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企业管理人员气候变化意识的统计分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文首先总结了气候变化意识的定义和内涵,认为气候变化意识包括对气候变化的原因、影响和应对措施等问题的认知和应对气候变化的行为意愿两部分.其次基于问卷调查的数据,统计了企业管理人员对气候变化问题的认知和应对气候变化的行为意愿的各项问题的得分率.在气候变化的认知方面,受访者对于气候变化的原因的认知水平比较低,对于气候变化的全球协议和中国政策的认知水平非常低,对于气候变化的原因和减缓气候变化的措施的认知水平比较高,对于适应气候变化的各项措施的认知程度则有明显的差异;在应对气候变化的行为意愿方面,大多数受访者愿意在日常生活中采取行动减缓气候变化,也有大部分受访者认为企业是应对气候变化的主要利益相关方之一,企业应对气候变化的最主要的推动力是强制性的标准和法令的执行以及经济激励政策的引导,中国企业已经采取的应对气候变化的措施主要是节能减排取得了明显成效、淘汰了落后产能、开展了清洁生产及循环经济等.  相似文献   

气候变化是当今人类社会面临的最严峻的全球性环境挑战之一,气候变化谈判关乎各国在气候秩序中的权力与义务,涉及到各国经济发展的根本利益,已经成为国际政治博弈的新舞台.根据联合国气候变化框架公约和巴厘路线图精神,发达国家应承担起历史责任,向发展中国家提供新的、额外的、可持续的、可预测的资金支持,帮助其应对气候变化的不利影响.但是,由于发达国家缺乏履行公约义务的政治诚意,长期以来在资金问题上同发展中国家展开了艰苦的斗争.哥本哈根会议后,全球应对气候变化资金呈现出资金来源多样化,资金规模逐渐缩水,资金治理机制对发达国家出资约束力近一步降低的趋势.各利益集团围绕资金机制谈判展开激烈博弈,欧盟与美国正在逐步突破“共同但有区别的责任”原则,争夺气候变化谈判领导权并力图将我国拉入出资国之列,发展中国家阵营逐步分化为“基础四国”、“小岛屿国家”、“最不发达国家”等,保持共同立场难度日渐增大.尽管绿色气候基金在德班会议后正式启动,若无资金注入,也只能为未来资金机制谈判带来不确定性.面对上述形势,我国应坚持公约基本原则,坚持发展中国家定位,加强综合研究及前瞻性判断,以积极的姿态和务实的态度参与应对气候变化的国际谈判,以争取自身的发展权益,维护国家核心利益.同时,探索在当前发展阶段下发展低碳经济和建立低碳社会的路线图,不断提高减缓和适应气候变化的能力,实现自觉减排,为全球应对气候变化做出积极贡献.  相似文献   

本文基于气候变化影响与适应领域的研究,重点聚焦国家第三次气候变化评估报告发布以来的最新成果,从全国尺度评估气候变化对我国社会经济可持续发展重点领域的影响,揭示气候变化对各重点领域影响的时空格局及区域差异,预估未来气候变化风险,为国家应对气候变化宏观政策制定和促进社会经济可持续发展提供科技支撑。本文评估了重点领域的影响和风险、重大工程和脆弱区的影响和风险、综合风险与适应三个方面,分析了气候变化对农业、水资源、海洋与海岸带、自然生态系统、人体健康和环境、重大工程、脆弱区的影响与风险及区域综合风险和适应的最新研究进展。气候变暖在改变区域水热资源分配的同时,对农业、水资源、海洋与海岸带、人体健康等相关敏感领域和区域产生了十分明显影响,并且将在未来进一步加剧这些领域和区域的风险,特别是农牧交错带和黄土高原风险较为突出,同时气候变化将对青藏铁路、南水北调等重大工程产生不利影响。我国在适应气候变化领域战略研究和实践上有了长足的进步,提出了有序适应气候变化的理念并设计了实施路线图,但是在综合风险和适应领域的研究整体上还比较薄弱,综合风险和适应研究仍无法有效支撑气候变化应对工作。气候变化在某种程度上带来气候资源,对自然系统和社会经济的负面影响明显。研究再次表明,气候变化利弊共存,总体上弊大于利。  相似文献   

