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企业环保改革是企业改革的重要组成邪分。随着经济体制改革的不断深入和市场经济体制的逐步建立和完善,企业的生产经营活动也在不断变化,在这种新形势下,企业环境保护如何适应市场经济的发展,适应企业生产经营的需要,更好地发挥企业环保部门的监督协调管理职能,就摆在了企业领导,特别是企业环保工作者的面前。因此,对当前企业环保的基本状况与存在的问题作出分析很有必要,并就企业环保改革的实施提出以下建议。一、企业环保的现状与问题1.企业环保的监督管理职能得不到充分发挥。企业环保管理机构隶属于企业,是为企业服务的一个…  相似文献   

企业资源管理问题是关系到提升企业核心价值和保持企业持续竞争优势的重要问题,企业资源管理的拓展是企业管理理论和实践的共同需要。在文献综述的基础上,从企业广义资源环境划分、企业资源管理范畴拓展、企业资源形式和属性等几个不同角度,对企业资源管理拓展问题进行了讨论和分析。  相似文献   

企业环境管理是现代化企业管理的一个重要组成部分。强化企业内部环境管理,完善企业环境保护自我约束机制,既是企业防治污染,保护环境的任务‘也是企业适应优胜劣汰的市场竞争机制的需电企业污染物排放,实质上是对资源和能源的浪费,因此,强化企业环境管理,控制和减少污染物的流失总量,提高资源、能源的利用率,已经成为企业提高经济效益.降低成本,实现向“效益型”转变的十分紧迫的任务。为此俄们厂在防治工业污染的战略上从过去侧重污染的末端治理,转变为工业生产的全过程控制,建立起了污染物流失总量控制的管理体系,实施污染…  相似文献   

“企业清洁生产审计”就是对企业现在的和计划进行的工业生产实行预防污染的分析和评估,这是企业搞好清洁生产的关键所在。通过清洁生产审计,达到掌握单元操作物耗、能耗情况资料,确定废弃物的来源、数量以及类型,制定废物削减目标和控制对策,提高对因削减废物而增加效益的认识,判定效率低下的瓶颈部位和管理不善的地方,提高企业经济效益和产品质量等。通过清洁生产审计,可以获得的主要收益是:提高企业的管理水平,促进企业技术进步,降低物耗与能耗、降低成本,提高环境质量、生产效率与产品质量,提高职工素质,提高企业知名度.…  相似文献   

随着市场竞争的日益激烈,石油企业要在市场全球化和经济一体化的国际竞争中求得生存与发展,最重要的是要在企业层面进行管理创新。简述了管理创新的内涵和必要性,分析了国内石油企业管理创新的现状,并指出管理创新亟需解决的诸多问题。在调查研究基础上提出了石油企业管理创新的重点和基本途径,指出管理的新生力量在于不断创新,管理创新是企业生存和发展的主题,这对提高石油企业管理创新的能力和水平有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

某经济开发区已建成甲炼化企业基地与某纸业企业等龙头企业,初步实现了石油化工基地、石油 商业储备基地、林浆纸一体化产业基地的发展定位,对安全生产和环境保护工作带来了极大挑战。通过对该经 济开发区及区内企业的调研,在模拟区内企业突发事故状态下,并充分考虑区内企业多米诺影响和开发区安全 环保管理及应急能力,分析了事故对周边,特别是对开发区东部生活区的安全、大气和海域影响,分析了企业管 理和应急能力,给出分析结论,并针对性提出安全环保管理提升措施和建议。  相似文献   

企业是经济体制的微观基础,不同的经济体制对企业的经济刺激环境不同,企业会产生不同的价值趋向和行为模式。而企业的行为特征会直接影响甚至决定环境质量状况。当前,我国正处在由计划经济向市场经济过渡的关键时期,搞活国营大中型企业,转换国有企业经营机制。建立现代企业制度是市场经济体制的基础。环境污染作为企业的~种经济行为。在这种机制转换过程或者说企业制度创新过程中必然要受到影响和冲击。在市场经济体制下。企业既有片面追求经济效益。忽视环境保护的趋势,又有革新技术和追求企收形象保护环境的潜在取向。因此·分析探…  相似文献   

