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为研究事故车辆影响下城市道路交通的特征,构建考虑车辆抢道行为的元胞自动机交通流模型,研究给定冲突区域长度下不同进车率和不同事故持续时间对城市道路交通流的影响。研究结果表明:事故车辆会诱发交通瓶颈,对城市交通产生显著干扰并形成拥堵带,且拥堵带向事故车辆上游传递。不同事故持续时间下交通流演化存在差异,道路平均车流量、车流平均密度随着事故持续时间的增加而增加,车辆平均速度随之减小。当道路中车辆较少(pin=0.3)且事故持续时间达到15 min时,交通处于严重拥堵状态;当道路中车辆较多(pin=0.5)、事故持续时间达到5 min时,交通即处于严重拥堵状态。研究结果可为优化城市交通事故处理机制提供依据。  相似文献   

互通立交分流区存在频繁的变换车道现象,导致交通流运行紊乱、交通冲突频发。为分析互通分流区交通安全状况,首先分析车头时距及车辆变道位置等交通流特性与交通冲突的关系,然后采用间隙接受理论判别交通冲突区间,构建基于间隙接受理论的分流区交通冲突预测模型。结果表明:车辆变道位置与交通冲突地点存在显著相关性,均位于距基准点600 m以内和减速车道的前60 m路段;交通冲突临界间隙为2.21 s,基于间隙接受理论的交通冲突区间为(2.06 s,2.31 s);分流区交通冲突预测模型预测结果与实际统计结果的相对误差在10%以下。减速车道长度以及分流比是影响交通冲突数的主要因素,可作为分流区交通安全改善方案的依据。  相似文献   

基于视频数据的城市隧道交通运行特征与安全研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为降低城市隧道交通事故率,提高车辆出行安全,以上海市翔殷路跨江隧道为研究对象,利用视频采集技术、车辆跟踪调查采集隧道交通运行数据,分析城市隧道交通运行特征及驾驶员在隧道内驾驶行为特征,并进一步研究其与隧道交通事故的关系。对隧道内车辆的速度、密度分布,变道行为进行分析,发现隧道南线入口处内外断面平均车速的显著差异可以解释该处追尾事故高发,隧道内车辆频繁变换车道导致隧道侧碰事故占较大比例。为改善城市隧道交通安全,在隧道内进行限速和限制车辆变道是必要的。  相似文献   

为缓解日益严重的城市快速路交织区拥堵现象,重点考虑临时驶出车辆的影响,结合车辆变道安全间距、变道决策等因素,建立基于元胞自动机(CA)的多车道交织区离散模型,仿真模拟饱和状态下多车道交织区交通流演变过程,分析交织区拥堵的形成机制;通过仿真试验与实际道路交通量的比较,对模型予以初步验证。结果表明:该模型能够更加合理地重现交织区车流运行情形,常规驶出车辆与临时驶出车辆对交织区车流影响较大,其中车辆临时驶出具有突发性,对交织区系统流量干扰严重;交织区长度对其通行能力有影响,为使交织区通行能力最大化,其长度应不小于150 m。  相似文献   

为探究安全变道概率条件下高速公路立交最小净距,将相邻立交净间距分为向内侧变道段、标志识别段和向外侧变道段3部分。结合动力学和速度一致性原理,分析安全变道时的临界车头间距;运用概率论和交通流理论研究车辆变道概率组合特性。综合考虑车道数、服务交通量、设计速度和限制速度等条件,建立高速公路立交净距与安全变道概率关系模型。研究表明,安全变道概率阈值为0.95时,一级服务水平下不同车道数和设计速度的高速公路立交最小安全净距分别为:1 800 m(2,3车道,100 km/h)、2 200 m(2,3车道,120 km/h)、2 350 m(4车道,120 km/h),安全变道概率随立交净距的增大而呈阶梯型增长。  相似文献   

