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落叶小乔木,高达6米;小枝细长,淡褐色,初被灰黄色长毛,2年生枝灰白色或灰黄色。叶纸质,宽倒卵形或倒卵状椭圆形,长10~20厘米,宽8~14厘米,先端圆,具短尖,基部圆形或宽楔形,有时微心形。花与叶同时开放,下垂,白色,芳香,杯状,直径8~12厘米;花梗长3~5厘米,幼时密被灰黄色长柔毛。聚合果长圆状圆柱形,长4~7厘米,直径2~2.5厘米,戍熟时红色:外种皮鲜红色。  相似文献   

土壤净化功能的原理及其利用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
陈玉成 《四川环境》1994,13(4):60-64
本文通过对土地处理系统的剖析,从土壤去除有机物,悬浮物,氮,磷,汞量重金属,病原散生物,污染空气。以及对酸性沉降物的缓冲等诸方面,讨论了土壤净化功能的原理,概括了土壤净化过程,既包括物理的,化学的和生物的作用,又包括物理化学,生物化学的作用,为更好地研究,利用和管理土地处理系统,充分发挥土壤的净化功能提供研究的方向。  相似文献   

佚名 《环境教育》2004,(12):12-15
在大自然中,大熊猫历经数百万年的生活磨练,过着非常独特的生活,大熊猫独自固守着数平方公里的家园,成天在这个独立王国里游荡,食不分昼夜,睡不择场地,只求吃得饱,睡得酣,游得欢。不过,当春暖花开时,它们也会打破各自的鸿沟,追慕异性。交配后又各自返回自己的领地,幽居独处。  相似文献   

吕绍宗 《环境教育》2004,(11):72-72
今年5月下旬和6月上,中旬,欧美同学会组团赴西欧参访,我和其他学者同往,先后去了法国,卢森堡,比利时,荷兰,德国,瑞士,列支敦士登,奥地利,意大利,摩纳哥,西班牙等十一国。不仅各国优秀的文化遗产让人连声兴叹。而且赫尔辛基万绿丛中熟重似的片片红房,荷兰大地纵横交织的渠道与海岸翡翠般的点点小岛,莱茵河,赛纳河丰盈的河水和苍  相似文献   

盐官镇地处浙江海宁市中部是钱塘江入海口的咽喉,西距杭州市40公里,东离上海150公里,杭浦高速公路穿境而过,地理位置优越,是重要物资集散地,经济自古繁荣。占地面积56.02平方公里,4.48万人安居乐业,共享太平盛世。盐官历史悠久,文化底蕴厚重,不仅拥有举世闻名的钱江潮,观潮习俗历经千年而不衰,而且作为原海宁县(州)城,古城风景名胜量多且珍贵,  相似文献   

镇江市不断深化农业经营机制改革,大力发展产加销一条龙,贸工农一体化经营,把一家一户农民家庭小生产同国内外大市场有机联系起来,提高了农民的组织程度和专业化生产水平,协调了一二三产业间经济利益,建立了新的经济关系的优质,高产,高效,高创汇的市场产农业及新型组织管理体系,加快了农业生产社会化,产业化,市场化,现代化进程,使农业产业走向市场迈出了可喜的一步。  相似文献   

特早熟柿——胎里红;该品种结果早,特早熟,7月下旬至8月初采收,平均单果重100g,最大果重200g以上,果实扁圆形,果顶平,皮光滑细腻,全面橙红色,无核无斑,果实大小整齐,果蒂绿色,外观艳丽,果肉橙红色,肉质细纤维少,软化后汁多,味哝甜、有香气,含糖量20%以上;  相似文献   

