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在国家简政放权加快转变政府职能、深化环评体制改革的大背景下,传统环评的评价内容、方法与评估体系面临着转型的挑战。为积极探索环保新形势下环评工作的发展方向,结合环境影响评价工作的经验,分析了我国环评行业发展现状及存在问题,提出了完善现有评价与评估方法,建立有效的环评监管体系,厘清责任以"瘦身"环评,强化规划环评引领作用和利用大数据提高环评工作现代化水平等对策建议。  相似文献   

<正>环评师"挂靠"、环评资质出借、转包等问题是当前环评市场不规范的一大顽疾。为进一步规范环评机构从业行为,严肃查处环评工程师"挂靠"、环评机构出租出借环评资质等违规行为,促进环评技术服务业健康发展,日前,安徽省环保厅先后下发两道"加急令"——《关于开展环评机构从业行为专项检查进一步加  相似文献   

环境污染和生态破坏是困扰当前城市发展的首要问题。受到公众意识、社会发展和管理体制等方面因素的制约,秦皇岛市海港区建设项目环境管理工作,存在环评审批工作压力大,建设项目环评率低,环保工程"三同时"制度落实难,"三同时"验收项目与建成项目数差大等问题。经研究分析,结合海港区实际,提出了坚持环境优先原则,严格环境准入,完善日常监管,抓好建设项目环保验收工作等对策与建议。  相似文献   

正财新网(财新网官方微博):【环保部处理62名"挂靠"环评工程师】据环保部网站消息,62名环评工程师存在"挂靠"问题,环保部将对这些"挂靠"环评工程师予以通报批评,并将处理相关环评机构。这些环评工程师并非本机构专职技术人员,实为行政机关公务  相似文献   

西部大开发战略环评正式启动 西部大开发重点区域和行业发展战略环境评价启动会议日前召开,标志这项工作正式全面展开。这是继环渤海沿海地区、海峡西岸经济区、北部湾经济区沿海、成渝经济区和黄河中上游能源化工区等五大区域战略环评之后,环保部组织开展的又一重大区域性战略环评,推动西部地区经济社会环境的全面协调可持续发展。  相似文献   

2005年1月至2007年7月,国家环保总局先后四次掀起"环评风暴",在全社会引起广泛关注,也让更多公众认识了解了"环境影响评价"。从这四次"环评风暴"的走向分析,"风暴"所针对的目标从违法开工的建设项目扩大到行业,直至今年扩大到地区和流域,涉及的环评也从项目环评扩大到了规划环评。从各方面的分析来看,关于规划环评方面的法律规定还存  相似文献   

<正>今年2月9日,中央第三巡视组向环保部通报了专项巡视情况。专项巡视发现问题主要集中在建设项目环境影响评价方面,其中包括:未批先建、擅自变更等环评违法违规现象大量存在,背后隐藏监管失职和腐败问题;有的领导干部及其亲属违规插手环评审批,或者开办公司承揽环评项目牟利;环评技术服务市场"红顶中介"现象突出,容易产生利益冲突和不当利益输送;环评机构资质审批存在"花钱办证"现象,后续监管不到位;把关不严、批而  相似文献   

<正>今年春节前,环保部正式下发通知,不予批准苏新能源和丰有限公司40亿标准立方米/年煤制天然气项目(以下简称苏新项目)环境影响报告书。通知称,该项目在水资源影响、用水需求、"三废"治理、地下水污染防治等6大方面存在问题,要求建设单位不得开工建设。首个环评被否的煤制气项目,显然引起了业界的普遍关注。未通过环评,到底什么原因?无论这是否反映了政府政策立场的转变,这件事对其他还未做环评的煤制气项目意味着什么?  相似文献   

