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The rate for work related accidents in the Spanish mining sector is notably higher than in other countries such as the United States. It produces a very negative impact on the mining industry. This paper is the report of a study on serious and fatal accidents in Spanish mining from 1982-2006. It is based on the reports of 212 accidents (serious or fatal) carried out by the General Management of Energy and Mining of Catalonia (Spain). Method: The high work-related accident rate in the Spanish mining sector makes it necessary to carry out an analysis and research that can shed light on the causes of this high rate; this is the only way that a solution can be found. The study is based on Feyer and Williamson's analysis of accident causes, as they apply to 212 accidents. The types and causes of the accidents are coded according to the coding system used by the Spanish National Institute for Safety and Hygiene in the Workplace, which allows us to identify a series of direct causes and contributing factors in different accidents. Results If all the causes and factors that are present in the accidents are known, we are able to look for appropriate solutions to reduce them as much as possible. In short, we are able to come up with a series of conclusions that expose the weak links in the management of accident prevention in companies. This is helpful in the struggle to reduce work injuries in the Spanish mining sector.  相似文献   

为促进安全发展,强化煤矿安全管理的科技支撑,在事故致因理论基础上,利用文本挖掘中的话题模型和创新性构建的层次致因要素话题模型,对我国2000—2015年发生的386起重特大煤矿事故调查报告进行了深入地挖掘、分析和研究。发现事故致因隐含的规律及各类事故之间的关联与共性,并进一步研究发现不同致因要素随时间的演化规律及致灾倾向,为煤矿安全管理找出重点,指导煤矿安全生产管理实践。  相似文献   

《Safety Science》2006,44(4):297-312
RationaleThe phenomenon of repeat work-related accidents has not been sufficiently studied.ObjectivesTo evaluate the role of work-related factors in the occurrence of repeat accidents in Italy, using economic activity and the size of the enterprise as proxies and basing the analysis on available administrative data.MethodsThe data, provided by the Italian Workers’ Compensation Authority (INAIL), refer to accidents in the industry and artisan sectors and in the service industry between 1994 and 1999. We selected the data on accidents among 633,735 persons 25–55 years of age with a first accident in 1996–1997, and we determined the occurrence of further accidents within two years in the same economic activity, taking into account job mobility and factors associated with underreporting (geographic area, age, and size of the enterprise). The gender-specific relative risk was computed for each economic activity, given by the ratio between the risk of repeat accidents in a given economic activity and the risk in all of the other activities.ResultsIndividuals with a single accident differed from those with a repeat accident in terms of the distribution by gender, age-class, and severity of injury. The economic activities with the highest relative risk were generally those known to represent a risk of accidents in general: metal ore and coal mining, shipbuilding, the manufacturing of railroad equipment, building construction, road and railway construction, the primary iron and steel industry, foundry work, logging/wood manufacturing, slaughtering, and agriculture. However, certain activities not generally considered as hazardous showed a high risk of repeat accidents (e.g., public hygiene, and the manufacturing of bricks, pottery, and glass).ConclusionsThe epidemiological pattern of repeat accidents by economic activity reflects that of accidents in general, though with exceptions. Results suggest that factors associated with specific technical aspects and production processes are important determinants of safety. The differences between single accidents and repeat accidents by gender, age class, and severity of injury suggest that studying repeat accidents separately from first accidents is quite useful.  相似文献   

This article sets outs a generalized utility model for the diagnosis and prediction of accidents among the Spanish workforce. Based on observational data classified into a risk–injury contingency table (19 × 19), we have summarized the accident rate of all Spanish companies over an 11-year period (75,19,732 accidents). By using correspondence analysis a structure composed of three axes can be obtained, the combination of which identifies three separate risk and injury groups, which we use as a general Spanish pattern. The relationships of greater affinity or likelihood amongst the risks and injuries identified in the pattern facilitate decision-making at the risk-assessment stage in Spanish companies. Each risk–injury group has its own characteristics, interpretable within the phenomenological framework of the accident.The main advantage of this model is its potential application to any other country and the feasibility of contrasting results from different countries. One limiting factor, however, is that the model currently lacks a common classification frame for risks and injuries which would enhance this contrast. The aim of this model is to automatically manage work-related accidents at a national level.  相似文献   

