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基于2014年南充市大气污染源排放清单调查,通过实地调研、现场测试与统计年鉴等获得活动水平数据,采用排放系数法估算建立排放清单。结果表明道路机动车保有量为877 197辆,摩托车、载客汽车、载货汽车占比分别为61.8%、29.9%、8.3%。道路移动源CO 39 631.2t,NO_X26 448t、VOCs 20 544t、HC 3 648t、PM101 777t、PM_(2.5)1 600t、SO2391.7t,主要污染物为CO、NO_X和VOCs。柴油重型载货汽车、柴油轻型载货汽车、柴油大型载客汽车是NO_X、SO2、PM10和PM_(2.5)主要排放源,普通摩托车、其他燃料小型载客汽车是CO、VOCs主要排放源。普通摩托车和汽油中型载货汽车是HC主要排放源。非道路移动源污染物总量NO_X2 322t,CO 1 173t,HC 657.2t、PM 467.7t、PM_(2.5)252.9t、VOCs 179.8t。农业机械对CO、PM_(2.5)、PM、THC排放贡献率高,分别为49.5%、50.2%、48.3%、30.0%;工程机械对NO_X、PM_(2.5)、PM、THC的贡献率高,分别为51.4%、40.3%、38.9%、39.3%;船舶对VOCS排放贡献为90.3%。顺庆、高坪、嘉陵的CO、NO_X、THC、PM排放贡献率较高,蓬安VOCS排放贡献率较高。  相似文献   

非道路工程机械普遍采用柴油机作为动力总成,其颗粒物排放直接影响大气环境质量。基于数据远程传输和监测技术,文章对3台典型非道路工程机械开展了排放治理技术的应用研究,并对排放治理后的机械实行了颗粒物捕集器(DPF)运行状态评估。结果表明:经排放治理,可有效降低非道路工程机械污染物排放,并可获得持续减排效果。  相似文献   

我国大气细颗粒物污染防治目标和控制措施研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
我国面临着严重的细颗粒物(PM2.5)污染问题,PM2.5对人体健康、能见度、气候变化、生态系统等均产生了不良影响。本文旨在提出我国PM2.5污染防治目标和控制措施,为从根本上改善空气质量提供科学依据。首先,本文提出了2020年和2030年我国PM2.5污染防治目标。其次,采用能源和污染排放技术模型,分情景预测了我国未来一次大气污染物排放量的变化趋势。基于情景预测结果和此前研究建立的一次污染物排放与PM2.5浓度间的非线性关系,确定了2020年—2030年与PM2.5浓度改善相适应的全国和重点区域大气污染物减排目标。最后,利用能源和污染排放技术模型,提出了实现大气污染物减排的技术措施和对策建议。研究表明,2030年全国二氧化硫、氮氧化物、一次PM2.5和挥发性有机物的排放量应分别比2012年至少削减51%、64%、53%和36%,氨排放量也要略有下降。对于污染严重的重点区域,必须采取更严格的控制力度。要实现上述减排,应加快能源结构调整,推进煤炭清洁高效集中可持续利用,建立"车-油-路"一体的移动源控制体系,并强化多源多污染物的末端控制。  相似文献   

随着机动车保有量的迅速增加,成都市由机动车排放造成的污染也日益受到关注。基于COPERT 4模型,通过对机动车车辆构成、行驶工况、环境温度、油品质量等基础数据的调研,计算了成都市机动车尾气的排放因子并获得了成都市机动车几种主要污染物的排放总量。结果表明,2014年成都市机动车CO、NO_X、VOC和PM的排放总量分别为18.01万t、6.65万t、3.16万t和0.13万t。通过对成都市机动车的排放特征进行分析,发现以汽油为主要燃料的摩托车和小型客车是CO和VOC的主要贡献车型;以柴油为主要燃料的大型客车和重型货车是NO_X和PM的主要贡献车型。低排放标准机动车的排放水平远高于其他排放标准车型,且道路拥堵情况对机动车的排放水平亦有重要影响。  相似文献   

非道路移动机械柴油车种类繁多,应用领域广阔,在我国国民经济中占有重要的地位,主要配套行业有农业机械、工程机械、发电机组等.探讨了现行非道路移动机械柴油车的排气污染治理技术及排气烟度限值和测量方法,针对我国行业现状及存在的问题,提出相应的解决措施.  相似文献   