为提高交通安全管理水平,促进交通的可持续发展。基于解释结构模型原理,综合考虑车、路和环境因素,构建了影响道路交通安全的影响因素结构模型。该模型不但能够弥补分析结构要素之间内在影响机制的不足,而且对于研究道路交通安全结构要素之间的层次性和复杂性有天然的优势。数据来源于由13位专家构成的ISM小组,其中7位为来自高校从事交通安全研究的教授,6位为来自北京市、上海市、广州市、武汉市等交通运输委员会的高层管理者,保证了数据的科学性和可靠性。采用解释结构图分析车、路和环境各影响因素之间的关系,结果表明,众多因素会对道路交通安全产生影响,车辆技术条件、定期检验合格率、车辆救援设备的完备状况、安全设施是制约道路交通安全的直接影响因素,道路限速、道路负荷度、大客(或货车)比例、交通量、交通监控是影响道路交通安全的间接因素,车辆超限(超载)状况、车流密度、道路路面类型、道路设施完备性、天气状况、单向车道数和地形特征是影响道路交通安全的最根本因素。为提高道路交通安全管理水平,首先,应进一步完善《道路交通安全法实施条例》,加强对车辆定期检验的监督;其次,健全道路信息公示制度,提升交通监控水平,引入相关路段道路限速、负荷度、交通量动态信息显示及预警机制;最后,加强车辆超限(超载)及车流密度的监控,健全道路设施的配套制度。  相似文献   

为提高信号交叉口的交通安全管理水平,研究驾驶员换道行为影响因素,确定各因素影响下的换道风险率,选取可能影响变道行为的潜在变量,构建交叉口换道行为的Cox风险分析模型,并以武汉市3个交叉口调查数据为例进行实例分析。结果表明:10个因素对进口道车辆换道有显著影响,其中,车辆与目标车道前方车辆的车头间距、与目标车道后方车辆的车头间距、所在车道与目标车道车辆密度差和可供变道选择的目标车道数是危险因素;车辆与所在车道前方车辆的车头间距、车辆距停车线距离、行驶速度和所在车道相位的绿信比是保护因素。车辆处于信号灯倒计时的变道风险率高于其他时段;出租车的变道风险率高于其他车辆。  相似文献   

为分析城市公交车停靠行为对道路通行能力的影响,在观测公交车停靠行为特征基础上,运用交通冲突技术,构建城市双车道道路通行能力模型。给出公交车停靠持续时间和停靠频次2个指标,计算和分析数据,从宏观角度研究公交车停靠行为对城市道路通行能力的影响。结果表明:公交车停靠行为导致2车道车辆产生冲突,形成临时交通瓶颈,对道路通行能力产生显著不利影响;随着停靠持续时间和停靠频次的增加,道路通行能力显著下降,对右车道通行能力影响最明显。  相似文献   

为加强对高速公路交通运行不稳定状态的控制,基于三相交通流理论,分析亚稳定自由流特性。综合运用交通流基本参数的三维曲面分析、等值线分析和Z型结构基本图分析,分别确定双向6车道、8车道条件下亚稳定自由流的参数阈值,并建立基于亚稳定自由流识别的高速公路不稳定状态预警机制。通过监测、识别、决策、警告4个功能,实现对高速公路交通拥挤和瘫痪的预判和干预。结果表明,对亚稳定自由流的有效识别与预警,有助于提升道路交通管理执法与决策的科学化水平。  相似文献   

道路交通的突变性是最基本、最普遍的现象,如突遇行人、自行车横穿马路,急弯处突遇来车;前方车辆突然急刹,后方车辆突然超车,甚至从右侧超车,超车后突然并道等。由于交通现象是快速流动的,且难预见,因此,需要驾驶员有应付突然情况的“一手”,把握好“提前量”就是预防事故发生有效的办法之一。  相似文献   

This paper presents a multivariate analysis on the impact of the exclusive motorcycle lane on motorcycle accidents along the Federal Highway Route 2, Malaysia. A number of statistical models have been developed to explain the relationship of motorcycle accidents and explanatory variables relevant to motorcycle safety. The best model showed that motorcycle accidents are directly proportional to the cubic power of traffic flow and reduced by approximately 39% with the motorcycle lane. A clear benefit of this lane is observed when the traffic flow exceeds 15,000 vehicles per day per lane for motorcycle proportion of between 20% and 30%. Besides supporting the notion for motorcycle segregation, this finding provides an initial guideline on the warrants for an exclusive motorcycle lane for highly motorcycled countries in Asia.  相似文献   

为剖析典型交通事故形态致因,在利用最优尺度分析法诊断交通事故形态致因共线性的基础上,筛选关键影响因素,构建无序多分类Logit交通事故致因模型并对模型进行参数标定,并选择100个交通事故样本对模型进行精度验证,该模型相对误差仅为4.0%,能够较为准确地分析典型交通事故形态致因。研究结果表明:路侧及中央隔离设施、照明是事故的保护性因子,可有效降低事故率;路侧行道树设置不合理或未及时修剪,使车辆不能有效识别道路信息,是正面碰撞的重要影响因素;机非混合道是事故的危险因子,增大了侧面碰撞事故发生概率。研究结果可为交通隐患精准识别、交通事故主动预防以及交通设施科学设计提供理论依据和技术支撑。  相似文献   

