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交通标线 小朋友,你看见路上用漆划的各种各样颜色线条吗?这就是"交通标线".道路中间长长的黄色或白色直线,叫"车道中心线".它是用来分隔来往车辆,使它们互不干扰.中心线两侧的白色虚线,叫"车道分界线",它规定机动车在机动车道上行驶.非机动车在非机动车道上行驶.在路口四周有一根白线是"停止线".红灯亮时,各种车辆应该停在这条线内.马路上用白色平等线像斑马纹那样的线条组成的长廊就是"人行横道线".行人在这里过马路比较安全.  相似文献   

1、道路交通标线按功能可分为_____三类。 A、指示标线、禁止标线、警告标线 B、中心线、分道线、人行横道线 C、横向标线、纵向标线、其他标线 2、白色实线划于路段中时,用以分隔同向行驶的机动车和非机动车,或指示车行道的_____;设于路口时,可用作导向车道线或停止线。  相似文献   

为探究边缘率减速标线对驾驶行为与交通安全的作用效果,提出了基于监控视频提取轨迹参数的实证评价方法.采用背景差法和透视变换方法对监控视频进行车辆目标提取和轨迹处理,进而提取车辆速度、加速度、车头时距、车头间距和车道偏移等行车参数;通过参数统计分析,边缘率减速标线对车速控制、跟车距离保持和车道保持都有不同程度的控制效果,但使纵向舒适性变差;为了综合评价其效果,基于层次分析法建立了边缘率标线的综合控制效果评价模型,从有效性、安全性和舒适性3个维度对减速标线进行综合评价.该方法和模型还可用于评价其他不同设计参数的减速标线.  相似文献   

为有效避免车辆横向偏移导致的交通事故,基于车道线检测拟合和偏离预警策略2项关键技术,对道路图像预处理模块提出2步感兴趣区域提取法、基于颜色分量的灰度化方法和改进的Otsu二值化法;基于Hough变换的缺点提出具有约束的概率Hough变换检测算法检测直线车道线;基于改进RANSAC算法和抛物线模型实现弯曲车道线的检测;为更加准确地适应实际驾驶环境,提出基于动态划分远近视场的直线-抛物线模型;提出基于车辆当前横向偏移量和车道线斜率变化的车道偏离预警模型,并通过实车实验对该模型进行验证。结果表明:上述算法改善了现有算法实时性不好、鲁棒性不高的缺点,在一定程度上满足了实际需求。  相似文献   

为保障信号交叉口的正常交通秩序,充分遏制机动车未按规定导向车道行驶行为,亟需探究该行为的影响因素及干预方法。以北京市内4个信号交叉口处共35 h的1 666条监控视频数据为基础,对未按规定导向车道行驶行为进行定义并将其分为9类,分别对频率较高的5类未按规定导向车道行驶行为构建二元Logit模型,以确定其关键影响因素,并据此提出干预方法。结果表明,排队车辆数、大车比例、时段、车流量、照明条件等因素会不同程度地影响5类未按规定导向车道行驶行为的发生概率,其中排队车辆数及时间因素影响最为显著。在此基础上,从交通工程设施及驾驶人安全意识角度,提出优化交叉口渠化设计及信号配时、采用智能标线、强化监管力度及完善交通管控设施、加强驾驶人安全教育4种未按规定导向车道行驶行为干预方法。  相似文献   

为提高信号交叉口的交通安全管理水平,研究驾驶员换道行为影响因素,确定各因素影响下的换道风险率,选取可能影响变道行为的潜在变量,构建交叉口换道行为的Cox风险分析模型,并以武汉市3个交叉口调查数据为例进行实例分析。结果表明:10个因素对进口道车辆换道有显著影响,其中,车辆与目标车道前方车辆的车头间距、与目标车道后方车辆的车头间距、所在车道与目标车道车辆密度差和可供变道选择的目标车道数是危险因素;车辆与所在车道前方车辆的车头间距、车辆距停车线距离、行驶速度和所在车道相位的绿信比是保护因素。车辆处于信号灯倒计时的变道风险率高于其他时段;出租车的变道风险率高于其他车辆。  相似文献   

