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张宏  蔡淑琳 《中国环境管理》2022,14(2):112-119,88
“双碳”愿景下微观企业层面的环境责任受到更多关注。本文运用Python获取2014—2019年中国A股上市工业企业数据,分析了异质性企业环境责任对碳绩效的影响,探讨了媒体关注和环境规制在其中的联合调节效应。研究表明:履行前瞻型环境责任和反应型环境责任均对企业碳绩效有显著的增进作用;媒体关注可以正向调节前瞻型企业环境责任和碳绩效的关系,但在反应型企业环境责任与碳绩效间的调节作用不显著。进一步研究发现:环境规制与媒体关注在反应型企业环境责任和碳绩效间产生正向联合调节作用,而在前瞻型环境责任与碳绩效间的联合调节作用不显著。研究结果支持了政府和媒体对企业环境责任的正式和非正式治理效果,进而提高了企业碳绩效的作用逻辑,拓展了对企业碳绩效影响因素以及异质性企业环境责任的理论研究,将环境治理他治和自治相结合,为多元环境治理主体协同联动推进“双碳”目标顺利实现提供新思路和参考证据。  相似文献   

采用中国重污染行业上市公司2011—2014年的面板数据,运用中介效应模型实证分析了环境规制、绿色创新和企业财务绩效三者之间的关系。研究发现:(1)环境规制负向抑制企业短期财务绩效,即环境规制在短期内会导致企业成本增加;(2)环境规制正向促进企业绿色创新,表明增加的企业成本转移到创新投入方面,进而提升其绿色创新能力;(3)绿色创新在环境规制对企业长期财务绩效的影响中具有中介效应,证实了我国重污染行业存在"波特假说"。  相似文献   

基于STIRPAT模型和面板门槛模型,采用我国30个省级地区2001—2015年的面板数据,以经济发展水平、人口密度、能源强度和对外开放水平为门槛变量,实证分析了经济增长对我国雾霾污染的影响。结果表明:经济增长与我国雾霾污染之间存在显著的非线性关系。以经济发展水平和能源强度为门槛变量时,经济增长对我国雾霾污染的正向影响在跨过门槛值后增大,呈现出"阶梯式"的增长特征;以人口密度为门槛变量时,经济增长对我国雾霾污染的正向影响在跨过门槛值后变为负向影响,呈现出倒"U"型关系;以对外开放水平为门槛变量时,经济增长对我国雾霾污染的正向影响在跨过门槛值后减弱。  相似文献   

近年来,我国长江经济带沿岸地区雾霾天气频发,雾霾污染问题愈加严峻。选取长江经济带2000—2016年省级面板数据,基于莫兰指数、空间滞后模型、空间误差模型和空间杜宾模型对雾霾污染的空间特征和影响因素进行了深入剖析,并对雾霾治理的路径选择进行了探讨。研究发现:分布上,长江经济带雾霾污染具有一定的差异性特征,但整体具有显著的空间相关性;经济成因上,能源消费结构、经济发展水平和产业结构是影响长江经济带雾霾污染的主要因素,以煤炭为主的能源消耗越多、经济发展水平越高、工业产业比重越大,雾霾污染程度越严重。从能源结构、产业升级和协同治理等方面提出了雾霾污染治理对策。  相似文献   

为了提升我国大型建筑工程企业的价值,在"一带一路"倡议中塑造良好的企业品牌形象,我国大型建筑工程企业必须积极履行企业社会责任,做好品牌管理工作。以企业社会责任为自变量,品牌价值为中介变量,企业价值为因变量,划分维度;通过路径分析得出,大型建筑工程企业社会责任中的慈善责任维度对品牌价值下的忠诚度维度影响不显著,内部治理责任维度对品牌价值下的扩张力维度影响不显著,其他路径均有显著的正向影响作用。从企业社会责任履行的角度,提出通过提升品牌价值来彰显大型建筑工程企业价值的建议,推动我国大型建筑工程企业在"一带一路"沿线国家中的发展。  相似文献   

