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The quality of compost and its suitability for agricultural application depend upon physical and chemical parameters such as water-holding capacity, porosity, pH, electrical conductivity, C/N ratio, available nutrients and the absence of toxic substances. In the present study a complete characterization of an industrial municipal solid waste compost (MSWC) based on standardized European methods (CEN) for soil improvers and growing media was obtained, and compared with the quality of other Spanish composted biowaste and conventional substrates such as peat and pine bark. The MSWC was obtained from the main composting plant in Galicia (Spain), which processes organic waste that has been separated at origin and collected from more than 100 000 inhabitants. The MSWC presented a lower C/N ratio (15) than peat (84) and composted pine bark (CPB) (211), but had a similar ratio to other marketed MSWC. The nutrients and heavy metals were extracted using different recommended solvents (water, CaCl2 + diethylen triamin pentaacetic acid, and aqua regia). The nutrient concentrations of composted urban waste or manure were much higher than those of peat, CPB or pine bark. On the basis of the results of the plant tolerance test, the MSWC could be employed directly as a soil improver, but would need to be diluted with other low-salt components such as peat or CPB before being used as a growing media.  相似文献   

Efficient composting process requires set of adequate parameters among which physical–chemical properties of the composting substrate play the key-role. Combining different types of biodegradable solid waste it is possible to obtain a substrate eligible to microorganisms in the composting process. In this work the composting of apple and tobacco solid waste mixture (1:7, dry weight) was explored. The aim of the work was to investigate an efficiency of biodegradation of the given mixture and to characterize incurred raw compost. Composting was conducted in 24 L thermally insulated column reactor at airflow rate of 1.1 L min?1. During 22 days several parameters were closely monitored: temperature and mass of the substrate, volatile solids content, C/N ratio and pH-value of the mixture and oxygen consumption. The composting of the apple and tobacco waste resulted with high degradation of the volatile solids (53.1%). During the experiment 1.76 kg of oxygen was consumed and the C/N ratio of the product was 11.6. The obtained temperature curve was almost a “mirror image” of the oxygen concentration curve while the peak values of the temperature were occurred 9.5 h after the peak oxygen consumption.  相似文献   

Three sewage sludge composts were obtained from mixtures of an aerobic sludge (AS) and three organic wastes differing widely in chemical composition: an extremely biodegradable waste (municipal solid waste, MSW), a plant residue (grape debris) and a residue with a carbon fraction not easily mineralizable (peat residue). The following mixtures were made, the proportions referring to their total organic carbon content: AS-MSW 1/1, AS-GRAPE 3/1 and AS-PEAT 1/1. These mixtures were composted over 3 months in the open air with periodical turning, and were left to mature afterwards for 4 months. Uncomposted mixtures and composted mixtures, before and after maturation, were incubated for 38 days, under laboratory conditions, with a calcareous soil and the CO2 emission of the samples periodically measured.Uncomposted mixtures emitted much greater quantities of carbon than those composted, whether before or after maturation period. Both at the beginning and at the end of composting, differences were observed between the total amount of carbon emitted by the mixture containing peat waste and the others. However, the quantities of carbon emitted from the three mixtures tended to even out in mature composts, reaching a maximum of 600 mg carbon per 100 g total organic carbon. This shows that, although the mineralization of carbon depends on the nature of the organic waste mixed with the sewage sludge, it tends to even out when the mixtures have undergone composting.  相似文献   

In order to examine the optimal design and operating parameters, kinetics for microbiological reaction and oxygen consumption in composting of waste activated sludge were quantitatively examined. A series of experiments was conducted to discuss the optimal operating parameters for aerobic composting of waste activated sludge obtained from Kawagoe City Wastewater Treatment Plant (Saitama, Japan) using 4 and 20 L laboratory scale bioreactors. Aeration rate, compositions of compost mixture and height of compost pile were investigated as main design and operating parameters. The optimal aerobic composting of waste activated sludge was found at the aeration rate of 2.0 L/min/kg (initial composting mixture dry weight). A compost pile up to 0.5 m could be operated effectively. A simple model for composting of waste activated sludge in a composting reactor was developed by assuming that a solid phase of compost mixture is well mixed and the kinetics for microbiological reaction is represented by a Monod-type equation. The model predictions could fit the experimental data for decomposition of waste activated sludge with an average deviation of 2.14%. Oxygen consumption during composting was also examined using a simplified model in which the oxygen consumption was represented by a Monod-type equation and the axial distribution of oxygen concentration in the composting pile was described by a plug-flow model. The predictions could satisfactorily simulate the experiment results for the average maximum oxygen consumption rate during aerobic composting with an average deviation of 7.4%.  相似文献   