ProblemThe severity of motorway accidents that occurred on the hard shoulder (HS) is higher than for the main carriageway (MC). This paper compares and contrasts the most important factors affecting the severity of HS and MC accidents on motorways in England.MethodUsing police reported accident data, the accidents that occurred on motorways in England are grouped into two categories (i.e., HS and MC) according to the location. A generalized ordered logistic regression model is then applied to identify the factors affecting the severity of HS and MC accidents on motorways. The factors examined include accident and vehicle characteristics, traffic and environment conditions, as well as other behavioral factors.ResultsResults suggest that the factors positively affecting the severity include: number of vehicles involved in the accident, peak-hour traffic time, and low visibility. Differences between HS and MC accidents are identified, with the most important being the involvement of heavy goods vehicles (HGVs) and driver fatigue, which are found to be more crucial in increasing the severity of HS accidents.Practical applicationsMeasures to increase awareness of HGV drivers regarding the risk of fatigue when driving on motorways, and especially the nearside lane, should be taken by the stakeholders.  相似文献   


Objective: This study aimed to investigate the situational characteristics of fatal pedestrian accidents involving vehicles traveling at low speeds in Japan. We focused on vehicles with 4 or more wheels. Such characteristics included daytime or nighttime conditions, road type, vehicle behaviors preceding the accident, and vehicle impact locations.

Methods: Pedestrian fatality data on vehicle–pedestrian accidents were obtained from the Institute for Traffic Accident Research and Data Analysis of Japan (ITARDA) from 2005 to 2014. Nine vehicle classifications were considered: Trucks with gross vehicle weight (GVW) ≥7.5 tons and <7.5 tons, buses, box vans, minivans, sport utility vehicles (SUVs), sedans, light passenger cars (LPCs), and light cargo vans (LCVs). We compared the situational daytime or nighttime conditions, road type, vehicle behaviors preceding the accident, and vehicle impact locations for accident-involved vehicles traveling at low and higher speeds across all vehicle types.

Results: The results indicate that pedestrian fatalities involving vehicles traveling at low speeds occurred more often under daytime conditions across all vehicle types. At signalized intersections, the relative proportions of pedestrian fatalities were significantly higher when vehicles were traveling at low speed, except when the accidents involved box vans or SUVs. Similarly, when vehicles turned right, the relative proportions of pedestrian fatalities were significantly higher when vehicles traveling at low speed were involved across all vehicle types. In terms of the frontal right vehicle impact location, the relative proportions of pedestrian fatalities were significantly higher when trucks with GVW ≥7.5 tons or <7.5 tons, sedans, or LCVs traveling at low speed were involved.

Conclusions: The situational characteristics of fatal pedestrian accidents involving vehicles traveling at low speeds identified in this study can guide targeted development of new traffic safety regulations or technologies specific to vehicle–pedestrian interactions at low vehicle travel speeds (i.e., driver alert devices or automated emergency braking systems). Ultimately, these developments can improve pedestrian safety by reducing the frequency or severity of vehicle–pedestrian accidents for vehicles turning right at intersections and/or reducing the number of resultant pedestrian fatalities.  相似文献   

基于GM(1,1)模型的军用车辆交通事故预测研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在分析军用车辆交通事故预测技术重要性的基础上,根据2005—2009年的军用车辆交通事故原始数据,建立军车交通事故的GM(1,1)灰色预测模型。对军用车辆交通事故起数和死亡人数进行短期预测,并通过实例验证预测模型的适用性。通过模型验证结果可以看出:GM(1,1)模型预测所得数据较为精确。预测结论如下:未来几年,军车交通事故会稳步下降,事故发生次数会快速减少,但死亡人数相对减少较缓。  相似文献   

