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采用实验室压缩气体泡沫系统,通过缩尺油盘火试验,分别考察基于不同气源的压缩气体泡沫对于石油醚火灾的灭火性能,分析探讨适用于低沸点的石油醚类燃料火灾扑救的气源类型和供气方案。结果表明,在泡沫溶液供给强度为2.5 L/(min·m2)的条件下,压缩氮气泡沫和压缩空气泡沫均可扑灭石油醚火灾,具有良好的抗烧性能;二者相比,压缩氮气泡沫比压缩空气泡沫的控灭火性能和抗烧性能均有一定提升;对于石油醚类的低沸点易燃液体火灾,建议采用以氮气作为气源的压缩氮气泡沫系统;该研究可为压缩气体泡沫系统在石油化工行业工程应用提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

汽油易挥发且闪点低,火灾危险性极大,且理化性能与标准燃料存在较大差异,有必要评估当前市售泡沫灭火剂对汽油的灭火性能。通过4.52 m 2油盘火试验,对水成膜泡沫灭火剂、抗溶水成膜泡沫灭火剂、氟蛋白泡沫灭火剂及抗溶氟蛋白泡沫灭火剂的灭火性能进行评估研究,并与标准燃料油盘火进行对比,结果表明抗溶水成膜泡沫灭火剂对车用汽油火的灭火效能最佳,石化企业和消防救援队伍在处置汽油火灾时应优先考虑使用抗溶水成膜泡沫灭火剂。此外,车用汽油比标准燃料的灭火难度更大,石化企业可适当提高固定泡沫灭火系统的设防标准。  相似文献   

压缩空气泡沫灭火技术是一项新型灭火技术,为验证压缩空气泡沫系统与蛋白泡沫灭火剂结合使用时是否可以成为含PFOS泡沫灭火剂的替代技术,开展了压缩空气蛋白泡沫抑制液体火有效性试验.在对压缩空气蛋白泡沫的泡沫性能进行分析的基础上,进一步采用标准油盘火试验模型对压缩空气蛋白泡沫的灭火性能进行评估,并与吸气式泡沫产生系统进行了对比.试验结果表明压缩空气蛋白泡沫具有优异的泡沫性能,同时具备抑制非水溶性液体火的有效性,可以作为含PFOS泡沫灭火剂的替代技术.  相似文献   

为验证压缩空气泡沫扑救大型火灾的有效性,分别开展225 m2甲醇和450 m2重油油池火灭火实验,采用压缩空气泡沫系统搭配消防机器人远距离喷射压缩空气泡沫的灭火方法,分析该方法的灭火效能。研究结果表明:压缩空气泡沫系统可以实现远距离灭火,压缩空气泡沫的施加可以有效降低油池内燃料温度、火场温度以及油池附近热辐射强度。在压缩空气泡沫系统混合液流量为3 900 L/min时,距离油池边缘29 m条件下扑救450 m2全尺寸重油火灾的灭火时间为130 s,灭火阶段水和3%泡沫液的消耗量分别为8 233 L和273 L;在压缩空气泡沫系统混合液流量为3 600 L/min时,距离油池边缘不小于35 m条件下扑救225 m2全尺寸甲醇火灾的灭火时间为231 s,灭火阶段水和6%泡沫液的消耗量分别为12 962 L和808 L。研究结果对提升扑救大型油池火灾的作战能力具有重要意义。  相似文献   

为了对比泡沫灭火系统和水喷淋灭火系统的灭火效率,采用装有400 mL汽油或柴油的280 mm×280 mm油盆模拟火源,分析了0.35,0.48和0.75 MPa压力下泡沫灭火系统和水喷淋灭火系统灭油池火的灭火时间、降温冷却效率及火焰面积。结果表明:泡沫灭火系统比水喷淋灭火系统灭油池火的效果更好,对汽油火的灭火时间比水喷淋灭火系统缩短了35.3%,压力对于灭火效率没有影响;柴油火的灭火效率随压力的增加而增加,不同压力下灭火时间比水喷淋灭火系统分别缩短了35.7%,42.9%和66.4%。  相似文献   

采用呼吸计量法考察蛋白泡沫灭火剂组分对其降解性的影响,明确几种国内典型蛋白泡沫灭火剂的生物降解性能。20 d快速生物降解试验结果表明:水解蛋白浓缩液易于生物降解,防腐剂苯酚的添加不会抑制蛋白泡沫灭火剂的生物降解,泡沫稳定剂硫酸亚铁则会对蛋白泡沫灭火剂的生物降解有所影响;6种市售典型蛋白泡沫灭火剂的20 d生物降解率均超过60%,抗溶型蛋白泡沫灭火剂的生物降解性普遍较高;国内蛋白泡沫灭火剂产品的20 d生物降解率远高于国外同类产品,在生物降解性能方面比国外同类产品更具有优势。  相似文献   