Vineyard waste and chicken manure mixtures are useful materials for composting but when these wastes are composted alone, many environmental problems occur because of their chemical characteristics. Whereas chicken manure is a very rich source of nitrogen, vineyard waste has a very high carbon content. In the present study experiments to determine an optimum mixture ratio of chicken manure and vineyard waste for composting were performed. The results showed that the optimum mixture ratio for composting these materials was 50% chicken manure and 50% vineyard waste on a dry basis.  相似文献   

The fate and effect of the herbicides linuron and metribuzin on the co-composting of sewage sludge and green waste were addressed in this work. The experiments were conducted in metal cubic containers of 1.0 m3 volume simulating a windrow composting system. A mixture of sludge and green waste was prepared at a ratio of 1:5 v/v. The mixture was split in four equal parts and the two herbicides were added, using a pressure sprayer, as sole or mixed pollutant in each of the three mixtures. The forth mixture was composted without any addition of herbicide, to serve as control. Temperature, physicochemical characteristics, herbicide concentration, carbon dioxide emission, methane emission and microbiological parameters were measured either daily or every time the mixtures were turned, for a period of 80 days. Both herbicides’ concentration decreased significantly resulting in removal efficiencies of 99.1–99.7% and 95.8–96.0% for linuron and metribuzin, respectively. Incubation of microbiologically inactive mixtures at a temperature schedule following the spontaneous temperature evolution in the composters resulted in very little (1–11%) decomposition for both herbicides. Comparison of the variation of physicochemical parameters and microbial populations during composting indicated that both herbicides did not affect the composting process.  相似文献   

The objective of the work was to provide a method to predict CO2 and NH3 yields during composting of the biodegradable fraction of municipal solid wastes (MSW). The compostable portion of MSW was simulated using three principal biodegradable components, namely mixed paper wastes, yard wastes and food wastes. Twelve laboratory runs were carried out at thermophilic temperatures based on the principles of mixture experimental and full factorial designs. Seeded mixed paper (MXP), seeded yard waste (YW) and seeded food waste (FW), each composted individually, produced 150, 220 and 370 g CO2-C, and 2.0, 4.4 and 34 g NH3-N per dry kg of initial substrate, respectively. Several experimental runs were also carried out with different mixtures of these three substrates. The effect of seeding was insignificant during composting of food wastes and yard wastes, while seeding was necessary for composting of mixed paper. Polynomial equations were developed to predict CO2 and NH3 (in amounts of mass per dry kg of MSW) from mixtures of MSW. No interactions among components were found to be significant when predicting CO2 yields, while the interaction of food wastes and mixed paper was found to be significant when predicting NH3 yields.  相似文献   

Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions per person from urban waste management activities are greater in sub-Saharan African countries than in other developing countries, and are increasing as the population becomes more urbanised. Waste from urban areas across Africa is essentially dumped on the ground and there is little control over the resulting gas emissions. The clean development mechanism (CDM), from the 1997 Kyoto Protocol has been the vehicle to initiate projects to control GHG emissions in Africa. However, very few of these projects have been implemented and properly registered. A much more efficient and cost effective way to control GHG emissions from waste is to stabilise the waste via composting and to use the composted material as a soil improver/organic fertiliser or as a component of growing media. Compost can be produced by open windrow or in-vessel composting plants. This paper shows that passively aerated open windrows constitute an appropriate low-cost option for African countries. However, to provide an usable compost material it is recommended that waste is processed through a materials recovery facility (MRF) before being composted. The paper demonstrates that material and biological treatment (MBT) are viable in Africa where they are funded, e.g. CDM. However, they are unlikely to be instigated unless there is a replacement to the Kyoto Protocol, which ceases for Registration in December 2012.  相似文献   