Introduction: Connected automated vehicles (CAVs) technology has deeply integrated advanced technologies in various fields, providing an effective way to improve traffic safety. However, it would take time for vehicles on the road to vehicles from human-driven vehicles (HDVs) progress to CAVs. Moreover, the Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control (CACC) vehicle would degrade into the Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) vehicle due to communication failure. Method: First, the different car-following models are used to capture characteristics of different types of vehicles (e.g., HDVs, CACC, and ACC). Second, the stability of mixed traffic flow is analyzed under different penetration rates of CAVs. Then, multiple safety measures, such as standard deviation of vehicle speed (SD), time exposed rear-end crash risk (TER), time exposed time-to-collision (TET), and time-integrated time-to-collision (TIT) are used to evaluate the safety of mixed traffic flow on expressways. Finally, the sensitivity of traffic demand, the threshold of time-to-collision (TTC), and the parameters of car-following models are analyzed based on a numerical simulation. Results: The results show that the ACC vehicle has no significant impact on the SD of mixed traffic flows, but it leads to the deterioration of TET and TIT, making the reduction proportion of TER slower. When the penetration rate exceeds 50%, the increase of CACC vehicles reduces traffic safety risks significantly. Furthermore, the increase in traffic demand and car-following parameters worsens traffic safety on expressways. Conclusions: This paper suggests that the CACC vehicles degenerate into ACC vehicles due to communication failure, and the safety risk of mixed traffic flow increases significantly. Practical Applications: The application of CAVs can improve the stability and safety of traffic flow.  相似文献   

为深入探究高速公路改扩建转换区发生严重冲突的原因,使用高精度雷达采集单车实时状态数据,对单车区间初速度与加速度进行K-means聚类组合。基于聚类组合内的冲突率与路段事故率,采用Pearson系数法确定车辆的严重冲突阈值。融合转换区单车、交通流和道路因素建立二项Logistic模型,分析严重冲突因素的影响程度。结果表明:速度在45.50~85.68 km/h且加速度在-3.53~-1.31 m/s2区间,或速度在27.65~34.96 km/h且加速度在1.77~3.04 m/s2区间存在严重冲突;车型、交通量、平均速度、加速度、单位长度行驶转角对发生严重冲突概率有非常显著的影响;通过交通组织分流大型车、增大转换区圆曲线半径、设置合理的限速标志,能有效降低高速公路改扩建转换区的严重冲突风险。  相似文献   

现代环形交叉口安全性分析和安全设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传统环形交叉口存在很多缺点,而国外目前采用一种现代环形交叉口替代传统环形交叉口,其安全性大大提高。根据冲突点数目采用理论安全影响分析法,再根据实际交通事故数据采用前后对比法,分析现代环形交叉口对车辆和弱势群体的安全影响。结果显示现代环形交叉口提高了汽车运行的安全性,但是在改善行人和自行车交通安全性方面却不如信号交叉口。最后,提出现代环形交叉口的适用条件、设计要点,以及自行车道安全设计方法。  相似文献   

IntroductionVehicles in transport sometimes leave the travel lane and encroach onto natural or artificial objects on the roadsides. These types of crashes are called run-off the road crashes, which account for a large proportion of fatalities and severe crashes to vehicle occupants. In the United States, there are about one million such crashes, with roadside features leading to one third of all road fatalities. Traffic barriers could be installed to keep vehicles on the roadways and to prevent vehicles from colliding with obstacles such as trees, boulder, and walls. The installation of traffic barriers would be warranted if the severity of colliding with the barrier would be less severe than colliding with other fix objects on the sides of the roadway. However, injuries and fatalities do occur when vehicle collide with traffic barriers. A comprehensive analysis of traffic barrier features is lacking due to the absence of traffic barrier features data. Previous research has focused on simulation studies or only a general evaluation of traffic barriers, without accounting for different traffic barrier features.MethodThis study is conducted using an extensive traffic barrier features database for the purpose of investigating the impact of different environmental and traffic barrier geometry on this type of crash severity. This study only included data related to two-lane undivided roadway systems, which did not involve median barrier crashes. Crash severity is modeled using a mixed binary logistic regression model in which some parameters are fixed and some are random.ResultsThe results indicated that the effects of traffic barrier height, traffic barrier offset, and shoulder width should not be separated, but rather considered as interactions that impact crash severity. Rollover, side slope height, alcohol involvement, road surface conditions, and posted speed limit are some factors that also impact the severity of these crashes. The effects of gender, truck traffic count, and time of a day were found to be best modeled with random parameters in this study. The effects of these risk factors are discussed in this paper.Practical applicationsResults from this study could provide new guidelines for the design of traffic barriers based upon the identified roadway and traffic barrier characteristics.  相似文献   

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