、土门故城体验旅游区、山陕会馆移民商贸文化体验旅游区等重点旅游项目。  相似文献   

日本的环境保护   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李涛 《四川环境》1994,13(1):11-14
本文介绍了日本的环境污染与环境保护发展概况,阐述了各发展阶段的特征和所采取的环境保护政策,措施及成功的经验,扼要地探讨了我国与日本在环境保护方面在的差距及其原因。  相似文献   

秦皇岛市海水入侵现状及机理浅析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
上世纪80年代初,秦皇岛市沿海局部区域发生海水入侵,其中以汤河、洋一戴河下游平原区较为严重,现状调查海侵面积71.75Km2。海水入侵使多眼饮用、农用水井水质变成,也使沿海生态环境受到影响。本文对海水入侵现状,成因机理进行分析,为防治海水入侵灾害发生提供依据。  相似文献   

加强矿产资源开发中对环境的保护与治理   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
隗合明  丁华 《四川环境》2003,22(3):86-90
矿产资源开发对促进国民经济的发展具有重要的作用,但与此同时也带来不少环境问题,如破坏土地和生态环境,在矿石采选冶中产生“三废”对周围环境严重污染,破坏水资源平衡,引发地质灾害等。因此,现在必须高度重视并加强矿产资源开发中对环境的保护与治理,使矿产资源开发与矿山环境保护协调发展。首先,应制订并实施各地区的矿产开发规划,根据环境容量等调整矿业布局和矿业结构,严格对矿山环境进行监测、监管;其次,应加强对矿山环境的调查和评价,加强矿山环境保护的科技研究,提高矿山环境防治技术水平并加速技术推广;最后,应加强矿山环境保护的宣传教育,使矿山环境在全体公民的参与和监督下得到有效的保护。  相似文献   

The subsidence caused by coal mining in areas where cropland and coal resources overlap in the eastern plains of China with high ground water levels has caused large amounts of water to collect in cropland, significant damage to cropland, and a sharp contradiction between people and land distribution within this region. Systematic analysis and calculation were conducted on these areas by using GIS spatial overlay analysis technology, subsidence and occupied cropland estimation models, and crop yield reduction prediction model to reveal the overlapped characteristics and extent of farmland damage, as well as to evaluate the effects of farmland damage to grain yield, farmland landscape, agricultural population, and dynamical equilibrium of the total cultivated land. Results showed that the overlapped areas of cropland and coal resources on the eastern plains of China occupied an area covering 1.33 × 105 km2, which accounted for 31.93% of the total cropland area. In 2020, the accumulative total area of destroyed cropland reached 3.83 × 103 km2, thus reducing grain yield by 9.63 × 108 kg, and increasing the number of landless farmers to 1.91 × 106. Furthermore, the quality and production capacity of cultivated land decreased, farmland landscape patterns changed, land patterns and structures were adjusted, the dynamical equilibrium of the total cultivated land was difficult to guarantee, and social instability increased in coal mining subsidence areas. These findings provided a scientific basis for relevant government departments to enact countermeasures for the coordinative production of coal and grain.  相似文献   

The Role of the Concept of the Natural (Naturalness) in Organic Farming   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
Producers, traders, and consumers oforganic food regularly use the concept of thenatural (naturalness) to characterize organicagriculture and or organic food, in contrast tothe unnaturalness of conventional agriculture.Critics sometimes argue that such use lacks anyrational (scientific) basis and only refers tosentiment. In our project, we made an attemptto clarify the content and the use of theconcepts of nature and naturalness in organicagriculture, to relate this conception todiscussions within bioethical literature, andto draw the implications for agriculturalpractice and policy.Qualitative interviews were executed with arange of people in the field of organicagriculture and with consumers of organicproducts, on the basis of a list of statementsabout the meaning of the concept of naturalnessformulated by the authors. Based on the resultsof the interviews, we distinguished 3 aspectsof the concept of naturalness: natural as theorganic (life processes), natural as theecological, and natural as referring to thecharacteristic nature of an entity. We relatedthese conceptual aspects to three mainapproaches within the field of organicagriculture: the no chemicals approach, theagro-ecological approach, and the integrityapproach. It became clear that these approachescan also be recognized in the change ofattitude of farmers as they convert fromconventional to organic agriculture, and in theattitudes of consumers of organic foodproducts.We conclude that the idea of ``naturalness' canbe used to characterize organic agriculture andto distinguish it from conventionalagriculture, but only if naturalness not onlyrefers to not using chemicals but also toecological principles and respect for theintegrity of life. Thus perceived, theprinciple of naturalness can also serve as aguide to future developments in the field oforganic agriculture. As part of the holocentricethics of organic farming the value ofnaturalness has three dimensions: a cognitiveone, an emotive one, and a normative one.  相似文献   

基于1981—2010年云南省腾冲县基础气候的数据分析,建立了适用于腾冲县的旅游适宜度指数。结果显示,腾冲县全年的旅游适宜度指数变幅为16.5—24.0,表明全年的气候都适合旅游,其中每年的10月至次年的3月最适宜旅游,4—9月适宜旅游。此外,对合理开发气候旅游资源进行了有针对性的探讨,为地方旅游产业发展规划提供了气象依据。  相似文献   

枣庄市污水处理厂正在加快建设步伐,一些新技术、新工艺得到了广泛应用,包括:氧化沟技术、AB生物处理技术、ICEAS工艺技术、OCO工艺技术和A/O技术。同时,也存在运行机制不顺、建设滞后、部分工业企业污水不能达标排放、运行费用偏高、运行费用严重不足等问题。因此,应采取一系列措施,如:对污水处理厂进行企业化改制,强化城市污水回用技术方面的研究,针对不同地区工业废水特点进行工艺优选,加大污水排污费征收等。  相似文献   

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