Mining remains one of the most hazardous occupations worldwide and underground coal mines are especially notorious for their high accident rates. In this work, we provide an overview of the broad and multi-faceted topic of safety in the mining industry. After reviewing some statistics of mining accidents in the United States, we focus on one pervasive and deadly failure mode in mines, namely explosions. The repeated occurrence of mine explosions, often in similar manner, is the loud unfinished legacy of mining accidents and their occurrence in the 21st century is inexcusable and should constitute a strong call for action for all stakeholders in this industry to settle this problem. We analyze one such recent mine disaster in which deficiencies in various safety barriers failed to prevent the accident initiating event from occurring, then subsequent lines of defense failed to block this accident scenario from unfolding and to mitigate its consequences. We identify the technical, organizational, and regulatory deficiencies that failed to prevent the escalation of the mine hazards into an accident, and the accident into a “disaster”. This case study provides an opportunity to illustrate several concepts that help describe the phenomenology of accidents, such as initiating events, precursor or lead indicator, and accident pathogen. Next, we introduce the safety principle of defense-in-depth, which is the basis for regulations and risk-informed decisions by the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and we examine its relevance and applicability to the mining system in support of accident prevention and coordinating actions on all the safety levers, technical, organizational, and regulatory to improve mining safety. The mining system includes the physical confines and characteristics of the mine, the equipment in the mine, the individuals and the organization that operate the mine, as well as the processes and regulatory constraints under which the mine operates. We conclude this article with the proposition for the establishment of defense-in-depth as the guiding safety principle for the mining industry and we indicate possible benefits for adopting this structured hazard-centric system approach to mining safety.  相似文献   

Work-related accidents are considered as a major health problem worldwide. The aim of present study was to determine the epidemiological pattern of occupational accidents among workers insured by the Iranian Social Security Organization (ISSO) between 2001 and 2005.Subjects consisted of all workers and drivers who had a work-related accident during 2001–2005 and were registered in the Iranian Social Security Organization (ISSO) database according to the inspection reports. An ordinal logistic regression model (proportional odds regression model) was used to assess the concurrent effects of independent variables on accident outcomes.Overall, 86,437 work-related accidents were investigated. The accidents were more frequent in metal workplaces and electrical industries, respectively. More than half of the accidents were due to incautious activities. Workers’ age (age at the time of accident) (OR = 0.99, CI: 0.989–0.994), gender (OR = 1.3, CI: 1.191–1.683), marital status (OR = 1.25, CI: 1.143–1.675) as well as accident setting (OR = 1.88, CI: 1.728–1.975) had significant effect on accident outcomes. Pattern of occupational injuries in Iran was consistent with the global pattern for accident outcomes.  相似文献   

为掌握近年来山西省煤矿事故的发生特点,基于2015年—2018年山西省煤矿事故数据并结合全国煤矿事故数据进行对比,对事故等级、类型、地点、企业性质、煤矿辖区5个维度进行统计分析。结果表明:煤炭价格与煤矿安全形势有正负影响;近年来山西省煤矿安全总体形势好于全国,但机电、运输事故频发,水害事故时有发生,需要对该类事故加强防范措施;回采工作面为事故多发地点,这与全国煤矿事故特点不尽相同;国有重点煤矿的事故起数、死亡人数均高于地方煤矿企业,这主要是由于国有重点煤矿数量多、产量大的原因。应同时努力提高员工素质,坚决落实安全责任制,实现煤矿企业的安全生产。  相似文献   

Underground mining is considered to be one of the most dangerous industries and mining remains the most hazardous occupation. Categorical analysis of accident records may present valuable information for preventing accidents. In this study, hierarchical loglinear analysis was applied to occupational injuries that occurred in an underground coal mine. The main factors affecting the accidents were defined as occupation, area, reason, accident time and part of body affected. By considering subfactors of the main factors, multiway contingency tables were prepared and, thus, the probabilities that might affect nonfatal injuries were investigated. At the end of the study, important accident risk factors and job groups with a high probability of being exposed to those risk factors were determined. This article presents important information on decreasing the number accidents in underground coal mines.  相似文献   

矿山行业是我国事故伤亡率最高的行业,安全管理是防止事故发生的重要手段之一。为评价矿山企业安全管理水平,基于SMART原则从人员、设备、环境和组织四个方面设置了矿山安全管理指标,利用D-S理论对多证据、多指标的数据进行融合,并结合实例进行了分析。结果表明,该方法能够评价矿山企业安全管理水平,发现管理中存在的薄弱环节,为采取防护措施提供依据。  相似文献   

