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含汞气田污水脱汞新技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国内气田含汞污水处理主要采用硫化物沉淀法,辅以水处理絮凝剂增加沉淀效果。国外研究了一些含汞污水脱汞新工艺:沉淀一絮凝法、活性炭吸附法、离子交换法等,组合使用效果更佳,可脱除单质汞、离子汞和有机汞,脱汞深度可达1.0×10~(-9)mg/L级。借鉴国外含汞气田污水处理工艺,研究经济高效的脱汞工艺,减少汞污染,对我国含汞气田的合理开发具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

丁梅梅  朱霞 《青海环境》2008,18(1):42-44
通过分析无汞压力法与标准方法-稀释接种法(GB7488-87)测定BODs的对比实验,说明无汞压力法的准确性以及可靠性,完全可以在实际工作中采用。  相似文献   

针对目前我国固定源废气中汞的检测工作现状,以及国内外相关的汞检测标准,介绍了包括美国标准方法EPA Method 30B、Ontario Hydro Method(安大略法)和我国滤筒采样法、冲击瓶采样法等四种采样方法以及冷原子吸收分光光度法和原子荧光分光光度法两种分析方法,对比了各种方法的原理、适用范围及优缺点,以期为我国固定源废气汞检测提供参考。  相似文献   

两种土壤消解方法测定汞元素的验证   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马伟 《青海环境》2011,21(4):188-190
利用标准样品和某冶金小区土壤样品,对比了2种不同消解方法测定土壤中重金属汞元素的差异。将水浴消解、微波消解2种土壤消解预处理方法进行分析比较,分析2种消解方法的优点和缺点,并对消解样品测定重金属汞元素含量,验证了微波消解法预处理的实际样品值略高于水浴消解法预处理的实际样品值。  相似文献   

文玉芳  廖激 《四川环境》1991,10(3):67-76
本文介绍了用冷原子荧光法测定岷—沱江原水(总汞)、过滤水(溶解性汞)、悬浮物(悬浮态汞)及沉积物中汞含量。方法检测限为0.004μg/l。经选用W检验、Vistelius置信带法和偏度、峰度法联合进行汞含量分布类型检验,综合判断、研究得出岷—沱江水系河水中汞背景值(总量)为0.25μg/l,汞主要以溶解态存在于水体中,沉积物中汞背景值为0.018mg/kg。岷—沱江水系汞背景值无论与国内各水系还是同世界河流水平相比,均处于相同和较低水平。  相似文献   

文章对化学需氧量的几种测定方法进行对比,研究了无汞开管法快速测定方法的实验条件与干扰因素,并与标准方法进行对照,总结出炼油废水应用无汞开管法监测COD的适用范围与注意事项,可供同类企业应用该方法时借鉴。  相似文献   

冷原子荧光法测汞基于用还原剂将水样中的汞离子还原为单质汞,随载气进入原子池,再被波长为253.7纳米的紫外光源照射所激发,发射共振荧光,其强度用以确定样品中汞的含量。该方法的最低检测限为0.05微克/升,测定上限可达1微克/升以上,比冷原子吸收法有较高的灵敏度和较少的干扰,适用于地面水、生活污水和工业废水的测定。为了获得高灵敏度、高准确度的测定,本文探讨了一些重要参数的影响。一、试剂空白值对测定的影响: 由于环境水中汞含量通常很低(天然水中含汞量一般不超过0.1微克/升),这就不仅要求实验分析用水和试剂具有较高  相似文献   

本文探讨了大气中二氧化硫监测方法,采用甲醛法和四氯汞钾法对乐山城区大气中二氧化硫进行对照分析。从采样、样品保存和分析方面等几个方面进行了探讨,并指出了甲醛法的特点、适用范围和存在的问题。  相似文献   

地下水、地面水中的汞含量甚微,从近几年来用冷原子吸收法对我市三条河流和三库一湖及部分井水、泉水的定点监测结果看,含量一般在零点零几到零点几ppb之间,就是污水也大都在零点几ppb至几ppb内。过去使用双硫腙—四氯化碳比色法很难满足如此痕迹量汞的分析测定。八二年五月我们参考文献[1]、[2]测汞装置的原理,制出了自己的测汞装置,又在文献[1]、[6]的启发下,通过试验,确定了本文的分析方法。运用本文所述的分析方法可从50ml试样中检出0.03μg/l的汞,可得心应手地对付各种环境水样中汞的分析,方法的精密度和准确度都满足要求。  相似文献   

河北省环保厅日前下发《关于加强涉汞企业环境监管工作的通知》,要求将涉汞企业列为重点防控对象,强化含汞危险废物全过程监管,防止发生汞污染事件。在重点防控区,禁止新建、改建、扩建电石法聚氯乙烯生产、汞触媒生产及废汞触媒利用处置项目。新建、改建、扩建其他涉汞项目的环境影响评价一律由省级环保部门负责审批。要严格执行清洁生产审核制度,涉汞企业每两年完成一轮清洁生产审核。  相似文献   