气候变化研究中的一般均衡分析是指在气候变化研究领域中用一般均衡分析的思想,在考虑气候变化、经济系统、能源系统及其相互关系的基础上,通过对传统一般均衡模型结构的调整,开展诸如影响气候变化的环境政策模拟以及环境经济影响综合评估等定量研究的一种方法。本文介绍了一般均衡模型在气候变化研究中的应用。通过对国内外相关模型的跟踪分析,我们对一般均衡模型在气候变化研究中有关减排的社会成本、社会收益、环境政策模拟和设计等方面的研究现状进行了梳理,探讨了一般均衡模型和碳税、减排成本、居民消费行为以及技术进步等因素的相互关系及他们在一般均衡模型中的数学表述。同时,文章也讨论了一般均衡模型在气候变化问题研究中的不足,即方程参数设定时经常遭受质疑、解答与环境系统相关的问题时过于简单等。最后,作者给出了这一领域未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

气候变化对中国的影响利弊   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
气候变化对自然生态系统、自然资源、三次产业、社会系统及自然灾害等领域的影响包括:气候变化对自然生态系统结构和功能产生深刻影响,如东北多年冻土区植被生产力下降,而青藏高原则升高;气候变化导致华北、东北大部分地区降水减少以及许多北方河流径流量减少;由于气候变化,人们生产生活对能源的需求发生变化;气候变化导致的极端事件增加(包括频次与强度)、水资源短缺等问题对人体健康、疾病传播、重大工程等具有重要影响;气候变化背景下,热量资源的改善有助于延长农作物生育期,但极端事件增加也会造成农业生产的不稳定;气候变化不仅可通过影响农业和自然资源而间接地对第二、三产业产生影响,而且气候变化减缓措施(如碳税、碳关税、碳交易等)的采用也将对社会经济产生广泛而深刻的影响。进一步,通过分析可发现,气候变化的影响具有显著的区域差异性,而且总体上利弊共存,但弊大于利。基于此,本文提出要趋利避害,科学应对气候变化,实现"整体最优、长期受益"的有序适应目标;要强调定量适应,提出可操作性方案和可预期目标,并分析适应措施的不确定性;而且为提高我国未来综合竞争力,今后应采取更加主动的应对策略,如逐渐调整产业结构,加大减排技术研发,积极应对碳税、碳关税和碳市场对中国社会经济发展的影响等。  相似文献   

气候变化造成的损失与危害已经威胁到人类的可持续发展,国际多边框架下减缓与适应工作进展缓慢,应对气候变化损失与危害国际机制作为潜在的直接解决方案日益引起科学界和决策者的重视。本文回顾了气候变化损失与危害国际机制的由来,深入分析了气候变化损失与危害国际机制的内涵,梳理出国内应对气候变化损失与危害相关工作的现状,主要包括国家财政转移支付、社会捐助制度和自然灾害保险。总结出其对我国应对气候变化损失与危害工作的启示,并提出国内应对气候变化损失与危害工作的对策与建议:构建我国应对气候变化损失与损害框架系统,建立国内应对气候变化损失与危害相关的政府财政转移支付、救灾捐赠体系和农业灾害保险等的整合机制;充分利用气候变化损失与危害机制中的保险工具,重点发展巨灾类保险产品的研究与开发,适度增加政府的引导和财政支持力度,不断扩大气候灾害保险的覆盖度和受益度;加强国内重点区域和领域的气候变化风险管理,通过建立完善的风险预估、灾前预警、灾中救助和灾后恢复等机制,有效降低重点区域和领域的气候灾害风险;开展气候变化损失与危害机制的科学基础研究,加强损失与危害评估理论、方法和数据获取等方面的研究;警惕气候变化损失与危害机制带来的出资压力,明确我国是发展中国家的定位,不能承担与发达国家"具有同等能力"的责任,并制定损失与危害机制谈判中"污染者付费"责任的应对策略。  相似文献   