<正>北京5万出租车戴减排"口罩"记者近日从北京市交通委运管局获悉,保障出租汽车排放正常达标、减少尾气排放污染的三元催化器更换工作取得阶段性进展,两年来,北京市5万余辆出租车完成三元催化器更换。三元催化器是安装在汽车排气系统中的机外净化装置,可通过氧化和还原作用,将汽车尾气中的一氧化碳、碳氢化合物、氮氧化物,转变为二氧化碳、水和氮气,使汽车尾气得以净化。由于这种催化器可同时将废气中的三种主要污染物净化,故称"三元催化器"。研究表明,出租汽车使用两年后排  相似文献   

为准确核算洁净型煤大气污染物的排放浓度及排放量,文章分析了使用实测法、物料衡算法和产/排污系数法三种方法进行洁净型煤源强核算的准确性.选取内蒙古呼和浩特市某城区推广使用的6组方形型煤进行大气污染物排放水平测试,结合煤质数据对比源强核算的方法.研究测定的方形洁净型煤主要大气污染物(PM、SO2、NOx)的排放浓度分别为1...  相似文献   

本研究利用2010年污染源普查数据和MEIC排放清单建立全国大气污染物高时空分辨率排放清单,在此基础上利用2012年环境统计数据对其进行修订建立2012年全国大气污染物高时空分辨率排放清单;结合《大气污染防治行动计划》(以下简称《计划》)研究工作,测算了《计划》实施后在污染源综合治理、落后产能淘汰、能源结构调整方面对SO2、NOx、颗粒物、VOCs的减排量,同时对污染物新增量进行了预测,建立了《计划》实施后全国大气污染物高时空分辨率排放清单;利用CMAQ空气质量模型模拟分析了《计划》实施的空气质量改善效果。结果表明:《计划》实施后,将可以减少641万吨SO2、859万吨NOx、547万吨颗粒物(不含扬尘污染控制)、627万吨VOCs,全国、京津冀、长三角及珠三角区域PM2.5年均浓度将分别比2012年下降22.08%、33.99%、23.98%、24.04%。如果《计划》要求全部落实,可以实现空气质量改善目标。  相似文献   

基于四川省环境统计数据及相关资料,采用排放因子法计算得到宜宾市2014年VOCs排放量,同时估算了各污染源臭氧生成潜势。宜宾市各污染源2014年度排放VOCs共3.2万t,最主要的排放行业是工业过程源、道路移动源及溶剂使用源,分别占37%,22%和16%。宜宾市的臭氧生成潜势总量为9.5万t,移动源的贡献率最高,达37%,其次工业过程源和溶剂使用源分别贡献21%和17%。  相似文献   

更换除雾器为高效除尘除雾器,实现对丰润热电2#机组除尘、脱硫系统的超低改造;保留原有低氮燃烧器,在SCR反应器上加装预留层催化剂来改造脱硝系统。改造后,烟尘、SO2和NOx排放浓度分别为2.29 mg/Nm3、20.02 mg/Nm3和22.60 mg/Nm3,污染物年总减排量为198.94 t,污染物排放浓度平均波动程度减小了42.51%。结果表明:此次改造卓有成效,排放浓度月均值符合最新标准限值;年减排效果明显;排放浓度波动程度减小,系统间协调性各系统运行稳定性显著提升。  相似文献   

考虑“水—土—能—碳”关联,本文将水土资源要素纳入投入变量,构建了我国工农业碳排放效率投入产出测度指标,运用考虑非期望产出的SBM-undesirable模型计算我国29个省份2004—2017年农业、工业部门碳排放效率,利用乘法逆转法计算碳减排潜力并对影响碳排放的投入产出因素进行分析。结果表明:研究期内我国整体农业、工业碳排放效率均呈波动下降趋势,各年的农业碳排放效率均高于工业碳排放效率,江苏、山东等7省份农业碳排放效率以及北京、天津工业碳排放效率最优;各省份农业、工业减排潜力和规模具有显著差异,山西、甘肃的农业、工业碳减排均具有较大潜力;我国绝大多数省份均存在农业、工业的资源能源投入冗余和非期望产出冗余,土地资源投入过剩是影响农业碳排放效率的最重要因素,水资源投入过剩是影响工业碳排放效率的最重要因素。碳排放效率较低省份应积极开展技术创新,发展低碳技术,提高水土资源和能源利用效率,减少碳排放。  相似文献   

根据文献调研和资料分析,系统总结了我国六氯苯(hexachlorobenzene,HCB)的可能排放源,根据排放因子和行业状况分析了我国农药使用、工业生产以及燃烧过程等污染源的非故意六氯苯排放状况和趋势,总结并探讨了六氯苯排放相关行业的管理措施和政策.结果表明:目前,我国六氯苯的主要来源是含六氯苯杂质的农药使用、废弃物...  相似文献   