杨志山  蒋文举  刘燕  李道贵 《四川环境》2002,21(2):61-63,69
判断水泥企业的清洁生产水平,从而推动企业开展清洁生产是一件非常有意义的工作。通过利用生命周期法和专家打分的方法,制定出评价指标原则和建立评价指标体系,运用层次分析法计算权重,最终得出水泥企业的清洁生产水平潜力。通过三个水泥厂的实例检验,证明本评价方法能够达到科学地评估水泥企业的清洁生产程度和发掘企业的清洁生产潜力的目的。  相似文献   

企业建立环境管理、质量保证、职业安全与卫生三个国际标准体系,通过国际认证,表明该企业的管理实现了科学化、规范化,从而体现了企业管理的一致性和完整性。 中国已成为世界贸易组织的正式成员,因此与国际接轨,包括企业要按照国际标准进行各项管理工作,取得国际组织的认可已成为必需。目前,大多数石油石化企业建立了健康、安全与环境(HSE)管理体系和ISO 9000系列的质量保证体系,有的企业已在建立ISO 14001环境管理体系和(或)OHSAS 18001职业安全卫生管理体系,目的是取得国际组织的认证。但在一个企业中有若干管理体系并…  相似文献   

文章从企业文化的视角,论述了企业发展与生态文明建设并重是历史发展的客观要求,是促进社会与企业和谐的重要内容,是可持续协调发展的战略需要。环保企业只有将生态文明意识与环境保护责任全面地融入企业文化建设,才能更好地增强企业的凝聚力和竞争力。  相似文献   

An extensive road system with rapidly increasing traffic produces diverse ecological effects that cover a large land area. Our objective was to evaluate the effect of roads with different traffic volumes on surrounding avian distributions, and its importance relative to other variables. Grassland bird data (5 years) for 84 open patches in an outer suburban/rural landscape near Boston were analyzed relative to: distance from roads with 3000–8000 to >30,000 vehicles/day; open-habitat patch size; area of quality microhabitat within a patch; adjacent land use; and distance to other open patches. Grassland bird presence and regular breeding correlated significantly with both distance from road and habitat patch size. Distance to nearest other open patch, irrespective of size, was not significant. Similarly, except for one species, adjacent land use, in this case built area, was not significant. A light traffic volume of 3000–8000 vehicles/day (local collector street here) had no significant effect on grassland bird distribution. For moderate traffic of 8000–15,000 (through street), there was no effect on bird presence although regular breeding was reduced for 400 m from a road. For heavier traffic of 15,000–30,000 (two-lane highway), both bird presence and breeding were decreased for 700 m. For a heavy traffic volume of ≥30,000 vehicles/day (multilane highway), bird presence and breeding were reduced for 1200 m from a road. The results suggest that avian studies and long-term surveys near busy roads may be strongly affected by traffic volume or changes in volume. We conclude that road ecology, especially the effects extending outward >100 m from roads with traffic, is a sine qua non for effective land-use and transportation policy.  相似文献   

An extensive road system with rapidly increasing traffic produces diverse ecological effects that cover a large land area. Our objective was to evaluate the effect of roads with different traffic volumes on surrounding avian distributions, and its importance relative to other variables. Grassland bird data (5 years) for 84 open patches in an outer suburban/rural landscape near Boston were analyzed relative to: distance from roads with 3000–8000 to >30,000 vehicles/day; open-habitat patch size; area of quality microhabitat within a patch; adjacent land use; and distance to other open patches. Grassland bird presence and regular breeding correlated significantly with both distance from road and habitat patch size. Distance to nearest other open patch, irrespective of size, was not significant. Similarly, except for one species, adjacent land use, in this case built area, was not significant. A light traffic volume of 3000–8000 vehicles/day (local collector street here) had no significant effect on grassland bird distribution. For moderate traffic of 8000–15,000 (through street), there was no effect on bird presence although regular breeding was reduced for 400 m from a road. For heavier traffic of 15,000–30,000 (two-lane highway), both bird presence and breeding were decreased for 700 m. For a heavy traffic volume of ≥30,000 vehicles/day (multilane highway), bird presence and breeding were reduced for 1200 m from a road. The results suggest that avian studies and long-term surveys near busy roads may be strongly affected by traffic volume or changes in volume. We conclude that road ecology, especially the effects extending outward >100 m from roads with traffic, is a sine qua non for effective land-use and transportation policy.  相似文献   