地下采矿安全信息管理系统开发与应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
地下矿床开采潜在着众多的事故隐患,因此,为了进行事故隐患预防和预测,进行矿山安全信息管理和事故分析就显得十分重要。针对金川矿区的地质、采矿条件,研究开发了集“安全信息管理与事故分析”于一体的计算机辅助系统。简要地介绍了该系统的功能、作用以及应用情况。  相似文献   

针对1970年以来1400多起重、特大煤矿事故,应用统计分析方法,探讨了煤矿重、特大事故的时间规律以及不同事故类型与死亡人数之间的关系,发现重、特大煤矿事故与月份、每天不同时间段等有一定相关.每年11、4、3、5、6等月份重、特大事故较多,2月份事故次数最少(Asymp Sig=0.018),时间上重、特大事故高峰时段主要集中在9:00-13:00(Asymp Sig=0.000).自70年代以来单次事故死亡人数没有明显减少,不同事故类型与死亡人数有明显不同(Asymp Sig=0.000),瓦斯事故、煤尘事故、火灾、水灾、煤与瓦斯突出等单次影响较大,事故的时间规律在日期上显现不明显(Asymp Sig=0.262).预防重、特大事故应尤其注意相应的时间段和相应的事故类型.  相似文献   

事故致因模型是用于事故原因分析和预防的重要理论依据,模型的可操作性是决定事故预防效果的重要影响因素。对目前国内研究较为持续和系统的事故致因"2-4"模型进行了深入研究,以增强其在事故分析时的可操作性。首先,研究了事故致因"2-4"模型中组织内、外部原因的各个阶段原因因素的划分情况;其次,根据得到的各阶段原因因素划分结果,对应用事故致因"2-4"模型分析事故原因的因素进行了编码;最后,以一起重大瓦斯爆炸事故为例,对事故致因"2-4"模型原因因素编码系统的有效性进行了实证研究。划分了事故致因"2-4"模型中的各原因模块中的原因因素,并得到了不安全动作和物态、习惯性不安全行为、安全管理体系、安全文化、外部因素等5个层级原因,确定了基于事故致因"2-4"模型的30个原因因素。对事故原因因素进行系统编码,提高了应用事故致因"2-4"模型进行事故原因分析和事故预防的可操作性,增强了其应用实践性。  相似文献   

基于灰色系统理论的煤矿人因事故关键因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
通过对煤矿人因失误事故致因因素进行分析,统计出相关的关键影响因素,运用灰色系统关联理论,根据国家安监局近十年煤矿事故统计数据,对煤矿人因失误事故影响类型进行了分析。以煤矿事故发生起数和事故死亡人数作为参考指标,计算和分析行为失误致因、个人违章、组织管理失误等十项主要与煤矿人因事故相关的灰色关联度,进而推算出这些因素的灰色关联序,确定出导致煤矿人因失误事故的关键因素,最终得到煤矿人因事故与关键影响因素之间的定量化分析结果。采用灰色关联理论对煤矿人因失误影响因素进行分析,能够很好地说明人因失误与各关键影响因素之间的权重关系,对煤矿人因事故主致因机理有更加深刻的理解,为煤矿事故的预防和控制提供重要的参考依据。  相似文献   

为充分挖掘化工生产事故数据中的有效信息和潜在规律,提高对化工事故认知水平,针对某化工集团2010—2016年共1 578起事故数据,利用社会网络分析等方法揭示事故要素间的关联关系;运用潜在狄利克雷分配(LDA)模型进行事故聚类,并抽取到5个事故致因主题。研究结果表明:LDA主题模型等数据挖掘技术能有效挖掘大量事故数据中的潜在信息;5个事故致因主题中,4个涉及到人因或组织层面的缺陷;员工注意力不集中和现场风险管理不足这2个致因主题间具有较强相关性;员工注意力不集中、现场风险管理不足以及设备问题是导致事故发生的主要原因。  相似文献   



Each year, there are at least 100,000,000 occupational accidents and 100,000 occupational deaths in the world. In the United States, one of the safest countries in the world in which to work, there were more than 5,400 workplace fatalities and 5.9 million workplace injuries in 2007. The cost to American industry and taxpayers is estimated to be at least $170 billion per year. Further, as illustrated by accidents such as Three Mile Island and Bhopal, industrial accidents potentially impact a much wider sphere than that of the injured worker and his or her employer. As the repercussions of organizational accidents reverberate through organizations and are felt from human resources to accounting, firms are beginning to incorporate messages of safety in their missions and strategies. As firms organize to achieve safer work environments, they are faced with decisions on how to structure their activities in terms of, among other things, size and differentiation.