对我国水患防治的战略思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1998年的大洪水,为中国人敲响了警钟,使人们认识到,对我国的水患防治,必须从战略上去思考,要重新规划蓝图,尽快采取切实的战略步骤,从根本上解决困扰我国的洪灾问题。首先,要争取在最短的时间内形成全国范围的水患防治工程体系,以抵御未来大洪水对我们的侵害。而这仅仅是“亡羊补牢”之举,更重要的是,要反思我们的行为,在思想上回归自然,那就是遵循自然生态规律,在行动上恢复生态平衡,不能再干自掘坟墓,自毁家园的蠢事。为此,我认为,应从以下几个方面去做:一、封山育林,植树造林,保护森林资两据报导,长江流域的森林采…  相似文献   

Shell,theworldleadingoilcompany,isactiy-elyinvolvedininvestinginChina,withatotalcommittedinvestmentofnearly1billionUnit-edStatesdollars.Itsbusinessescoveroilandgasexplorationandpnduction,trading,pro-ductionandmarketingofchemicalsandoilProduects,includingboncants,bitumen,LPGandfuels.Incarryingoutallitsbusinessesandoperaions,health,safetyandenvironmentareregardedastoPpnoritybyShellmanage-ment.Inconsmictionofsome20investedoilproductsprojectsinChina,Shellhasachievedmorethan7mill…  相似文献   

绿洲的地理建设对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新疆绿洲目前存在水产资源短缺,生态环境恶化,能源不足,人口发展失衡,自然害频繁等殖对这上结问题,本文采用社会经济系统分析中常用的多准则决策方法-层次分析提出绿洲地理建设的决策方案,结论是:实现绿洲持续发展,总体优化的总目标,必须加强流域综合治理,控制人口数据增长,提高人口素质,加强水利建设,建立资源节约型产业结构体系,另外,还应重视保护自然植被,建立防护性人工林地,开发新能源,防治污染,防治疫病和  相似文献   

本文介绍了SEA的发展背景,现有项目EIA在PPPs决策层次上的缺陷和可持续发展理论如何导致SEA的发展,新发展的SEA比较传统的项目EIA所具有的优点,以及当前对SEA的认识和理解,在实践中所采用的形式,和成功的SEA必具备的特征,同时对在当前形势下SEA的实践方式进行了一定的评价,发现SEA的增值效应是SEA实施的先决条件。  相似文献   

Debate on the economic valuation of the countryside is typically polarized between absolutist critics who would deny it any valid role and equally fervid proponents who see its techniques as the only way of integrating the environment into policy making. Such debate is structured by conflicting notions of rights, responsibilities and values, rather than by consideration of the role of technique in practical policy‐making. This paper attempts to take the debate forward and begins by examining the ways in which rights, responsibilities and values have been historically created. The techniques of economic valuation rest on particular conceptions of these, making them irreducibly political, and at the same time their results are often used to justify political decisions. Yet the proper role of technique ought to be to explore options. Provided that the sort of clarification that economic valuation offers is understood, it may, along with other types of technique, be used to open up the decision making process.  相似文献   

我国造纸工业对环境的污染及解决方法   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文论述造纸工业的主要污染源及解决造纸工业对环境污染问题的关键技术和方法, 提出我国造纸工业环境保护的基本对策,认为我国的造纸工业也能成为洁净工业。  相似文献   

论公司的环境责任   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
现代公司在以营利最大化为目标的前提下,必须承担一定的环境责任。公司承担环境责任与其营利性从长期看是互相促进的,但从短期看可能是相互冲突的。从公司的经济力量、公司作为社会之一员、环境问题的严重性、社区居民环境利益分析,承担环境责任是现代公司不可回避的义务。我国应建立健全公司承担环境责任的机制,强化公司的环境责任。  相似文献   

Federal land managers are faced with the task of balancing multiple uses and goals when making decisions about land use and the activities that occur on public lands. Though climate change is now well recognized by federal agencies and their local land and resource managers, it is not yet clear how issues related to climate change will be incorporated into on-the-ground decision making within the framework of multiple use objectives. We conducted a case study of a federal land management agency field office, the San Juan Public Lands Center in Durango, CO, U.S.A., to understand from their perspective how decisions are currently made, and how climate change and carbon management are being factored into decision making. We evaluated three major management sectors in which climate change or carbon management may intersect other use goals: forests, biofuels, and grazing. While land managers are aware of climate change and eager to understand more about how it might affect land resources, the incorporation of climate change considerations into everyday decision making is currently quite limited. Climate change is therefore on the radar screen, but remains a lower priority than other issues. To assist the office in making decisions that are based on sound scientific information, further research is needed into how management activities influence carbon storage and resilience of the landscape under climate change.  相似文献   