林煜 《中国环境管理》2019,11(4):124-131
关于环境公益诉讼赔偿资金的归属,我国实践中有环保部门主管、纳入国库、纳入法院指定账户、纳入专项账户等不同归属模式,但在其管理与使用方面,我国尚且存在诸如地方生态环境损害赔偿资金管理办法名称不统一、资金使用系统不透明、社会公众査询难、地方行政机关干预过多、资金监管机制不健全等问题。本文拟建议设立"全国生态环境损害赔偿基金",对环境公益诉讼产生的损害赔偿金以及各地方未统一管理的环境保护资金等相关资金进行统筹与规范,以期推进我国生态环境损害赔偿资金制度的完善。为此,需要明确生态环境损害赔偿基金的资金来源,规范生态环境损害赔偿基金的使用、监督机制,明确环保部门的监督职责,构建资金使用的信息公开制度,强化环保组织的监督权,在此基础上进一步对生态环境损害赔偿基金制定严格的管理办法,以规范并指导基金的有效运作。  相似文献   

This study examines slag, fly ash, and deposited particles during melting of dewatered sewage sludge in a pilot plant. In addition, the chemical composition of particles in flue gas was simulated using a thermodynamics program, namely FACTSage 5.2. The results showed that the main components of slag were Al, Fe, Ca, P and Si; the minor components were Na, K, Mg, Cu, and Zn. The main chemical compound of slag was Ca4(Mg,Fe)5(PO4)6. For fly ash particles, heavy metals with the highest concentrations were in the order of Zn and As, Pb, Cu, and Cd, respectively. For non-heavy metals, Al, Fe and P were also found in significant amounts. The majority of deposited particles were composed of elements of Zn, P, S, Na, Fe, Al, Si, and Ca and such chemical compounds as Zn3(PO4)2, AlPO4, FePO4 and Fe(OH)3 while the minority consisted of elements of As, Cu, and Pb. Moreover, the compositions of deposited particles in each chamber differed due to different flue gas temperatures inside. In the secondary chamber at 760 degrees C, the amounts of Fe and Al were higher than Zn, whereas, in the other chambers (600-400 degrees C), the amount of Zn was higher. In other words, at the lower temperature the deposition of Zn was higher than the deposition of Fe and Al. In the water cooling section, volatile elements (i.e. Zn, As, Cu, Pb) were found in the highest concentrations due to a big difference in temperature between the wall surface and flue gas. From the simulation results, most of the elements in the gas phase were found to be chloride compounds, whereas those in the solid phase were in the form of oxide, sulfate, and phosphate compounds.  相似文献   

城市边缘湿地是城市的生态屏障,是城市可持续发展的自然基础,具有一定的经济功能和巨大的生态、社会服务功能,休闲与旅游是其中的组成部分之一,但是由于城市边缘湿地本身存在生态脆弱性,加上受城市化、工业化影响,其休闲与旅游功能不断退化,为实现城市边缘湿地旅游资源可持续利用的目的,应当采取相应的治理措施。  相似文献   

This research was conducted with the objective of determining and evidencing the social and environmental/economic results from the implementation of a reverse logistics program providing for the recycling, reuse, and, when necessary, final, environmentally correct disposal of post‐consumption products and product wastes by a multinational manufacturer of computer peripherals with an operation based in the city of São Paulo, Brazil. The reverse logistics process (logisticareversa, or, in this paper, LR) was intended to meet the objectives and principles of the regulatory framework defined in the National Solid Waste Policy (PNRS) in Brazil. A single case study was carried out. The results showed that after the adoption of the solid waste management policy, the study company no longer disposed of 1,413,552 kilograms (kg) of materials classified as mixed iron, polystyrene, cardboard, toner powder, and plastic in landfills. The LR process made a profit in two companies: the company surveyed made, in Brazilian reais (R), R$ 9,188,185.51, and the company contracted to carry out the process made, R$ 411,325.97. This latter profit is called by us the “social profit.” The measurement of the environmental/economic, social, and financial results by internalizing the expenses of the LR program into the costs of production shows that reuse and recycling better meets the needs of society and the company than landfilling these post‐consumption materials. Furthermore, the use of cost accounting allows the verification of other goals not indicated in the current model, such as the generation of employment, income, mitigation of environmental problems, and the profit earned by the company contracted to implement the LR process. We also conclude that cost accounting makes it possible to obtain necessary information for decision makers, who are seeking to neutralize environmental impacts and promote sustainable development, thus harmonizing the economic, social, and environmental aspects, to understand the impacts of the LR process.  相似文献   

从对土地类型与利用、气候要素组合、水资源条件、生物多样性和矿产价值等方面对平顶山市自然资源进行了系统分析和评价,提出了依靠科学技术,转变经济增长方式,开发替代性资源,发展“非煤”产业,建立节约型、生态型资源利用模式,构筑自然资源可持续利用的保障体系与生态安全体系,实现该市自然资源可持续利用的有效途径。  相似文献   

