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为研究泄爆门对瓦斯爆炸特征参数的影响,并验证其泄爆效果和快速封闭性能,自制大尺寸瓦斯爆炸管道试验系统,在瓦斯体积分数为5.5%、7.5%、9.5%和11.5%的工况下进行爆炸试验,通过数据采集系统收集瓦斯爆炸特性参数,分析其变化特征和泄爆效果。结果表明:4种工况下,爆炸压力波压力峰值分别衰减了42.25%、50.54%、53.27%和52.88%;随着瓦斯体积分数的增大,爆炸压力峰值以二次函数关系衰减,平均封闭火区14 h,说明泄爆门具有显著泄爆特性和快速封闭火区的作用;温度变化特征基本一致,无论瓦斯体积分数如何变化,泄爆门对瓦斯爆炸火焰没有抑制作用; 4种工况下火焰传播速度最大平均值分别为103.56、105.73、136.67和138.34 m/s。  相似文献   

为研究泄爆门对瓦斯爆炸特性参数的影响,自制大直径瓦斯管道爆炸试验系统,在有无泄爆门2种工况下进行瓦斯爆炸试验;通过高速数据采集模块及工控机采集瓦斯爆炸特性参数,分析其变化特征和泄爆效果。结果表明:瓦斯质量分数为9. 5%时泄爆门工况下的最大压力是空管工况的1. 65倍,压力达到稳定状态的时间有所缩减;爆炸冲击波从测点1传播到测点3时,泄爆门工况下爆炸压力衰减率为62. 5%,空管工况仅为14. 3%,泄爆门显著衰减了爆炸压力;火焰温度的衰减与泄爆门无关; 2种工况下火焰传播速度的最大平均值分别为136. 67和113. 56 m/s。  相似文献   

为揭示泄爆面特征参数对大尺度受限空间内天然气爆炸超压峰值结构的影响机制,基于典型房间特征,借助计算流体动力学技术研究不同泄爆面开启压力、开启时间以及泄压比等参数条件下室内天然气泄爆超压峰值结构的分布规律。研究结果表明:峰值Pb随开启压力和开启时间增加均呈线性增长趋势,而泄压比对Pb影响较小;峰值Pmfa与室内最大火焰面积有关,随开启压力、开启时间的增加和泄压比的减小,气体出流速度增大,进而产生更强的湍流,导致室内火焰面积和气体燃烧率增加,最终Pmfa增大;峰值Pext随泄压比增加呈快速降低趋势,同时开启压力和开启时间对Pext影响具有协同效应,共同促进Pext快速增加。  相似文献   

使用FLACS软件DESC模块,对连接不同长度泄爆导管的除尘器泄爆模型进行了模拟,研究泄爆过程中除尘器内部以及泄爆方向上的超压与高温变化规律。研究结果表明,泄爆导管内部要比除尘器内部先达到最大爆炸压力,但压力值却要小于除尘器内的超压;在泄爆方向上,距泄爆口越远,导管内的爆炸压力也越小,且在泄爆导管末端压力下降的趋势明显加快;随着导管长度从1 m增加到6 m,除尘器与泄爆导管内部的最大爆炸压力也逐渐增大,在泄爆导管长6 m时,除尘器内部达到了81.8 kPa的最大爆炸压力;而对于不同长度的导管泄爆模型,泄爆导管内部都达到了2 000 K左右的高温,且导管越长,最大爆炸温度所能持续的时间也越长。  相似文献   

在装有对开式泄爆板的透明爆燃腔体内,用试验方法研究了甲烷/空气预混气体爆燃过程中的爆燃压力、火焰传播速度及泄爆板转动规律。结果表明:在对开式泄爆条件下,与无障碍物的工况相比,随障碍物数量增多或当量比从0.7增大到1.0,火焰传播速度、爆燃过程中的最大压力和泄爆板开启速度越来越大;当量比越接近1.0,泄爆过程中压力峰值产生的时间越提前;由于对开式泄爆板的瞬态泄压作用,压力曲线波峰附近出现"凹陷"现象。此外,在对开式泄爆容器的设计过程中,应尽可能减少容器中障碍物的数量,以降低爆燃过程中的压力峰值。  相似文献   