Although composting has been successfully used at pilot scale to manage waste algae removed from eutrophied water environments and the compost product applied as a fertiliser, clear guidelines are not available for full scale algae composting. The review reports on the application of composting to stabilize waste algae, which to date has mainly been macro-algae, and identifies the peculiarities of algae as a composting feedstock, these being: relatively low carbon to nitrogen (C/N) ratio, which can result in nitrogen loss as NH3 and even N2O; high moisture content and low porosity, which together make aeration challenging; potentially high salinity, which can have adverse consequence for composting; and potentially have high metals and toxin content, which can affect application of the product as a fertiliser. To overcome the challenges that these peculiarities impose co-compost materials can be employed.  相似文献   

This research looked at the need for ligno-cellulolytic inoculants (EM bacteria and Trichoderma sp.) in small to medium scale composting of household wastes. A mixture of household organic waste comprised of kitchen waste, paper, grass clippings and composted material was subjected to various durations of thermo composting followed by vermicomposting with and without microbial inoculants for a total of 28 days. The results revealed that ligno-celluloytic inoculants are not essential to speed up the process of composting for onsite small scale household organic waste treatment as no significant difference was observed between the control and those inoculated with Trichoderma and EM in terms of C:N ratio of the final product. However, it was observed that EM inoculation enhanced reproductive rate of earthworms, and so probably created the best environment for vermicomposting, in all treatment groups.  相似文献   

Information has not been previously available on the occurrence of enteric pathogenic viruses and protozoan parasites in composted municipal domestic solid waste. A potential source of these pathogens in domestic solid waste is disposal diapers. The occurrence of enteroviruses, Giardia cysts, Cryptosporidium oocysts and Salmonella were determined in municipal composted domestic solid waste, and solid waste to which extra diapers had been added to increase their concentration 2–4 fold (6.6–7.7% by weight) above that found normally in municipal solid waste before composting. The compost was tested at various periods of time during aging (101–203 days). No enteroviruses or protozoan cysts or oocysts were detected in any of the samples collected during this period. One sample out of 19 collected (after 175 days aging) was positive for Salmonella. These results suggest that enteric pathogens were destroyed during the composting process, or were present in numbers below the detection method (i.e. one organism per 40–50g of compost) used in this study.  相似文献   

Effectiveness of three bulking agents for food waste composting   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Rather than landfilling, composting the organic fraction of municipal solid wastes recycles the waste as a safe and nutrient enriched soil amendment, reduces emissions of greenhouse gases and generates less leachate. The objective of this project was to investigate the composting effectiveness of three bulking agents, namely chopped wheat (Triticum) straw, chopped mature hay consisting of 80% timothy (milium) and 20% clover (triphullum) and pine (pinus) wood shavings. These bulking agents were each mixed in duplicates at three different ratios with food waste (FW) and composted for 10 days using prototype in-vessel composters to observe their temperature and pH trends. Then, each mixture was matured in vertical barrels for 56 days to measure their mass loss and final nutrient content and to visually evaluate their level of decomposition. Chopped wheat straw (CWS) and chopped hay (CH) were the only two formulas that reached thermophilic temperatures during the 10 days of active composting when mixed with FW at a wet mass ratio of 8.9 and 8.6:1 (FW:CWS and FW:CH), respectively. After 56 days of maturation, these two formulas were well decomposed with no or very few recognizable substrate particles, and offered a final TN exceeding the original. Wood shavings (WS) produced the least decomposed compost at maturation, with wood particles still visible in the final product, and with a TN lower than the initial. Nevertheless, all bulking agents produced compost with an organic matter, TN, TP and TK content suitable for use as soil amendment.  相似文献   