Water mist, a replacement for Halon gaseous agents in fire fighting, has been studied for decades. However, the fire-extinguishing reliability of water mist is debated. For example, there are significant differences in extinguishing times between tests conducted under the same conditions, and water mists have difficulty extinguishing small fires. To date, no study of the probability distribution of extinguishing times has been reported. In this study a statistical analysis of the extinguishing time distribution of pool fires extinguished using water mist is presented. The fire sources were circular/square stainless steel pans with gasoline, diesel, ethanol or daqing RP-3 as fuel. Two types of extinguishing scenarios were observed. In one situation, the fire was extinguished via a blow off process, when the flames had not yet been suppressed. Flame cooling is the primary fire extinguishing mechanism; the mass loss rate and combustion heat of the fuel are two key factors. In the other situation, the fire was initially suppressed and subsequently extinguished after a long suppression stage. Surface cooling is the primary fire extinguishing mechanism; the flash point of the fuel is the key factor.  相似文献   

为评估不同气源压缩气体泡沫扑救浮顶罐密封圈火灾的有效性,通过足尺灭火试验,研究不同工况下压缩气体泡沫对浮顶罐密封圈火灾的灭火性能以及气源类型、挡雨板遮挡对灭火的影响。结果表明:在泡沫溶液供给强度为5 L/(min·m2)条件下,压缩氮气泡沫和压缩空气泡沫均可快速有效扑灭典型浮顶罐密封圈火灾,且灭火后不发生复燃;密封圈挡雨板对泡沫施加和灭火均有较大影响,不利于快速灭火;无论是否设置挡雨板,压缩氮气泡沫的灭火性能均比压缩空气泡沫略有提升,实际工程中有氮气源的场所建议直接采用已有供氮设备作为气源。研究结果对压缩气体泡沫系统工程设计以及在大型浮顶罐工程中的应用具有重要意义。  相似文献   

泡沫-细水雾在全尺寸变压器灭火实验中展现出高效灭火性能。纯水细水雾具有冷却效果好、热辐射阻隔能力强的特点,但添加泡沫灭火剂后对其冷却及热辐射阻隔特性的影响机制尚不明确。对泡沫-细水雾和纯水细水雾的冷却与热辐射阻隔特性进行了对比实验,并基于雾特性测试结果对相应性能的差异进行了分析。发现添加泡沫灭火剂后能降低水雾的粒径,从而令泡沫-细水雾的冷却和热辐射阻隔性能优于纯水细水雾。此外,泡沫灭火剂中的阻燃物质也是加速火焰熄灭的重要因素。研究结果可为变压器灭火系统选择、泡沫-细水雾系统工况参数优化等方面提供理论指导。  相似文献   

水成膜泡沫在油类表面的窒息作用是扑灭油类火灾的重要机理之一,针对自行开发的快速型泡沫灭火剂开展了其对油池火的窒息灭火特性研究。首先通过老化试验测试了泡沫液的热稳定性,然后对比了不同成分泡沫液在25#变压器油表面的铺展特性,之后研究了不同发泡倍率和成分的泡沫液对油池火的窒息灭火效果及影响规律。研究发现,铺展性能不佳的泡沫液会逐渐丧失窒息能力,而铺展性能优异的泡沫液能持续发挥窒息作用。提升泡沫液热稳定性有利于在油面形成稳定的液膜,隔绝氧气并降低可燃分子挥发速率。此外,发泡倍率较低的泡沫液的流动性更强,在相同液体流量条件下低倍数泡沫的窒息灭火效果更优。自研的快速型泡沫灭火剂在热稳定性和铺展性能两方面均具备优良的性能,因此其窒息灭火效率和抗复燃能力优于现有的大部分同类泡沫灭火剂。  相似文献   