2008年11月13日傍晚,深秋的海风夹着阵阵寒意,在福清通往元洪码头公路的海城路上空呼啸而过,双向六车道门可罗雀,显得冷冷清清,道路中心双实标线在路灯的照耀下,忠实地提醒来往车辆各行其道。  相似文献   

为探究事故车辆对城市三车道道路交通影响机制,首先,分析考虑事故车辆的城市三车道道路交通流特征;然后,构建左车道优先且考虑主动抢道和被动抢道行为的元胞自动机交通流模型;最后;研究事故持续时间td变化时事故车辆分别位于M道和R道的城市道路交通流演化。结果表明:事故车辆会形成交通瓶颈,呈现上游车辆聚集下游车辆稀疏的时空特征,诱发交通拥堵,事故车辆对三车道交通影响明显小于两车道情形;且事故车辆位于R车道对道路交通流影响比事故车辆位于M车道更小,但这种影响的差异随进车率pe增加而减小。  相似文献   

为探寻高速公路减速标线设置对小客车的纵向运行特性的影响,明确减速标线的减速效果,以G50沪渝高速重庆段的3处减速标线区段为对象,开展了实车驾驶试验,采集了自然驾驶状态下的车辆速度、加速度和轨迹等数据,对比分析了车辆经过3处减速标线区段时的速度整体特征、幅值分布和变化模式;同时分析了纵向减速度变化特征;根据速度与加速度的组合示意图和纵向减速标线设置区段内速度的最大降幅、起止点的速度差异性,评价了减速标线的实施效果。结果表明:由于道路线形条件不同,3处减速标线区段的车辆行驶速度整体特征和变化模式存在差异,其中弯坡组合路段车辆速度存在波动,分为“近匀速—减速—加速—稳定—加速”的五阶段变化模式;减速度中位值和85%位值分别为0.123 m/s2、0.225 m/s2、0.185 m/s2和0.346 m/s2、0.513 m/s2、0.489 m/s2。减速标线主要有两方面作用效果:能够使车辆运行车速显著降低,或能够抑制车辆速度增加的趋势。研究成果为高速公路减速...  相似文献   

早变晚不变,路口最关键现在在城市大多数交叉路口前,都设有导向车道线,驾驶员在行车过程中,应首先确认各车道导向标志的指导方向,并在距交叉路口30米-50米处按照行驶方向驶入相应的导向车道。在通过交叉路口前要早打转向灯,早变  相似文献   

One of the most effective engineering measures is the provision of an exclusive motorcycle lane that separates motorcycles from other mixed traffic to reduce traffic congestion and motorcycle crashes. Even though the existing exclusive motorcycle lanes in Malaysia reduced the incidents of motorcycle crashes with other vehicles, the design of this special motorcycle lane was based on a cross reference between a bicycle track and a highway. Thus, a suitable design guide is yet to be developed for the geometrical design of a proper and safer exclusive motorcycle lane. Safe stopping sight distance (SSD) has been recognized as a criterion for road design and should be taken into account. Motorcyclist perception response time (PRT) is the time from detection object until the rider reduces motorcycle speed in braking action is an essential component of motorcycle SSD. Two road experiments were conducted to obtain empirical values of motorcycle PRT to expected and unexpected objects. In the expected condition, 89 motorcyclists applied brake as quickly as possible following activation of a light beside the road. In the unexpected condition, 16 riders responded by braking in response to an obstacle that appeared suddenly in their lane. The mean PRT to expected and unexpected object is 0.71 s and 1.25 s respectively. The 85th percentile PRT to unexpected object is 2.12 s. This study found that most riders are capable of responding to an unexpected object along the roadway in 2.5 s or less. Therefore, PRT of 2.5 s is an appropriate value for motorcycle lane geometric design.  相似文献   

自动安全换道是车辆实现无人驾驶的关键,为精确识别行驶车辆换道状态,保证行车安全,设计了一种基于多分类支持向量机(Multi-class Support Vector Machine,Multiclass SVM)的车辆换道识别模型。从NGSIM数据集中选取美国101公路车辆轨迹数据进行分类处理,并将车辆换道过程划分为车辆跟驰阶段、车辆换道准备阶段和车辆换道执行阶段。采用网格搜索结合粒子群优化算法(Grid Search-PSO)对SVM模型中惩罚参数C和核参数g进行寻优标定,利用多分类支持向量机换道识别模型对样本数据进行训练和测试,模型测试精度达97.68%。研究表明,模型能够很好地识别车辆在换道过程中的行为状态,为车辆换道阶段的研究提供支持。  相似文献   