新环评机构管理办法的实施,打破了现有环评机构的管理模式,为行业整改发展带来了机遇与挑战。正确解读新办法推行的环评机构发展方向,才能为机构长远发展带来可能。环评机构对专业化与规模化的解读需要从制度与队伍建设两方面入手;环保部门需要重视环评审批过程与环评机构管理之间的联系,以诚信管理为手段,以推动环评机构提高质量为目标,促进环评市场规范完善,为行业良性发展打下基础。  相似文献   

为提高建设项目环评技术审查的通过率和环评技术评估的质量、效率,以四川省环境工程评估中心2009~2013年间组织技术审查中172个未通过技术审查的项目为分析对象,指出制约建设项目通过环评技术审查的6大因素:不符合国家相关产业政策和行业准入条件;不符合规划及规划环评相关要求;选址、选线存在重大环境制约因素;不符合环境容量、总量控制要求;环评报告编制质量不合格;公众参与不满足相关要求。在案例分析的基础上,从建设单位、环评机构和管理部门3个层面,提出强化建设单位责任意识、及时引入环保咨询、强化环评单位与环保主管部门的沟通、建立环评机构退出机制、制定环评技术审查要点、建立数据库等改善建议。  相似文献   

鱼红霞 《四川环境》2008,27(6):63-67
衔接土地利用规划和建设项目的土地一级开发伴随着土地政策的改革而出现。目前土地一级开发环境影响评价处于起步阶段,缺乏对这项工作系统的研究。本文结合工作中的实践经验,从土地一级开发环境影响评价实施的意义、作用和评价目的等方面对土地一级开发的环境影响评价进行了论述,分析了其环境影响评价存在的问题,总结了土地一级开发环境影响评价的技术要点,并对完善土地一级开发环境影响评价制度提出建议。  相似文献   

China's EIA Law came into effect in 2003 and formally requires road transport infrastructure development actions to be subject to Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). EIAs (including project EIA and plan EIA, or strategic environmental impact assessment, SEA) have been being widely applied in the expressway infrastructure planning field. Among those applications, SEA is applied to provincial level expressway network (PLEI) plans, and project EIA is applied to expressway infrastructure development 'projects' under PLEI plans. Three case studies (one expressway project EIA and two PLEI plan SEAs) were examined to understand currently how EIAs are applied to expressway infrastructure development planning. Through the studies, a number of problems that significantly influence the quality of EIA application in the field were identified. The reasons causing those problems are analyzed and possible solutions are suggested aimed at enhancing EIA practice, helping deliver better decision-making and ultimately improving the environmental performance of expressway infrastructure.  相似文献   

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) was developed and introduced in the 1960s during a time that was dominated by three key societal influences. These were the growth of modern environmental concern, the drive for more rational, scientific and objective environmental decision making and a desire for more public involvement in environmental decision making. The legitimacy of EIA, as a tool to aid decision making, lies in its ability to meet the requirements of all three demands, the chief among these being its ability to be a systematic scientific and rational approach to decision making. Yet today we live in a society that no longer accepts the rationalist model as either possible or desirable. The deference to ‘the expert’ and our trust in science and technology has steadily declined during the period of EIAs development and widespread use. Today, EIA still depends for its legitimacy on its claim to provide a systematic and scientific approach to assessments, while society has moved on. This paper examines this growing divergence and argues that it is time for a major re‐evaluation of the role of EIA in environmental decision making.  相似文献   


