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我微睁双眼,映入眼帘的,不再是青山翠谷,鸟语花香,置身于一片荒凉之中,千年古树被从中间劈断,歪歪斜斜地倒了一地,还有火后残留的痕迹,我起身,顺着一路枯木断枝,走上崖头,一声长啸,却没见到被惊起的群鸟。我知道了,这片地,终究是荒了。我记得,以前妈妈带我来这的时候,我还感叹过这很美,那时候,这里到处古木参天,深绿的草将地  相似文献   

正青海省门源县泉口镇寄宿制小学孔庆寿校长,自参加工作以来,表现优秀,作风正派,坚持原则,敢为人先,做事雷厉风行,富有亲和力。作为党员,他恪尽职守,牢固树立服务意识,全心致力于办人民满意的教育事业;作为校长,他坚持党的教育方针,严格按照教育规律来开展教育教学工作,大力实施素质教育,积极推进新课程改革,依法治校、以德兴校,努力开  相似文献   

正破晓。醒来,拉开窗帘,望向苍穹,月儿如钩,星星稀疏闪烁,衬着无边深邃幽蓝的天,多么美好!于是,暗暗想到,运气不错。昨日,徒步登上来,云雾萦绕山林,太阳时而露出,时而隐没,人在陡峭、幽静的步道走,领略了山林独特风光。树木葳蕤,随地势、海拔差异而不同,千年楠木参天,杉木披着蓑衣,  相似文献   

住在深山树林间,清早一醒来就听鸟儿鸣啭,生活在大自然清脆婉转的音乐声中。吃过早饭后进山去劳动,走过不同的地段,翠竹坡,松树林,小溪沟,油茶岭,杉树湾,各处栖息着、活跃着各种各样的鸟儿,听到各种鸟儿不同的叫声,有的是只闻其声不见其形,有的鸟儿在树枝上边跳跃边叫唤。各种叫声,或短促,或清脆,或嘹亮,或轻言细语,或多声部鸣唱。鸟儿们各有自己的语言,叙说,歌唱,像对话,像呼叫;有的传达信息,有的报告发现,有的表达爱情,有的叙说故事;陈述生存状态,歌唱挚爱亲情,讨论争鸣,种种言谈。鸟儿们自己的语言,各群落内自己听得懂,传递感受,交流感情,体现欢愉。人鸟之间没有十分传情达意的翻译,各民族人以自己的语言音译鸟语,诠释鸟儿的歌句,流传各种各样的版本。  相似文献   

8月10日随团参观考察桂林市龙胜各族自治县,所到之处,奇山异水,生态环境,民族情义,尽收眼底,尤其感受颇深的是,在深山密林中,各族人民建造了因山而势,形态各异,大小不一的人造梯田,创造了人间奇迹,固随笔记之,以示留念。  相似文献   

我的家乡处在群山环抱之中,山,在这儿并不大,小小的山,一座接一座,犹如温柔的水波起伏不止,构成了一道美丽的风景线,有了山,自然缺不了水,大凌河的水充满了灵性,有了大凌河的滋润,家乡更是充满生机,但是,不知为什么,我常常担心这样美好的环境会消失,因为,目前一些人的做法实在令人担忧。看看吧,多少昨天的绿色已被今日的一座座高楼大厦  相似文献   

“粉尘似雪飘,臭气满厂绕”,这是不少人对橡胶化工企业的印象。然而,在汾阳橡胶厂你看到的却是另一番景象,厂内道路整洁,花草满园,每逢夏季来临,绿树成荫,鲜花盛开,喷泉下池鱼戏水,凉亭间,鸟语花香。这个年实现604万元产值,生产胶带、胶塞等橡胶制品的专业厂,共有职工202名,位于县城的东关。几年前,这个厂由于生产和环境保护工作严重脱解,厂区内粉尘排放严重超标,跑冒滴漏随处可见,干部职工不安心工作,附近居民怨声载道、反映强烈。恶劣的工作环境,使职工无力攻克难关,  相似文献   

红茄梨:果肉乳白,质细具芳香,品质极佳,含可溶性固形物11%~13%,适应性强,抗寒抗旱,丰产稳产,是少有的早熟品种。八月红:果肉乳白色,香浓质细,含可溶性固形物119%~153%,品质上等,易早果丰产。巍山红:果肉黄白,肉质脆甜多汁,含可溶性固形物12%,品质中上等,适应性强,丰产性好,是  相似文献   