为了研究富氧条件下不同泄爆面积对CH4燃烧诱导快速相变的影响,基于自主设计搭建的CH4燃烧诱导快速相变试验台,通过改变富氧系数和泄爆面积对CH4燃烧的压力振荡特性进行研究,分析了不同富氧系数E(0.21,0.3,0.4,0.6)及泄爆面积比(0,0.25,0.5,0.75,1)下CH4燃烧的压力峰值、到达压力峰值的时间及特征时间等参数的变化趋势。结果表明,随富氧系数增大,爆炸压力峰值逐渐增大。富氧系数E=0.21时,压力峰值低于相应的绝热压力,无压力振荡;当E=0.3时,压力峰值低于相应的绝热压力且伴随压力振荡。当E为0.4、0.6时,压力峰值高于相应绝热压力且伴随压力振荡;在泄爆条件下,随富氧系数增加,到达压力峰值的时间逐渐减小。通过分析不锈钢管道中的燃烧诱导快速相变现象,发现泄爆可以有效降低爆炸压力峰值,且随泄爆面积比增大,到达压力峰值的时间提前。  相似文献   

周西华    李昂    宋东平    陈猛    孙宝铁 《中国安全生产科学技术》2016,12(10):125-129
目前煤矿发生火灾事故后,火区封闭时间过长极易引发瓦斯爆炸等次生灾害,且煤矿现有的阻隔爆技术存在许多 不足,针对这些问题,研发一种用于煤矿火区的快速封闭泄爆门。通过对泄爆门的结构设计、封闭与泄爆机制及有益效 果等方面进行阐述,并采用流体力学FLUENT软件计算得出不同数量泄爆窗的泄爆门与监控泄爆门前截面的压力、速度之 间的变化情况。结果表明:6个泄爆窗比2个泄爆窗的封闭时间快1 200 ms,快速封闭时间节省了68.57%。随着泄爆窗的 增多,瓦斯爆炸冲击波压力和传播速度都大幅度降低。当煤矿发生火灾事故封闭火区时,快速封闭泄爆门不仅具有快速 密闭功能,也同时具有泄爆功能,为煤矿安全提供新的隔爆技术。  相似文献   

为研究数值模拟边界条件的准确性及泄爆门对瓦斯爆炸的抑制作用,自制大直径爆炸管道试验装置,在瓦斯体积分数9.5%条件下进行瓦斯爆炸试验,同时运用FLUENT软件模拟整个爆炸传播过程,通过对比分析试验数据与模拟结果,分析其变化特征和泄爆效果。结果表明:爆炸冲击波从测点2传播到测点3时,试验和数值模拟方式下压力峰值衰减率分别为51.40%和51.28%,偏差率为0.23%,泄爆门能显著衰减爆炸压力; 2种研究方式下温度变化规律相同,测点2、3温度峰值偏差分别为6.99%和6.43%,但泄爆门对火焰温度没有抑制作用;通过对比研究发现,两者得出的结论和变化规律吻合,证实了数值模拟的数学模型、边界条件和初始条件的准确性。  相似文献   

为了研究泄爆面不同开启压力对甲烷爆燃压力的影响,针对受限空间内甲烷/空气混合物爆燃传播过程,建立由水平管道构成的数值模型。研究结果表明:水平管道内存在爆燃压力积聚和泄放的双重效应,随着泄爆面开启压力的增加,测点爆燃压力峰值增大而且测点间爆燃压力峰值差异逐渐减小;在泄爆面不同开启压力条件下,泄压效应造成泄爆面及外部空气域爆燃压力衰减,随着泄爆面开启压力的增加,泄爆面开启时间近似呈线性增大;与水平管道内和泄爆面附近测点相比,水平管道外侧测点的爆燃压力峰值和振荡幅值均显著衰减,而且随着泄爆面开启压力的增加,测点爆燃压力峰值及测点间爆燃压力峰值差异均逐渐增大。  相似文献   