基于LMDI模型的乌鲁木齐工业废气排放影响因素研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
本文运用对数平均的LMDI 分解模型,选取工业SO2、工业烟(粉)尘排放量作为污染物指标,将2006—2013 年,乌鲁木齐工业废气排放量影响因素分解为规模效应、结构效应、技术效应,考虑到技术效应机制的复杂性,进一步将技术效应细化为污染治理效应和清洁技术效应。研究结果表明:规模效应和结构效应增加乌鲁木齐工业废气排放,其中规模效应对工业废气排放量贡献率由2007 年的119.10%增加到2013 年的263.03%,结构效应对工业废气排放量的增加也起到一定的促进作用,但影响效果远低于规模效应,年贡献率均低于10%,技术效应阻碍工业废气排放的增加,贡献率由2007 年的-19.86%增加到2013 年的-172.50%。制造业和电力、燃气及水的生产和供应业废气排放量占工业废气排放总量的70% 左右,是乌鲁木齐工业废气污染的主要行业。清洁技术效应对SO2 的减排起促进作用,是阻碍工业SO2 排放量增加的主要因素。污染治理效应是工业烟(粉)尘的减排主要因素,说明目前乌鲁木齐工业烟(粉)尘的减排依赖于排放后的治理。  相似文献   

对美国油气田挥发性有机物(VOCs)管控要求、排放系数、可行技术及相关治理费用进行梳理总结,为我国油气田VOCs排放标准、排污许可申请技术规范、污染源核算技术指南等制定以及油气田企业VOCs治理提供借鉴。美国新建污染源控制标准主要对油气田油气井完井、储存、气动阀、气动泵、压缩机、设备泄漏、无组织逸散等VOCs污染源提出管控要求。参照我国当前石油化学工业VOCs管控理念,可将上述污染源归为设备和管道组件密封点、物料转移和输送、工艺无组织、储存4个源项进行管控。  相似文献   

Electric power generating plants that use coal were among the key targets of Title IV of the 1990 Clean Air Act. Under the first phase of the act, 110 coal-fired electric power plants were required to reduce their sulfur dioxide emissions by 1995 and nitrogen oxide emissions by 1996. Phase 2 of the act requires even greater reduction of sulfur dioxide emissions by 2000 and nitrogen oxide emissions by 2008. This study examines whether the 107 targeted plants (three plants went off-line) have achieved the desired sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide emission levels. The analysis of sulfur dioxide is based on data from 1990, 1995, and 1999. The findings show that although sulfur oxide increased by 3% from 1995 to 1999, it decreased by 45% over the 1990–1999 period at the firm level for the targeted firms. The findings also indicate that the overall reduction in sulfur dioxide was achieved by utilizing low sulfur coal and by purchasing emission allowances. So far as nitrogen oxides are concerned, there has been a reduction of 14% over the 1990–1999 period, of which 7% was achieved during the 1995–1999 period. An evaluation of emissions at the plant level indicates that several plants do not meet the emissions level for sulfur dioxide or nitrogen oxides. These results provide a mixed scorecard for reduction in emissions both for sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides. Even though there is reduction in the emissions on an overall basis at the firm level, several plants that have not been able to reduce emissions deserve special attention to meet the goals of the act in reducing emissions.  相似文献   

Guangzhou is a city in southern China that has experienced very rapid economic development in recent years. The city's air has very high concentrations of various pollutants, including sulphur dioxide (SO2), oxides of nitrogen (NOx), ozone (O3) and particulate. This paper reviews the changes in air quality in the city over the past 15 years, and notes that a serious vehicular-related emissions problem has been superimposed on the traditional coal-burning problem evident in most Chinese cities. As NOx concentrations have increased, oxidants and photochemical smog now interact with the traditional SO2 and particulate pollutants, leading to increased health risks and other environmental concerns.
Any responsible NOx control strategy for the city must include vehicle emission control measures. This paper reviews control strategies designed to abate vehicle emissions to fulfill the city's air quality improvement target in 2010. A cost-effectiveness analysis suggests that, while NOx emission control is expensive, vehicular emission standards could achieve a relatively sizable emissions reduction at reasonable cost. To achieve the 2010 air quality target of NOx, advanced implementation of EURO3 standards is recommended, substituting for the EURO2 currently envisioned in the national regulations. Related technical options, including fuel quality improvements and inspection/maintenance (I/M) upgrades (ASM or IM240), are assessed as well.  相似文献   