Three microbial isolates, identified as Bacillus shackletonni, Streptomyces thermovulgaris and Ureibacillus thermosphaericus were tested as inoculants in composting processes in relation to their capacity to improve lignocellulose degradation. Different wastes from agricultural activities were used as raw material for the heaps: pepper plant waste (PPW) as the main component and olive-oil mill waste (OMW), almond shell (AS), pruning waste (PW) and rice straw (RS) as additives. Cellulose was more extensively degraded than hemicellulose and lignin, although the use of inoculants (B. shackletonni and S. thermovulgaris) improved the action of the autochthonous microbiota just in the AS heaps. A higher efficiency was observed for lignin, since lower concentrations of this polymer were detected in the inoculated heaps in relation to control heaps. U. thermosphaericus was the most efficient microorganism since inoculation with this strain decreased the final lignin content in a range between 17.23% and 24.34%. S. thermovulgaris and B. shackletonni led to a higher reduction of the lignin levels in the OMW and PW heaps (14.25% and 19.07% less lignin than control heaps) and OMW (13%), respectively. The composting process can therefore be improved by means of inoculation if the microorganisms used for this purpose are appropriate for the characteristics of the raw material.  相似文献   

The effects of the aeration, seeding, and agitation on the composting of vegetable waste were studied in a laboratory-scale reactor. Experimental results showed that the final product at the end of a 4-day composting period met multiple maturity indices suggested by many researchers. The evolution of carbon dioxide during the composting process could be modelled with a modified Gompertz equation that described the bacteria growth successfully. Multivariate regression analysis was used to study the effects of operating parameters on the carbon conversion. The response surface contour plots were constructed using the regression equation for the examination of the dependence of carbon conversion on operating parameters. The maximum carbon conversion of 14.54% was obtained when the percentage of seeding was set at 14.5%, the air suction rate was set at 2.6 L kg(-1) dry-solid min(-1), and the agitator operated half of the time, alternating on and off for every 5 min. Future work will focus on the application of the data and the experience gained in this work to composters of pilot and semi-commercial scales.  相似文献   

In the current climate of increasing emphasis on environmental protection and efficient waste management, regional management bodies and environmental agencies are striving to achieve an economical and environmentally acceptable system for the recycling of biodegradable organic wastes. Composting would appear to be a cost effective solution to this problem, but in its entirety, composting is an inherently lengthy and variable process and is restrictive in terms of the demand on resources and space in composting plants. The aim of this study was to compare a biological composting process of solid residues with an enzymatic hydrolysis process of residues. The length of time required to naturally compost three organic materials, spent mushroom compost (SMC), farmyard manure (FYM) and dairy wastewater sludge (DWS) under optimal conditions was 42 days, 98 days and 84 days, respectively. In an attempt to accelerate this process, commercial enzymes were added to the waste products in a heterogeneous solid-liquid system. The enzymes utilised included a range of proteases, cellulases, ligninases, lipases and pectinases, which are responsible for the hydrolysis of protein, cellulose, lignin, lipids and carbohydrates, respectively. Preliminary results indicate that all of the organic materials were stabilised within 9h and that the enzymes used would, therefore, improve the efficiency of a waste management plant, if such a system were employed. Spent mushroom compost has a mean N/P/K ratio of 20:10:10 recorded for composted SMC, while a similar ratio of 20:10:20 was obtained for hydrolysed SMC. In contrast, composted farmyard manure has a N/P/K ratio of 30:0:30 and a ratio of 10:1:10 for hydrolysed FYM. Finally, composted DWS has a N/P/K ratio of 20:1:30 while DWS hydrolysate has a N/P/K ratio of 40:1:20, with the decrease in nitrogen in the composted DWS attributed to the addition of wood chippings and sawdust as a bulking agent. While all three materials have a considerable supply of plant nutrients, the variability in nutrients could be overlooked when employed as a soil amendment.  相似文献   

Valorization of winery waste vs. the costs of not recycling   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Wine production generates huge amounts of waste. Before the 1990s, the most economical option for waste removal was the payment of a disposal fee usually being of around 3000 Euros. However, in recent years the disposal fee and fines for unauthorized discharges have increased considerably, often reaching 30,000–40,000 Euros, and a prison sentence is sometimes also imposed. Some environmental friendly technologies have been proposed for the valorization of winery waste products. Fermentation of grape marc, trimming vine shoot or vinification lees has been reported to produce lactic acid, biosurfactants, xylitol, ethanol and other compounds. Furthermore, grape marc and seeds are rich in phenolic compounds, which have antioxidants properties, and vinasse contains tartaric acid that can be extracted and commercialized. Companies must therefore invest in new technologies to decrease the impact of agro-industrial residues on the environment and to establish new processes that will provide additional sources of income.  相似文献   