利用球型容器与管道组合,开展连通容器气体爆炸与泄爆实验,分析连通条件下,火焰在管道中的传播过程及其对起爆容器和传爆容器的压力影响。实验结果表明:连通容器气体爆炸中,火焰从起爆容器到传爆容器传播经历了一段不断加速,但加速度不断减小的过程;泄爆过程中,火焰传播过程与密闭爆炸时基本一致。管道中火焰加速传播,使得传爆容器的爆炸压力和强度相较于作为起爆容器时均明显增加,危险更大,采用与起爆容器相同的泄爆面积,无法满足对连通容器中传爆容器的泄爆。同时,泄爆是一个快速的能量泄放过程应选择合理的泄爆方式,防止二次危害。  相似文献   

针对市政排污管网等典型受限空间内可燃气体爆燃风险,建立由水平管道和竖直分支管道构成的数值模型,研究竖直分支管道不同泄爆开启压力对甲烷爆燃压力的影响.研究结果表明:不同泄爆开启压力条件下,管道内存在爆燃压力积聚和泄放的双重效应;水平管道内各测点压力时程曲线均表现为先增大后减小而后出现亥姆霍兹振荡,随着与爆源距离的增加,初...  相似文献   

为了研究墨粉在爆炸泄压过程中燃烧与流动的变化机制,通过改变泄爆片尺寸、墨粉浓度以及泄爆片的惯性力等参数对爆炸泄放过程中反应釜中压力以及外场火焰形态变化进行试验研究,同时与完全封闭空间内不同墨粉浓度的压力曲线对比。研究结果表明:相同泄爆开口尺寸下,粉尘浓度与受控爆炸压力(采用爆炸泄压保护措施后工业腔体内产生的压力)负相关;开口尺寸增加可以提升泄压效率;结合外场火焰形态的变化情况揭示声动火焰不稳定性对反应釜中压力发展的影响;通过无惯性泄爆试验的对比证明泄爆片惯性对受控爆炸压力的影响不可忽视。  相似文献   

Explosion venting is a frequently-used way to lower explosion pressure and accident loss. Recently, studies of vessel explosion venting have received much attention, while little attention has been paid to pipe explosion venting. This study researched the characteristics of explosion venting for Coal Bed Methane (CBM) transfer pipe, and proposed the way of explosion venting to chamber in order to avoid the influence of explosion venting on external environment, and investigated the effects of explosion venting to atmosphere and chamber. When explosion venting to atmosphere, the average explosion impulse 4.89 kPa s; when explosion venting to 0 MPa (atmospheric pressure) chamber, average explosion impulse is 7.52 kPa s; when explosion venting to −0.01 MPa chamber, explosion flame and pressure obviously drop, and average explosion impulse decreases to 4.08 kPa s; when explosion venting to −0.09 MPa chamber, explosion flame goes out and average explosion impulse is 1.45 kPa s. Thus, the effect of explosion venting to negative chamber is far better than that to atmospheric chamber. Negative chamber can absorb more explosion gas and energy, increase stretch of explosion flame, and eliminate free radical of gas explosion. All these can promote the effect of explosion venting to negative chamber.  相似文献   

为有效防止粉尘爆炸泄爆引起的二次爆炸及火灾问题,基于泄压理论、消火机理,设计开发无火焰泄压装置,装置主要由消火结构、底座、爆破片及夹持机构组成,消火结构由不锈钢金属丝网组成。选择铝粉尘为测试粉尘,通过自建除尘系统试验平台进行试验研究。结果表明:无火焰泄压装置可成功阻止火焰传播,装置释放的冲击波在5 m外均小于5 kPa,除尘系统内部最大泄爆压力为0.1 MPa,装置前端火焰传播速度均大于100 m/s。  相似文献   

To develop the application of explosion venting technology in high-pressure vessels, a new model for the design of dust explosion venting size was presented, which took the physicochemical phenomenon deriving from the elevation of the static activation pressure into account. Firstly, for confined pressure rise, the wall quenching effect originating from the dust flame thickness was considered by adopting the three-zone model. Secondly, for the venting pressure rise, the energy loss due to the discharge of high-energy burnt mixture (quantified as the specific surface area loss of the flame) was taken into account and the induced turbulence factor was introduced. Thirdly, for the venting pressure drop, a dynamic pressure relief capability evaluation model which takes into account the flame morphology evolution (tear-shaped flame) and the proportion of discharged mixture (relative volume ratio) at elevated activation pressure was proposed. The predicted maximum reduced pressure and venting size were checked against the PMMA explosion experiments and a more great performance was obtained compared with standards.  相似文献   