The production of first generation biofuels, such as sunflower-based biodiesel, is potentially an option for diversifying the energy matrix in several South American countries. However, biofuels present environmental challenges, especially concerning the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. This study, using a life-cycle approach, evaluates the GHG emissions and energy balance of the future nationwide production of sunflower-based biodiesel in Chile. Direct land use change is included in the analysis. The overall findings indicate that sunflower biodiesel, under the most likely production conditions, will have better environmental performance than fossil diesel in terms of both indicators. The agricultural stage is associated to key factors such as land use change, and nitrogen fertilizers. These factors contribute significantly to GHG emissions or energy demand in the biodiesel life cycle. The sensitivity analysis shows that no GHG emission saving could occur if nitrogen fertilizers rate exceeds 330 kg N/ha. In order to reduce the environmental impacts of this biofuel, improvement measures are suggested.  相似文献   

State and federal regulatory agencies depend on quality field data for determining the effects of agricultural management practices on fumigant emissions to develop sound, science-based policies and regulations on preplant soil fumigants. Field plot tests, using growers' standard field operation procedures, were used to simultaneously determine the effectiveness of several commonly proposed emission reduction methods, in a trial involving shank injection of Telone II [a.i. 1,3-dichloropropnene (1,3-D)] to a sandy loam soil to a target rate of 372 kg ha(-1). The experiment was conducted in late September 2008 in the San Joaquin Valley of California. Fumigant emissions were captured using dynamic flux chambers. The results showed that virtually impermeable film (VIF) reduced emissions >95% when compared to bare soil, and the glue joints in the film did not significantly affect the tarp performance. The VIF also created a more uniform distribution of gaseous fumigant in the soil profile, which would likely benefit pest control efficacy. Standard high-density polyethylene (HDPE) tarp reduced total 1,3-D emissions about 50% (higher than most reported values) in this trial, whereas postfumigation intermittent water treatments (seals) reduced cumulative emission losses by approximately 20%. Adding 49.4 Mg ha (equivalent to 20 tons per acre) of composted dairy manure to surface soils did not reduce 1,3-D emissions during this experiment. Use of VIF was the most promising technique in reducing emissions and has the potential to allow lower application rates while providing satisfactory pest control.  相似文献   

Measures for vehicle exhaust emissions aimed at reducing either air pollution or global warming could have counterproductive effects on one another. Increasing diesel passenger vehicles, which generally have lower CO2 emissions than gasoline counterparts, leads to increasing particulate matter (PM) emissions, while gasoline has lower PM emissions than diesel. It is said that stringent limits on PM emission factors discourages improved CO2 emission factors. Without including both effects in a risk evaluation, one cannot evaluate whether the total risk is reduced or not. Hence, we evaluated representative exhaust emission measures based on risk evaluation for both air pollution and global warming. Considering consumer choice between diesel and gasoline passenger vehicles and emissions standards adopted in Japan from 1995 to 2005, we built five cases for vehicle policy evaluation. For each case, we estimated disability-adjusted life years (DALY) as an index of human health risk caused by lung cancer linked to inhalation exposure of elemental carbon in PM as well as due to global warming linked to CO2. The results of our risk evaluation reveal that the case adopting the 2005 new long-term Japanese emission standard reduces the human health risk caused by lung cancer due to air pollution by 0.6 × 103 DALY, but would increase the risk due to global warming by 31.9 × 103 DALY compared with the case of adopting EURO 4, for the same conditions of passenger vehicle choice from 1995. These results suggest that the characteristics of Japanese emissions standards are mainly designed to reduce air pollution.  相似文献   

孙建卫  黄贤金 《四川环境》2007,26(5):79-82,92
本文将物质减量图解应用于工业系统的资源环境减量投入上,对南京市工业系统1986~2004年的资源环境的使用强度和减量化水平进行了计算和分析。结果表明,南京市工业系统的资源环境使用强度在评价期间逐年降低,2004年的工业用水、能源消耗、废水排放、废气排放和“固废”排放的强度分别为1986年的18.14%、15.14%、4.36%、14.95%、15.72%;在评价期间南京市工业系统只有工业废水实现了绝对减量排放;而水耗、能耗、废气排放和“固废”排放四项指标均没有实现绝对减量,致使在此期间南京市工业系统水耗增加了384100.66万吨,能耗增加了1409.32万标准吨煤,废气排放量增加19852018.00万立方米,“固废”增加排放603.26万吨。  相似文献   

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