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美国当地时间3月8日,加州洛杉矶以南的海湾区突然出现数百万条死鱼,包括凤尾鱼、鲭鱼、沙丁鱼和其他小鱼。当地一名警方发言人说,死鱼大约有一英尺那么深,国王码头(King Harbor Marina)几十条私人船只周围到处是死鱼。  相似文献   

黑泉水库汇流区的基本特征与生态保护对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张建国  武玉峰 《青海环境》2002,12(4):149-151
黑泉水库是青海省最大的水利枢纽工程,也是西宁市区的重要水源工程,保护汇流区的生态环境是保护水源、水质的关键。从分析黑泉水库汇流区的特征入手,提出了保护汇流区生态环境与实现可持续发展的主要对策。  相似文献   

蘑菇湖水库1958年建成。一直担负着农业灌溉、养鱼和人畜饮用水源的功能。自建成至今已20余年,在石河子垦区的国计民生中发挥了重要作用,为人民作出了贡献。以养鱼来说,自开始养鱼,鱼产量一直不断增加,66年年产鱼达到650吨,亩产鱼120斤,达到了先进水平。但是,自从64年石河子市工业废水和生活污水排入水库后,从67年开始,鱼产量逐年下降,至今产量甚微,损失很大,为了弄清死鱼原因,目前正在开展水库污染的现状调查及  相似文献   

本文提出了水库消落区土地资源的利用问题,把水库消落区划分为常年利用区、季节性利用区和暂时性利用区.根据黄壁庄水库多年调度运行、水位变化规律,结合平山县农作物生长特性,运用频率分析计算方法,确定了3个时段(全年、3~9月、10~5月)不同保证率下的消落区土地利用高程,并估算了水库消落区土地面积和可利用土地面积,为合理利用该区土地资源,种植农作物等提供了科学依据.  相似文献   

随着经济建设的快速发展,改革开放的不断深入,环境保护工作面临着新的机遇和挑战,如何适应新形势,围绕环保中心工作开展环境保护宣传教育.促进公众参与,提高全民环境意识,为加强和促进环境保护工作营造良好的舆论氛围,我们做了一些工作。根据近年来的宣传教育工作实践俄们有以下几点体会:一、领导重视.健全组织机构是开展宣教工作的先决条件几年来,我们各个县(市)、区的环保宣传教育机构始终比较健全.宣传教育工作也开展的较好。1994年我省各县(市)进行机构改革,环保机构面临着是单独保留还是与其它单位合并的问题,在这种…  相似文献   

田青 《环境教育》2002,(1):25-25
某县某小学坐落在一个水库旁边,这个水库是下游某市居民最主要的饮用水源,几十年来某县一直把水源保护的教育作为首要工作来抓。某小学在开展环境教育教学中一贯坚持充分利用周围环境来促进孩子们的发展。在一次小学高年级关于水的学习中,教师利用综合实践活动课与班团队活动时间,带领孩子们去水库边进行观察和调研,发现水库边上有一处距水库很近的大垃圾堆。对此孩子们产生了很多疑问,孩子们问老师:不是说这水库是下游某市的饮用水源吗,垃圾堆放在这里,不是把水库的水污染了吗?这个垃圾堆是什么人堆出来的,都是什么人往这里倒垃…  相似文献   

正2013年9月2日上午,湖北府河黄陂段的居民发现,家门口的河面上漂着白花花的死鱼,实际情况是,此时,府河中有20多公里都漂浮着死鱼。当地居民随后在村干部的组织下,尽力打捞死鱼,后据不完全统计,随后三天里,仅东西湖和黄陂区就已打捞、处理死鱼7万斤。  相似文献   