Waste from olive oil production was co-fired with coal in a fluidised bed combustor to study the feasibility of using this waste as an energy source. The combustion efficiency and CO emission were investigated and compared to those of burning 100% of coal. Olive oil waste with up to 20% mass concentration can be co-fired with coal in a fluidised bed combustor designed for coal combustion with a maximum drop of efficiency of 5%. A 10% olive oil waste concentration gave a lower CO emission than 100% coal firing due to improved combustion in the freeboard region. A 20% olive oil waste mixture gave a higher CO emission than both 100% coal firing and 10% olive oil waste mixture, but the combustion efficiency was higher than the 10% olive oil waste mixture due to lower elutriation from the bed.  相似文献   

Anaerobic digestion is a waste treatment method which is of increasing interest worldwide. At the end of the process, a digestate remains, which can gain added value by being composted. A study was conducted in order to investigate microbial community dynamics during the composting process of a mixture of anaerobic digestate (derived from the anaerobic digestion of municipal food waste), green wastes and a screened compost (green waste/kitchen waste compost), using the COMPOCHIP microarray. The composting process showed a typical temperature development, and the highest degradation rates occurred during the first 14 days of composting, as seen from the elevated CO2 content in the exhaust air. With an exception of elevated nitrite and nitrate levels in the day 34 samples, physical–chemical parameters for all compost samples collected during the 63 day process indicated typical composting conditions. The microbial communities changed over the 63 days of composting. According to principal component analysis of the COMPOCHIP microarray results, compost samples from the start of the experiment were found to cluster most closely with the digestate and screened compost samples. The green waste samples were found to group separately. All starting materials investigated were found to yield fewer and lower signals when compared to the samples collected during the composting experiment.  相似文献   

The application of organic materials to replenish soil organic matter and improve soil structure and fertility has become a common agronomic practice. This research deals with the effects of soil amendment with winery and distillery waste composts on organic carbon (C) mineralisation in two arable soils. A sandy-loam and clay-loam soil were treated and incubated with a number organic materials obtained from the co-composting of different proportions of grape stalk, grape marc, exhausted grape marc and vinasse, with sewage sludge or animal manure. Moreover, the effect of compost stability on C mineralisation dynamics was studied by applying organic materials from different stages of the composting process. The results obtained showed that the addition of exogenous organic matter stimulated microbial growth, enhanced soil respiration and increased water-extractable C contents in both soils, particularly in the days immediately following amendment. The initial composition of the different organic materials used, especially for the mature samples, and the texture of the receiving soil did not influence significantly the C mineralisation final values, with around 11–20% of the added organic C being mineralised over the first 140 days. However, the contribution of organic amendment to the labile organic C pool, maximum rates of soil respiration, as well as the extent of initial disturbance of the soil microbiota were all found to be related to the degree of organic matter stability. Moreover, irrespective of the type and stability of the organic amendment, the mineralogical composition of the receiving soil was found to significantly influence its resilience in such systems.  相似文献   

Over a period of 21 months, we composted food refuse from a student restaurant in Hokkaido University using a commercially available composting machine. The machine had two reactors, each with a working volume of 250 l. The refuse was mixed with sawdust in a ratio of 5 l sawdust to 10 kg refuse, and this mixture was fed into the machine daily. We studied the characteristics of the refuse, the composting mixture, and the finished compost in an effort to optimize the operating parameters. We also evaluated the effectiveness of the composting process by determining the decomposition rates of the composting materials. The optimum moisture content of the composting mixture was between 30% wet basis (wb) and 40% wb in this machine. The composting machine worked well when the first reactor was filled with composting mixture and 0.5 kg lime was added once per week. The mass of the materials supplied was reduced by 84% over the study period. The decomposition rate of the volatile matter in all composting materials was 66%. The mass of the food refuse supplied was 14.8 kg/day on average, and the moisture content of the refuse was 77% wb on average. Received: October 4, 1999 / Accepted: April 4, 2000  相似文献   

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