The effects of adding a crushed cotton gin compost (CCGC) and a poultry manure (PM) on the enzymatic activities of a Typic Xerofluvent soil polluted with Pb were studied in the laboratory. Three hundred grams of sieved soil (<2 mm) were mixed with PM at a rate of 10% or CCGC at a rate of 17.2%, applying to the soil the same amount of organic matter with each organic amendment. Urease, protease-BBA, beta-glucosidase, alkaline phosphatase, and arylsulfatase activities were measured at four different incubation times (1, 7, 15, and 45 d) in soils containing seven concentrations (100, 250, 500, 1000, 2500, 5000, and 8000 mg kg-1) of Pb, and in the same soils amended with CCGC and PM. In all treatments and incubation times, the inhibition percentage of soil enzyme activities by Pb was lower in soils amended with the PM and CCGC than in nonamended soils, and it differed with the organic amendment. In this respect, the in the 8000 mg Pb kg-1 treatment at the end of the incubation period, the protease-BBA activity inhibition percentage was lower (14.7 and 33.9% lower, respectively) in CCGC- than in PM-amended soils. Since the adsorption capacity of Pb was higher in CCGC- than the PM-amended soils, the addition of organic wastes with higher humic acid concentration is more beneficial for remediation of soils polluted with Pb.  相似文献   

This paper describes the conceptual design of a production process in which waste cooking oil is converted via supercritical transesterification with methanol to methyl esters (biodiesel).Since waste cooking oil contains water and free fatty acids, supercritical transesterification offers great advantage to eliminate the pre-treatment capital and operating cost.A supercritical transesterification process for biodiesel continuous production from waste cooking oil has been studied for three plant capacities (125,000; 80,000 and 8000 tonnes biodiesel/year). It can be concluded that biodiesel by supercritical transesterification can be scaled up resulting high purity of methyl esters (99.8%) and almost pure glycerol (96.4%) attained as by-product.The economic assessment of the biodiesel plant shows that biodiesel can be sold at US$ 0.17/l (125,000 tonnes/year), US$ 0.24/l (80,000 tonnes/year) and US$ 0.52/l for the smallest capacity (8000 tonnes/year).The sensitive key factors for the economic feasibility of the plant are: raw material price, plant capacity, glycerol price and capital cost.Overall conclusion is that the process can compete with the existing alkali and acid catalyzed processes.Especially for the conversion of waste cooking oil to biodiesel, the supercritical process is an interesting technical and economical alternative.  相似文献   

本文通过在线实时监测研究了三醋酸纤维(CTA)正渗透膜的活性层在朝向料液(AL-FS)和汲取液(AL-DS)两种模式下的正渗透水通量、反向溶质通量、特性反向溶质通量等因素及其变化规律。在实验室条件下模拟了三醋酸纤维膜(CTA)对于不同浓度苦咸水的处理,当苦咸水浓度为2000ppmNaCl、5000ppmNaCl、8000ppmNaCl时,CTA膜活性层朝向对脱盐率几乎没有影响,AL-FS模式和AL-DS模式的脱盐率分别为96.49%和96.13%、97.40%和96.38%、98.04%和96.81%。研究结果对于进一步开发CTA正渗透系统和实用化具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Reasons for non-participation in a kerbside recycling scheme   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this article potential barriers to recycling are explored within a UK community of approximately 8000 households that are piloting a kerbside paper recycling scheme. All 1690 non-users of the scheme were surveyed for their decisions not to participate. A 43% response rate was generated from the survey and the reasons given by householders were coded into 12 categories. The main reasons for non-participation included insufficient paper and lack of space in which to locate the recycling bin. 62% of the non-participants reported that they were recycling paper using other facilities such as local bring schemes and charity collections. Strategies to increase participation in the kerbside scheme are suggested.  相似文献   