This paper reports on the participation of the International Council for Local Initiatives (ICLEI) in EIA training in sub-Saharan Africa. It draws from the experiences of an EIA training project in which 365 participants from 17 African cities in six sub-Saharan African countries participated. A total of 27 resource persons from six African countries were hired and gained experience as EIA trainers for local authorities. A number of participating local authorities are already implementing and competently evaluating EIAs as a result of the training workshops. The successful implementation of EIA at the local level greatly depends on the awareness and understanding, by all the stakeholders, of the relevant legislative framework in which the EIA programme is applied. The participants were asked to identify impacts of specific projects, determine mitigation measures and recommend a suitable monitoring programme. The field exercises proved extremely valuable in that they provided a practical opportunity for workshop participants to build essential EIA skills while at the same time providing input into the actual development process in some cases. After the training workshop, participants opined that they were able to understand the value of EIA and the need for its incorporation into the decision-making process.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the participation of the International Council for Local Initiatives (ICLEI) in EIA training in sub-Saharan Africa. It draws from the experiences of an EIA training project in which 365 participants from 17 African cities in six sub-Saharan African countries participated. A total of 27 resource persons from six African countries were hired and gained experience as EIA trainers for local authorities. A number of participating local authorities are already implementing and competently evaluating EIAs as a result of the training workshops. The successful implementation of EIA at the local level greatly depends on the awareness and understanding, by all the stakeholders, of the relevant legislative framework in which the EIA programme is applied. The participants were asked to identify impacts of specific projects, determine mitigation measures and recommend a suitable monitoring programme. The field exercises proved extremely valuable in that they provided a practical opportunity for workshop participants to build essential EIA skills while at the same time providing input into the actual development process in some cases. After the training workshop, participants opined that they were able to understand the value of EIA and the need for its incorporation into the decision-making process.  相似文献   

Developing countries across the world have embraced the policy of high economic growth as a means to reduce poverty. This economic growth largely based on industrial output is fast degrading the ecosystems, jeopardizing their long term sustainability. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) has long been recognized as a tool which can help in protecting the ecosystems and aid sustainable development. The Screening guidelines for EIA reflect the level of commitment the nation displays towards tightening its environmental protection system. The paper analyses the screening process for EIA in India and dissects the rationale behind the exclusions and thresholds set in the screening process. The screening process in India is compared with that of the European Union with the aim of understanding the extent of deviations from a screening approach in the context of better economic development. It is found that the Indian system excludes many activities from the purview of screening itself when compared to the EU. The constraints responsible for these exclusions are discussed and the shortcomings of the current command and control system of environmental management in India are also explained. It is suggested that an ecosystem carrying capacity based management system can provide significant inputs to enhance the effectiveness of EIA process from screening to monitoring.  相似文献   

试论我国的环境影响评价制度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在对《环境影响评价法》的突破、创新和不足进行分析的基础上,探讨了环境影响评价制度的发展趋势。  相似文献   

以秦皇岛经济技术开发区环境影响评价为例,对环境影响评价中进行区域污染物总量控制主要分析过程和方法进行了阐述和探讨。基于环境承载力,确定了区域污染物排放总量,提出开发区总量控制方案和措施,并进行了可行性分析。  相似文献   

旅游专项规划环境影响评价探讨   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
旅游专项规划环境影响评价是我国新颁布的环境影响评价法所规定的一种新的环境影响评价形式。应以生态旅游理论为指导,突出反映规划环境影响评价的特点,引入区域环境影响评价的方法学开展旅游专项规划环境影响评价工作。文中对旅游专项规划环境影响评价的要点及指标体系进行了系统探讨。  相似文献   

The number of environmental impact assessment (EIA) screenings in Denmark has increased dramatically since 2000. This is a consequence of increased pig production as well as the concentration of production on larger farms. In the same period, EIA rules have developed primarily due to an increased focus on the protection of groundwater and Natura 2000 sites. In particular, the implementation of Natura 2000 in Danish legislation has increased the demands on many farms. In its rulings on appealed cases, the Nature Protection Board of Appeal has strengthened its demands, and this is mirrored in screening practices. In this paper, the demands formulated in the guidelines of local authorities were analysed in order to investigate how the protection of groundwater, coastal waters, lakes and Natura 2000 sites develops through EIA screening. It is concluded that the level of protection has improved, and that the main cause for this is not EIA regulations as such, but the positive role which the implementation of the Natura 2000 objectives has played in this development. However, it was also found that the formulation of demands varies greatly between the counties, thus often resulting in ambiguity and leaving room for quite different practices in different counties.  相似文献   

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