Collaborative policy making has become increasingly significant in environmental management, but it is often evaluated by whether or not agreement is reached and implemented. The most important outcomes of such policy dialogues are often invisible or undervalued when seen through the lens of a traditional, modernist paradigm of government and accountability. These dialogues represent a new paradigm of governance that can be best understood in the light of a complex adaptive system model of society. From this perspective collaborative policy making is a way of making a system more flexible, adaptive and intelligent. The authors document such outcomes in three cases of water policy making in California, including the San Francisco Estuary Project, the CALFED Bay-Delta Program and the Sacramento Area Water Forum. The outcomes include social and political capital, agreed-on information, the end of stalemates, high-quality agreements, learning and change, innovation and new practices involving networks and flexibility.  相似文献   

A formal model for consensus and negotiation in environmental management   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Environmental management decisions typically lie at the interface of science and public policy. Consequently, these decisions involve a number of stakeholders with competing agendas and vested interests in the ultimate decision. In such cases, it is appropriate to adopt formal methods for consensus building to ensure transparent and repeatable decisions. In this paper, we use an environmental management case study to demonstrate the utility of a mathematical consensus convergence model in aggregating values (or weights) across groups. Consensus models are applicable when all parties agree to negotiate in order to resolve conflict. The advantage of this method is that it does not require that all members of the group reach agreement, often an impossible task in group decision making. Instead, it uses philosophical foundations in consensus building to aggregate group members' values in a way that guarantees convergence towards a single consensual value that summarizes the group position. We highlight current problems with ad hoc consensus and negotiation methods, provide justification for the adoption of formal consensus convergence models and compare the consensus convergence model with currently used methods for aggregating values across a group in a decision making context. The model provides a simple and transparent decision support tool for group decision making that is straightforward to implement.  相似文献   

The paper examines alternative roles for planners in planning for sustainable development. First, it outlines the particular context of the task focusing on operational questions, critical issues and sustainable development planning principles. It then explores roles for planners in this context distinguishing broadly among technician, politician and hybrid planners. It evaluates broadly each role's effectiveness and challenges, in particular decision making and political contexts. Finally, it discusses, first, the implications of these roles for planning education and identifies the main groups of skills planning schools should offer. Second, it analyses briefly the implications of these roles for planning practice in terms of the spatial/organizational level of planning, time horizon, functional planning areas, political/decision making system and planning's position in this system.  相似文献   

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) was developed and introduced in the 1960s during a time that was dominated by three key societal influences. These were the growth of modern environmental concern, the drive for more rational, scientific and objective environmental decision making and a desire for more public involvement in environmental decision making. The legitimacy of EIA, as a tool to aid decision making, lies in its ability to meet the requirements of all three demands, the chief among these being its ability to be a systematic scientific and rational approach to decision making. Yet today we live in a society that no longer accepts the rationalist model as either possible or desirable. The deference to ‘the expert’ and our trust in science and technology has steadily declined during the period of EIAs development and widespread use. Today, EIA still depends for its legitimacy on its claim to provide a systematic and scientific approach to assessments, while society has moved on. This paper examines this growing divergence and argues that it is time for a major re‐evaluation of the role of EIA in environmental decision making.  相似文献   

对1978年以来的新疆城镇化水平进行综合评价,将评价结果与新疆人口城镇化率进行对比分析,并结合新疆城镇化进程进行实证分析。分析认为,总体上新疆城镇化处于滞后状态,但在不同区域层面上滞后城镇化与过度城镇化并存。对新疆城镇化特征做出准确判断,将有利于新疆城市规划中的科学决策。  相似文献   

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