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为研究时变条件下多式联运危险品路径优化问题,基于运输费用和人口风险的较强时变特性,将中转作业细化为中转运输、卸货装货和等待出发3项子作业;建立时变条件下危险品多式联运的最短路径选择模型,提出Dijkstra改进算法;通过实证分析,验证模型和算法的有效性。结果表明,起点出发时刻不同,相应的危险品多式联运最短路径及最佳运输方式的组合便不同。  相似文献   

为控制危险品运输对环境和居民造成的影响,基于不同运输决策者的路径选择要求,建立有关静态单点多目标约束条件下危险品道路运输路径优化的多个模型。分析危险品事故率影响范围、人口暴露、环境破坏和综合后果风险,并以距离、成本及风险最小化为目标,设计运输路径优化算法,运用灰色关联分析法(GRA)选出与"绝对最优路线"关联度最大的次优路线;最后以国内某公司的苯乙烯运输为例,验证模型和算法。结果表明,模型和算法适于求解危险品运输路径的优化问题,能得到运输时间较短、成本较低、对人和环境危害较小的最优路径。  相似文献   

为降低危险化学品运输风险,使路径选择更加科学、切合实际,从责任主体、社会影响等方面综合考虑危险化学品运输相关主体,根据各主体目标对影响运输路径选择的指标进行重新识别和细分,提出5大指标体系。应用熵权法计算出各指标权重,建立混合时间窗条件下的多目标危化品运输路径优化模型,通过改进的多目标遗传算法求出Pareto最优解。结果表明,不同时间点出发会产生不同的Pareto最优解,并且可得到每条最优路径的出发时间窗,每个最优解代表了某项指标达到相对最优时的路径。混合时间窗较符合实际情况,基于出发时间窗及生成的多条最优路径,决策者可根据决策偏好及关注重点以较高效率选出最合适的路径。  相似文献   

交通信息下危险品道路运输动态路径选择研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据影响危险品道路运输路径选择的风险、经济及时间因素,构建了包含风险、经济及时间的广义运输时间函数.将出行者对路段的广义运行时间预测看作随机过程,对出行路径上节点到达广义时间取期望值,利用一阶近似,建立基于广义时间最短的动态路径选择模型.研究表明,在交通信息可获知条件下,只要给定起讫点对(Origin-Destination,简称OD)中起点的出发时间,就可通过基于广义时间最短的动态路径选择模型求解通过某一路径到达终点的期望时间,而最小期望时间所对应路径即是危险品道路运输动态最短路径.  相似文献   

基于点危险源的危险品运输路径优化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为合理选择危险品运输路径,降低危险品运输事故造成的损失,使道路危险品运输风险评价更符合实际情况,建立点危险源风险评价模型。模型综合考虑了运输时间和季节情况影响因子,在准确估算危险品泄漏事故毒害区域面积和后果损失的基础上,结合传统风险评价模型与最大最小模型进行求解。最后通过算例分析,检验该模型的实际运用,通过与传统求和方式所得的最优运输路径的对比,反映2种方式所求得的最优运输路径并不相同,同时也表明,用所建模型求得的运输路径风险值有更高的精确性。计算结果表明:该模型求得的某条运输路径的风险值等于该路径上风险值最大的路段的风险值,而不是该路径上所有路段的风险值之和。  相似文献   

危险品道路运输多目标路径优化方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
道路危险品运输路径优化是提高危险品运输安全的一项重要措施。通过对国内外文献的分析研究,本文提出了危险品道路运输路径优化的数学模型,该模型首先求出单项目标的最优解,然后找出每项目标的实际值尽可能接近各自单项的最优值。本文也建立了包括路线长度、时间、费用、路线风险、敏感目标人数在内的危险品道路运输目标体系,并给出危险品运输路线选择决策的程序,为政府相关部门进行路线选择提供决策依据。  相似文献   

为兼顾安全与经济效益,有效优化运输网络,研究危险品配送中心选址和多式联运路径优化问题。基于运输方式的多样性,建立既考虑各配送中心到各需求点的多式联运最优路径,又考虑选址配给问题的选址—多式联运路径模型。将运输网络进行变形,引入目标权重和经济转化因子,将多目标规划问题转化为单目标决策问题;用Dijkstra改进算法和O-D矩阵搜索算法求解所建模型。最后,通过实例分析,验证模型和算法的有效性。结果表明,单目标优化并不能满足具有不同偏好的决策者,需要综合考虑成本和风险的目标值;不同运输方式组合运输,会影响最优路径的目标值,进而影响配送组合的目标值选择。  相似文献   

为有效降低多车同时运输危险品时的潜在风险,针对危险品运输网络中2点间相异路径上多车运输问题,提出车辆安全出发时间间隔计算方法,通过路径选择和车辆调配,建立相异路径上多车同时运输车辆调度数学模型,并设计基于非支配排序遗传算法(NSGA-II)的多目标优化算法求解。以8个节点13条边的危险品运输网络中运输10车危险品为例,根据所提方法获得单次运输风险约束条件的运输方案13种,运输总风险约束条件下运输方案15种,对比不同风险约束下的运输风险、运输距离和运输时间。结果表明:相比于运输总风险约束,单次运输风险约束更严格,适合道路管理者筛选安全的运输路径,而运输总风险约束适合承运企业在车辆调度时作出决策。  相似文献   