国外企业环境责任研究综述   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
迄今,西方社会早已迈过严重污染阶段(如雾霾),环境责任承担(CER)几乎成为跨国企业的标准范式,全面回顾国外CER研究对深处环境危机中的中国来说具有很强的现实意义。本文回顾了国外学术界从商业伦理、利益相关者管理、战略管理、环境行为及环境绩效视角的CER研究,归纳总结了CER概念主张及维度测量。研究发现,制度环境、市场状况、产业现状、利益相关者等是促成企业CER行动的外部因素,而企业规模、发展战略、治理结构以及技术条件等是制约CER行动的内部因素,内外多种因素的整合作用决定企业CER行为。此外,研究还发现,CER可以提升资源利用效率、降低成本费用与提升技术能力等,还能够帮助企业获得良好声誉和改善品牌形象,在一定条件下也可帮助企业建构可持续竞争优势,甚至对企业的财务绩效产生积极影响。最后,本文展望了CER研究的全球本土化、创新性、实务性以及中小企业化等发展方向,并分析探讨了国外CER研究对中国本土研究和CER实务的启示。  相似文献   

污染治理联防联控是解决区域雾霾问题的重要手段,雾霾污染的城市联动和交互作用是雾霾区域协同治理的关键问题。本文运用探索性空间数据分析法和标准偏差椭圆方法,分析了京津冀雾霾污染的空间关联特征和空间重心转移轨迹,运用空间计量模型,测算了京津冀雾霾污染的空间溢出效应和驱动影响因素。结果表明:京津冀雾霾污染具有显著的空间集聚特征和空间异质性,雾霾污染的空间溢出效应明显,经济增长、城镇化发展、产业结构、人口密度等均对京津冀雾霾污染产生正向影响,外商直接投资对雾霾污染产生负向影响。本文从构建区域污染协同治理机制、区域产业资源的高效配置、城市空间管控等方面提出了城市群雾霾污染治理的对策建议。  相似文献   

环境问题是社会各界广泛关注的焦点,而企业是造成环境污染的主体之一,也是环境制度压力的主要调控对象,如何引导和控制企业履行环境责任已成为一个亟须研究的重大议题。根据制度理论,以中国上市公司7459个观测值为基础,采用固定效应模型系统评估了制度压力对企业环境责任的影响,还引入企业环境战略、内部控制作为调节变量进行分析。研究结果表明:制度压力能显著促进企业环境责任的提升;企业环境战略、内部控制等因素正向调节了制度压力与企业环境责任的关系,并且制度压力对企业环境责任的影响在非国有企业、地方国有企业中更强。以上结论在一系列的稳健性检验、反事实检验之后依然成立。这些结论启发了企业管理者运用企业环境战略、内部控制等企业自身因素强化企业环境责任,同时为政府根据企业不同情况有针对性地制定环境政策提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

公众参与对区域环境治理绩效影响机制的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
本文利用2011—2015年我国省际面板数据,通过主成分分析法构造区域环境污染指标以衡量区域环境治理绩效,进而建立面板数据模型,实证分析了三种公众环境参与方式(即投诉上访、献言建策和自媒体舆论)对区域环境治理绩效的直接和间接影响,以期为构建政府—企业—公众多元共治的环境治理体系提出建议。实证结果表明,我国公众环境参与对提升区域环境治理绩效有一定的积极作用,自媒体舆论对区域环境治理绩效的直接影响最大。同时,我国公众主要是通过参与并监督政府环境行政规制提升区域环境治理绩效,在参与地方政府环境法律政策的制定和实施,以及驱动地方政府环保资金投入方面尚有不足。因此,本文提出提升区域环境治理绩效的三点建议:创建公众环境参与政法平台,健全公众环境参与自媒体方式,增加环境治理的环保投资。  相似文献   