Low-concentration gas transported in pipelines may lead to explosion accidents because gas with a concentration of less than 30% is prone to explode. To reduce the incidence of gas explosions, water sealing of fire barriers is implemented, and explosion venting devices are installed along the pipeline. To investigate their suppression effect on low-concentration gas explosion, experiments using methane–air premixed gas under different conditions were implemented on a DN500 pipeline test system. The effects of three types of explosion venting forms (rupture disc, asbestos board, and plastic film) on explosion overpressure and flame were compared and analysed. Results show that the rupture disc, asbestos board, and plastic film can achieve adequate explosion venting, causing the peak decay rates of explosion overpressure to reach 82.37%, 81.72%, and 90.79%, respectively. The foregoing indicates that the greater the static activation pressure of the explosion venting form, the higher the peak explosion overpressure at each measurement point. Moreover, the shorter the explosion flame duration, the greater the flame propagation velocity. The research results provide an essential theoretical foundation for the effective suppression of gas explosion accidents in the process of low-concentration gas transportation.  相似文献   

To further understand the dynamic mechanism of dust explosion through a vent duct, we designed a small-scale cylindrical vessel connected with a vent duct and performed a dust explosion venting experiment under different opening pressures using corn starch as the explosive medium in this study. The results show that weakening effect of duct on venting is positively correlated with the opening pressure. The explosion pressure in the duct presents a three-peak-structure with time, successively caused by the membrane breaking shock wave, the secondary explosion in the tube, and the continuous combustion, and decreases gradually with the propagation distance. Meanwhile, the three pressure peaks are positively correlated with the opening pressure, while the time interval between them goes to contrary. The increase of opening pressure leads to the increase of secondary explosion intensity and reverse flow in the vessel, further accelerates the reaction rate in the vessel, and then shortens the duration of combustion in the vessel until the phenomenon of flame reignition in the vessel disappears.  相似文献   

杨凯    吕鹏飞    胡倩然  庞磊   《中国安全生产科学技术》2018,14(12):21-27
为阐释民用建筑内部大尺度物品与门窗等泄爆面对天然气爆炸灾害的协同作用机制,基于典型厨房空间布局及内部物品特征,借助计算流体动力学技术研究了不同泄爆面开启压力和不同大尺度障碍物体积阻塞率条件下天然气内爆炸火焰速度、爆炸超压的分布规律。研究结果表明:大尺度障碍物与泄爆面对室内天然气爆炸过程具有显著的协同作用,共同促进火焰速度与爆炸超压的显著增长,并缩短峰值超压到达时间;大尺度障碍物的存在虽然显著降低了室内天然气的体积,但从增加房间内湍流源和相对长径比的角度进一步促进了泄爆效应;大尺度障碍物与泄爆面协同作用下,室内火焰速度呈现明显的阶段性特征,并在泄爆面附近发生波动。研究结论可为民用建筑物内气体爆炸事故调查分析和灾害评估提供科学依据。  相似文献   

A pilot scale interconnected vessels experiment system was established, and the closed and vented gas explosion characteristics in the system were studied, using 10% methane–air mixture. Regularity of pressure variation in vessels and flame propagation in linked pipes was analyzed. Furthermore, the effects of transmission style, ignition position, pipe length, and initial pressure on explosion severity were discussed. For the closed explosion: explosion in interconnected vessels presents strongly destructive power to secondary vessel, especially transmission from the big vessel to the small one; the worst ignition position is shifting from ignition in the interconnected pipe to the walls of the two vessels; as far as ignition in big vessel is concerned, the peak pressure in secondary vessel increases with the pipe length much faster than that for ignition in small vessel; the peak pressures in two vessels are approximate linear functions of initial pressure. For the vented explosion: the transmission style and interconnected pipe length have significant impacts on the effect of venting on the protection; in order to obtain the better venting effect, the use of a divergent interconnected pipe from the big vessel to the small one in industry is advised and it is necessary to reduce the interconnected pipe length as far as possible or install flame arrester in the interconnected pipe.  相似文献   

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