A Global Analysis of Protected Area Management Effectiveness   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
We compiled details of over 8000 assessments of protected area management effectiveness across the world and developed a method for analyzing results across diverse assessment methodologies and indicators. Data was compiled and analyzed for over 4000 of these sites. Management of these protected areas varied from weak to effective, with about 40% showing major deficiencies. About 14% of the surveyed areas showed significant deficiencies across many management effectiveness indicators and hence lacked basic requirements to operate effectively. Strongest management factors recorded on average related to establishment of protected areas (legal establishment, design, legislation and boundary marking) and to effectiveness of governance; while the weakest aspects of management included community benefit programs, resourcing (funding reliability and adequacy, staff numbers and facility and equipment maintenance) and management effectiveness evaluation. Estimations of management outcomes, including both environmental values conservation and impact on communities, were positive. We conclude that in spite of inadequate funding and management process, there are indications that protected areas are contributing to biodiversity conservation and community well-being.  相似文献   

Hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Seasonally severe and persistent hypoxia, or low dissolved oxygen concentration, occurs on the inner- to mid-Louisiana continental shelf to the west of the Mississippi River and Atchafalaya River deltas. The estimated areal extent of bottom dissolved oxygen concentration less than 2 mg L-1 during mid-summer surveys of 1993-2000 reached as high as 16,000 to 20,000 km2. The distribution for a similar mapping grid for 1985 to 1992 averaged 8000 to 9000 km2. Hypoxia occurs below the pycnocline from as early as late February through early October, but is most widespread, persistent, and severe in June, July, and August. Spatial and temporal variability in the distribution of hypoxia exists and is, at least partially, related to the amplitude and phasing of the Mississippi and Atchafalaya discharges and their nutrient flux. Mississippi River nutrient concentrations and loadings to the adjacent continental shelf have changed dramatically this century, with an acceleration of these changes since the 1950s to 1960s. An analysis of diatoms, foraminiferans, and carbon accumulation in the sedimentary record provides evidence of increased eutrophication and hypoxia in the Mississippi River delta bight coincident with changes in nitrogen loading.  相似文献   

The cumulative effects of forest management activities on water quality at a downstream point were monitored from 1972-1980 during development of a watershed for timber resources. Suspended sediment concentration and turbidity were measured at two hydrologic stations which bracketed a 10-km reach of the Middle Santiam River in the Western Cascades of Oregon as it flowed through an 8000-ha block of intensively managed forest land. Slope failures often accompany road building and harvesting in steep forested watersheds and pose the most serious threat to water quality. Although 180 km of road were constructed and 3400 ha of old-growth forests were harvested from slopes averaging over 60 percent, long-term changes in sediment yields remained undetectable during the period of measurement. The geologic characteristics of the basin and the road construction and maintenance techniques as prescribed by Oregon's forest practice regulations helped to minimize the occurrence of slope failures so that long-term changes in suspended sediment export rates did not occur. Throughout the nine-year measurement period, seven slope failures which added sediment directly to streams produced measurable short-term responses at the downstream sampling location, but these erosion events were too small and too infrequent to produce long-term changes in sediment yield from the watershed.  相似文献   

In this paper, we show how the Aboriginal people in the south-west of Australia (the Nyungar) developed systems of knowledge, of caring for country and of family relations that enabled them to survive for tens of thousands of years and continue to have importance today. The impacts of British colonisation on cultural continuity and knowledge in the south-west have been significant and include loss of land, break-up of families and massacre. These practices led to a loss of knowledge of language and culture in some cases. However, Nyungar culture is alive and dynamic, constantly being reclaimed, re-energised and rebuilt through the interaction of contemporary and traditional research praxis. Focusing on Derbal Nara (Cockburn Sound) on the coast in the southern metropolitan area of Perth, we provide case examples of the action-research-learning methodologies used by Whadjuk Nyungar Traditional Owners. We also provide examples of stories about Derbal Nara that are still alive and being recounted up to the present day, including those that account for the recent ice age and the end of the ice age 8000 years BC when sea levels rose, drowning land in the area of Derbal Nara. Finally, we argue that Whadjuk Nyungar experiences and world views based on relationality and reflexivity are central to sustainable coastal management and that in some respects there has already been a convergence of Indigenous and Western coastal management. We present a set of principles that support the development of this “third space” for coastal sustainability.  相似文献   

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