为了在设计火灾探测系统时,提供探测器的选型依据,该文通过火灾探测综合模拟试验平台(FE/DE),利用四种国家标准火所用燃料生成典型火灾烟气,对光电型与离子型两种常规点式感烟火灾探测器的灵敏度性能进行了评测与比较。结果表明,对于木材热解生成烟气,与离子感烟探测器相比,光电型探测器的输出烟值增加更为急剧。然而对于棉绳阴燃火、聚氨脂塑料火及正庚烷火生成的烟气,离子型比光电型响应更为灵敏,特别是对于后两者明火生成的能够吸收光而减弱光散射的黑烟。最后指出,依据监控场所中可能存在的可燃物种类而选择相应类型的火灾探测器,将提高所设计火灾报警系统的可靠性。  相似文献   

为改善泡沫灭火剂的高温稳定性和抗复燃性能,将石墨粉、膨润土和空心玻璃微珠按一定比例复配加入泡沫灭火剂中制备防灭火三相泡沫,利用自主设计的实验台架,研究其发泡、稳泡及油面热稳定性等主要性能,分析复配超细粉体对泡沫灭火剂稳定性的影响机理。实验证明,复配粉体的加入可使泡沫灭火剂在高温下的稳定时间延长10倍以上,粉体颗粒会在泡沫表面形成一层致密壳层,增强泡沫的隔热阻燃性能,石墨粉的存在使壳层更加致密且增强了泡沫的流动性,但会对泡沫的发泡性能产生较大的影响,当空心玻璃微珠和石墨粉的添加质量比为5∶2时,整体效果较好。  相似文献   

根据燃料特性及工艺特点,阐述了蒸汽灭火系统、水喷雾灭火系统、干粉灭火系统和泡沫灭火系统在燃油锅炉房中的应用条件、主要设计参数及与通风排烟系统的关系。  相似文献   

Tank fires threaten the lives of people and pollute the environment for their intense radiant heat, rapid fire spread and explosion hazard. Compressed air/nitrogen foam (CAF/CNF), a cleaner fire extinguishing technique used for the tank fire suppression because halogen-based agents were prohibited for environmental reasons. In this work, the influence of foaming gas in CAF/CNF on extinguishing the n-heptane tank fire was firstly investigated. Firstly, it was found that CNF spreads faster with rapid increase in foam thickness, mainly due to its better stability and less evaporation. Secondly, after foam was discharged, there existed a short increase of the combustion intensity, associated with three monotonous regions and two time delays in the whole extinguishing time. The two time delays were caused by Rayleigh–Taylor instability and flame sheet shift, respectively, and the shift distance was larger for CNF. Finally, the influential factors contributing to flame extinction were exhibited to be mainly related to the decrease in liquid burning rate and gas-phase Damkohler number. Among these factors, foam spreading rate and thickness dominated due to coupled chemical and physical extinguishing effects. Resulted from some competitive effects, CNF was slightly more efficient at extinguishing tank fires than CAF.  相似文献   

压缩气体射流与水射流混合后所产生的气-水两相射流,可获得连续、高速喷射的细水雾,水滴粒径小,穿入火焰的能力强,可沿水平方向射入火焰中,比喷淋方式水雾灭火可节省90%的用水量,缩短了灭火时间,发挥了细水雾的灭火优势,是细水雾灭火技术的最新发展。所制成的便携式、车载式、固定式的两相射流细水雾灭火装置,可扑灭多种类型的火灾,尤其适合用于扑灭有人存在的空间的火灾。以涡喷发动机为喷射动力的气-水两相射流喷射系统,制成了超大功率的喷射雾状水的消防装备,大幅度提高了控制油、气大火火势的能力和灭火效率。气-水两相射流还有稀释、吹散泄漏出的可燃性气体,防止其点燃的功能,适合于在天然气和有毒有害气体泄漏事故抢险救援中使用。将压缩气体和泡沫液按比例混和后喷射的压缩空气泡沫喷射系统,产生了喷射“干泡沫”的消防车,使灭火用水的利用率提高了8倍,被称为是世界最先进的泡沫灭火技术。气-水两相射流促进了灭火技术革命性的发展,新型的气-水两相射流消防装备不断涌现,展示出了广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

In recent years, serious fire and explosion accident in petrochemical storage tanks have taken place frequently. Therefore, increasing the firefighting force in petrochemical parks is particularly important. The ambition of the paper is mainly studying the supply intensity of Aqueous Film Forming Foam (AFFF) extinguishing agent. Fire extinguishing agent demand calculation method that can be capable of matching fire scale is established by carrying out series of fire extinguishing experiments. 6% AFFF is chosen to carry out three groups of experiments respectively: fire extinguishing agent fluidity determination, series groups of small size simulation oil pool fire and 177 square meters of large oil pool fire extinguishing experiment. The situation of fire extinguishing on fuel surface of AFFF can be explored through experimental means under cold and hot conditions. The data obtained from experiments prove a higher conformity between covering process and covering model under the cold condition. The model can predict the cold coverage of AFFF effectively. After unifying the supply flow from each experiment, the statistics can be fitted and come to the minimum supply intensity algorithm of AFFF against the target storage tank specifications. The algorithm is used to estimate the minimum supply intensity when extinguishing full liquid surface fire. This model also can be used as reference for petrochemical fire protection.  相似文献   