本文选取中国280个地级市2009—2018年的面板数据为研究样本,探究城市蔓延与雾霾污染之间的作用机制。以私人交通为门槛变量,考察城市蔓延对雾霾污染的门槛效应。研究结果表明:①城市蔓延对雾霾污染的影响呈现出先降后升的U形曲线特点;②私人交通对雾霾污染的影响表现为倒U形的曲线特征,即随着私人交通发展水平的提高,雾霾污染呈现先增后减的趋势;③城市蔓延对雾霾污染的影响存在双重门槛效应,当私人交通的门槛值小于第一个门槛值(e11.6130=110 525辆)时,城市蔓延会加剧雾霾污染;当私人交通的门槛值介于第一个门槛值和第二个门槛值(e12.2473=208 417辆)之间时,城市蔓延对雾霾污染的影响系数为正,但未通过显著性检验;当私人交通跨过第二个门槛值时,城市蔓延水平的提高有助于抑制雾霾污染。研究城市蔓延、私人交通与雾霾污染这三者之间的关系对于促进城市的健康可持续发展具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

The environmental performance of Hong Kong's businesses is currently perceived as rather poor. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in particular are mostly unaware of the environmental impact of their business. Government and professional bodies have recently started to develop various initiatives to improve the SME sector's awareness of environmental and social issues, and external factors such as supply chain requirements, consumer preferences and energy prices are also exerting a growing influence. Based on extensive interviews with representatives of seven key stakeholder groups, this paper explores the effectiveness of such drivers to engage SMEs with environmental change and corporate social responsibility (CSR). It finds that most existing efforts, such as environmental support programmes and award schemes, do not have a great impact on the environmental and social performance of Hong Kong's SMEs.  相似文献   

This paper examines whether corporate financial performance is affected by public endorsement of environmental and social performance. Event study methodology, which relies on the notion of market efficiency, is used to examine the relationship between positive and negative announcements and changes in share prices or daily returns. Inclusion in and deletion from the FTSE4Good UK Index is used as a proxy measure for good (poor) corporate social responsibility. The abnormal or unexpected daily returns associated with an event are calculated and their significance tested. The results show a trend towards positive and negative announcements having the expected effects on daily returns. But these movements are not significant and the data do not suggest that a firm's presence on the index brings it any significant financial return for signalling its corporate social responsibility.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the relationship between environmental and economic performance and the influence of corporate strategies with regard to sustainability and the environment. After formulating a theoretical model, results are reported from an empirical analysis of the European paper manufacturing industry. New data are used to test hypotheses derived from the theoretical model, using environmental performance indices representing different corporate environmental strategy orientations. In particular, an emissions-based index largely reflecting end-of-pipe strategies and an inputs-based index reflecting integrated pollution prevention are distinguished. For the emissions-based index, a predominantly negative relationship between environmental and economic performance is found, whereas for the inputs-based index no significant link is found. This is consistent with the theoretical model, which predicts the possibility of different relationships. The results also show that for firms with pollution prevention-oriented corporate environmental strategies, the relationship between environmental and economic performance is more positive, thus making improvements in corporate sustainability more likely. Based on this last insight, managerial implications of this are discussed with regard to strategy choices, investment decisions and operations management.  相似文献   

With the growing importance of environmental sustainability in the corporate sector, businesses are compelled to progress from assessing and benchmarking their environmental impact to making decisions on how to prioritize impact reduction alternatives. Most often, business decisions are driven by financial metrics, but with sustainability improvements becoming a business goal, it is also important to assess metrics from environmental and social spheres; nevertheless, practically and systematically performing such an assessment is challenging. We present an application of a multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) method that addresses the aforementioned challenges in a corporate setting. Our case study company – one of the largest inland marine freight carriers in the United States – promotes a business culture focused on financially viable, yet socially and environmentally responsible solutions. Thus, we combine life cycle analysis (LCA), financial calculation methods, and corporate surveys to quantify environmental, economic, and social performance measures, respectively. Multiattribute utility theory is integrated with analytic hierarchy processes (AHPs) and fuzzy analysis to create a carefully designed framework for corporations with diverse groups of stakeholders. With company leadership, implementation is feasible and successful at prioritizing alternatives among diverse stakeholders. The process provides a platform for negotiation and promotes discussions on decision drivers. The use of MCDA methodologies promoted the inclusion of a suite of metrics that aligned with the company's sense of social and environmental responsibility, generating an in-depth analysis of the alternatives that factored in other things besides economics. Return-on-investments (ROI) calculations, the typical approach used in the corporate setting, would have required significantly less time and effort from the company, but the results of our MCDA application indicated that inclusion of triple bottom line metrics delve deeper into stakeholder preferences. Thus, our case study company gained a holistic view of the candidate alternatives, in addition to creating a platform for structured discussions about company goals and priorities.  相似文献   