这里自然环境得天独厚,湖光山色,蓝天白云,田园风光无限。春花灿烂,生机勃勃;夏日炎炎,浓情似火;秋色娇艳,如痴如醉;冬雪皑皑,好一派北国风光,不论是哪个季节到慕尼黑,都是各有特色,不虚此行。  相似文献   

<正>张良勋,1941生,字伯耀,号若水,安徽省宿州市人,安徽艺术专科学校中国画专业,安徽艺术学院美术系毕业,中国书法家协会首批会员,中国书法家协会第四、五届理事,安徽省书法家协会创始人之一,安徽省书法家协会常务理事,安徽省文史馆馆员,《安徽日报》主任编辑,江淮诗书画院院长,第三届安徽省书法家协会主席,安徽省书法家协会名誉主席。  相似文献   

本电子设备安全性设计的目的就是通过识别、分析、评价系统中存在的危险性,预计事故对人员、设备和环境的破坏的可能性和严重性,根据其结果调整工艺、设备、操作、管理、生产周期和投资等因素,提出消除、减少、控制危险及危险事件的措施,以便使事故在发生之前得到控制,降低系统运行的风险。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Water-based outdoor recreation constitutes an important benefit in many multiple-use projects. One problem frequently encountered, however, is the fluctuation of the water-level in a reservoir, especially if draw-downs occur during the summer recreation season. The Trent Canal in Ontario, Canada, forms a unique recreation waterway of some 240 miles of canal and navigable lakes and rivers. For the control of the water in the canal, the Canadian Federal government manages 44 reservoir-lakes as water-storage sites to augment the flows in the canal. While most disputes in water allocation for recreation generally involve recreation uses versus other, non-recreation uses, in the case of the Trent Canal and its reservoir-lakes the dispute in water allocation exists between two competing recreation-uses: for recreation boating on the Canal and its waterway, and for recreation use of the reservoir-lakes. Each use has its own duty-of-water in terms of requirements, or water conditions, for its optimum use. On the reservoir-lakes, by far the largest recreation user-group, is made up of the owners of private shoreline summer cottages (cabins). Draw-downs on the reservoir-lakes, in some cases as much as 13 feet, hence constitute a negative externality imposed by the canal, especially since water-level lowering takes place continuously throughout the summer. In-depth interviews conducted with over 100 cottage-owners indicate four main conclusions. First, the previous user assumptions of the extent of the negative effect of water-level fluctuation on recreation had been exaggerated. Only in extreme draw-downs during infrequent dry years would draw-down constitute a serious imposition. Second, water-level fluctuation does constitute a form of inconvenience to the private riparian recreation property owners, but it does not generally reduce the quantity of recreation use of the reservoir-lakes. Third, there is evidence that reservoir-lake users have learned to adapt successfully to water-level draw-downs. Fourth, the shoreline physiography of the location of a riparian owner strongly influences the way in which draw-down affects attitudes and opinions. The complex jurisdictional split of the land and water resources of the region points to the need to establish a Trent Canal Authority, to oversee the proper use and development of the canal, its waterway, and the reservoir-lakes.  相似文献   

The microbiological and physico-chemical characteristics of the drinking water supplied by the Central Borehole at the University of Benin, Ugbowo Campus were investigated. The investigation entailed assessment of the pH, turbidity, total suspended solids, total dissolved solids, dissolved oxygen, temperature, salinity, conductivity, nitrate, nitrite, phosphate, sulphate, chloride, N-nitroso compounds, cadmium, chromium, nickel, lead, zinc, manganese, iron, coliform count, BOD5 and COD of the water at the Central Borehole and at ten residential quarters. The assessment indicated that the water was fit for drinking and other domestic applications. Results were also compared with WHO, EU and Nigeria FEPA standards. The results showed that the pH values of the water (5.01–5.86) and total coliform count (1–2/100 ml) expressed as MPN were outside the limits set by the WHO, EU and FEPA. The data also showed that the other water quality parameters assessed were within WHO, EU and FEPA permissible limits. The results of ANOVA showed that significant changes occurred during distribution.  相似文献   