对当前全球气候变化问题的思考   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
全球气候变化问题已经超越了一般环境问题的范畴,而成为国际政治经济外交关系的重要考虑因素。随着《京都议定书》的实施以及气候变化问题谈判进程的加快.对我国未来经济社会发展提出了挑战。文章分析认为.要求主要发展中国家承诺减限排义务的压力与日俱增,而我国开始进入工业化中期.应对气候变化问题的能力还比较薄弱。因此.提出应对全球气候变化问题的一些思考:(1)充分认识全球气候变化问题的重要性和严峻性,准确把握国际谈判进程;(2)加快制定适应和减缓气候变化的国家战略。采取适合我国国情的有力措施积极应对气候变暖;(3)加强气候变化领域的能力建设.提高我国参与全球气候变化活动的能力;(4)充分利用国际合作机制,提高我国应对气候变化的技术水平与经济能力。  相似文献   

中国在第75届联合国大会期间提出了CO2排放力争在2030年前达到峰值,在2060年前实现碳中和的"双碳"目标。"双碳"目标的确立提出了艰巨而紧迫的立法任务。由于气候变化具有全球性的特点,因此,中国未来气候变化立法的监管领域在关注国内监管空间和已有立法的同时,还应注意其国际面向的监管空间和衔接。气候变化法律具有复杂性、综合性、系统性和动态性的特点,国际上还没有通过一部气候变化法即可解决全部碳排放问题的成功先例。气候变化法律监管空间宏大,涉及领域和问题复杂多样。所涉及的领域和问题都与应对气候变化有直接或间接的关联。这决定了气候变化立法包含以实现气候政策目标为主要目的的直接立法和对气候目标实现具有支持、阻碍影响的间接立法两种类型。中国应对气候变化的立法应采用双阶体系构造模式,即直接立法加间接立法的模式。直接立法包括气候变化的框架法和专项立法,间接立法包括所有间接影响气候政策目标实现的相关法律。直接立法解决应对气候应对的目标、碳预算、管理体制、实施机制等较为集中的问题。间接立法则因为气候变化监管措施跨领域、跨部门和行业,应拓展至能源法、经济法、农业法、环境法、民商法等领域。直接立法和间接立法的有关法律制度应密切配合,彼此呼应,构成一个完整的应对气候变化的法律制度体系。以直接立法加间接立法的双阶模式构建中国的应对气候变化法律体系是应对气候变化立法模式的理性选择,并以此从不同的路径实现中国温室气体减排的目标。  相似文献   

中国在第75届联合国大会期间提出了CO2排放力争在2030年前达到峰值,在2060年前实现碳中和的"双碳"目标。"双碳"目标的确立提出了艰巨而紧迫的立法任务。由于气候变化具有全球性的特点,因此,中国未来气候变化立法的监管领域在关注国内监管空间和已有立法的同时,还应注意其国际面向的监管空间和衔接。气候变化法律具有复杂性、综合性、系统性和动态性的特点,国际上还没有通过一部气候变化法即可解决全部碳排放问题的成功先例。气候变化法律监管空间宏大,涉及领域和问题复杂多样。所涉及的领域和问题都与应对气候变化有直接或间接的关联。这决定了气候变化立法包含以实现气候政策目标为主要目的的直接立法和对气候目标实现具有支持、阻碍影响的间接立法两种类型。中国应对气候变化的立法应采用双阶体系构造模式,即直接立法加间接立法的模式。直接立法包括气候变化的框架法和专项立法,间接立法包括所有间接影响气候政策目标实现的相关法律。直接立法解决应对气候应对的目标、碳预算、管理体制、实施机制等较为集中的问题。间接立法则因为气候变化监管措施跨领域、跨部门和行业,应拓展至能源法、经济法、农业法、环境法、民商法等领域。直接立法和间接立法的有关法律制度应密切配合,彼此呼应,构成一个完整的应对气候变化的法律制度体系。以直接立法加间接立法的双阶模式构建中国的应对气候变化法律体系是应对气候变化立法模式的理性选择,并以此从不同的路径实现中国温室气体减排的目标。  相似文献   