山西是我国最大的煤、电、化工等重点能源化工基地,而能源化工的最大特点之一是耗水大,可是山西最大的劣势恰恰是水资源匾乏。山西省是我国水资源贫困户。全省10个大中城市日缺水60万吨,96个县城有40多个经常发生水荒,日缺26万吨。随着工业和城市的发展,供水缺口越来越大,水环境的污染更加剧水的供需矛盾。据调查,全省72%的水体不适于饮用,28条主要河流,除丹河、白水河、桃河、漳河外,水体污染都呈恶化趋势。水质污染不仅减少了可供水源;而且严重危害民身体健康和生命安全。全省50余万人吃水难,有些水库鱼塘不断发生死鱼现象,…  相似文献   

周围 《环境教育》2008,(12):37-38
生态创建——生态文明建设的推动器 2008年,生态县、市以及生态示范区榜单又多了一些新成员,作为落实科学发展观、建设生态文明的重要载体,生态创建工作一直是生态保护工作的重要抓手,目前全国已有海南、吉林、黑龙江等14个省(自治区、直辖市)开展了生态省(区、市)建设,2008年1月,为了贯彻落实党的十七大精神,进一步深化生态县(市、省)建设,环保部组织修订了《生态县、生态市、生态省建设指标》。2008年3月7日,命名了2个“国家生态市(区)”和69个“第六批国家级生态示范区”,并命名了第一批生态村,创建成功的地区需要再接再厉,向更高的目标攀登,正在创建中的地区则集全民之智,努力达到创建标准。  相似文献   

分析了湖北省富水水库消涨区土地资源利用的现状和集约利用的难点.根据水土资源的时空分布特点和利用现状,将水库消涨区划分为常年利用带、短期利用带和汛期利用带,估算了各带的可利用面积,探讨了各带的主要利用方向,提出了水库消涨区土地合理利用的建议和发展两栖林业的新概念,并针对消涨区特点,阐述了集约利用和开发实践中应注意的几项原则.  相似文献   

The aim of the research was to investigate the effects of climate variability on selected water bodies in the Upper East Region of Ghana using time series decomposition and simple linear regression analyses. Data on temperature and rainfall (1960–2015), annual total fish catch (1996–2016), and the recorded water levels (1987–2015) of a major reservoir, the Tono, were used. Time series decomposition analyses were performed on the rainfall, temperature, and water level data to identify their trends. While temperature was increasing, rainfall was decreasing and resulted in a decrease in the water level in the Tono Reservoir. The decreasing water level in the reservoir made fish catch easier, which led to overfishing. Out of the other 39 dugouts studied, 8 (21%) were silted. Also, rainfall was decreasing at 4.4% per decade and minimum and maximum temperatures were increasing at 2.5% and 0.03% per decade, respectively. The minimum, maximum, and mean water levels of the Tono Reservoir were 3.7, 8.0, and 4.9 meters (m), respectively. The water level of the Tono Reservoir was decreasing by ?0.08 m per year. It is concluded that the water level in the Tono Reservoir was continually decreasing as a result of decreasing rainfall and increasing maximum and minimum temperatures. To maintain a much more stable microclimate and decrease the siltation rate of the reservoirs, farmers are advised to stop farming along the banks of water bodies and avoid clearing vegetation. Fishermen are also encouraged to adopt fish farming in enclosed areas within the reservoir to meet the growing protein demands in the Upper East Region of Ghana.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to investigate mercury (Hg) levels in six meso-scale watersheds (Upper Paranapanema, Aguapeí, Peixe, S?o José dos Dourados, Mogi-Gua?u, and Piracicaba) of the S?o Paulo state to contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of Hg contamination in Brazil. Water, sediment, bivalves, and fish samples were collected during 2001 at 11 sites. Fish were also collected in the Jurumirim and Salto Grande Reservoirs which are 39 and 52 yr old since impoundment, respectively. Results showed that Hg concentrations were low in almost all samples, except fish from Jurumirim Reservoir (total mercury [T-Hg] = 1.14 +/- 0.55 mg kg(-1) wet wt.). In spite of industrialization and high population, the results showed that there was no important source of Hg contamination in the investigated areas. The higher concentrations found in fish from Jurumirim seem to be the result of processes that favor Hg mobilization and methylation as a consequence of the impoundment of the reservoir area. The same levels were not observed in the Salto Grande Reservoir, probably because these are no longer significant due to the long time since the impoundment. To understand the dynamics of methylmercury (MeHg) production and its accumulation in fish, further studies are needed in the Jurumirim Reservoir. The results show that even at low T-Hg concentrations in sediment and water, concentrations in fish can reach values that pose concerns for consumption. This emphasizes the importance of designing an optimized biomonitoring program that can provide warning of biogeochemical conditions that promote formation of MeHg.  相似文献   