为加强施工场景下的工程车辆安全监管,针对施工场景下工程车辆易互相遮挡、局部特征与全局特征相似以及场景环境复杂的问题,提出一种基于自适应局部斥力与归一化面积损失的工程车辆目标检测算法。其中自适应局部斥力损失可使待检测工程车辆与其他工程车辆目标框相排斥;归一化面积损失使网络学习集中在面积具有相对较大预测误差的工程车辆上;并结合聚类算法设定更适合工程车辆的锚框。研究结果表明:算法可实现在困难场景下对压路机、挖掘机、装载机3类工程车辆的快速准确检测与识别,具有较高的工程应用价值。  相似文献   

IntroductionChoosing a safe gap in which to cross a two-way street is a complex task and only few experiments have investigated age-specific difficulties.MethodA total of 18 young (age 19–35), 28 younger-old (age 62–71) and 38 older-old (age 72–85 years) adults participated in a simulated street-crossing experiment in which vehicle approach speed and available time gaps were varied. The safe and controlled simulated environment allowed participants to perform a real walk across an experimental two-way street. The differences between the results for the two lanes are of particular interest to the study of visual exploration and crossing behaviors.ResultsThe results showed that old participants crossed more slowly, adopted smaller safety margins, and made more decisions that led to collisions than did young participants. These difficulties were found particularly when vehicles approached in the far lane, or rapidly. Whereas young participants considered the time gaps available in both lanes to decide whether to cross the street, old participants made their decisions mainly on the basis of the gap available in the near lane while neglecting the far lane.ConclusionsThe present results point to attentional deficits as well as physical limitations in older pedestrians. Several practical and have implications in terms of road design and pedestrian training are proposed.  相似文献   

基于多信息检测的车辆智能防撞预警技术研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
运用多源信息检测技术对驾驶状态进行综合检测,利用架设在车辆外部的摄像机获取本车与前方车辆之间的相对距离、相对速度信息,利用架设在车辆内部的摄像机获取驾驶人状态信息,通过综合判断降低车辆防撞检测的漏警率、误警率以及冗余报警率;构建车辆行驶安全判定规则,对行车实时危险和潜在危险进行检测、分析与判断,获取可靠的防撞警示提醒;使反应时间、相对距离、相对速度3个方面都能得到优化控制,从而避免车辆碰撞事故;同时也为提高车速、增加道路通行能力、实现自动驾驶等奠定良好的基础。  相似文献   

Objective: Drivers’ use of lane departure warning and prevention systems is lower than use of other crash avoidance technologies and varies significantly by manufacturer. One factor that may affect use is how well a system prevents unintended departures. The current study evaluated the performance of systems that assist in preventing departures by providing steering or braking input in a 2016 Chevrolet Malibu, 2016 Ford Fusion, 2016 Honda Accord, and 2018 Volvo S90. These vehicles were selected because a prior observational study found that the percentage of privately owned vehicles that had lane departure prevention systems turned on varied among these 4 automakers.

Method: In each vehicle, a test driver induced 40 lane drifts on left and right curves by steering the vehicle straight into the curve so that vehicles departed in the opposite direction and 40 lane drifts on straightaways by slight steering input to direct the vehicle to left and right lane markers.

Results: Vehicles from automakers with higher observed lane departure prevention use rates (Volvo, Chevrolet) featured systems that provided steering input earlier and more often avoided crossing lane markers by more than 35?cm compared to vehicles from automakers with lower observed use rates (Ford, Honda).