低碳经济对武汉城市圈建设"两型社会"的启示   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
低碳经济是发达国家为应对全球气候变化而提出的新的经济发展模式,它强调以较少的温室气体排放获得较大的经济产出.目前它正成为一种新的国际潮流,影响着各国的经济社会发展进程.武汉城市圈在建设"两型社会"的过程中,面临着特定的制约因素,需要建设性地降低碳的排放.文章通过介绍低碳经济的经济学内涵,指出低碳经济实质上是经济发展方式、能源消费方式、人类生活方式的一次新变革,它将全方位地改造建立在化石燃料(能源)基础上的现代工业文明,转向生态经济和生态文明.在低碳经济兴起的背景下,工业化中期以重化工业为主的重工业结构对武汉城市圈资源环境产生了巨大压力.文章通过分析武汉市的生态足迹赤字和脱钩(节能减排)发展情况,指出武汉城市圈所面临的环境压力,得出建设"两型社会"会对降低碳的排放起到促进作用的结论,并在体制、技术创新等方面,积极做好向低碳经济转型的准备.  相似文献   

Climate change will have an impact on various sectors, such as housing, infrastructure, recreation and agriculture. Climate change may change spatial demands. For example, rising temperatures will increase the need for recreation areas, and areas could be assigned for water storage. There is a growing sense that, especially at the local scale, spatial planning has a key role in addressing the causes and impacts of climate change. This paper promotes an approach to help translate information on climate change impacts into a guiding model for adaptive spatial planning. We describe how guiding models can be used in designing integrated adaptation strategies. The concept of guiding models has been developed in the 1990s by Tjallingii to translate the principles of integrated water management in urban planning. We have integrated information about the present and future climate change and set up a climate adaptation guiding model approach. Making use of climate adaptation guiding models, spatial planners should be able to better cope with complexities of climate change impacts and be able to translate these to implications for spatial planning. The climate adaptation guiding model approach was first applied in the Zuidplaspolder case study, one of the first major attempts in the Netherlands to develop and implement an integrated adaptation strategy. This paper demonstrates how the construction of climate adaptation guiding models requires a participatory approach and how the use of climate adaptation guiding models can contribute to the information needs of spatial planners at the local scale, leading to an increasing sense of urgency and integrated adaptation planning process.  相似文献   

Climate change impacts affecting coastal areas, such as sea-level rise and storm surge events, are expected to have significant social, economic and environmental consequences worldwide. Ongoing population growth and development in highly urbanised coastal areas will exacerbate the predicted impacts on coastal settlements. Improving the adaptation potential of highly vulnerable coastal communities will require greater levels of planning and policy integration across sectors and scales. However, to date, there is little evidence in the literature which demonstrates how climate policy integration is being achieved. This paper contributes to this gap in knowledge by drawing on the example provided by the process of developing cross-sectoral climate change adaptation policies and programmes generated for three coastal settlement types as part of the South East Queensland Climate Adaptation Research Initiative (SEQCARI), a 3-year multi-sectoral study of climate change adaptation options for human settlements in South East Queensland, Australia. In doing so, we first investigate the benefits and challenges to cross-sectoral adaptation to address climate change broadly and in coastal areas. We then describe how cross-sectoral adaptation policies and programmes were generated and appraised involving the sectors of urban planning and management, coastal management, emergency management, human health and physical infrastructure as part of SEQCARI. The paper concludes by discussing key considerations that can inform the development and assessment of cross-sectoral climate change adaptation policies and programmes in highly urbanised coastal areas.  相似文献   