为了确定危险品道路运输安全容量,保障危险品道路运输安全,基于风险理念,使用对比研究方法,提出危险品道路运输个人风险基准,建立改进的危险品道路运输定量风险评估模型。结合提出的风险基准,提出危险品运输安全容量确定方法,解决了单一类别和多种类别危险品运输安全容量确定问题。研究结果表明:在某城市化工集聚区的实例应用该方法,能够大幅度降低危险品道路运输潜在生命损失,有助于保障危险品道路运输安全。  相似文献   

基于风险分析的危险品道路运输多目标Pareto最优选线   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于危险品道路运输风险分析辨识最优的运输路径,以道路运输事故率、影响人数、影响人员风险、环境风险、运输距离和运输时间6个指标,确定具体起点-终点之间危险品运输的有效路径。采用带目标权重系数的Pareto-最优路线算法寻找多个满足要求的有效解,近似评估Pareto前沿,以比例法标准化选线指标,转化为无量纲的目标评价函数值,合理优化多个选线标准选择可行的最小运输风险路线。带权重系数Pareto-优化选线可有效降低运输路线的影响人员风险,平衡选线目标之间冲突的,为政府监管部门和危险品运输企业提供优化选线决策技术。  相似文献   

In recent years, hazardous chemicals road transport accidents have occurred frequently, causing huge casualties and property losses, and accident risk assessment has become the focus of researchers' research. To predict the risk probability value of hazardous chemical road transport accidents, first, we compiled data on road transportation accidents of hazardous chemicals in China in the past five years. And the nine nodes in the Bayesian network (BN) structure were defined in combination with relevant classification standards. The optimal Bayesian network structure for hazardous chemical road transport accidents was determined based on the K2 algorithm and the causalities between the nodes. Second, the node conditional probabilities were derived by parameter learning of the model using Netica, and the validity of the model was verified using the 5-fold cross-validation method. Last, the Bayesian network model of hazardous chemical road transport accidents is used to analyze accident examples, and the accident chain of “rear-end-leakage” is predicted, and the accident is most likely to be disposed of within 3–9 h. The study shows that the derived accident prediction model for hazardous chemical road transportation can reason reasonably about the evolution of accident scenarios and determine the probability values of accident risks under different parameter conditions.  相似文献   

为合理选择公路运输危险品路线,保障运输安全,将用于求解静态路径规划问题的Diikstra标号法进行推广和改进,提出指标累积值标号法,运用该方法并依据危险品罐车运输事故统计数据,建立了时变条件下以路段泄漏事故率、路侧人口密度及路段运输费用为指标的危险品罐车公路运输路线选择模型.并给出待选路线对比原则.实例应用表明,该模型充分考虑了事故概率、事故后果及运输成本3大危险品运输路线选择影响因素,使用方便且受主观因素影响小,具有较好的实用性.  相似文献   

危险品道路安全运输路径优化方法探讨   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:8  
危险品道路运输量逐年增加,对人类安全健康的危害的风险正在扩大和加深,一旦发生事故,其后果极为严重。笔者从人-机-环境角度分析了危险品道路运输系统的组成要素,基于对运输网、运输风险源、后果影响区域3个层次辨识,分析运输过程中的风险影响因素,提出危险品道路运输路径优化选择的一般方法;并给出危险品道路运输线风险源的可接受个人风险和社会风险标准;探讨了危险品运输约束最优化选线模型。路径优化选择可减少运输沿线影响人员风险和事故概率,优化影响人员风险与运输效率冲突问题,为政府监管部门与危险品运输企业提供了安全管理的基本决策依据。  相似文献   

危险化学品公路运输事故新特点及对策研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
统计分析了2008年1月~2010年5月我国发生的485起危险化学品公路运输事故。从事故发生的原因、事故涉及的化学品、事故造成的危害、事故发生的月份分布及年份变化等几个方面,分析了近年来危险化学品公路运输事故的新特点及变化规律。经统计分析,道路交通事故是引发危险化学品运输事故的主要原因之一;侧翻是危险化学品车辆最容易发生的道路交通事故;而随着我国高速公路的迅猛发展,追尾造成的危险化学品运输事故数量呈上升趋势;危险化学品公路运输过程中易燃液体事故起数最多,爆炸品和毒性物质事故造成的人员伤亡最严重;春节前后取代夏季,成为近两年危险化学品运输事故高发期。针对这些特点,对我国危险化学品公路运输安全管理与监控提出了建议。  相似文献   