The Akaki River, laden with untreated wastes from domestic, industrial, and commercial sources, serves as a source of water for irrigating vegetable farms. The purpose of this study is to identify the impact of waste-water irrigation on the level of heavy metals and to predict their potential mobility and bioavailability. Zn and V had the highest, whereas Hg the lowest, concentrations observed in the soils. The average contents of As, Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, Zn, V, and Hg of both soils; and Pb and Se from Fluvisol surpassed the mean + 2 SD of the corresponding levels reported for their uncontaminated counterparts. Apparently, irrigation with waste water for the last few decades has contributed to the observed higher concentrations of the above elements in the study soils (Vertisol and Fluvisol) when compared to uncontaminated Vertisol and Fluvisol. On the other hand, Vertisol accommodated comparatively higher average levels of Cr, Cu, Ni, Zn, etc V, and Cd, whereas high contents of Pb and Se were observed in Fluvisol. Alternatively, comparable levels of Co and Hg were found in either soil. Except for Ni, Cr, and Cd in contaminated Vertisol, heavy metals in the soils were not significantly affected by the depth (0–20 and 30–50 cm). When the same element from the two soils was compared, the levels of Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Se, Zn, V, Cd at 0–20 cm; and Cr, Ni, Cu, Cd, and Zn at 30–50 cm were significantly different. Organic carbon (in both soils), CEC (Fluvisol), and clay (Vertisol) exhibited significant positive correspondences with the total heavy metal levels. Conversely, Se and Hg contents revealed perceptible associations with carbonate and pH. The exchangeable fraction was dominated by Hg and Cd, whereas the carbonate fraction was abounded with Cd, Pb, and Co. conversely, V and Pb displayed strong affinity to reducible fraction, where as Cr, Cu, Zn, and Ni dominated the oxidizable fraction. Cr, Hg, Se, and Zn (in both soils) showed preference to the residual fraction. Generally, a considerable proportion of the total levels of many of the heavy metals resided in non residual fractions. The enhanced lability is generally expected to follow the order: Cd > Co > Pb > Cu > Ni > Se > V and Pb > Cd > Co > Cu > Ni > Zn in Vertisol and Fluvisol, respectively. For the similar wastewater application, the soil variables influence the status and the distribution of the associated heavy metals among the different soil fractions in the study soils. Among heavy metals that presented relatively elevated levels and with potential mobility, Co, Cu, Ni (either soil), V (Vertisol), Pb, and Zn (Fluvisol) could pose health threat through their introduction into the food chain in the wastewater irrigated soils.  相似文献   

随着绕城高速公路的建设,国内大城市高速走廊效应日益显著.以山东济南市东绕城高速公路为例,利用SWOT分析方法阐述了绕城高速公路走廊发展的基础条件,明确了产业发展的思路和定位.最后,在总结分析结构提升、重点突破、组团布局、集群发展、品牌联动五大战略的基础上,提出了产业走廊发展所需的人才、科技、投资、资源、基础设施等六大支撑体系.  相似文献   

Urban ecological systems: scientific foundations and a decade of progress   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Urban ecological studies, including focus on cities, suburbs, and exurbs, while having deep roots in the early to mid 20th century, have burgeoned in the last several decades. We use the state factor approach to highlight the role of important aspects of climate, substrate, organisms, relief, and time in differentiating urban from non-urban areas, and for determining heterogeneity within spatially extensive metropolitan areas. In addition to reviewing key findings relevant to each state factor, we note the emergence of tentative "urban syndromes" concerning soils, streams, wildlife and plants, and homogenization of certain ecosystem functions, such as soil organic carbon dynamics. We note the utility of the ecosystem approach, the human ecosystem framework, and watersheds as integrative tools to tie information about multiple state factors together. The organismal component of urban complexes includes the social organization of the human population, and we review key modes by which human populations within urban areas are differentiated, and how such differentiation affects environmentally relevant actions. Emerging syntheses in land change science and ecological urban design are also summarized. The multifaceted frameworks and the growing urban knowledge base do however identify some pressing research needs.  相似文献   