基于广泛系统的文献梳理和总结,凝练了“十二五”以来中国应对气候变化政策和行动的现状、特点及成效,并提出针对性建议。主要结论包括:从外部环境看,国际形势对中国应对气候变化事业的推动作用呈现递减态势,之前“以外促内”的国内气候治理特点逐步转化为“内生动力为主”和“内外协调”;从政策制定和执行模式看,“集思广益”“上书模式”持续,“上下互动”“智库支持”的政策学习特点更加明显;从政策体系上看,已经形成相对成熟的符合中国国情的完整体系,推动气候治理能力显著提高;从政策总体特点看,呈现规划主导并引领、行政手段先行市场机制跟进、由点到面有序扩展、环境与气候协同治理、中央和地方互动博弈形成动态平衡、短期内政策成本较高等特点。“十二五”至今,中国应对气候变化政策行动效果明显,提前实现了2020年应对气候变化目标,并在污染治理、经济发展等方面产生广泛协同效应。“十三五”中期以来,中国应对气候变化组织管理机构进行了重大调整,从中央到地方气候政策和行动进入调整阶段。同时,更加强调气候政策和环境政策的协同。展望未来,中国应对气候变化政策和行动应该尽快走出调整期,充分利用新体制的优势,以碳总量控制目标为抓手,坚定推动以全国碳排放权交易为中心、多措互补的政策体系,注重适应行动以应对不断放大的气候风险,继续提高公众对应对气候变化政策的认知度、接受度和参与度,并不断加强技术研发和储备。  相似文献   

Legitimacy of urban climate change adaptation: a case in Helsinki   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
While there is general agreement on the necessity for local adaptation, there is a wide range of different understandings of what type of adaptation is seen as legitimate. It is often contested who should actively steer and take part in local adaptation, for which reasons and based on what kind of mandate, and with which methods. Planning theory can serve as a helpful reference point for examining the sources of legitimacy for adaptation in an urban context. From a planning perspective, adaptation is concerned with climate change as one out of many issues planning has to respond to. The layered co-existence of planning paradigms in practice suggests diverse, sometimes contradictory sources of legitimacy for urban planning and—as we claim here—also for climate change adaptation. This study examines the legitimacy of adaptation from a planning theoretical perspective in Helsinki, drawing on semi-structured interviews and social network analysis to show how adaptation is commonly understood from a rationalist perspective as an apolitical activity with local authorities’ experts designing and implementing adaptation. Nevertheless, some of the central actors understand adaptation as a communicative activity and a common deliberation of solutions. The co-occurrence of disparate paradigms results in ambiguous legitimacy that can impede the successful implementation of local climate change adaptation.  相似文献   

There is a growing availability of climate change information, offered to scientists and policy makers through climate services. However, climate services are not well taken up by the policy-making and planning community. Climate services focus on primary impacts of climate change, e.g., the disclosure of precipitation and temperature data, and this seems insufficient in meeting their needs. In this paper, we argue that, in order to reach the spatial planning community, climate services should take on a wider perspective by translating climate data to policy-relevant indicators and by offering support in the design of adaptation strategies. We argue there should be more focus on translating consequences of climate change to land-use claims and subsequently discuss the validity, consequences and implications of these claims with stakeholders, so they can play a role in spatial planning processes where much of the climate adaptation takes place. The term Climate Adaptation Services is introduced as being a stepwise approach supporting the assessment of vulnerability in a wider perspective and include the design and appraisal of adaptation strategies in a multi-stakeholder setting. We developed the Climate Adaptation Atlas and the Climate Ateliers as tools within the Climate Adaptation Services approach to support decision-making and planning processes. In this paper, we describe the different steps of our approach and report how some of the challenges were addressed.  相似文献   

Incorporating climate change concerns into national development planning allows adaptation to happen in harmony with the sustainable development of a country. Cambodia has received international support to enable climate change-resilient development; “mainstreaming climate change” is one of the key recent strategies. This article aims to identify entry points for integrating climate change concerns into national development planning, especially for the water resources and agriculture sectors. The study uses institutional ethnography research methods with informants drawn from government organisations, local academic institutions, and development partners, together with content analysis of key policy documents. It was found that the Cambodian national planning process restricts the involvement of other actors such as researchers, civil society, and private sector; yet flexible, in that it provides opportunities for the inclusion of climate change and other related concerns. The study identified specific entry points in key policy documents, such as the National Strategic Development Plans, and ministries’ plans. Other entry points were identified in the development planning process, for example, in the process of development departments and ministries’ plans, and actors such as department planners, and departments of planning of line ministries. Climate-informed planning is now plausible; more significant integration of concerns with future climate change, however, will require more commitment and stronger connections among national planning stakeholders, adaptation actors, and research communities.  相似文献   