Conclusion: The study identified functional characteristics (i.e., timing of steering input, prevention of departures more than 35?cm) of lane departure prevention systems that were strongly associated with observed activation of these systems in privately owned vehicles. Although this relationship does not imply causation, the findings support the hypothesis that functional characteristics of lane departure prevention systems affect their use. Designers may be able to use these results to maximize driver acceptance of future implementations of lane departure prevention.  相似文献   

以道路车辆功能安全规范标准ISO 26262为准则,对汽车的车道偏离预警系统(LDWS)进行了概念设计。首先分析了ISO 26262功能安全规范概念阶段的活动内容,并在此基础上,完成车道偏离预警系统的项目定义、危险分析和评估,设计了功能安全概念的相关工作,确定了功能安全等级和安全目标。最后搭建了UML仿真模型对LDWS概念设计阶段进行仿真测试,测试结果表明此设计能够满足ISO 26262规范标准,实现了车道偏离预警系统的功能安全概念设计,对车道偏离预警系统的安全开发具有指导意义。  相似文献   


Objective: Road departures are one of the most severe crash modes in the United States. To help reduce this risk, vehicles are being introduced in the United States with lane departure warning (LDW) systems, which warn the driver of a departure, and lane departure prevention (LDP) systems, which assist the driver in steering back to the roadway. Previous studies have estimated that LDW/LDP systems may prevent one third of drift-out-of-lane road departure crashes. This study investigates the crashes that were not prevented, to potentially set research priorities for next-generation road departure prevention systems.

Methods: The event data recorder (EDR) data from 128 road departure crashes in the National Automotive Sampling System Crashworthiness Data System (NASS-CDS) from 2011 to 2015 were mapped onto the vehicle trajectory and simulated with LDW/LDP to assess the potential for crash avoidance. The model predicted that 63–83% of single-vehicle road departure crashes may not be prevented by an LDW system and 49% may not be prevented by an LDP system.

Results and Conclusions: For LDP systems, which were assumed to have zero latency, no crashes were avoided if the time-to-collision (TTC) from lane crossing to impact was less than 0.55?s. Obstacles such as guardrails and traffic barriers, which tend to be very close to the road, were more common among the remaining crashes. The study shows that LDW/LDP systems are limited by two factors, driver reaction time and TTC to the roadside object. Thus, earlier driver response and longer TTC may help in these situations.  相似文献   


Objective: Advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) are a class of vehicle technologies designed to increase safety by providing drivers with timely warnings and autonomously intervening to avoid hazardous situations. Though laboratory testing suggests that ADAS technologies will greatly impact crash involvement rates, real-world evidence that characterizes their effectiveness is still limited. This study evaluates and quantifies the association of ADAS technologies with the likelihood of a moderate or severe crash for new-model BMWs in the United States.

Methods: Vehicle ADAS option information for the cohort of model year 2014 and later BMW passenger vehicles sold after January 1, 2014 (n?=?1,063,503), was coded using VIN-identified options data. ADAS technologies of interest include frontal collision warning with autonomous emergency braking, lane departure warning, and blind spot detection. BMW Automated Crash Notification system data (from January 2014 to November 2017) were merged with vehicle data by VIN to identify crashed vehicles (n?=?15,507), including date, crash severity (delta V), and area of impact. Using Cox proportional hazards regression modeling, the study calculates the adjusted hazard ratio for crashing among BMW passenger vehicles with versus without ADAS technologies. The adjusted percentage reduction in moderate and severe crashes associated with ADAS is interpreted as one minus the hazard ratio.

Results: Vehicles equipped with both autonomous emergency braking and lane departure warning were 23% less likely to crash than those not equipped (hazard ratio [HR]?=?0.77; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.73–0.81), controlling for model year, vehicle size and body type. Autonomous emergency braking and lane departure warning generally occur together, making it difficult to tease apart their individual effects. Blind spot detection was associated with a 14% reduction in crashes after controlling for the presence of autonomous emergency braking and lane departure warning (HR =0.86; 95% CI, 0.744–0.99). Differences were observed by vehicle type and crash type. The combined effect of autonomous emergency braking and lane departure warning was greater in newer model vehicles: Equipped vehicles were 13% less likely to crash (HR =0.87; 95% CI, 0.79–0.95) among 2014 model year vehicles versus 34% less likely to crash (HR =0.66; 95% CI, 0.57–0.77) among 2017 model year vehicles.

Conclusion: This robust cohort study contributes to the growing evidence on the effectiveness of ADAS technologies.  相似文献   

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