In France and the United States it has been shown that strong linkages exist between vegetation and alluvial landforms within homogeneous river stretches characterized by geomorphological processes, flood duration, flood magnitude, flood frequency, and sediment size. Furthermore, perturbations induced by man (such as embankments and damming) have been shown to have an effect on both succession and plant distribution patterns. Yet, in numerous cases it is not possible to find either the communities or the plants whose presence might be predicted by reference to the river section characteristics (such as straight, braided, anastomosed, or meandering channels) or by reference to perturbation effects well known in piedmont valleys (such as variations of the water-table depth, variations of magnitude, and frequency and duration of floods). Unexpected species, new communities, and even new successional sequences are often observed. The presence of new alluvial forms explains these differences. An “artificial” substratum generated by an old human perturbation (limited in the time) has been established in the past; consequently, the natural distribution patterns of water and matter flows have been disturbed. Archive research has enabled a classification of abandoned systems that were commonly used during the 16th, 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries on European floodplains. Several case studies were chosen in order to illustrate and explain the importance of stream corridor history. The example of the Isère River valley, downstream from Albertville, is chosen to highlight the heterogeneity of the vegetation mosaïc pattern outside the dikes. The historical reconstruction explains the role of the additional disturbances that cause deviation from the system evolution patterns.  相似文献   

In the coastal zone of the Espírito Santo state, Brazil, fragments of restinga, which form a natural ecosystem, share their space with an increasing number of iron ore industries. The iron ore dust and SO(2) originating from the industry processing activities can interfere with the vegetation of the adjacent ecosystems at various levels. This study was undertaken in order to evaluate the effects of industry emissions on representative members of the restinga flora, by measuring physiological and phenological parameters. Foliar samples of Ipomoea pes caprae, Canavalia rosea, Sophora tomentosa, and Schinus terebinthifolius were collected at three increasing distances from an ore industry (1.0, 5.0, and 15.0 km), and were assessed for their dust deposition, chlorophyll, and Fe content. Phenological monitoring was focused on the formation of shoots, flowers, and fruits and was also performed throughout the course of a year. The results showed that the edaphic characteristics and the mineral constitutions of the plants were affected by industry emissions. In addition, the chlorophyll content of the four species increased with proximity to the industry. Phenological data revealed that the reproductive effort, as measured by fruit production, was affected by emissions and S. tomentosa was the most affected species. The use of an integrative approach that combines biochemical and ecological data indicates that the restinga flora is under stress due to industry emissions, which on a long-term basis may put the ecosystem at risk.  相似文献   

In our previous work, the prepared high-impact polystyrene (HIPS) membranes, synthesized using four concentrations (20, 25, 30, and 35 wt%) of waste HIPS, were proved to be promising for water purification by microfiltration process (MF). However, the fabricated membranes' mechanical properties and microfiltration process parameters were not investigated. Consequently, in this study, various parameters affecting the previously fabricated membranes' performance in the filtration process, such as membrane mechanical properties, feeding pressure, fouling behavior, and polymer concentration, were thoroughly investigated. With increasing polystyrene concentrations, the ultimate tensile strength of the fabricated membranes increased. When the concentration was increased from 20 to 25 wt percent, the elongation at break rose, but as the concentration was increased further, the membrane became brittle. Permeate flux and rejection both declined as polymer content was raised. Accordingly, the highest flux and humic acid (HA) rejection were shown by 20 wt% (14.18 L/m2h (LMH) and 98.95%, respectively). The antifouling properties declined when the polymer concentration was raised, and 20 wt% had the lowest total fouling resistance. Furthermore, the permeate flux was reduced while increasing the HA initial concentration.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A laboratory boat designed to investigate toxic effects on site and its use as a bioassay tool in the study of a refinery effluent discharged into the Schuylkill River, a tributary of the Delaware River, is described. Three-hundred thirty-six-hour continuous-flow bioassay s exposing the bluegill sunfish, the channel catfish, the tadpole snail, the grass shrimp, and the sheephead minnow to concentrations of refinery effluent in Schuylkill, Delaware River, and Delaware Bay water, with and without the addition of sediment were performed. Results indicated that the toxicity (lethality) of fresh samples tested aboard the boat (refinery effluent, dilution water, sediment) were considerably higher (i.e., refinery effluent at full strength was 2.2X as lethal to the bluegill, 1.4X as lethal to the channel catfish, 1.5X as lethal to the sheep-head minnow and 100X as lethal to the grass shrimp) than the same test material collected from the refinery outfall and brought to a central laboratory for testing. Chemical analysis and bioassay data is presented showing the effects of aging and irradiation upon the refinery effluent.  相似文献   

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