For the adverse impacts of climate change, China government should place the problem of adaptation to climate change on the agenda. It is time to institute and implement a state adaptive strategy to reduce the adverse impacts on economy, community and people's health and life by international cooperation and our own endeavor. A state strategy of adaptation to climate change should be closely linked with other current interrelated national strategies, and they should be supplemented and improved by each other. This paper discusses the roles of the state strategy of adaptation to climate change in the state climate change integrative strategy, the environmental protection strategy, and the sustainable development strategy in China. Furthermore, it proposes the main aims of the state adaptive strategy of China.  相似文献   

For the adverse impacts of climate change, China government should place the problem of adaptation to climate change on the agenda. It is time to institute and implement a state adaptive strategy to reduce the adverse impacts on economy, community and people's health and life by international cooperation and our own endeavor. A state strategy of adaptation to climate change should be closely linked with other current interrelated national strategies, and they should be supplemented and improved by each other. This paper discusses the roles of the state strategy of adaptation to climate change in the state climate change integrative strategy, the environmental protection strategy, and the sustainable development strategy in China. Furthermore, it proposes the main aims of the state adaptive strategy of China.  相似文献   

Some recent funding programmes in Australia on climate adaptation have expected active engagement with farmers in research projects. Based on our direct experience with 30 farmers and their advisors, we list five reasons why it is difficult to gain traction with farmers in discussing the likely impacts of climate change on their farms and the possible adaptation options they should be considering in preparation for a future changed climate. The reasons concern the slow and uncertain trajectory for changes in climate relative to the time horizon for farm decision-making, when set against short-term fluctuations in weather, prices, costs and government policy. Farmers have optimism for ongoing technological progress keeping abreast of any negative impacts of climate on their production. As one moves from incremental to transformational adaptation options, biophysical research has less to offer because decisions become based more on business structure, portfolio management, off-farm investments and geographical diversification. Some farmers also doubt the intentions of climate change researchers and are wary of anything they may have to offer. We propose there is an actionable decision space where agricultural science and economics can contribute to meaningful analysis of impacts and adaptation to climate change by farmers. This will involve emphasising the principles of farm management rather than defining optimal farm plans; the use of scenario planning to explore possible futures in a turbulent environment for farming; a focus on short-term adjustments as a path to longer term adaptation; re-gaining the trust of some farmers towards climate change scientists through better communication strategies; and understanding the linkages between adaptation options and enabling factors and technologies.  相似文献   

Climate change increases the vulnerability of low-lying coastal areas. Careful spatial planning can reduce this vulnerability, provided that decision-makers have insight into the costs and benefits of adaptation options. This paper addresses the question which adaptation options are suitable, from an economic perspective, to adapt spatial planning to climate change at a regional scale. We apply social cost–benefit analysis to assess the net benefits of adaptation options that deal with the impacts of climate change-induced extreme events. From the methods applied and results obtained, we also aim at learning lessons for assessing climate adaptation options. The case study area, the Zuidplaspolder, is a large-scale urban development project in the Netherlands. The costs as well as the primary and secondary benefits of adaptation options relating to spatial planning (e.g. flood-proof housing and adjusted infrastructure) are identified and where possible quantified. Our results show that three adaptation options are not efficient investments, as the investment costs exceed the benefits of avoided damages. When we focus on ‘climate proofing’ the total area of the Zuidplaspolder, when the costs and benefits of all the presented adaptation options are considered together, the total package has a positive net present value. The study shows that it is possible to anticipate climate change impacts and assess the costs and benefits of adjusting spatial planning. We have learned that scenario studies provide a useful tool but that decision-making under climate change uncertainty also requires insight into the probabilities of occurrence of weather extremes in the future.  相似文献   

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