张芹  郭志顺  周谐 《四川环境》2007,26(2):14-16
为了了解三峡库区重庆段水体中持久性有机污染物的生物富集情况,对该水体部分鱼类样品进行了分析。分析结果显示三峡库区重庆段水体中的部分持久性有机污染物已经在鲶鱼和鲤鱼体内形成富集,其检出浓度较之水体中对应浓度要高出2~4个数量级。  相似文献   

王惠 《四川环境》1996,15(2):64-66
本文通过葫芦口水库水质污染,讨论了网箱养鱼对水库水质的影响。  相似文献   

赵中金  黄昀  周优良 《四川环境》2006,25(4):123-126
对重庆市农业环境质量安全现状进行了研究分析,提出了充分利用环境资源比较优势,进行农业生产布局和农业结构调整;加强城郊区农业生态环境保护和污染的治理;合理施用农药化肥,防止农产品农药残留和硝酸盐污染;加强全市农业环境与农产品质量安全监测体系建设,开展预警监测;加强三峡库区农业面源污染防治;进一步开展农业环境优先污染物的控制研究等防治对策。  相似文献   

The Linesville spillway of Pymatuning State Park is one of the most visited tourist attractions in Pennsylvania, USA, averaging more than 450,000 visitors · year−1. Carp (Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus) and waterfowl congregate at the spillway where they are fed bread and other foods by park visitors. We hypothesized that the “breadthrowers” constitute a significant nutrient vector to the upper portion of Pymatuning Reservoir. In the summer of 2002, we estimated phosphorus loadings attributable to breadthrowers, and compared these values to background loadings from Linesville Creek, a major tributary to the upper reservoir. Items fed to fish included bread, donuts, bagels, canned corn, popcorn, corn chips, hot dogs, birthday cakes, and dog food. Phosphorus loading associated with park visitors feeding fish was estimated to be 3233 g day−1, and estimated P export from the Linesville Creek watershed was 2235 g·day−1. P loading attributable to breadthrowers exceeded that of the entire Linesville Creek watershed on 33 of the 35 days of study, with only a heavy rainfall event triggering watershed exports that exceeded spillway contributions. Averaged across 5 weeks, breadthrowers contributed 1.45-fold more P to Pymatuning Reservoir than the Linesville Creek watershed. If Linesville Creek P exports are extrapolated to the entire Sanctuary Lake watershed, spillway contributions of P added 48% to the non-point source watershed P entering the lake. Park visitors feeding fish at the Linesville Spillway are a significant source of nutrients entering Sanctuary Lake.  相似文献   

A model is presented that allows testing of hypotheses concerning the effects of temperature and change in temperature on impingement. The model is evaluated using data from the Tennessee Valley Authority's Kingston Steam Plant, Watts Bar Reservoir, Tennessee, USA for two fish species impinged in large numbers in the United States: threadfin and gizzard shad,Dorosoma petenense andD. cepedianum. Hydrographic characteristics near the intake screens were mapped to help explain the possible role of hydrography in distributing fish across the screens. Understanding the role of temperature and hydrography in impingement of fish provides a basis for new intake designs that may reduce impingement and helps in the development of methods to reduce impingement at existing facilities. The temperature modeling approach and conclusions about hydrographic effects might be applied to other systems in which cold-stressed schooling fish are impinged.Research sponsored by the Office of Health and Environmental Research, US Department of Energy, under contract W-7405-eng-26 with Union Carbide Corporation.Publication No. 1872, Environmental Sciences Division, ORNL.  相似文献   