针对大型浮顶油罐浮盘边缘式泡沫灭火系统存在的缺陷,设计了一种新型灭火系统。采用氮气加水雾代替传统的泡沫灭火,节约了成本;在现有的支管喷嘴上作了改进,使灭火效率得到了提高。从新型系统设计流程进行了介绍分析,对供给强度、流量和压强进行了计算说明。  相似文献   

罐壁式泡沫系统扑救密封圈火灾试验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对大型浮顶罐罐壁式泡沫灭火系统的特点及不足,依据相关规范要求设计了30m长的密封圈火灾模拟试验油槽,开展了3%型水成膜泡沫液和6%型氟蛋白泡沫液灭火试验。现场测定了泡沫的发泡倍数和析液时间,符合规范要求但略低于检测值。试验过程测定了泡沫在泡沫堰板内的流动速度和燃烧油面的蔓延速度,观察了不同的泡沫液和泡沫混合液供给强度下的油槽火灭火状况,对比分析了油槽火周邻的温度和热流分布。在此基础上,评估分析了罐壁式泡沫系统扑救密封圈火灾的有效性。试验结果表明:有效的泡沫混合液供给强度下,3%型水成膜泡沫和6%型氟蛋白泡沫可控密封圈火灾,甚至灭火;泡沫类型和泡沫混合液供给强度对油槽火全淹没时间的影响较大。该试验对大型浮顶罐低液位密封圈火灾扑救具有积极的指导意义和工程应用价值。  相似文献   

泡沫灭火剂的发展与应用现状   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
韩郁翀  秦俊 《火灾科学》2011,20(4):235-240
对泡沫灭火剂的分类、灭火机理、各种灭火剂的优缺点和适用范围进行了归纳,介绍了泡沫灭火剂的研究进展和应用现状,并预测了发展方向。对于蛋白型泡沫灭火剂,由于它的环境友好性,应重新认识其重要性并进行深入的基础研究。对于水成膜泡沫灭火剂,介绍了《斯德哥尔摩公约》对全氟辛烷磺酸(PFOS)采取限制后可供选择的解决方案,例如着重发...  相似文献   

The modern world depends greatly on hydrocarbons, which are ubiquitous, indispensable fuels used in nearly every existing industry. Although important, their use may trigger dangerous incidents, whether in their production, handling, storage, or transporting phase, especially when aerosolized. In light of proposing a standard procedure to assess the flammability and explosivity of fuel mists, a new test method was established based on the EN 14034 standards series. For the previous purposes, a gravity-fed mist generation system was designed and employed in a modified 20 L explosion vessel. This test method allowed the determination of the ignition sensitivity of several fuels. In addition, their explosion severity was represented by the explosion overpressure Pex, and the rate of pressure rise dP/dtex, two thermo-kinetic parameters determined with a specifically developed control system and custom software. Nonetheless, a noticeable difference in the ignition sensitivity and the explosion severity was perceived when changing suppliers or petroleum cuts of some fuels. Moreover, sensitivity studies showed that both the droplet size distribution and the temperature of the droplets play a significant role in fuel mist explosion. These parameters can be directly related to the vapor fraction surrounding a droplet during its ignition. Consequently, this study focuses on the influence of varying the composition of three well-known and abundantly used fuels. Different petroleum cuts were introduced in different fractions into isooctane, Jet A1 aviation fuel, and diesel fuel mixtures, which were then aerosolized into a uniformly distributed turbulent mist cloud and ignited using spark ignitors of 100 J. Subsequently, complementary tests were executed in a vertical flame propagation tube coupled with a high-speed video camera allowing the visualization of the flame and the determination of the spatial flame velocity, and a tentative estimation of the laminar burning velocity. The latter was also estimated from the pressure-time evolution in the 20 L sphere using existing correlations. Indeed, the determination of the laminar burning velocity can be useful in modeling such accidents. Finally, highlighting the essential role of the mist and vapor fraction during their ignition has led to a better understanding of their explosion mechanisms.  相似文献   

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