A review of accident case histories relevant to hazardous materials has been performed. From the literature, 1793 accident case histories involving hazardous materials were identified, most of them from the period 1960–1988. Of these 1793 accidents, 39% happened during transportation. In 682 accidents the consequences included fatalities, and of these 27% involved the transportation of hazardous materials. The accumulated frequency-fatality curves (so-called fN curves) have been constructed and are close to straight lines with a slope of –1, indicating that the probability of having an accident with, for instance, more than one hundred fatalities is approximately ten times lower than the probability of having an accident with more than ten fatalities. The accidents were grouped according to transportation type, and the difference between the various groups was tested using a standard χ2 approach. No significant difference between fixed installations and transportation was found for accidents having consequences above three fatalities. Differences were found between Western Europe and North America and the rest of the world. Once an accident has happened, it seems to have more severe effects outside Western Europe and North America, both for transportation accidents and fixed installations. Comparison of fN curves for Western Europe and North America from different time periods did not show significant differences, indicating that once an accident has happened, it has the same probability of escalating now, as it had 20 years ago.  相似文献   

针对零星危险化学品运输中的安全隐患问题,应用博弈理论构建了政府、快递企业、零星危险化学品托运人的三方博弈模型,对零星危险化学品安全运输问题进行了研究。在求得博弈模型均衡解的基础上,对均衡解进行了深入分析,研究结果表明:政府的最优检查概率与快递企业的安全管理成本正相关,与快递企业发生事故时的损失负相关;快递企业实施安全管理的概率与政府对快递企业的惩罚、快递企业发生事故时政府的损失正相关,与政府的检查成本、托运人选择托运且安全运输时的收益负相关;托运人选择托运的概率与快递企业实施安全管理的成本正相关。最后为有效杜绝零星危险化学品运输事故的发生提出了相应对策。  相似文献   

陈伟珂  张欣 《火灾科学》2017,26(3):133-139
导致易燃易爆危险化学品储运火灾爆炸事故的因素繁多、关系复杂,挖掘关键致险因素是减少管理成本、提高防控效率的关键。研究了200例事故等级为较大事故以上的易燃易爆危险化学品储运火灾爆炸事故的原因,采用事故树分析法建立易燃易爆危险化学品储运火灾爆炸事故树,并运用频度统计法遴选出致险因素;在此基础上,建立基于Apriori算法的关联规则模型进行数据挖掘,共得到14个关键致险因素。通过对关键致险因素与易燃易爆危险化学品储运火灾爆炸事故之间关联规则的分析表明,关键致险因素与事故之间存在强关联规则,单一关键致险因素或其组合的存在必将导致事故的发生,为实现危险化学品储运精准化安全管理提供参考。  相似文献   

PROBLEM: Road accident outcomes are traditionally analyzed at state or road network level due to a lack of aggregated data and suitable analytical methods. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate usefulness of a simple spatiotemporal modeling of road accident outcomes at small-scale geographical level. METHOD: Small-area spatiotemporal Bayesian models commonly used in epidemiological studies reveal the existence of spatial correlation in accident data and provide a mechanism to quantify its effect. The models were run for Belgium data for the period 2000-2005. Two different scale levels and two different exposure variables were considered under Bayesian hierarchical models of annual accident and fatal injury counts. The use of the conditional autoregressive (CAR) formulation of area specific relative risk and trend terms leads to more distinctive patterns of risk and its evolution. The Pearson correlation tests for relative risk rates and temporal trends allows researchers to determine the development of risk disparities in time. RESULTS: Analysis of spatial effects allowed the identification of clusters with similar risk outcomes pointing toward spatial structure in road accident outcomes and their background mechanisms. From the analysis of temporal trends, different developments in road accident and fatality rates in the three federated regions of Belgium came into light. Increasing spatial disparities in terms of fatal injury risk and decreasing spatial disparities in terms of accident risk with time were further identified. IMPACT ON INDUSTRY: The application of a space-time model to accident and fatal injury counts at a small-scale level in Belgium allowed identification of several areas with outstandingly high accident (injury) records. This could allow more efficient redistribution of resources and more efficient road safety management in Belgium.  相似文献   

IntroductionIn this paper, a literature study on risk analysis systems for the transport of hazardous materials was conducted.ResultsThe insights that resulted from this literature review have led to the development of a refined approach to map the risk of hazmat transport in Flanders based on historical accident data. The proposed framework allows setting up an overall risk map for hazmat transport by different transport modes. Additionally, a methodology to calculate a local accident risk, which takes local infrastructure parameters and accident data into account, is being introduced. In the presented framework one of the general principles is that the risk of a catastrophic hazmat incident can be divided into two parts, which can both be validated on the basis of accident data: (a) the calculation of the general probability of the occurrence of an accident based on international accident data of transport of hazardous materials – this is the basis for the global risk map, and (b) the calculation of the local probability of the occurrence of an accident based on accident data and infrastructure parameters of the complete available freight transport in Flanders – this is the basis for the local risk map. The ratio between these two results in a locality parameter, which represents the local specific circumstances that can lead to an accident.ConclusionsThis evaluation framework makes it possible to estimate the risks of hazmat transport along a specific route for transport by road, rail, inland navigation and even pipelines.  相似文献   

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