This paper explores the impact on accident rates of size and differentiation at the corporate and mine levels of mining companies in an effort to create a framework for thinking about organizational accidents from a structural perspective.


The results suggest that larger mines are safer than smaller mines, and that mines with less task diversity are safer than mines with greater task diversity. The results also suggest that at the corporate level, task diversity decreases mine accidents. These results may help mining executives and engineers structure their corporate activities and individual mines more effectively to help reduce accidents.  相似文献   

某地下矿山安全生产事故规律分析与对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于某地下矿山2000-2009年度所发生的安全生产事故的详细统计数据,分别针对伤害程度、伤害部位、事故工龄、事故班次、事故致因和类别等进行了全面统计、归纳和分析,并采用事故树等分析法对冒顶片帮和人为原因引发的两类重要矿山事故进行了深入系统研究,确定了矿山典型事故发生的基本原因、主导控制因素、一般出现规律以及可能伤害后果。结合工程实际情况,提出了能有效降低生产事故频率,提高安全生产效率的四种具体对策与措施:(1)加强安全教育与技能培训,提高员工安全法制意识和应对突发事故的专业能力;(2)遵守人机工效学的一般原理,改善工作舒适度,提高员工工作积极性和效率;(3)坚持科学发展观,采用合理的先进生产工艺和现代化管理措施;(4)加强劳动保护用品的科学使用与人性化管理。研究成果具有重要的推广应用价值。  相似文献   

《Safety Science》2007,45(4):449-471
Traditional approaches on the prevention of accidents/injuries in mines reached its limit of effectiveness in improving safety performance and a fresh approach is utmost required. Behavioral safety analysis has been identified as an effective alternative in many industries. This paper is therefore sought to examine the role of behavioral factors on the occurrence of mine accidents and injuries through a case study. Data were collected from two neighboring underground coalmines operating under a large public sector organization of India. High–low plots and t-test were done to explore the differences between behavioral characteristics of accident involved (case) and non-involved (control) workers. How these differences could cause accidents/injuries in mines was estimated through structural equation modeling. The case study results show that accident group of workers (cases) are more job dissatisfied, negatively affected, and highly risk taking compared to the non-accident group of workers (controls). The accident model path analysis shows that negative affectivity, job dissatisfaction, and risk taking behaviors predict an increased number of injuries in mines. Apart from direct influences to work injuries, negative affectivity and job dissatisfaction make workers to take more risks and behave unsafely. These findings contribute to the design of safety programs including safety training, which should be behaviorally motivated. Mine safety management of the case study mines should outskirt their age old belief that accidents/injuries are due to hazardous nature of mining and only engineering control and regulatory monitoring are sufficient for improving safety of the mines. The multivariate analysis also shows that experience bears no relationships with work injury indicating that a less experienced worker is equally likely to be injured as an experienced worker. It implies that experience though helps workers in understanding the physical hazards, however, avoiding the imminent danger is much more behavioral. The variables negative affectivity, job dissatisfaction, and risk taking behaviors are therefore crucial in avoiding accident/injuries in mines.  相似文献   

煤矿事故的不可重现性决定了事故原因的调查具有很强的不确定性,如何通过事故发生后的相关信息提高事故深层次原因调查的准确性是非常重要的。将HFACS与贝叶斯网络相结合,以煤矿事故HFACS分析结果为样本,通过卡方检验和让步比分析建立人因的贝叶斯网络因果图,进一步利用最大似然估计算法确定了煤矿事故人因的贝叶斯网络参数。最后,以双柳煤业顶板事故的调查信息为证据推理导致煤矿事故发生的深层次原因,提高事故原因调查的准确性,从而验证模型的有效性。  相似文献   

为开展生产安全事故系统性风险实证研究,从风险治理角度提出单位国内生产总值生产安全事故死亡率、工矿商贸就业人员10万人生产安全事故死亡率、生产安全事故致死率和重特大事故死亡人数占比4项指标,采用秩和比法构造相对安全风险指数(SRI),并以江苏和宁夏为例开展实证研究。研究结果表明:SRI可更好地量化和反映我国生产安全事故系统性风险水平;近年我国系统性风险非持续下降,呈波动变化;事故少发地区的系统性风险不一定小于事故多发地区。研究结果可为我国安全生产战略谋划和顶层设计提供新思路。  相似文献   

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