Participation by small and medium enterprise (SME) in corporate social responsibility issues has been found to be lacking. This is a critical issue, as individually SMEs may have little impact on the environment but their collective footprint is significant. The management style and ethical stance of the owner-manager affects business decision making and therefore has a direct impact on the environmental actions of the business. Although adoption of environmental practices to create competitive advantage has been advocated, many businesses see implementation as a cost which cannot be transferred to their customers. After a brief review of pertinent literature this paper reports on an exploratory investigation into the issue. Results show that whereas owner-managers of small enterprises express concern regarding the environment, this does not then translate into better waste management practices.  相似文献   

京津冀PM2.5浓度控制目标可达性分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
雾霾污染已成为京津冀地区最突出的环境问题,国务院颁布了《大气污染防治行动计划》,明确提出了京津冀地区雾霾治理的浓度目标和减排措施。但是这些减排措施能否够实现PM2.5的浓度目标呢?本文基于数据分析方法,量化了2013—2014年京津冀地区PM2.5浓度与污染物排放量的关系,预测了现有减排措施可以达到的PM2.5浓度以及实现既定的PM2.5浓度目标的大气污染物减排要求,对"大气十条"减排政策的有效性进行了科学评估。结果显示,现有的减排措施难以实现PM2.5浓度控制目标,天津和河北的大多数地市需要进一步加大污染物减排力度。河北的部分地市即使实现了PM2.5浓度下降25%的目标,PM2.5浓度仍然过高,应改下降百分比为绝对值目标。北京的污染物减排率过高,减排难度较大,可以考虑一个现实合理的PM2.5浓度目标和污染物减排计划。由于污染物减排行动涉及区域经济和民生保障,PM2.5浓度受到风力等自然因素的影响较大,京津冀地区的雾霾治理应确定现实可行的浓度控制目标,并制定相应的污染物排放量管理目标。  相似文献   

There is a considerable debate on the effects of environmental regulation on competitive performance. Based on survey data, this paper analyzesthe two main research questions, derived from literature, on the links between environmental regulation and competitiveness, by focusing on firms operating in the building and construction sector, i.e.: 1) whether environmental policy stringency affects the competitive performance of firms in the building and construction sector 2) and how a specific form of environmental regulation (direct regulation, economic instruments and soft instruments) affects this performance? By applying a regression analysis, we find that a more stringent environmental regulation, measured by inspection frequency, provides a positive impulse for increasing investments in advanced technological equipment and innovative products and on business performance. Moreover, a well-designed “direct regulation” appears to be the most effective policy instrument for prompting the positive impact of environmental policies on innovation and intangible performance while economic instruments do negatively affect business performance.  相似文献   

The environmental behavior of the residents depends on their perception of environmental pollution. Hence, it is important for scientific and policy experts to research on the impact of the environmental pollution perception of local residents. Owing to the richness of natural resources, Hancheng coal mine areas are abound in heavy industries, and environmental pollution is serious and typical in this area, thus, the residents are anxious about their health. Using questionnaires, this paper surveys the perception of residents living in the coal mine area. The influential factors of environmental perception were analyzed by the Rank Sum Test. The results were: (1) the majority of the residents in the coal mine area are not satisfied with their living environment. The perception order of pollution severity is: air pollution?>?noise pollution?>?sanitation?>?water pollution. The residents think that pollution is mainly caused by coal processing. Hence, coal mining is not the main reason of the pollution in the coal mine area. (2) Age and length of residence have significant positive effects on perceptions of air, water, and noise pollutions; whereas education has a significant negative effect on perceptions of water and noise pollutions, as well as sanitation. This phenomenon can be explained by the various cultural groups having varied perceptions on the environmental pollution. In addition, proximity to mine has significant negative effect on perceptions of water and noise pollution. In conclusion, the paper discusses the effects of demographical and social factors on the perception of environmental pollution and gives suggestions on the planning and management of the environment.  相似文献   

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