The Hsintien Stream is one of the major branches of the Danshuei River system, which runs through the metropolitan capital city of Taipei, Taiwan and receives a large amount of wastewater. The dissolved oxygen concentration is generally low in the tidal portion of the Hsintien Stream. Hypoxia/anoxia occurs often, particularly during the low-flow period when the Feitsui Reservoir, Chingtan Dam and Chihtan Dam impound the freshwater for municipal water supply. Fish kills happen from time to time. This paper describes the application of a numerical hydrodynamic and water quality model to the Danshuei River system, with special attention to the tidal portion of the Hsintien Stream. The model is recalibrated with the prototype conditions of the year 2000. The hydrodynamic portion of the model is recalibrated with measured surface elevation and velocity at various stations in the river system. The water quality portion of the model is recalibrated with respect to the field data provided by Taiwan EPA. The input data of point and nonpoint sources are also estimated. The model simulates the concentrations of various forms of nutrients, CBOD and dissolved oxygen. A series of sensitivity runs was conducted to investigate the effects of point source loadings and river flow on the DO level in the river. It is demonstrated that the augmentation of river flow has as much effect on raising DO level as the reduction of point source loadings. The completion of the Taipei sewer project is expected to reduce the point source loadings by at least 75%. Under these reduced loadings, if the daily instream flow is maintained above the monthly Q75 flow throughout the year, the minimum DO concentration in the river would not fall below 1mg/L, which is the suffocation level for most fish species in the Hsintien Stream. (Q75 is the flow which is equaled or exceeded 75% of the days in the month.) The Feitsui Reservoir, Chingtan Dam and Chihtan Dam may impound water during the high flow periods and release freshwater to maintain the flow at the Q75 value in the Hsintien Stream during the drought periods.  相似文献   

新安江水库是钱塘江的重要水源,对保障钱塘江中下游的生态安全和水体功能起着举足轻重的作用。为阐明新安江水库在流域经济发展和人类活动的影响下水环境的主要问题及保护对策,促进饮用水安全保障及构建健康水域生态系统,本文对新安江水库历年的水环境指标、浮游生物群落结构及其变化及水域生态灾变事件资料进行了综合分析。目前新安江水库存在上游来水变差、局部水域藻类异常增殖、渔业生产不合理、营养程度加重等众多问题,但其突出问题是藻类生物量增长过快。新安江水库水环境保护工作要从关注水质向维持生态系统健康转变,并尽快开展生态保育工作,控制流域污染、降低藻类数量、减少藻类异常增殖影响、科学合理渔业生产是其下一步保护的关键。而关于新安江水库的研究,虽然有一定的研究基础和资料,但对水域生态系统缺乏系统认识。研究气候变化条件下新安江水库水域生态系统的结构和功能以及长期演变规律;水利调度导致水位调整对区域水动力学条件、营养物输送过程的影响及评价水利调度对水库重要环境因子和生态系统影响;渔业养殖对水环境的影响,特别是鲢、鳙鱼大水面积养殖对水库生态系统的影响应是今后新安江水库主要的研究领域和方向。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A methodology for assessing reservoir management was applied to the historical conflict between winter fish and wildilife flows below Island Park Reservoir on Henrys Fork of the Snake River and the fulfillment of storage water rights. The methodology consists of (1) identifying impacts of flow regulation, (2) quantifying relationships among variables affecting physical reservoir fill, and (3) assessing effects of these discharges on the fulfillment of water rights in the context of a larger system of interrelated reservoirs. Winter (storage season) flows are critical to management of fish and wildlife populations below Island Park Dam, but flow regulation has resulted in decreased winter discharge. Allowable winter flows are a function of inflow, length of storage season, reservoir content at the start of storage season, and potential for downstream capture of excess storage season water discharged at Island Park. Modeling results indicate that winter flows in the range of those recommended for fish and wildlife management are attainable during average years but not during years when initial reservoir content is low. The methodology was successful in quantifying information useful to decision makers in a variety of agencies and disciplines and could be applied to solve water management problems on other regulated river systems.  相似文献   

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