生态环境准入清单是“三线一单”的成果出口,是未来落实空间环境管控和准入的直接依据,也是提升“三线一单”有效落地实施的重要抓手,要达到适用、实用、管用的要求。通过总结梳理当前已发布和编制中的生态环境准入清单情况,本文发现各省(区、市)在构建生态环境准入清单分层体系、制定“三线—单元—清单”逻辑链条和解决区域重点环境问题中形成了较好的经验,但同时生态环境准入清单在编制和应用中还存在各层次缺乏连通、管控单元和清单要求之间存在逻辑偏差、对主要环境问题研判不够和缺乏针对性整改措施等难点与问题。结合各省(区、市)编制组在清单编制中的有效做法和经验,本文建议在下一步清单细化和优化工作中,首先要加强与各职能部门、管理部门的对接;其次要坚持问题导向,结合区域实际情况,以精细化管理的目标制定针对性的清单措施与要求;最后开展成果的实践应用试点,总结经验,进一步提升清单有效性。  相似文献   

基于人们日益增长的"老有所养、老有所医、老有所学、老有所为、老有所乐"多样化诉求,依据马斯洛需求层次理论,构建我国养老型旅游地功能体系,提出在已有旅游目的地中融入养老旅游所需元素的"嵌入式"发展路径和在城郊、小城镇、乡村等适宜场地专门建设养老型旅游地的"专业式"发展路径。从日常生活、医疗保健、学习氛围、老年就业、愉悦体验5个维度提出养老型旅游地的发展目标,从健康服务体系、分类医养体系、终身教育体系、科学劳动体系、旅游产品体系5个方面给出发展建议。  相似文献   

随着世界经济贸易的发展,外来物种入侵成为威胁生物多样性、公众健康,甚至生态安全和国家安全的重大问题。我国目前在外来物种入侵相关立法方面存在立法理念滞后、调整范围欠充分、监管碎片化、法律制度缺失且责任追究机制单一等问题,无法有效回应高风险社会对外来物种入侵的防范。在国内外相关制度经验总结的基础上,我国防治外来物种入侵的相关法律法规应在《生物安全法》的指导下,确立整体生态安全理念,采取风险预防原则,健全外来物种风险评估、引种许可证、全过程跟踪监测、公众参与和法律责任制度,优化外来物种风险管理机制,促进生物安全治理体系进一步完善。  相似文献   

This research is part of the SPIn-Eco project for the Province of Siena, Italy, and applies an environmental accounting method to a region with reference to its population, human activities, natural cycles, infrastructures and other settings. This study asserts that the consumption of resources due to the human economy is a source of great concern because of the load it places on the biosphere. Environmental resources locally used, whether directly or indirectly, from both renewable energy fluxes and storage of materials and energies, are investigated. In this paper emergy analysis is presented and applied to the Province of Siena and to each of its municipalities, in order to evaluate the main flows of energy and materials that supply the territorial system, including human subsystems, with reference to their actual environmental cost. Therefore, the behaviour of the whole system and the interactions between natural and human agents were studied; in other words, the attitudes of the territorial systems toward resource use as revealed by their patterns of emergy consumption were observed. Once expressed in units of the same form of energy through the emergy evaluation, categories of resource consumption and systems of varying scales and organization are compared. Furthermore, indexes of environmental performance based on emergy are calculated. Flows of energy and materials are assessed, and their intensities, which vary throughout the area of the Province, are then visualized on maps.  相似文献   

郑军  刘婷 《中国环境管理》2023,15(4):18-25,43
气候变化问题是人类社会共同面临的重大挑战,关系到人类生存和各国利益。推进碳达峰碳中和是中国的一项重大战略决策,是负责任大国对国际社会的庄严承诺,也是推动高质量发展的内在要求。本文归纳分析欧盟、美国、日本、韩国、德国、英国等主要发达经济体碳达峰的经济社会特征、碳中和的路径共识,系统梳理推动实现碳达峰碳中和的经验举措,对比分析中国国内进展和差距,并提出重点借鉴的国际经验与启示。研究发现,中国已经逐步具备实现碳达峰国家的基本特征,但相比发达国家,在降碳效果核算评估、低碳安全高效能源系统构建、碳价格传导机制设计、低碳技术创新和新业态模式打造、法规制度系统化构建等方面仍有差距,仍需加强政策驱动和重点国际经验借鉴,进一步优化“双碳”目标评估指标体系,将构建清洁、低碳、安全、高效能源系统作为能源生产和消费革命的主要目标,有序推进碳排放权交易市场建设和能源资源市场化价格调控,强化绿色低碳技术的研发创新,加快构建形成系统性推动“双碳”目标的法规体系。  相似文献   

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